Starting a new project. I started this one as a sculpt and decided to keep going all the way to completed character, so I'm splitting this thread off from my Anatomy sketchbook.
The concept is kind of silly and really loose. Photojournalist abroad, somewhere hot and gross. Eventually she'll have a nice camera and some other things. Critiques and comments much appreciated.
Here are the current low-polys in Marmoset. I am challenging myself to use no photos for texturing, so everything is done in polypaint inside zbrush, or in photoshop.

And the high-polys thusly in Zbrush:

proportion wise she's spot on, but that particular combination of features just gives her a very animalistic appearance.
- The nose looks odd, it looks like the nose of the blue creatures from avatar, which throws the face off quite a bit. The mouth also looks slightly off
- The chest is very narrow, it's most noticeable in the back view, look at the distance between her arm-pits, it's far too small
- Her arms look a bit long, and also are very chunky compared to the rest of her, you should probably slim down her bicep region
- the trouser creases look believable, so good work on that
Agreed, would be nice to see you try a face that's completely different
Thanks guys, I wasn't aware of the similarities before. My workflow to now has been starting with an unUVwrapped basemesh that I made awhile back, and a pair of blue eyes that is just a zbrush tool. When I finished this particular face I was more worried about it looking like the astronaut bust in my portfolio, but I figured with the broad, sinewy nose, the lips being apart, the cheekbones being wider, and the general features being sharper, that I would be okay. I made the hair black, but went back in an did it blond because I didn't like the color.
That said, looking at the hipster girl, I think you guys are right, it does seem a bit close. I started changing up some of the features based on a reference, and I will keep tweaking towards it as I go.
It's strange to see the similarities -- makes me wonder about how I go about my workflow, and how I can develop my eye to differentiate things a bit. Something to work on in my anatomy thread, more, different, faces. I might try some ethnicity studies.
Thanks for the valuable crits. Here is where I am with the face.
@ Mr_Ace & almighty_gir
Thanks you guys. I widened out the chest but kept the shoulder width, and measured up the arms -- you were right, a touch too long. I also softened the facial features and narrowed the nose, and did some face work based on other crits.
Widened the chest, but kept the shoulder width,
Had some free time, so I made up her camera bag. The shoulder strap connects from the D ring to the right side clip. Rendered in Marmoset.
1. the clavicals (collar bones) should curve up and back.
2. the clavicals top most point (top middle of the shoulder) should be the same width as the widest part of the hips.
3. the belly button is in line with the top of the illiac crest, and therefor the widest part of the hips.
Edit: your bag looks awesome by the way
I think the arms might be a tad short here.
Still think she looks to much like the hipster girl, do something new with this one at least try changing the hair color
Worked on the face and anatomy as well.
Also the bottom of the tanktop in those last shots seems to be resting a bit oddly on her jeans almost as if the two parts are made for different sets of hips.
Anyhow, looking good cant wait to see more!
As Hofsta suggested I cinched the shirt in to fit her hips.
Looks a lot better now with the updates to her face
Cool looking bag.
I'm not a character artist so I'm not that good that this kinda things, but your sculpts and the overall feel is just superb in my book, you just need to really push it to get there.
Ya shes looks solid so far, love the bag, keep rolling!
Also worked on her camera a bit, it's a really complicated piece of equipment, hard to model, but I'm enjoying working in hardedge stuff again for a bit.
Camera update, put in as much time as I had this morning.
I was just thinking I would suggest a camera when I saw the posts on the second page, haha. Maybe a pair of sunglasses, on top of her head? I think it would fit with her outfit.
What are you using for reference for the camera? Seems like you're doing a good job with it, but just curious!
@SltrOlsson -- Actually it is a fairly pro camera, around 4K before the lens. Well, the newest version of it is anyways -- the Nikon d800. I'm modeling mine based on the whole Dxxx line, just choosing elements that I think will bake well and that I know I can optimize polywise -- these cameras are ridiculously complicated, both organic and hardedge, but I'm enjoying the challenge. It's kind of embarrasing to admit that I'm not following one model super strict -- I see how people treat gun-modelers around here, arguing (and knowing by heart) the locations of each screw the way an anatomy expert would (I'm saying I know people take this stuff seriously, and I applaud them for that kind of skill and patience). So if there are camera nuts around here, feel free to chew me out, but just, in my defense, know that my aim was a nice character, and not a super accurate camera.
I did a quick bake of what I have so far to see what kind of problems I'm getting. It only took about ten minutes from my pre-subdiv mesh, so neither the UV's nor the mesh are optimized, I just wanted to see if I had any major errors yet -- I do see a bunch, so I'm glad I did it.
Tomorrow I will keep cracking on the camera. Hopefully I can get ready to be textured in the next few days.
Of course it's a bit hard to imagine the composition if you've never dealt with cameras before, I feel the same way about guns.
Nothing wrong about it, looking good. But it'd be nice to see something other than "This surprisingly normal girl somewhere in her 20s," in the future. You were trying some different, cool stuff in your anatomy thread. I thought it odd that you then took the one most similar to something you've already done and went to work more on that.
@ Two Listen -- Im going to work on something else entirely different next time, to add some variation to my portfolio, and I understand the concern that she looks like both the other female faces in my portfolio. I think that's just a part of my workflow that I'm going to have to figure out, perhaps more, specific, references are in order when I get started on a piece from now on -- so thank you for the feedback.
Crits and comments appreciated.
EDIT: Updated image instead of thread.
Maybe even model one more camera and add a telephoto lense she would also carry around in case she needed the extra zoom:
Would also add some cool stuff to the silhoutte
I also really like his harness. I might have to consider that, as I'm trying to figure out how to make her shoulders more interesting than simple spaghetti straps and skin.
Thanks for the input Zpanzer, much appreciated.
I think you're also missing the red detail near the shutterbutton, but I couldn't find anything when googling for the nikon D550, just the D300 and D700.
The battery grip was a good suggestion, I'm a bit into photography and i really couldn't imagine going around for long shooting sessions without the extra juice from the battery or the comfort of handling it with the bottom grip.
For the lens it looks like you modeled it after a 18-55mm lens and i don't think it'll fit the kind of shooting need she's gonna have.
I'd say depending on the subject she'd need a medium-long range focal lenght lens, I mean she doesn't look like she's shooting for cats expos right? xD
Also yep that's canon who does white painted lenses; It's because they warm up less under sunlight than black painted ones. The red line around it mark it as an L series lens, meaning the pro-oriented ones. Nikon's lenses tho don't have any particular differences in aspect from consumers i think
EDIT: an other addition could really be a flash mount... maybe with a remote flash unit, and also a tripod/monopod attached to the bag
Perhaps take another look at the arms too (especially the deltoid/biceps intersection) and as was mentioned earlier, the clavicles.
I also think the angle of the rib cage implied by the posture is kind of at odds with the lack of interplay between angles at the front of the torso (ribcage/abdomen/hips). I hope this makes sense!
@FniTrox -- I agree that the battery pack is a good idea, and you have a ton of good information here about the camera and lenses that, frankly, I hadn't gleaned from my very basic research. The lense is, supposedly, a 40-120 MM (I think I have that right), but I am also going to do a telephoto lens. A white one would be very nice I think. I'm not sure about the tripod, I will have to think about that. It could look cool, afixed to the front of her bag horizontally.
At any rate, I continued working on parts of her today. Here is the camera strap for the camera. It's missing the actual connecting parts so far, working on those now.
Thanks everyone for their feedback. Lots of great suggestions and really appreciated.
I just kinda tossed everything into marmoset to try and figure out a composition. I think I will do one image where she is posed looking through the camera, and another where she is posed more like this.
The feet and shoes aren't textured yet.