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Floating Geometry not showing up in 3ds Max

polycounter lvl 4
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Notes polycounter lvl 4
Im having trouble with getting my floating geometry to show up during the bake...Just wondering if I was missing something. I tried using the cage as well and setting it to cover my floating geos but no luck. Tried not using the cage and increasing offset as well. I think what i'm missing is the bias setting somewhere.
This is my first time baking using floating geometry...I tried searching for tutorials but the only one that was relevant was the one done in blender...

Much appreciated...



  • mr gelmir
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    mr gelmir polycounter lvl 10
    Have you included the floating geometry in the 'Reference Geometry' list (upper right corner of your screenshot?) both your Highpoly model and the floating geometry should be referenced, otherwise they will be ignored
  • Eric Chadwick
    In Projection Options, try disabling "Hit Only Matching Material ID".
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    :Gelmir, I have the floating geometry included, the floating circles are Object001 and the High is the chamfered box.

    @Eric. I tried disabling and enabling "Hit Only Matching Material ID...as well as assigning a default material to it.

    On a side note...when I only bake the low poly box and the floating geometry it works...but when I include the high poly box with the floating geometry it doesnt work... ???

  • Adam L. Gray
    Hmm, checked the normals for the floating mesh so that they're not inverted?

    And then there's þe olde reset x-form'e button. After which you may have to check the normals again, actually, I would prolly try that first.

    If you don't have backface culling enabled, you can do so by selecting the meshes, then going into object properties and checking the 'Enable backface culling' checkbox.
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    @Adam...I was just about to post the result...I went back and reseted the xform..backface cull in options...didn't work, then I just rotated the floating meshes then it worked but it was backwards...then it clicked :) I went back and flipped the normals...came back here then I saw your edited post :P~



    Really odd that flipping the normals moved the floating geometry to the other side without me moving the mesh...thanks for pointing me in the right direction Adam
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