Hey guys,
My name is Juan I used to work in the video game industry in the early 2000's. I was lead character Artist on One Must Fall: Battle Grounds as well as 3D artist for other indie tittles like Battlecruiser Millenium.
Due to a number of reasons (like getting married and trying to stay in Florida to stay closer to the ex's family) I migrated from Games to Military and government 3D Simulation work. Over the last decade or so i have moved my way up from 3D artist to Project Manager within the Simulation Industry.
Unfortunately due to the classified nature of the work i can't use allot of that work in my portfolio

So below is a link to my site. Any input/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
In a perfect world i would like to work as a character artist or FX Artist (currently teaching myself FX's in UDK).
Here's my site:
Character artist is a very competitive position, you seem to have pretty solid work, well executed for those times. Times have changed though, it's so competitive that students come out with pro-level modern work.
I'd be careful of putting in Speed Works in there, just because of the very nature of speed sculpts they end up pretty looking unfinished and presentation is everything. Doesn't matter if you only made something in 1 hour if it doesn't look awesome. If it doesn't look awesome then don't have it in the portfolio. Better to spend some more time doing 1 awesome sculpt then having a couple of speedy ones. Presentation is everything.
I say focus on one thing and make sure you crazy specialized in that. FX artists are always needed it's a good area to focus on and specialize in.
I really dont like the look of the website. Maybe its personal preference but seeing 20 little images in a row just looks messy and unorganized.
I would make seperate areas for Characters, 2d art, enviros, props etc
A seperate about page with all ur skills, experiance, and shipped titles etc would be nice also