Hey Everyone, this thread is for the final project in my Advanced Modeling Class. I chose to make an assault helicopter. As you can see from the reference it takes parts from the Apache, Camanche, and Cobra helicopters + various sci fi concept art. The name Kingbee is a nod towards my Dad's helicopter squadron from the Vietnam War.
The assignment states that this vehicle is for cinematic purposes.
Our limitations are:
35,000 Tri. Limit
1-4 2048x2048 Texture Maps (Multi-subobject)
Due in 4 weeks. More High Poly to come.

Here is a rough brainstorm of the idea that I want to pursue. Pulled from different pieces, so the color scheme / surface normals / decals / proportions all will be changed. Was jsut trying to get the initial idea of the aircraft.

Reference Sheets:

First, is the counter rotating main rotor design. Russians like these a lot.
There is also the "notar" design, or no tail. It uses a nozzle to direct air from a turbine that counter acts the torque.
Another possible concept is inter-meshing counter rotating rotors. Thin of them like big egg-beaters.
Gibbage - Thanks for the reference photos. In my reference I had a pair of incorporated tail rotors. Would that suffice? Adding another set of blades is more geometry that I would have to inveset. The rotor is currently at 6785 tris. I have 35k total, so I'd like to put those towards the rest of the helicopter.
Here is the tail fan from an EC 120. Eurocopter loves these ducted fan tails.
My only concern is you have the mounting point right in the middle of the tail rotor duct. That will make placement difficult.
Your landing ski feels a bit oversized and chunky as well. It is a big improvements over what the first concept showed however
also the landing gear looks like an interesting proposition in the concept but youve changed it for a more boring setup imo i totally disagree with Xoliul
and finally i would also remodel the tail, again i think the original concept gave the elicopter better balane visually, if not copy it i would make it longer
I'll try to reconstruct the landing legs to match the concept better. I had initially tried, but ended up with super bulky mechanical legs that didn't seem feasible, but if you guys think it is more interesting than the cobra / huey legs then I will change it.
I see what you're taling about Xoliul, the rear tail rotor shaft just intersects into a block of metal atm. I was hoping "sci fi magic' would work there, but if you've noticed then most people probably will. I'll try to fix that as well.
The original Concept has a nice organic "bug-like" silhouette to it, but when applied to 3D there were a lot of proportions that didn't add up. There were certain realistic changes that I had to make in order to realistically fit an engine inside this thing. Any more advice is greatly appreciated. I'm finding this project to be pretty difficult atm.
Keep it up! Everything else on this thing looks pretty kick ass.
- D.Carmine
Helicopters have to be light and nimble, and both previous "leg" types look really fat, bulky and heavy, totally out of place for a small chopper like this. Even on the concept it just looks wrong.
The sled worked OK imo, as it is much lighter and less complex than the other types. Scalewise it looked big for this helicopter, I would've made them a bit smaller and more refined.
Wjat you could also try, is just a straightforward (folding) gear with wheels. It,s small and nimble, so will be believable, and you can play a lot more with angles and proportions (very important for landing gear). How about this: The Apache has really cool angles main gear:
I'd switch those to the back two spots, and then add an extra one to the front (probably=double wheeled). This would be non-folding
Or, you could for a more complex setup like on the Dauphin :
This leads to a very elegant look when they're collapsed. Be mindfull: you really have to model these things WITH animation in mind or they'll never be able to collapse realisticly. That's not too easy to do.
However after seeing your reference photos, I will definitely take your advice and create some wheels. Your Apache wheels with the Dauphin alignment sounds feasible and will look slick. Will get them on there asap.
Critique welcomed. I am going to be working on the cockpit tonight. We have about 2 weeks left to get this thing finished and in engine.
I've moved on to the cockpit and here are my progress shots:
The rest of the night will be creating the dashboard and various switches for the cockpit, the glass panels, and turbo smoothing everything. I will have high quality renders by tomorrow afternoon.
As always, critique is welcomed.
I still need to add cut lines and bolts to the main body. I will also be tweaking the landing gear to have a more dynamic shape. This image caught my attention and will probably be what I'm gonna go with.
Also, i highly suggest smoothing out the edges a lot, as even the apache and ka-50 have smoother curves in all the right places than your design.
MORE pictures of shrouded tail rotors/fenestrons:
KSMO - I think I'll be able to mash the 2 into something pretty interesting.
I created a single fenestron, a new set of landing gears, and rounded out the main body a bit:
... I moved the rotor a bit forward and added a cable cutter behind the canopy. Also added a tail guard : )
continued tweaking the landing gear lolol... this thing will be the death of me.
will update soon.
(gonna be dling your shader btw :P)
Thank you to those who helped me concept this chopper. All of your advice really helped me pull this model together. Now it is crunch time though, 2 weeks left for this project!
Multisub object - 4 Mat IDs.
Will be spending tonight and tomorrow unwrapping, packing, and 2nd UV light Maps.
PS: small things like cable cutters, tail guard, and antennae will be added. Lots to come!
- D.Carmine
There are various problems w/ these renders:
- still figuring out final color scheme. (Mimicking the Cobra color layout)
- The logos are flipped on either side due to overlapping UVs, I will ultimately be turning them into decals in UDK, so there is no incorrect mirroring.
- Various AO and placement changes still need to be made.
- The cockpit is untextured atm.
I am graduating in a week, and the next few months will be dedicated to reworking my strongest props and environments.
I am not really feeling the surface detail and material definition. It seems like an overlay of a base photo texture with cavity maps overlayed on top. I would recommend that you work on the textures a bit more before deeming this complete.
Paintforge - I'll remove every other rivet on the main body.
Havoc89 - It pretty much only has the overlays on there atm. I'll try to push the materials more and add unique wear and tear to the prop.
I love helicopters!
I am currently figuring out the glass shader and global opacity level.
I will post Images and ask for help if I can't figure this out on my own.