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3ds max black faces

polycounter lvl 5
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a-k-m polycounter lvl 5

I assigned a material with a texture like I always do, but this time the faces keep black??? Please take a look at the picture.


The strange thing is that there are still a few faces left, that display the diffuse.

Does someone know what could be causing this?

Thx for help!



  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    enable backface culling,
    object > right click > properties > check backface culling

    also assuming from that picture some faces are flipped wrong, maybe do a modifier > normal ... uniform normals.
  • a-k-m
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    a-k-m polycounter lvl 5
    I thought too that it was a normals problem. but as you can see in the picture, after flipping (1.) the normal is wrong. Also in point 2. you see that the normal is facing right.


    I enabled backface cull, didn't work either.
    And I applied the normals modifier which didn't change anything.

    This is very strange
  • a-k-m
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    a-k-m polycounter lvl 5
    alright, sorry guys, found the problem!

    My scene lighting sucks since I installed the 3point shader. It was just not illuminated enough...

    Thx anyways for your help!

    P.S.: By the way... my diffuse has alpha. How can I activate alpha in the 3point shader lite?
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