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[WIP] Windmill - BGE

Hi there!

I'll be posting my progress as I go along making a windmill! I'm doing this mostly for fun/practice.

Here's an image showing it at its very early stage. I'm just blocking it out.


As you can see, it is very low resolution at this point. I will make sure the basic shapes are just right before I go on into higher detail.

More progress soon! :)

By the way, perhaps you're curious as to what 'BGE' is all about in the title. This stands for Blender Game Engine, which is what I will be using to showcase my model. I know this isn't the most commonly used engine out there, but hopefully I can help prove its worth...

(My first post on polycount aswell :D!! )



  • Adam L. Gray
    - *starts reading the post*
    - *nods nods*
    - Blender engine not common? I suppose, fair enuff.
    - 'but hopefully I can help prove its worth...'
    - Yes, it prob... No! nonononono! Hang on min!

    I had a uni classmate proving blenders worth to me more or less every day for two years straight (bless him) And I don't mind Blender, but you crazies need to pull yourselves together!

    On a more serious note though. The model looks good so far, not really anything to crit on at this early stage. Except from that it's missing the vanes at the moment, but I'm pretty sure you know that.

    So just keep going!
  • leidan_37
    Offline / Send Message
    leidan_37 polycounter lvl 8
    I had a uni classmate proving blenders worth to me more or less every day for two years straight (bless him) And I don't mind Blender, but you crazies need to pull yourselves together!
    Yeah, that's the runt-of-the-litter-clamoring-for-attention effect. The short man at the party doing the same. Blender's a decent tool- I use it myself pretty frequently-but its community is retarded. Since it's a free tool, it attracts a lot of youngsters with over inflated and unrealistic expectations of their futures in the industry (plz hlp maek MMORPG blizzard killer). All these act rather immature and seem to tend to fall into rabid fan-boy-ism without really knowing much about the big picture. That's not everyone, but kids are far from infrequent. Then there's that stigma of being free and open-"hippie"-source..

    Makazon; Knowing Blender pretty well, I'd recommend considering using the UDK or the like. This for the simple reason that it's an industry norm, while practically nobody uses Blender for the "big stuff". If you're aspiring to get into the industry, it would be beneficial to you to learn what many others know, and what you might even end up using in a production environment. Now if you're simply making random props for the kicks of it, then by all means use the BGE. It's certainly the easiest thing to work with if your prop's made in Blender in the first place.
  • mokazon
    leidan_37: I think the community is pretty nice, when you learn how to avoid the noobs. I'm an indie developer, and i'm leading a team to make a larger scale game in the BGE. Hopefully it will attract more attention to it, which in turn may possibly give other developers motivation to make the BGE better.

    Adam L. Gray: thanks!

    Here's some progress on the model:



    I'm gonna do some windows next, after I finish up the door.
  • mokazon

    A quick concept for the windmill. This is just to figure out what materials I will use for the surfaces..
  • mokazon
    WIP Texturing


    (its a really low rez screen grab)
  • bgivenb
    Offline / Send Message
    bgivenb polycounter lvl 5
    You should use an alpha texture for the blades.The fully modeled way is pretty high poly and it doesn't give a very good effect either
  • mokazon
    bgivenb - yep, thats a good idea.. I'll do that.
  • mokazon
    Another update! not much changed from the looks of it, but I've made the UVs much more efficient, aswell as tweaking some things. And I also textured a few more things.

  • switz
    Offline / Send Message
    switz polycounter lvl 10
    Looks good, just a few things you could take into consideration: I would scale back the uv's of the main tower's wood panels and possibly the bricks - look a little too big. You could also cut down a lot of poly's from the blades using and alpha texture for the spokes, and simplify the axel piece. (It's far enough from the player that you really wouldn't need so much detail there)

    Also, to help accentuate the shape of the tower, you could highlight the ends of the wood-panels where the edges meet.. Or even throw on some vertical supports to cover them.
  • mokazon
    switz - thanks, made some adjustments based on your suggestions, and it looks better now. And yea, I'll use alpha for the blades

    Textured more stuff, tweaked things, and changed the brick texture:

  • mokazon
    I did the blades, tweaked stuff, and painted moss onto the bricks

  • mokazon
    any comments? i think i'm about done with this..
  • Dolmen
    Offline / Send Message
    Dolmen polycounter lvl 6

    It's a good start, but I suggest you to remove the green background and the sky or to do an better floor. (like grass with wood fences, flowers, ... )
    I think that it's better to use a single color background.
    Can you also show a wireframe version ?

    Good luck
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