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Landscape material going default blue

Hey PC,

I got a strange bug with my landscape material.

here is what is have:
landscape material with 10 layers for the diffuse (5 layers with landscape blend and 5 layers with textures for the playable terrain)
in the same landscape material are the 10 same layers with normal maps (1 layer for the outer landscape and 5 normal maps for the playable terrain textures)


if try to paint all 10 layers at the landscape its going udk-checker-blue and this sucks hard!


here comes the funny thing: if I change all normal map texture samples to the same it works fine. but every texture with the same normal map isn't really great.


any advices? is there a limit for texture samples per material or did i something wrong?


  • Kenturrac
    Offline / Send Message
    ok, i found something new. it has nothing to do with the normal map itself.
    everythings works fine if i use only 9 texture samples. but if i add the 10th texture sample the whole painted textures disappear and good old udk-checker-blue returns. :/

    is there any possibility to increase this 9 texture sample limit?
  • Hellfire
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    Hellfire polycounter lvl 14
    Kenturrac wrote: »
    is there any possibility to increase this 9 texture sample limit?

    no, but you can use Frac Textures with seams. :(
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    You are limited to 9 texture samples in total for any landscape component, this is a hardware limit as the remaining samples are used by the landscape system behind the scenes. Note that this should be 'per component'. You should be able to get away with using more samples (up to 14/15, IIRC) if you do not exceed the per-component limit. This is because the shader is baked into the map on a per component basis.
  • Kenturrac
    Offline / Send Message
    big thx! it helps alot. looks like i have to find a workaround.
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