@Lojack the cowboy bebop reference lightened the mood of the comic & I thought Sopa was obliterated?!?! How long is it going to keep being postponed until they give up
@rolfness I noticed! i waited for about 2 days not posting anything awesome to claim the number lol But the thread says im 10,001 and near the topic name says i was 10,000 i dont know who to believe now
Sorry to post again so soon (everything cool I see I want to post here nowadays), but you guys HAVE to try this!
1) Stare at the red dot on the girl's nose for a full 30 seconds.
2)Look immediately away, to the ceiling or a blank wall.
3) Blink your eyes repeatedly.
4) Prepare to be shocked!
"Vai" means "go" in portuguese as well, and as weird as it sounds it sorta makes sense in the context. It comes of as "do it", like, sexually. It's actually a spin-off based on the hit song "Cr
So someone went through and disliked your videos 4000 times over a period of one day? That's some pretty serious dedication. Any idea what you did to piss off this person?
bunch of stinky smartarses!!!!!
oh and madness import you didnt notice that you were the 10k post in the thread of awesomeness... how could you !
still not as many posts as the spinning quad thread if memory serves me correctly..
@rolfness I noticed! i waited for about 2 days not posting anything awesome to claim the number lol But the thread says im 10,001 and near the topic name says i was 10,000 i dont know who to believe now
i think im in love ,,,,
Me too. HAWT.
1) Stare at the red dot on the girl's nose for a full 30 seconds.
2)Look immediately away, to the ceiling or a blank wall.
3) Blink your eyes repeatedly.
4) Prepare to be shocked!
Oh, and xvampire, that video is fantastic
I wonder if you're greeted at the airport with an ass volcano.
hahahahaha lol
Good one.
I think I just found religion.... o____0
what the hell does Vaii mean ???
but i think that's what i want it to mean....
Also, yeah, that is Daytime TV for you in Brazil, I'm serious.
+1 lol
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
I guess I'll post this instead
Because youtube embedded
The Chase trailer
very cool by french people
arabic poem full of Z.
I'm pretty sure not everyone likes this guy, but his stuff always makes me smile. This video is very choys.