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chun li_first character_[WIP]

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vavavoom greentooth





other than that,
i feel i cannot do much more with the body now except maybe move existing geo around slightly, so i'm happy to call it finished adding any more geometry. just tidy up some loops here and there and i guess thats it.

thoughts, comments, crits still really appreciated :)


  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    needs moar buns and thighs. (but good job so far)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    you mean make her boobs bigger or bottom (buns is boobs or bottom?)

    looking at the ref (should have posted this..) her bottom isn't very big.

    **This figure is the ref i'm 'roughly' trying to base it on, it seems the thighs aren't quite as chunky as in the computer games versions, can't decide..**
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Well, that looks like a 'realistic' render of her, I seem to recal in game she has pretty beefy legs.

    [img]http://www.racketboy.com/images/chun-li-1.jpgi/img] Didn't see a game shot, the images seem to be all over the board. And yes Buns is butt[/img]
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    should have posted these above to help,


    compared to the game version of her, definitely the ref i'm working from has smaller thighs, but mine are still too small compared to the ref?
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    so, made the head placeholder smaller and 'chunkified' the thighs more, thanks for the crits guys, i think it looks better now :)
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    The ref you posted seems to have a little more definition in the arms than what you currently have. Theyre not just straight cylinders.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    they do seem too skinny, thanks zakhar2, so thats the next thing i need to fix :)

    and the thighs, need to be more chunkier still?
  • Ikosan
    I'd say the ass is too short (lower the bottom crease) and the chest area isn't really defined, look at the shape of the rib cage and the Latissimus dorsi to get the overall torso shape defined. The armpit is maybe too high leading to a thin looking arm. I'd also say the boobs are way too big, it may just be personal preferance but part of the appeal to the chun li character to me was a massive pelvis/leg area with a short 'petite' upper body, she seems very top heavy with your proportions
  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    Yes, you should definitely make her thighs chunkier, it's Chun Li's trademark. And maybe her hips wider, but here that's just my personal taste for female characters ^^
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    I think youre geetting closer, but its still not quite there.


    I also agree with what Ikosan was saying about the boobs.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks again guys :)

    @Ikosan: i lowered the armpit slightly and also the boobs lowered too, while making them smaller. tried to define the ribcage more as suggested by bringing the chest out slightly.
    also lowered the bottom crease as suggested.

    @zakhar2&Popol: chunkified the legs even more (it seems a fine balance between appearing like a 'T-rex' and having chunky human legs)

    also made the torso a tad smaller to help also with the chunkier legs appearance, and defined the arms bigger shoulders, thicker muscle areas)..
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, head is too small.

    A person is 6-7 heads tall (can't recall, I think it's 7 including the head), right now i think you are about 9. 20% larger would probably be pretty close.

    Think she might need a little wider hip bones too.Just pulling those two loops that go up from the crtoch out a bit would do it imo.

    Nice model all together though,
  • Ikosan
    6-7 heads? I'd tend to go for 8, i think realistically a person is 7.5 heads tall but it tends to look a little dumpy when you do, 9 heads is 'heroic' proportions. http://www.idrawdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/prop_female.gif

    I'd agree to make the hip bone more promanant though, your getting that 't-rex' look because your increasing the width of the bottom of the thighs without increasing the width of the hip bone. Define certain landmarks like the illiac crest (hip bone) and some nice chunky obliques. Btw are you doing all this in maya/max or you bringing it into Zbrush
  • Fryght
    She looks a bit tall, where Chun-Li is a not so tall chinese woman (petite). The quads and hamstrings are a bit more prominent in your reference images as well. I think you might also find Street Fighter Alpha a good source for reference, as that Chun-Li is one of the leaner ones :p

    At the moment, the model leans more towards Elena proportions:
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    thanks again all!

    so i took into account all that's been said and played around for a few hours,

    i tried to get away form the 'tube' shaped thigh shape and style it more with better muscle definition. and played around with other areas still trying to rough out a good shape.. also lost a few polys i felt were unnecessary along the way..

    still can't get my head around the big difference in viewports orthoGRAPHIC/perspective. but i think i have got it looking better in both viewports.

    gonna keep at it, but here's how it looks for now..


    i much prefer the PERSPECTIVE as it gives much more shape to the character. but i wonder, can anyone advise me, which viewport option is better to model in , PERSPECTIVE or orthoGRAPHIC?

    @Ikosan: everything so far is 3DSMAX, i have 0 knowledge of ZBRUSH and am almost a complete beginner at 3d modeling, i played around once a long time ago in college making simple shapes and boolean them together to try and resemble more complex objects.. as i remember, the results were.. not inspiring to say the least :) i picked up trying my hand at modeling again last fall when i came across the 'joan of arc' character tutorial on the web and started from that to what i have right now.

    @Fryght: thanks for the advice, had a look at the alpha characters and they seem to be more like the ref i am working form as you mention, thanks.

    @Baddcog: yeah, thought i overdone it a bit making it too small, thanks :)

    so, am gonna keep bashing away at it, please keep up the crits!
  • Fryght
    Work in perspective, as that is the way your model will be shown!
    2D viewports (front, left, top, etc) are going to be ortho, of course.

    Legs seem a tiny bit long (crotch to floor = crotch to top of head), unless that is a stylistic choice.

    What kind of costume are you planning on putting on her? The black dress in the ref is from SSF4: http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2009/apr/12/costume-and-alt-outfit-colors-chun-li-street-fighter-4/

    Curious to see how your take on Chun will end up :3c
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @Fryght: thanks for the viewport advice!

    i want the legs to be pretty long like the ref i am working from.

    overall, i am aiming to get it close to the ref, but maybe with a touch more realism,

    i really like the ref body , but the head is a bit too 'cartoony' for what i want i think,
    also, i really like the SSF4 Chunli style, but i dont mine to be an attempt at copying that style, i.e. super chunky and stylized.

    but i am not 100% sure exactly yet, kind of playing it by ear at the moment. i really like the character styles from Metal gear solid series, so maybe something along those lines..
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    ... its orthographic not orthopedic >.<
    Yep, Perspective all the way!
    I usually work with a viewport of around 45 in a perspective window, I then create a camera from this viewport so I can zip back and forth from ortho views to perspective/camera ones.

    Also if you are not working with symmetry while you are at this stage I would change now, it will help you get to those awkward verts, especially if your are modeling with a non-ortho viewport (apologies if you already are and this is patronising advice!).

    Another one, give the "screen" based co-ordinate option a go rather than the "local" or "view" options.

    If you are starting out modelling in a perspective view you may find it easier to move your verts around if up is up, down is down and left and right are...left and right, rather than "in" or "out" of 3d space. The screen option moves the verts relative to how your model is being seen in the viewport, once you get used to it, its a very intuitive way of modelling in a non-ortho view.

    As far as the legs, long and stylised is fine as long as they look believable. At the moment they look a tad off, so it may be worth tweaking their proportions or that of the upper half to find a nice compromise while retaining their Chun li-ness!

    The middle of her thighs look a tad thick, giving them the impression of heftyness rather than an athletic look, it may be a case of making the bottom of her pelvis a tad wider. The widest part of a females hip are on that straight line that runs from the ball and socket joint right on one leg right across the pelvis to that on the other leg.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @MrOneTwo: ha! silly me! just googled 'orthopedic', it's the study of bones.. noobtastic! :) (quickly change my previous posts before anyone else notices...)
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    lol at use of ORTHOPEDIC. I think the term is orthographic. What ever you want to model in is merely preference. I model almost exclusively in orthographic as this view can`t clip through meshes which I find extremely cumbersome about the perspective camera. I want to be able to zoom in infinitely on my mesh and never have to worry about clipping through it. Of course viewing the mesh in perspective is always helpful as Fryght said- "its the way your model will be shown" so its always good to view it in perspective as you work.

    As far as content, I`d say shes far too long- Chun Li is rather short if I remember correctly.
  • Fryght
    As for a slender Chun ref, there is this CvS2 picture (art by SNK artist, i think):

    @RTPBG, the low heavy thighs are pretty much signature for Chun-Li.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    i always thought she was pretty tall for a woman in the games..

    but i think the ref i am using has her with a smaller physique so could be?

    Fryght wrote: »

    @RTPBG, the low heavy thighs are pretty much signature for Chun-Li.

    Yep, but at the moment the relative slenderness of her pelvic area is making the character's overall proportions look a bit goofy.

    I would lower her whole top half down a bit, try selecting all the verts that make up her top half, from her head right down to that loop beneath her bust with a soft select and see if that improves things. If not, feel free to ignore what I said :)

    Some straight on front, side and back views (from a perspective view) may help if you want any paint overs to help you out?

    Google just came up with this, from SF4. There are plenty of turn around sketches in a lot of the Capcom art books around, maybe worth having a Google hunt!
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @RPTGB: hope this is useful, any paintovers would be great!
  • Fryght

    Proportions to 8 heads tall, cut a bit of the torso length and changed the leg length a bit (they did get squashed, but you can scale them down the x axis if you don't like them this thick :p), also added hipbone (should be at about the right position...no expert though!)

    Hope it's helpful :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    removing clutter updates shots..
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @Fryght: crumbs! huge difference! not sure which way to go with that :)

    i think 8 heads proportions will give her more realism, but very different from the reference. it's a bit tricky as i really liked the proportions of the reference but want to make a less 'cartoony' head on top, but i'm not sure i can make it work though..

    the arms in the paintover seem way to long, but i think you just showing me about the thighs and height proportion right? so i guess if they are scaled to match your thigh/height guide it may be a better overall appearance, thanks :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    gonna make her 'buns' tighter though :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    bumpety bump bump... any more crits on the udpate?
  • Ikosan
    ok, so I know this is Cammy but it's still got the Streety look and its got some great proptions going on as well as a front/side/back view


    more views here :

    look at how wide those hips are (peaking at the trochanter and again at the illiac crest) and how petite the upper body is. Also look how the torso angles back and rests on the pelvis, on yours she feels like she's leaning forward and would fall over (a good rule of thumb is the ears should be centred over the heals). Also your figure is still 9 heads tall which is Bayoneta style proportions, 7.5 heads is realistic, 8 heads is idealised, 8.5 fashion and 9 heroic barbarian style. That Cammy model (and I suspect the Chun Li model to) is about 7 heads high, giving it a slightly bigger head than the norm and a more anime look
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @Ikosan: thats great help thanks! gonna put that in viewport background an sort my model out :)

    you know, i had looked for a similar proportion style model of chunli with a good front shot like the cammy one you posted but could never find a good one with a straight on front view.. so this is really REALLY helpful, very much appreciate the effort to find and post this. thanks Ikosan :)
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    Her porportions are off bro, either shorten her legs or adjust her upper body to accomidate. a good measurement would bw her figer tips should come to about where her knee starts.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @RJBonner: thanks, am currently reworking it to Ilkosans reference he posted so i think im gonna have to shift around a lot of her anatomy. you know, as i have progressed i really understand the rule of working from a good reference more and should have stuck to that from the beginning if i'd found a good ref i was satisfied with.
    i'm now thinking about all the great designers out there who put stuff together when there is NO reference stuff available and am in awe moreso..
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    better erase all these update shots to make this thread less cluttered..
    Looking a LOT better :)
    Perhaps pull out her Lat section a bit to give her that athletic/gymnast kind of bodytype? On your statuette ref of Chun Li her lats are quite prominent. It will help giver her sillouette that slight hourglass profile too, helping to give her that bit more femininty.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    @RPTGB: thanks. 'lats'? them sounds like them anatomicologicol words words to me..
    better switch to orthoPEDIC view and have a look, also get on the online interweb machine to gogle it on that netscape browser thing.. and then update my myspace page with my progress :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    more update pics removed to tidy thread..
  • Ikosan
    looking much better:) if you want all these nice details though i'd really suggest thinking about bringing it into zbrush, its what its for after all, if you manage to do it all box modeling in 3ds Max though then hats off to you:). I'd say to get the hip bone right you need to think about where the oblique is sitting. They're muscles that sit on top of the hipbone and below the ribcage, adding an extra 'bump' that your missing atm. I agree with shifting the upper body back a bit. The shape of the ribcage is a good width but as RPTGB says you've got large muscles on your back called Latisimus Dorsai (or lats) which on athletic builds stick out adding to the sihuoette (you can see them quite clearly on the side where she's saluting).

    'i'm now thinking about all the great designers out there who put stuff together when there is NO reference stuff available and am in awe moreso.' : Every great designer uses ref, the skill of a good artist is just hiding your references :P
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks Ikosan :)

    more update pics removed to tidy thread..

    Ikosan: the zbrush idea seems good, but i have no idea where to begin in zbrush, never used it before so am hesitant to get into it in case it becomes too difficult and takes away from my original goal. i guess i am happy box modeling as long as it achieves the desired result, which is a low-poly (how much is low poly these days?) about 5-6k character to rig, texture, and pose. thats about all i got in mind at the mo. really really want make my first model a good one and something to build on in the future.
    maybe once i am happy with low poly i can import it into zbrush to play?

    i think the hip bone has about as much prominence as im gonna get out of the low poly without adding more loops, so i reckon i am happy to leave it at that for now,..maybe.. might come back to that later :)

    will move and maybe arch the top body back more later this week i hope.

    slowly slowly...

    i wonder is 'box modeling' a bad way to go? my method is extracting planes and welding verices.. its the only method i really know and have got pretty quick at it. but maybe its a bad method to get into?
  • Ikosan
    box modeling is fine if you see this as being a wii standard model, theres a lot of good models out there which really look good at that resolution (i suggest looking at firekeepers work http://firekeeper.deviantart.com/) but most of the details are painted in the texture with the model just describing the silhouette. I'd say 6k is a good tri count for this but thats gotta include the clothes so get started on them:P. That arch of the back is again going to be described by a mixture of the scapula and the lats (so get looking at those lats if you havn't done it already). Post a side view up if you can
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    I think ikosan meant:

    ...and box modeling is not a bad method. The only time it will be bad is when you want to sculpt your mesh and you have non quad / not so evenly spaced geometry, like you have now. I like your progress so far, keep it up :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Psyk0: you mean my geomotry is NOT evenly spaced now? sorry if i misunderstood. as for the quads, except for parts of the hand geometry, its all quads.

    Ikosan: thanks for the example (and Pysk0 for fix) link. i think i would like to try to paint it, i really like the style used in the current SSF4 game, but not sure if thats handpainted or not though?
  • papagersi
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    papagersi polycounter lvl 16
    on the side view, I think it seems like she would fall forward, need to fix it! actually you can just bring it into Zbrush, then do for more balancing work for this Character :D
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    thanks again, i agree, definatley she's gonna fall over :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    ..and i didn't scale down the lower half enough to match the torso, so her legs are too big, so gonna scale them down more to match the ref..
  • Ikosan
    yeah i ment firstkeeper not that empty deviant art page i linked :S The pose looks better now but maybe still a little forward, rule of thumb is if she's stood straight you should be able to draw a verticle line down from the ears to the ankle. Biggest thing for me now is there dosn't seem to be a seperation in the shapes between the ribcage and the stomach. Check out this picture (i know its a guy but best i could find) 4067003341_8809d31bd6.jpg

    the pelvis angles forwards and then the ribcage is kind of like a 'mirror' to that shape angling back allowing the body to balance. Then you've got the stomach shape acting as a 'bridge' between the two. So in total you should have at least 3 distinct shapes to the torso : pelvis/stomach/ribcage. Currently you've got a nice pelvis but the stomach and ribcage kind of merge into each other. Theres some work by Warren Louw which shows off the planes of the stomach area in a bit more detail http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqcg50OaeD1qeqglgo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1326282355&Signature=Ft%2Bm%2BfB4ZUNOFiBLn8YwnaSXa%2B8%3D
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Ikosan: wow! thanks for taking the time to show me this! really appreciate it :)

    wish i had more time to spend tweaking her, works been busy so its been hard to spend a good long time on it to really make strong changes, but here is another slight rework on the posture trying to get the ear to line up with the ankle as suggested.

    added the loop as planned so will get onto defining the rib/waist as suggested hopefully later this week :)

    also, gonna sort out the knee area, she needs more muscle def on the inside of the knee i think..



    these 3 things are what i been puzzling over:

    *as for the lats, need more prominent still?

    *i wonder, should i model her legs in the same position as in the ref, or slightly apart (current position) is ok?

    *is the posture right enough now?

    am putting off the clothes for now until the posture is correct, as they'll complicate correcting the posture more
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    knee area fix..



    next, clean up geo and sort the rib/waist definition.. finish that extra loop all around the waist..
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    What i meant is: topology for sculpting is better when it's a grid, when polygons are evenly spaced, you get the same density everywhere on the model, so the brush reacts the same all over. Adding big polygons and edgeloops will change the brush behavior (and shift in density)...which can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
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