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Mass Effect Sniper Rifle (M29 - Incisor)

polycounter lvl 6
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richwderby polycounter lvl 6
This is my high poly model, modelled from this concept. The model isn't exactly the same as the concept, but im happy enough with it.

Any critics would be appreciated, im not bothered if you rip it to bits

btw - I don't know whats going on with the different coloured renders lol:



  • zreinhardt
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    hey man lookin great! get that bake goin!
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    My main crit is the grip looks really wide, and awkward to hold. Otherwise it's a great looking model! Waiting to see the low poly.
  • dannedadon
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    dannedadon polycounter lvl 11
    agree with jordan. Seems it would be difficult getting a hand in there. maybe its the angle. Anyway, looking good. moar plz
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    @all - thanks for the comments, and ive also narrowed the grip it looks much better now. Although you probably cant tell from the screenshots


    Here is what I have so far, most parts of my bake turned out well and some other bits need cleaning up in photoshop.

    I just threw a few colours on there to give you all an idea of what it will look like once I have textured it.

    The indents also need sorting out as you can still see the outline of the floating geometry.

  • IdiotDrummerGuy
    lookin good amigo, that floating geo is a super quick fix in photoshop

    the only gripe I have is in the wireframe (I think that's a wireframe shot XD). the edge loops that are running through the trigger frame could definitely be optimized to save a handful of tris. same story on the adjustment dial housing on the scope and the tip of the barrel.


    other than those nitpicks, looking great! can't wait to see the finished product :D
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    lookin good amigo, that floating geo is a super quick fix in photoshop

    the only gripe I have is in the wireframe (I think that's a wireframe shot XD). the edge loops that are running through the trigger frame could definitely be optimized to save a handful of tris. same story on the adjustment dial housing on the scope and the tip of the barrel.


    other than those nitpicks, looking great! can't wait to see the finished product :D

    haha, ive just realised its not even the wireframe shot, Ive updated it above now....

    Thanks for the pointers ill defiantly go back and reduce some of those tris
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    Been busy with other work so not been able to do this as quickly as I wanted, but its near enough finished I think :)

  • n88tr
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    the blue stripe looks a bit awkward but i guess thats personal preference
  • wasabi
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    Wow... Nice!!! i would put some scratches on the spec map..
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    @n88tr - Yeah I dont like that blue stripe at all, I may change that part all together

    @wasabi - Yep was gonna do that next :)

    Also looking back at the image Ive noticed the trigger & grip need doing up.
  • Amadreaus
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    With ME style, you run the risk of everything looking toy-like. To overcome that, it needs wear and tear and material definition. If it's painted carbon shell, it'd look very specific. I think at this stage, the more time you put into the textures, the infinitely cooler it will get!
  • JohnnyCrespo
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    Not bad, But the entire weapon itself seems too wide, and im wondering if you would want to fix that? It would make it look way better, right now it would only fit into the hands of a giant, and I havent played MassEffect but I dont think that any of the characters you play as are giants. Just saying!
  • Axman
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    Would it be possible to post a standard picture of the front, left, right, top, bottom so that I can create a set of blueprints to make the weapon in real life?
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