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Earthworm Jim Redesign



  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Sorry for replying so late, but I think you should cut some polies from the boots and spend them on the shoulders and biceps.
  • joesolo
    Hey Everyone,

    It's Been awhile. I was Crunching at work... then I got laid off... :( but its all good. Its given me time to get back to Earthworm Jim. Here is a WIP of where his textures are at the moment. I still have some stuff to do on the body and some areas I need to fix before moving onto the head.


    @ajv3d - Always feels good to make someone smile

    @bangbangteng - Thank you sir!

    @DLoud - Honestly I ran into some issues baking, I learned a lot about getting things to bake better and better. I'm glad the results from the stuff I tried came out nicely.

    @Ged - Haha thank you!

    @aajohnny - I baked the normal and AO out of Xnormal.

    @fullofclovers - I should have more done soon

    @ Snader - I agree with that. I need to go through and fix some polys, especially in those two areas.
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Wow. He's back! Really liking what you've got so far and how you are paying homage to the old school color scheme. Looking forward to more. - ABT
  • Lucra
    Have you considered making a blaster or weapon for him? I would like to see how you would reinterpret it. This is looking awesome though, great job.
  • joesolo
    So I finally got around to finishing this guy up. I know it's been awhile. I am finishing up some other characters right now. A blaster and a proper base will be in the works once other characters are completed :) Let me know what you think guys!


  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    I love it so much! :D This is super fun ^_^
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Haha wouldnt this be the most awesome GoW3 dlc !! Great job.

    One crit is that some of the mechanical design and detailing is a bit random and could have more functional purpose - but anyways, in a GoW setting it could fit fine.

    Give him a EarthwormJimesque pose!

  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    I love this. He is one of my favorite characters from my childhood. Like many other the floppy feet would've been awesome, but hey not all features of a character can translate across. Still thanks. I especially love the head.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    nice execution! Only crit I have is the color scheme. I remember earthworm jim using a primary triad for his color scheme. Id ditch the green and work in a little bit of red and yellow.
  • Spitfire
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    Awesome, love it!

    Maybe increase the saturation of the colors just a tiny bit on the armor...
  • joesolo
    @ Jessica Dinh - thank you. I had a lot of fun making him

    @ pior - thank you for dropping by my thread. I think it would be funny to see this guy running around in gears. I see your points with the mechanical design. It's something i struggled with through most of the model. I was definitely inspired by gears of war for this guy and I think that my next character involving hard surface armor I am going to make a bit more functional. He will be getting a classic Jim pose and a proper base soon as I finish up some other character works. thanks again man!

    @ Donavonyoung - He was one of my favorites as well. I really knew I had to do justice to a re-design to not ruin everyone childhoods including my own lol. Ya floppy feet were in at one point but they really detracted from the rest of the design so I went with "waffle stompers" instead haha

    @ konstruct - thank you for stopping by sir. good crits. Jim was mainly white and blue with his blaster was red. He had yellow bands around his wrists. I totally hear what you are saying. I struggled with the decision not to include some red and yellow in the textures for his armor. I did some tests and it just wasn't working quite right. It started looking too over the top. However, I am making his blaster and I plan on texturing that red.

    @ IxenonI - Thank you! I think I might play with that. It may give it a bit more pop for sure.
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    I love those crazy eyes! Well done Joe!
  • RAWTalent
    I love it all, bar the lack of floppy feet, looks really well executed though :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    This is pure awesome.. Sorry for not having any crits, but this is just great!
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    It's amazing work, really awesome!

    Though to judge it from an "is it a good redesign of EWJ?", I think not so much.
    I mean, as a design it's great, but not as an earthworm jim design.
    This one's too "now" to be earthworm jim. The suit, the fact it's so mechanical, the details on it... it's so modern-game-art that it's just, I donno, it loses the feel of the original. The first thing I thought was that it's a bit cliche, like "what would earthworm jim look like in a gears of war/mass effect/whatever else setting"

    Again - not judging the design itself, which is very current and well made, and looks awesome - I only think it loses a bit of the original in the process, which was a let down for me. :)
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    Awesome. I wish only that dot patter on armor followed more of its form. Seems bit 'flat projected' now. But great sculpt and desing.
  • joesolo
    @ Mind Traveler - Thanks man. Ya the eyes added a lot to this piece

    @ Disting - haha no worries man, I'm just glad you enjoyed the work, if you do think of anything please let me know

    @ Blaken - Thank you for the comment. I can see your points as far as it being very "modern game art" and to be honest the idea behind it was indeed what would he look like in a gears/mass effect type setting. While it may not be as original as I think it probably could be, this was a personal labor of love. I had never attempted something of this magnitude before as far as hard surface modeling and zbrush so for me this was a great exercise in flexing a muscle I have never flexed before. I totally hear your points though and they are solid ones, and something to be mindful of in future works.

    @ JoseConseco - Awesome handle first off haha. That's a well made point sir. I think I'm gonna try and do a bit more break up on it once I get back to modeling his base and posing him. I got kind of a similar comment from a friend of mine and I think its def something I should try and address.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    niice, the suit looks immense, you definetly got skills!
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    That is awesome! My only crit is the specular on the head makes it look a bit too waxy. Also, this only my preference but I'd change the colour of the glowy bits. An orangey, amber colour could look really nice.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    That is awesome! My only crit is the specular on the head makes it look a bit too waxy. Also, this only my preference but I'd change the colour of the glowy bits. An orangey, amber colour could look really nice.

    Hmm I dunno....I like the way the head is now. Plus the green lighting is cool, I personally think keep it like it is :)
  • alloa
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    alloa polycounter lvl 12
    your jim design is gorgeous.
    Good job!
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    This is an extremely successful first attempt at this magnitude of a work then, I would have believed it if you told me you've done things this complicated many times before. As I said before - this is really awesome. :)
  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    This is looking pretty awesome! :D
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Any way we can sneak a peek at those textures?
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    Nice! Those boots are sick!
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    This is pure ace, any chance we can get an sdk on this fella?
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    I dig it alot! You should get this guy into like UDK and play with his materials further for his armor!

    Would love to see some materials for the metals to pop more! and maybe a SSS on jim's head.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    seforin wrote: »
    I dig it alot! You should get this guy into like UDK and play with his materials further for his armor!

    Would love to see some materials for the metals to pop more! and maybe a SSS on jim's head.

    totally agree in fact i did a little paintover to show some metal with a bit of reflection and specular. hope that helps. Its a great model just a little further on the materials and it would be awesome :)
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    This is looking great. Brings back memories. :)
  • joesolo
    Hey everyone. I don't have too much time to write back to everyone, I will though soon promise. I will also link up my textures as well. thank you for all the feedback though. I will be going through it and making some tweaks as well as posting updates of further progress for his standing base. Thank you all so much. I love this community!
  • Vendetti
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    Vendetti polycounter lvl 11
    words cant describe the awesomeness!
  • Creeo
    I'd love to try to make some animations for this model!
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