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Asian Twins

polycounter lvl 14
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octokitty polycounter lvl 14
So I've decided to try modeling something crazy! I found this concept on deviantart a few years ago and thought it would be challenging and fun to model.

(concept by rogner5th)

This is gonna be my first realistic model. I'm really gonna work on the anatomy and the clothing folds. I want this to be amazing! I have about 60% of the base model finished, just have to do the hands and feet and work on the legs and arms a little more.


I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this still... I have the legs separated from the body and I'm thinking I'll work on the torso in zbrush as it is then once I'm done sculpting I'll duplicate it and work on clothing. Then I won't put everything together til the end. I think that makes the most sense, otherwise I think it would be crazy to put everything together now and try to sculpt it... the torsos would be at an angle and stuff. If anyone has any suggestions that would be appreciated :)


  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    I love that concept! Great start so far, I can't wait to see more :)
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    damn! thats an undertaking.
    Looks good.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Oh mannn, that concept is seriously amazing... good choice to undertake that challenge! It always helps when you're working from something you really feal passionate for. Good luck with it, I'll be watching this thread!
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    The concept made a chill run down to my lateral core. I'll follow up on this thread and your mesh.

    If you are planning to sculpt the details out, than you have a lot of resolution in the besh, on the nose and the chest.

    Also remember, the flow of the geometry is crucial for your mesh and the more cleaner the flow is in the early stage, the less struggle it will be later on when detailing the mesh.


    This might help you out. Also do subdivide preview by hitting number 3 to see if there arent any seems or unusual bumps. I hope this helps. As for the arm geometry, try to keep the straight flow but proportionate. Helps if you are extending it further to make or attach a hand.

    Nice start. :)

    EDIT: Also, you dont need to make the geometry for the breast, you can just sculpt it out. Its completely up to you tho, you can either have it and tweek it, or you can sculpt it out.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    following this thread. i love the concept and i want to see moar
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    I'm horrified and disgusted but i want more. 'Unique' concepts are the best to have in portfolio's and this is pretty unique...
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Well I am glad you're all excited about this too! I love this concept and I think it'll really stand out if i do it right. So, I have finished the low poly of the body. As I said earlier, I am keeping the legs separate from the body because of how I'm gonna have to put this thing together in the end. I'm also using this model as an exercise in learning anatomy, so I'm going to spend some time on the body itself before I move onto the clothing.

    Nightwalkr: Thanks for the advice! I've been using the smooth mesh preview to see how it looks, and it's lookin good. Also, I was following a tutorial when I did the torso, that's why there's all the geo in the breast. I thought it would help when I got to zbrush. I guess I could've done it the other way too, but since I'm concentrating on anatomy I thought this way would be better.

    Oh, I should also say before I go any further that this isn't necessarily going to be a "game" model, if anyone is thinking that. I won't be animating this. So I'm not really worried about poly counts.

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    octokitty wrote: »
    Well I am glad you're all excited about this too! I love this concept and I think it'll really stand out if i do it right. So, I have finished the low poly of the body. As I said earlier, I am keeping the legs separate from the body because of how I'm gonna have to put this thing together in the end. I'm also using this model as an exercise in learning anatomy, so I'm going to spend some time on the body itself before I move onto the clothing.

    Nightwalkr: Thanks for the advice! I've been using the smooth mesh preview to see how it looks, and it's lookin good. Also, I was following a tutorial when I did the torso, that's why there's all the geo in the breast. I thought it would help when I got to zbrush. I guess I could've done it the other way too, but since I'm concentrating on anatomy I thought this way would be better.

    Oh, I should also say before I go any further that this isn't necessarily going to be a "game" model, if anyone is thinking that. I won't be animating this. So I'm not really worried about poly counts.


    Sorry I was at work before so I couldnt really zoom in and take a look at the nose and the arms.

    You are doing awesome so far. =]


    My apologies again, but if you wish to read what I suggested there you are going to have to zoom in.

    Will wait for the update. :D
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the advice Nitewalkr, that is really helpful! some of that stuff I didn't even think about. I'll make changes tomorrow sometime and repost :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    waiting for an update :)
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    haha, i'll try to post something tonight :)
  • ljsketch
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    ljsketch polycounter lvl 6
    very nice concept. I'll follow to see your progress.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    So I fixed the geo; added some edge loops in the face, fixed the forearms so the geo rotates forward, took the detail out of the breast, and got rid of as many triangles as possible. Here's my base mesh now:


    And I've brought it into zbrush and pretty much finished the face and almost finished the neck.

  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Finished the torso, next is the arms. Hope this is looking ok!?

  • 3Dyan
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    3Dyan polycounter lvl 13
    The breasts look a bit unnatural.
    Other than that it's pretty good!
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    ok I'm working on them more now, any tips on how to make them more natural looking?
  • [Deleted User]
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  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    ah, ok i think you're right. thanks! i'll work on it.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    whoa dude, haha awesome. looking at this i can already see some mistakes i made!
  • jmt
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    This is an interesting concept. Tons of potential.

    Here's a quick paintover with some anatomy suggestions. I'm not sure if you want to follow the concept 100%.

    I shortened and thinned the neck, made the chin sharper and the cheeks rounder. I made the eyes and nose bigger and lower. I made the lips lower, wider and a little flatter.

    In the concept, the girls are a bit thinner and less hourglass shaped. The collar bones are flatter. The traps are more prominent and the arms are less bulky.

    It's sort of like this in the concept, but I think that the arms that you have are too long, with the elbow too high up. Also, the arms are very thick around the elbow area.

    I hope that my pointers were helpful.

    @Fingus Good reference. Where is that from?
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Nice jmt, I see what you did with the face. I'll work on that and the general anatomy you brought up tomorrow. I'll look into the arms too. I actually used the concept on my image planes to create the body and arms (and legs), so they really should be spot on. Even if they are a little long, I thought it would be cool to stick with the concept. But I'll try doing what you said and see how it looks. Thanks for the paint over, it's really helpful :)
  • Tenchi
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    Be careful with using concepts on image planes, you won't be certain of the perspective they used, hence the arms on your model looking very long. I personally thought the chest area looked pretty natural.. ^^
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    i didn't think about that! yikes... ok, you are right about the arms, so I fixed them and it looks better. I'll post an update tonight or tomorrow morning!
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
  • woogity
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    Fingus wrote: »


    this kills me!
  • Tadao215
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    Tadao215 polycounter lvl 13
    lol great diagram, very informative
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Ok guys, I made all the changes you suggested, and finished the upper body! God, making hands is so tedious... ok, I think i got all the proportions right, so I'm going to move on to the legs!

  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    I found it at http://boobsdontworkthatway.tumblr.com/ but the artist who did it is Ovens, who does this comic http://thechipperwhale.com/
    She loves to draw the voluptous ladies. :)
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Heck yes, that looks sweet, really nice work on the breats. I really like the shape, but I find myself asking if they should be resting a further bit down but honestly I'm not sure, it looks good to me. But I guess most things look a bit weird if you keep staring at it, and I don't wanna do it for too long because they guys at work might think I'm a weirdo xD
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    thanks! well i think i've put enough work into them unless they are really off, haha. I'm glad you like them... :)
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    this looks awesome so far! :D yay! xD
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Nice work so far man, no crits!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Arms are too long still.

    Think of it this way. When you fully extend your arm, it should cover the crotch.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    In the Concept the girls have very long legs and the arms are proportioned to that, we are talking about a couple of girls deformed into one body not a perfect balaced human being, so deformities and malformations are due to happen, I think the arms are good as they are.
  • Juicepirate
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    Its looking good so far!
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    hmm i still think her body is too wide.. especially her ribs..not because its wrong but in the concept it is, keep in mind that the girl in the concept does not have much curves..like a real woman would
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the comments guys :) So, I think I'm gonna leave the arms as is. I agree with Cap Hotkil in that they are proportional to the legs of this character. I am also a fan of exaggeration and think it works for this model. As for the width of the body, one thing to keep in mind is that both characters will end up wearing corsets in the end, and that brings the waist in more than normal. So these look more curvy than they should now, but with the clothes on it should make more sense. Thanks for the crits peeps!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    I really like how this is looking, def going to subscribe to this thread. I think the rib area needs some more definition like the rest of the body has, it should also lend to the slightly sltylised look you're going for.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Finished the body! Before you say anything about the legs being too long or the upper legs too wide, look at the concept! The legs are not realistically proportioned to the torso. But, if after considering that you still think anything is wrong, let me know :) Oh, and I did add a tiny bit more definition to the ribs.

  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    It's nice to see someone doing realistic sized breasts. I like how you can tell the separation of muscle and fat near the armpit. Her feet may be a tad too large for her petite physique. You may have not gotten around to it, but check the back of the neck and overall shape of the skull, (not that this would matter a whole lot since most of it would probably be covered in hair)

    Lookin good! I'd much like to see this one finished.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks jarrede! I think you might be right about the feet, I was thinking they looked a little big after I finished last night, but wanted to wait and see what other people thought. So I'll fix it before moving on :)
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    I've just about finished the shirt of the right twin. I'm gonna work on the other "shirt," then i think i will put everything together and work on the rest! i think that's gonna be the easiest way to do this... i hope so.

  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    the newer anatomy tweaks looks fantastic and hyper real. I love this and can't wait for more!
  • S2Engine
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    S2Engine polycounter lvl 10
    This is coming along nicely, looking forward to seeing it continue to develop!
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    oh, well hey there s2engine! thanks :) and thank you too southpawsid, that's encouraging! i'm working on bringing this into maya and posing them before i work on the shorts, and I just have to say 3D Coat is pretty awesome for uvs. I really haven't tried many different programs, but I used their uv system and wow, it made things so much easier. It would've taken me a day or 2 to get all my stuff uvd, and it took me about an hour for everything.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Damn thats some nice stuff posted so far. waiting for more.
  • jzhang
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    This looks really awesome, I can't wait to see how you put the rest together.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    So, I've finished the high poly stuff and baked it to the low poly (tri count is around 13,000). There are still a few seems on the body, but I can fix those really quick. I think I got the shorts right, but I'm not sure... does it look like satin?? I used reference and the concept to try to get it right.

    Anyway, I think the next thing I'm gonna do is finish up the pose, then hair and texture!

    I just realized I somehow forgot to put the belt on the right twin... haha, well it'll be on the next update fo sho.
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