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Zbrush model is pure black after GoZ

polycounter lvl 7
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DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
UPDATE: Just for anyone else who is having this problem, it doesn't have anything to do with GoZ or maya, it is related to layers. I can reproduce this pure black thing every time by just making a layer, then turning off record mode, then turning record back on. BOOM. Super black. I still don't have a solution, but at least there is a known cause.

Hey guys,

I used GoZ to send a mesh over to maya, messed with the topology a bit, then sent it back to zbrush. After it subdivided and all that the model is completely black. Most of the shaders create a black silhouette, and some of them give some specular highlights. The model's color is set to pure white.
I tried restarting, thinking maybe it was just a glitch of some sort, but no dice.

Any ideas? I am pretty new to Zbrush, so it's very possible that I am just being dumb and missing something very simple.

Oh I forgot to add that I am using Zbrush 4 on Windows 7!


  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    Ok I just noticed that if I do a "fill object" with RGB checked, it turns these four little holes on the nose to whatever color I had selected. These four little holes are errors from the retopologizing. This leads me to think it's some sort of inverted normals issue...
    Ok, flipped the normals. All that did was make the eyeballs visible through the mesh.
    I will flip them back and try "double sided"... That didn't do anything.
    Weelll sheeyit.
  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    I now realize that I can't sculpt on the black parts (99% of the mesh), only those weird holes in the nose that showed up after the retopo. What Twilight Zone have I stumbled into here?
  • ghib
    DietCoke wrote: »
    I now realize that I can't sculpt on the black parts (99% of the mesh), only those weird holes in the nose that showed up after the retopo. What Twilight Zone have I stumbled into here?

    Just a long shot but is it possible that the mesh is masked. GoZ does this if the topology is different between your modelling app and zbrush. Ctrl + Drag a marquee box outside of the mesh.
  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    Aww, I got excited at that suggestion, but it did not work. It seems logical though! If I turn polyframe on, I can see that masking is still working as usual.
    Thanks a lot for the suggestion though!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    What about a standard import? Changing material affect anything? Also, did you configure anything in the brush settings?
  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    Do you mean: instead of just clicking the "GoZ" button in maya, I export the obj, import it into Zbrush, then use it to retopo? I have not tried that, and I'm not sure how to do it. Changing materials in zbrush does have an effect, but only as far as changing the level of specularity/reflections. The color is still straight black. Or do you mean changing a material in maya before sending it over to zbrush? I will try messing around with the base mesh in maya some more.
    Thanks guys!

    edit: here's a picture of the little holes in the nose that I mentioned, in case anyone can identify the culprit. The picture on the left is with "NormalRGBMat" on, and the picture on the right is with "MatCap Red Wax." The bit of green you see inside the holes is from an RGB "fill object."

  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Possible you can upload the mesh?
  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    You mean a screenshot? Haha, sorry for dumb questions!

    Well here are some screenshots:

    The face area that is possibly causing all of the trouble:


    The whole thing:


    I have the material on sketch 3 and polyframe turned on for visibility's sake.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    You know what you might have your material color as black. Dont have zbrush on here but I think its bottom left of the ui. What I meant by upload is post it somewhere on a fliesharing site so people can test it.
  • DietCoke
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    DietCoke polycounter lvl 7
    Oooohh, duh!
    Well I just clicked "Make Polymesh 3d," not knowing exactly what it does, and it has made my mesh normal colors, AND editable.
    While this is not quite what I wanted (subdivision levels are gone), I just really want to get back to work on this thing. For now I am calling this problem solved, and moving on with the project, sans subdivision levels. That will probably come back to bite me in the ass soon.
    Thanks a lot for trying to help me out guys!
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    To me it looks like you had 'm' or 'mrgb' activated at one point and ended up painting in those black areas as a permanent material. If that were the case switching the active color to white + the matcap to flat color and filling the objects mrgb (color: fill object) should do the trick.
  • ghib
    Also you can get back your subd levels if your mesh is all quads by going Tool > Geometry > Reconstruct Subdiv. Keep pressing it until it says 'Reconstruction result: Unable to reconstruct lower subdiv-level'.
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