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Cooljay's Progress Thread

Decided to open up my own progress thread just to have one specific place to show my work.

Here is a lighting/texturing composition I did. Trying to to put more effort in my work lately.



  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Id suggest rendering in udk or unity
  • Cooljay
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    It was challenge # 8 from 3dRender.com


    Did all the textures myself, then lit the scene to my specified mood.

    It's just some practice of lighting scenes, and learning more about about Final Gathering, Ambient Occlusion, Mental Ray's Features. Texturing as well
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    much improved since your low poly town.

    but as said, try to render it in udk or unity. your final result will be much better.
  • Cooljay
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    Not really set up for a game render like I said. It's set up more for a beauty/money shot. However a render in UDK/Source will be considered for the future. Still need to replace the block in of my deathmatch level I got anyways.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    You really shouldn't brush away their suggestions. Switching to a good game engine will greatly improve your work.

    A couple things.

    1. It's hard to tell where your light source is coming from. It's unclear if it's from the window or a hanging light.

    2.The floor is evenly lit throughout with no shadows to be seen. No matter where the light source is, there would be shadows on that floor. Not to mention the rest of it is lacking visible shadows as well. A hallway light that would have some strong shadows even during midday.

    But dude, keep at it! Keep cranking out work and things will slowly come together.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    I think you should first nail down exactly what you want to do; I've seen you post characters, environments, guns and now lighting/texturing.

    Pick the area that you like the most and just work at that, if you spread yourself to thinly you won't get anywhere.
  • Cooljay
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    I didn't really brush them off so to speak. I will be doing game engine renders soon enough. Have imported in UDK and Source many time. I'm not afraid to post work using those engines.

    @ BrontoThunder, Yeah I'm basically into characters right now. Anything that I post otherwise is just school work or just for fun (TF2 stuff)
  • Cooljay
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    Did an attempt to model the nose shown in the polycount topology wiki. At least it's actually more of a nose than my other ones. Probably more attempts I'll get better ones.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Could we see the wireframes?

    And take the turbosmooth off, you're making it harder on yourself with it on. Also, could you post the link to that particular entry? That way we can help you fix what is wrong since this doesn't look like a nose at all really
  • Moosey_G
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    It's a pretty cool stylized nose, but maybe try some real ref instead of other people's models. It's akin to painting a person from a painting. You'll just get a picasso.
  • Cooljay
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    Oh sorry I will do that for you sukotto. Here was the topology reference image from the wiki.

  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Stop using any smoothing on your characters. The only time you ever need to smooth like that is for sculpting in zbrush, not for this. Anything hard surface you can mesh smooth but not the characters body at all. if your low poly does not smooth well, then its your fault and you can't try and cover it up with smoothing.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 9
    Best critique I can give you: you need to learn how to see.

    In all honestly what you've posted does not look like the reference. It's not even recognizable as a nose. You need to learn to critically analyze your own work, and also everything see. Don't just assume you know what something looks like, but truly observe what it is you aim to recreate. And when you are creating it, always closely compare the reference with your work, and correct any errors you're making along the way.

    Something I would recommend is for you is to do some still life drawings. Practice measuring with your eyes, and accurately recreating what you see. Until you learn these skills your 3d models will always be off (unless you're using some really detailed schematic views.)
  • Cooljay
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    Sorry about that frell wasn't try to hide anything. Still looks okay unsmoothed, but it still sucks in some cases. Just got to keep going, and start another one. It's the quickest way to keep the pace going.
  • Moosey_G
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    That works for people who are already proficient in what they're doing.

    This constant;
    "start a project"
    "slap something together"
    "ignore comments"
    "move on"
    Is a strategy that's just going to be an uphill and fruitless battle for you.
  • Mgoblue412
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    Mgoblue412 polycounter lvl 5
    I am with Moosey just focus on 1 right now and make that right before you just forget it and move on. Keep working on this one until it looks right and then move on to the next one until that looks right
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    My suggestion is that you should use logic and creativity, more than just putting thins anyway you want, take a look at the reference picture of what you want to do, then ask yourself; How I could make this in 3D?, think about the shapes, the volumes, the textures, even the lights, split all this in parts, think that you must make the 3d model like an exact copy of what you see in the reference, and by exact I mean almost perfect copy, don't be lazy with details, if you are making a tool box dont think that by doing a box with a couple of bend tubes for the handles and a plain texture on top is what you need to make that tool box, look at the shapes, the indents, the screws, folds, ect, and replicate all those details in your 3d model and texture. you seem to make things very fast, but remember than fast without experience is crap, it makes your stuff look like a block out, take your time, give love to each model, then work the same way with the textures, and then mount everything together to make a scene with the illumination and everything you need to make it look the best you can like the reference.

    There are other members that do exactly like you, Models (and forgive me for the bad language) pure speed crap without logic or concept, just like if you played for a couple of minutes with a box of crayons and you made a 4 Y/o drawing of tree with a sun.

    A lot of people here is kind enough to put some of their time on posting good comments for you, to help you improve and to guide you the best they can, but if you keep ignoring them then you are better off posting your stuff some were else and not making this people lose their time trying to help you.
  • acarr
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    acarr polycounter lvl 6
    I honestly don't know why you even try anymore.

    These people sit here and give you great advice, and you don't listen to any of them. Why should they even bother trying to help if you can't even help yourself?

    You sit there and cry about people calling your work "bad", and you don't ever try to fix it.
    You keep saying, "I'll do better next time." "I'll work on something new that will be correct."

    Those promises will never be fulfilled if you don't realize your flaws in your past work.

    I see you commenting on other people's work all the time in different threads, giving your opinions on their work. Nobody wants hear your critiques on their work either because you are incompetent and seem like a fool.

    If you start putting to use the critiques and advice you're given, maybe some people will take you seriously.
  • Cooljay
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    What's with you guy's trying to read into things. I do listen to suggestions, and every little bit helps. I take every tip I can get, and in return you call me a liar just for not posting immediately.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    frell wrote: »
    I really feel sorry for you cooljay. The motivation and determination is there but your work falls far below even the most basic lines, yet you're still confident.

    Start asking questions please, if you see something you like and wonder how they did that don't try and recreate it (and cut corners) and say what it is, make it right and if you can't ask the creator how they did so and so. Im really concerned as to why someone like you can't do decent stuff with your ability to usually listen to criticism and actually take advice from people. You absorb knowledge very fast and never give up, which is great, but you really need to try and apply and push yourself.

    When I first came here my work was pretty much a joke, and I always saw others' work and I would say "I wish I could do that", and then one day I got the balls to ask some of these amazing artists how they do stuff, and I was surprised they answered. Ever since I ask everyone all about stuff to try and grow and develop my workflow more!

    A good example is with your characters, you're so determined and you try and bring out every detail and get the character done, which is good, but Im baffled by your ability to proceed in a project when your wireframes are far from basic.

    You seem very hopeful of the future and you're starting your portfolio and I would like to stop you before you go too far and tell you to get your act together before you get crushed by employers.

    Im really not trying to be harsh, but no one else will say it, but your work is very poor. To put it blatantly its the quality I see when people try 3d and have never done it, and then usually go back to their usual hobby.

    Its really something with you, most people will have problems with criticism, attention to detail, motivation, or confidence and it will reflect in their work. But you have all of these! Theres no reason for this Cooljay!

    Keep going and try to recreate things from games/other (good) artists, and don't settle for anything that doesnt look decent, if you have a question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK US, don't let a problem throw the quality of your work in the ground. You've built a hefty reputation here as the guy that when you post we sigh, any progression from you will be noticed greatly. So keep going, make it your soul goal to impress us!

    Listen to aces suggestion, I think watching other artists will really help you (how did the blender character tut on cgtuts not though?)

    I've talked to you a bit here and there and I've helped you, but I had to say this :(

    As I said before. I seriously want to sit behind you while you work and wonder what goes through your mind when you're trying to make something.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    ok, from what i can see it seems you are running circles.

    you are compensating accuracy with speed, ie. replacing quality with quantity.

    right now, you need to step back from the 3d apps and do some research and observation.

    step 1.

    google search and real life examples are all you need. ask someone you know in real life to sit down in front of you and study their face. google face anatomy, face sculptures, drawings, 3d scans, etc. study and observe and when you look at something, try to dissect what you see in cross sections so that you really get a understanding of the form.

    step 2.
    then do some 3d practice again with some reference image on the side.

    repeat the process again and again.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    Cooljay wrote: »
    What's with you guy's trying to read into things. I do listen to suggestions, and every little bit helps. I take every tip I can get, and in return you call me a liar just for not posting immediately.

    I don't think people called you a liar, but why you don't do thinks like people suggest you to do them? I remember that post were you posted the head of your avatar.. at first I though it was a joke or plain trolling, but then I realized that you just dint listen to all the comments at all and you just went on and on making the model look even worse.

    Like a guy said below, work model by model, learn how to make something look good, your models looks like if you made then without caring about proportions, shapes or anything at all, ¿a gun looks like a box with a tube on it and another box rounded up for the handle? so be it!, lets just apply some noisy plain low res texture on it and its good to go!, that's the way you seem to do things right now, and what people tries to explain you is that you must take more time on each model. and work slower instead of making everything Fast and faster out of Primitive boxes and cylinders.

    I hope you are really reading all people comments including mines and that you understand them properly.
  • Cooljay
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    @ frell
    For me it's something complicated. Never get anything right, any attempts to fix it make it even more worse and get new problems. I get the big picture, but I always miss something again and again. I look at the reference extremely often to check, but I always miss stuff that others would've seen right away. I may have the creativity of the artist, but my awkward perception will always make my work a redundant failure. If even hobbyists can make decent character models within a week, and I make the most horrible models known to all. What chance do I got if I cant percieve what's normal . Let's face it I suck at characters.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Cooljay wrote: »
    @ frell
    For me it's something complicated. Never get anything right, any attempts to fix it make it even more worse and get new problems. I get the big picture, but I always miss something again and again. I look at the reference extremely often to check, but I always miss stuff that others would've seen right away. I may have the creativity of the artist, but my awkward perception will always make my work a redundant failure. If even hobbyists can make decent character models within a week, and I make the most horrible models known to all. What chance do I got if I cant percieve what's normal . Let's face it I suck at characters.
    I know it can be tough but you should try your best to not think this way. This stuff takes time and that is something over the past 6 months I have realized, I have only been modeling for almost two years but a lot of that was wasted because I kept jumping from model to model. You need realize that the hobbyist that is making a decent model within a week has not only been doing this longer but they are doing it for fun. Yes you need to be aware of what your flaws are but if you let that take over and all you do is worry about not being good enough and put your self down you will never get better.Maybe try something more simple and go for a really low poly cartoon character.

    Just dont get in your mind that you have done something perfect, because nothing is. You always have room to improve as a artist and should always strive to be better. Yes you may miss something obvious but once you see what you missed, you will learn and not make the same mistake. You will keep doing this over and over untill something decent comes out. You just have to keep trying and have fun with it.
  • jmt
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    Cooljay wrote: »
    @ frell
    For me it's something complicated. Never get anything right, any attempts to fix it make it even more worse and get new problems. I get the big picture, but I always miss something again and again. I look at the reference extremely often to check, but I always miss stuff that others would've seen right away. I may have the creativity of the artist, but my awkward perception will always make my work a redundant failure. If even hobbyists can make decent character models within a week, and I make the most horrible models known to all. What chance do I got if I cant percieve what's normal . Let's face it I suck at characters.

    Reading this makes me sad. I don't know what to say.

    If you love making 3d then continue it, but don't get $60k of student loan debt with unrealistic expectations for employment without a major improvement in your visual perception and art skills.
  • Moosey_G
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    Cooljay wrote: »
    @ frell
    For me it's something complicated. Never get anything right, any attempts to fix it make it even more worse and get new problems. I get the big picture, but I always miss something again and again. I look at the reference extremely often to check, but I always miss stuff that others would've seen right away. I may have the creativity of the artist, but my awkward perception will always make my work a redundant failure. If even hobbyists can make decent character models within a week, and I make the most horrible models known to all. What chance do I got if I cant percieve what's normal . Let's face it I suck at characters.

    It's because humans weren't built to perceive from memory. We can recreate the world around us with an astute and profound accuracy if it's staring us in the face, but ask someone to draw a tree, and unless they keep it basic it will come out looking wonky.

    I think you're expecting yourself to crank out models that compare to people like Neox, and are ashamed when they don't come out as expected, but you have to realize you're just a starting.

    You aren't going to catch simple mistakes, if you can't tell they exist, and you won't be able to mimic reference if you don't keep stabbing at whats wrong in a particular model. Stop comparing yourself to other people, until you actually have the propensity sculpt. And the propensity comes with the application of continually battling with your art piece until you've sucked it dry. Otherwise, you're just going skim the absolute surface of all your pieces and it will take you infinitely longer to drench your hands in the art. That's all we're saying.
  • Cooljay
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    I still have alot ahead of me in the future for improvement. I take any advice I can, and they do help. Honestly alot of the the tips about face proportions and muscles. All that stuff were great tips.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Just keep at it dude. But stay focused and on one thing for a good long time and show us progress shots. You really do post everywhere with unfinished stuff or you comment on everybody in the TF2 thread. Instead of giving up on something because somebody says it looks bad, go over it again and try to make it better, if people keep saying it sucks then you just need to study more and see how other people do what you're trying to do.

    Never give up, but stay dedicated to putting more hours into it. if I had stopped when people said my 3D sucks then I wouldn't be making awesome fun shit like I am now.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I honestly think you should go back to the most basic form of modeling, no smoothing, no characters, and just get a feel for form and topology. Once you got that down, move to hard surface with supporting edges, once you have that down youll view characters differently.

    I get mad as hell when I see someone who can do stuff better than me (tons of people) and they have such high accuracy, but what helps me is asking them questions and just remembering they were at one point working their ass off too. So to try and compete I started at the basics and studied anatomy full time for almost 4 months, and now I have enough knowledge to hit a body pretty nice the first go, but I still have problems. Its the improvement that fuels me, but what about you? It doesn't look like you do anything different yet you're so hung up on "next time".

    Can you make us a video of you modeling that nose? Im extremely interested in seeing this unfold in front of my eyes.
  • Cooljay
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    Never done a video of a walk through before. Quite a request I'd say, but I will take the evening to do it for everybody.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Speaking from an environment art perspective (Since that's the piece you posted). Study the pieces that make a good environment before you try and make a whole environment. Start with the basics. Learn correct perspective, know composition principals, understand lighting and it's influence, color theory, etc.

    All these things and more work together to create interesting environments. It can be difficult to look at a good environment and know what makes it so good, at first glance it just does. But by breaking down the individual pieces it will make things clearer.

    Same goes with characters. Don't try and make a full character or you'll get nowhere. Start with the basics. Go grab a good book on head anatomy. Study that thing until it falls apart. Anatomy and proportions are very mathematical, learn those numbers. Open up Scultpris http://www.pixologic.com/sculptris/ and practice heads until they are anatomically perfect. Then start another.

    Once you get heads down move onto a body. once you get good results with a body then try cloth, then textures, etc. And build from there. But start with the individual pieces that make good character art and learn it. You can't skip it and you won't get better otherwise.

    But above all else stick with it! you show a lot of determination and you work a lot. Something a lot of people don't have. But make that valuable work and not wasted time.
  • Cooljay
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    I should try to learn how to make better scheduling myself, so that there is a time in the day where I give a consistent amount of work each day without interfering with assignments. Still do wish I picked the route to self learn via the internet/polycount though like Zipfinator.

    Definately trying to ask for a lot of help for anatomy for our character modeling teacher to make sure I'm not too ahead myself, and that it's done right.

    If anyone here that can help me to get a good demo reel for 9 months time(mandatory for graduation), I'm certain you guys would be more than able to. I will certainly need to do a lot on my part.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Just practice.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    You've gotten a ton of good advice in this thread. Just follow it, work hard, and you'll be set.
  • Cooljay
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    Sounds good to me
  • c22dunbar
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    c22dunbar polycounter lvl 14
    One thing that puzzles me is why You think You're so special with Your shortcomings? I mean the perception, 'complicated', 'never get anything right' things.

    Let me tell You:

    You are no different from any of us. We all had these problems when we started. When i think of my first character model i laugh, about my first enviro models i cannot remember anything it must have been so bad. But right now i'm working in a major game dev studio.

    To be honest Your work looks like sh*t, but so were the begginigs for most of us. You have the balls to post it here and that is a plus. I say roll with the punches and get even bigger balls to swallow Your pride and take the crits head on.

    One more thing, You get Your sh*t done, it looks crappy, but it's done in Your perception. And that is a solid perk. As long as You improve with every next work You do, and try to make it better than the previous one keep doin that. It means that You have love for what You do, and hell, that is more than most people have doing whatever they think is they job.

    Get Your sh*t together, there is no glory for loosers.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Grab a pencil first. No 3d program or next gen engine will ever teach you why your environment render and that nose you posted look bad - only observation and drawing practice will.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    I was exactly in the same booth as you, I tried to compare all my work to everybody else with the only result that I got demotivated to do anything because I knew it was gonna look bad. As soon as you're past that barrier and start focusing on your own work and only use others as reference points, it will be much much easier to motivate yourself and start working.
    Just as an visual indicator for you, heres me 1 year ago:

    Now it's:

    Just keep at it..
    (hopefully this doesn't come off as brag :()
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Took me a few years to reach my level. Just stop posting WIP's for a while now and just spend time making whatever rocks your boat. Eventually you'll get better without even realising it.

    Here's my progression:

    First ever environment: http://twhl.info/mapvault/1890.jpg

    Latest environment: http://www.habboi.co.uk/images/personal-work/sci_fi_final.jpg

    Eventually you'll get there. I don't even compare my work to other people anymore because they all use their own styles and techniques and I prefer to find my own way to the goal. It's also very overwhelming so just take your time and devote an hour or more a day to learning something new. I like to read books so I bought some 3DS guide books a few years back and read them outside with a nice cool lemonade.

    P.S. Look how much I changed as I aged as well. This is how I used to type http://twhl.info/vault.php?map=1890
  • krazyivan3003
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    some really good advice in this thread, helps me keep my head straight =)

    Thanks a bunch!
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Wow Zpanzer that is very inspirational! That is some great progress in a year, im hoping I will be able to do the same.
  • Cooljay
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    Actually been checking this out here too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley

    Never knew about the uncanny valley,

    Has a lot of info about what makes a believeable design, and answered my ever wondering question of whether realism makes a good character or stylization.

    All in all what has been said here has been motivating too.
  • Cooljay
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    Not too sure if there is any map fans out there, but this is my block out for one. Idea is of a working class based area/construction with total madness.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    i thought you quit these forums forever?
  • Cooljay
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    Like some have said. I just need to suck it up, and keep going by taking crits.

    To anyone who want's perfect rocket jumping stats in UDK
    Have these settings in your UT_Proj_Rocket.uc located in UT Game/Classes in the DevelopmentSrc Folder

    1 Rocket-Slight Boost

    2-Major Boost

    3- Up to the heavens
  • Cooljay
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    Posting on what face model I've been working on during class with the teacher's help

    Sorry for the smooth this picture was before all that's been going on.

  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Way better in terms of form. Can we get some wires?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Block in first, detail later.
  • Cooljay
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    Sorry for the smoothing. Can stop by to the school real quick, and get the project files.
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    pior wrote: »
    Block in first, detail later.
    yea, try not to focus on smaller areas of the faqce first, try and get the whole head roughly blocked in, then go in and refine the elements. the number of heads i've seen where the front of the face looks so disjointed from the rest of the head. keep working on it though, looks promising
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