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GetGear'd - Art-Machine's making a web comic!

June 2011 EDIT:
Hey guys.

Been a while since I made this thread. But I'd like to announce here first on Polycount: the launch of the beta/preview edition of Get Gear'd at GetGeard.com!

Hope it doesn't disappoint. :)

Original post

Hey guys, I'm still alive! Long time no see.

Some people might remember that I used to spend a lot of time posting here, especially while I was on my 1+ year long futile job search. Then I hit a breaking point and just disappeared.

First of all, I've stopped looking for a new job in gaming. It seems life was trying to tell me something with that whole mess, and I figured out that something was:

"That project you've been cooking in your head for 10 years... Now or never!"

So I disappeared into a room with my computer, and been working on it almost daily since. An ambitious and hopefully long term web comic project! It's been a blast getting back to my illustrative/comic roots. Since the artists in these forums showed a lot of support in my darker times, I figure it's fitting to start sharing some peeks of this brighter period here.

So with that, teaser image #1 (gotta catch em all!) :poly142:


And might as well share Teaser #0, which is from the website's placeholder page.

I'll post further images in this thread from time to time.
~ Love, Art-Machine


  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Man, Your work has always been a huge inspiration to me, and have always been so excited to see anything new posted by you. I am really, REALLY excited to see where you go with and can't wait for another update!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Very cool art man!

    I hear the key to a successful webcomic is regular updates, so ummm, do that :)
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    cool stuff man...wish you lots of luck with it
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    No 3d, blasphemy!

    Seriously dude, with your 3d skills you could have a very unique comic apart from all the rest if you found a way to make a 3d web comic work.

    That said your 2d work looks good ;)

    Best of luck and looking forward to more

    P.S. as far as regular updates go 3d assets are super easy to reuse :D
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    web comics are tough to live off of. You would have to be thrifty even if it is successfull. Second job?
  • Art-Machine
    Thanks guys :)
    I know it's not much to judge so far, just trying to give hints of the feel of this comic, without revealing too many key characters/ spoiling. So these will mostly be background plates, and random villagers etc...

    Oh hay look it's #2
    No 3d, blasphemy!

    Seriously dude, with your 3d skills you could have a very unique comic apart from all the rest if you found a way to make a 3d web comic work.
    :poly136: I tried to make this comic many times over the years, and backgrounds were always the weakpoint that killed it. I tried 'cheating' with 3D for one attempt, but turns out it takes far more time to model/texture various props than to just paint it.

    That being said, there is a lot of mechanics and structures in this story, I will more than likely use 3D at certain points as a rough base to guide certain linework.
    I hear the key to a successful webcomic is regular updates, so ummm, do that
    LOL, once the project goes live, I am planning to do something like an 'every XXXsday' update rythm.
    web comics are tough to live off of. You would have to be thrifty even if it is successfull. Second job?
    I'll give it a shot for a while. Ideally I wouldn't have to go get a job since that would slow down progress dramatically. Only time will tell, all I can do about that is try my best to make it a compelling read :)
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    no job luck with your quality of work? dude that's shite man wish you the best..
    that said , teasers look unique and interesting - but you'll probably have to build a decent following for you to live off + advertising on the website
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    It's always lovely to see talented people doing what they really want.

    It's looking great. Looking forward to future updates! :D
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Holy sh*t, there's something about your style that I really like. I wish you luck and good luck trying to release a new chapter every so often. I couldn't even finish my first comic because it was a lot of work.
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    yo man you got a portfolio?
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Already loving those rich colors and simplified forms
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    looks cool dude :D !!
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    whats this no job nonsense :P (srsly still love your style like crazy ^^)

    and do want this comic naow... looks really nice. <3 your 2d style especially ^^
    hope it works out really well man (looks like it will :))
  • Art-Machine

    Thx guys, trying to get back to work today after giving myself the holidays off. The first step is always the hardest, even after you've covered some distance.
    Already loving those rich colors and simplified forms
    You always seem to see right through to the base descriptors. Colour and simplicity are definitely large core elements to this comic's style. Hopefully it won't be easily misread as low quality/effort.
    I couldn't even finish my first comic because it was a lot of work.
    Trust me, I hear ya. This will be attempt #3 for me on this project, since the 90's. It was usually an issue of inadequate skills and not having a clear vision of the style. But this looks like the one that'll work out, it's just an issue of personal drive now.

    I still have a ton of weak-points to get better at, but this current level feels like a good base to launch from. It'll just get better as I grow with the project, that's half the fun.

    *kicks self in ass to exit holiday mode*

    Oh and my portfolio is @ www.art-machine.com, in response to RJ.
  • Art-Machine
    Hey guys.

    Been a while since I made this thread. But I'd like to announce here first on Polycount: the launch of the beta/preview edition of Get Gear'd at GetGeard.com!

    Hope it doesn't disappoint. :)
  • acapulco
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    acapulco polycounter lvl 9
    It didnt! Its really sweet! Keep it up!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    awesome- off to a good start- definitely want to see what happens next
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome man. I agree with doing what excites you most. I find that when I follow my dreams, money magically follows.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    GOD DAMN! what just happend this is awesome!
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Pretty attractive comic! Waiting to see more stuff coming! :D
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I like this.

    Yes I do.

    I like this lots.

  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    amazing, bookmarked!
  • bounchfx
    god dammit, I want more!

    Great job !
  • itsmadman
    man Im in the same situation (job wise) but i have to admit your work is much better then mine. And you also have actual experience. It scares me to not see people like you geeing offers like crazy on the table, looking at your portfolio. But i will say this when you want to create something that catches on, what ever it is you have to put blood sweat and tears in to it. And (crazy as i sound) you kind of have to not worry about how it makes money. you have a big opportunity to take what ever freedoms you wish, politically, religiously, what ever cause you don't have to worry about a bosses opinion or a marketing department. I kind of had the same idea to make a 3-D web comic but have been a tad afraid of throwing my self in to it. u inspired me a bit. In the end money is not every thing try to find comfort in the fact that you could leave something to this world that could inspire your childrens children. Is it ok if i PM you. i would love to share inspiration that i have been looking for in my comic. Good luck :)
  • Art-Machine
    Thanks guys :)
    GOD DAMN! what just happend this is awesome!
    lol for some reason i love that reaction.

    itsmadman: Hey there, I'm glad to have motivated you. It's something a lot of my artist friends have said when looking at it. Of course it's a good compliment, but more importantly it means the effort I'm putting forward isn't wasted.
    As for sharing your ideas with me, probably best that you keep it between you and close friends, for feedback. I tend to be very protective of any good idea, lots of idea thieves out there, so don't take any chances ok! If you want to show me, then make it !

    Well, after struggling with the facebook button code all day, I've got a functioning 'like' option on the main page now. Everyone feel free to 'tweet' it or 'like' it etc! Hopefully everything's working fine.
  • Art-Machine
    A friend of mine said the front page was confusing (unclear that you could click to continue) so I've done a re-design of that, in case anyone got lost and gave up, check it out again.

    Also I've been adding a ton of buttons along the top bar, if you belong to any of these social/link sharing sites, and like this, please share it around! :)

    Also I'd love to hear of any other social sites or forums that I should pimp this with, if anyone has ideas.

    Love, Art-Machine
  • rasmus
    Nice going ArtMachine, digging the intense brightness of the style, scenes like the bucket, and the "post fx" work well. Good luck with it!
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Opens up really nice...flows well...and damn it for ending so soon! The gear! What is it? Why do they want it? What are they?....Ahhhhhh, crap it all!

    Also, tons of respect for pursuing this! We should all be this brave.
  • Baldez
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    Baldez polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah I like that
    I'm waiting for more...:\
    Nice work
  • Art-Machine
    Hey Rasmus, and thanks again guys :) Love to see those reactions, especially
    ...and damn it for ending so soon! The gear! What is it? Why do they want it? What are they?....Ahhhhhh, crap it all!
    Muahahha, got my claws in you now, just like I planned!!! :poly124:

    I just did my first progress report 'friday update' in the blog, where I'll throw in some extra art of varying kinds too.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Hey awesome! Very happy to see you get this thing going. Keep it up man, you're off to a great start!
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