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UDK material question

polycounter lvl 14
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GavinUnit polycounter lvl 14
If I need to connect both a TexCoord and a BumpOffset into the UVs of a TextureSample, how would I go about doing so? I figured I could just Add both of them together then run them in, but that didn't work out (I'm still learning UDK, haha).

Sorry for asking such a stupid question, but I've tried searching this up and simply CANNOT find an answer. I seem to waste majority of my days just searching for answers.

Thanks for any help :)


  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I haven't been using UDK very long, but maybe try using Append or Add to combine the two into one.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    The Tex Coord goes into the Bump Offset which goes into the Texture UV's slot.


    Plug a texcoord into the coordinate slot. You can also have more than one Texcoord nodes. The materials compendium page on UDN is great to reference for materials and shaders.

  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Isnt there a UV coordinate node-in on the bump offset? In which case you just plug in the texcoord into bumpb offset then into the sample.
    Edit: wow, minute instant grill
  • GavinUnit
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    GavinUnit polycounter lvl 14
    Add works in the sense that it puts the two functions together, but it doesn't apply the TexCoord (tiling texture repetition) to the BumpOffset.
    So I get the texture tiling like I need it to, and I get the bump offset affect I need, but I need the BumpOffset to apply the TexCoord values to itself aswell.

    Thanks for the quick reply :D

    Ah, a bunch more replies, yay!
    I'll take a picture to show you guys my situation.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    It's these little things that are hard to solve when your learning a new program - too tricky to google for! If you're having the same stumbling block I had working out bump offset, then I think you want something like this?


    edit: Beaten like a gimp! haha PC works quick.

    edit2: (hmmm, note to self, post future help queries at ~12:50am for instant response, it seems...):poly142:
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    fearian wrote: »
    Beaten like a gimp! haha PC works quick.

    Quick hands :) Fearian has what I was talking about.
  • GavinUnit
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    GavinUnit polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry If I'm not explaining very clear. I was following a water tutorial and thats what all the panners and things are from.

    That MaterialComp you sent is aaaawesome, thanks Salami! I've read thru a few things like that but this one is really detailed.
    I really appreciate the discussion going here, thanks for that

  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    can we see more of the tree? you have to plug it in back at the start I think if you want it to affect the output.

    This doesn't directly answer your question, but this tutorial goes over alot of useful material set ups and shows what I mean about keeping the texture coordinates at the back and pluging it in where its needed.

  • GavinUnit
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    GavinUnit polycounter lvl 14
    Alright, I've added a few tiny things since the last pic, so it's slightly different, not that that really matters.
    I updated the picture up there, in the meantime ill check out those yummy videos. Thanks

    I ended up just going into all of my TextCoord's at the beginning of the chains and scaling those accordingly. Worked just fine that way haha.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Glad to see it worked out. I had a giant headache after posting (probably due to playing half life 2) and couldnt stand looking at UDK :P
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