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[Portfolio] – Petter Lundh, concept artist


I'm graduating in a month and on the job hunt - my sights are set on various concept jobs in the games industry.

I'd love to hear any critiques and suggestions you have for my portfolio so far. I'm currently working on some character pieces as well as some more dynamic compositions to compliment the environment work. I'm also working on finishing my Illustration thesis, which consists of storytelling and concept images for a fantasy world of my creation (the forest and cave images are part of this).

I have a website and a blog. Thanks for looking!



  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    hey man..really lovely concepts
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    POFFINGTON polycounter lvl 11
    The simplicity of your site is amazing. Your work is fantastic as well. I think you have a wide range of work. I especially like the last one with the shuttles. Maybe a few more futuristic things, but thats only if you like doing those type of concepts. Barontieri has a certain style that he just likes to do. I think you are on your way and should have no prob getting a job. Just keep doing what inspires you. Again excellent work. Keep up the good work I can't wait to see more.
  • laim1991
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    I love your work, it has such a huge sense of scale. is that guy at the front (spanish colonist?) in the forth picture suposed to be holding something? it's looks like his gripping something. Would be cool to see a sword in his hand or something.

    Inspiring work!
  • plundh
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    Thanks for the kind words guys!

    @Iaim: You're probably right, it would be more exciting if he was holding something. I'll go back to it at some point.

    I'm working on a space ship design and some other stuff. Does anybody have any other critiques though? Breadth can't be the only thing I'm lacking; In other words, what are the reasons you wouldn't hire me if I showed you this portfolio? Knowing those things would really help me out!
  • reality4
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    Excellent work, the atmospheres in your concepts are really inspiring, makes me want to jump into modeling them right away
  • airage
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    airage polycounter lvl 13
    Nice work, that Mech is pretty cool!
    On the third image you could push the composition a lot more by having a clear focal point. The fire in the bottom left corner "competes" too much with the other things in the scene. Probably just nitpicking, but that really stood out to me.
    Website is very nice and clean :)
  • chrisavigni
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    chrisavigni polycounter lvl 12
    Incredible...Inspiring...Loved the colours!
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    ah damn nice :)!!! good luck!
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    plundh wrote: »
    Does anybody have any other critiques though? Breadth can't be the only thing I'm lacking; In other words, what are the reasons you wouldn't hire me if I showed you this portfolio? Knowing those things would really help me out!

    From what I can tell you're already good enough to be working professionally at least from an end result standpoint of getting an idea across, that's both pleasant to look at and easy to read. How long does it take you to do one of these paintings? Efficiency is a lot of times a huge part of how much you're worth.

    From a critiques standpoint I've not got much. Your environments of this sort seem real solid! Are you only wanting to concept environments? It seems like for some reason artists either work on environments or they do characters, why not expand your skillset and mix it up? You've obviously got decent enough figure drawing capabilities.

    I guess in short, my main critique right now, would be to move out of your comfort zone and expand your mental knowledge base and skillset. Characters, possibly more imagination with unique designs (both for characters, animals in your scenes, architecture, etc - show us you can design things as well as draw them), etc.

    Nice stuff as a whole.
  • AnimeAngel
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    awesome stuff man. the website is also clean and simple, just the way I like it. :)
  • VictorSantos
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    VictorSantos polycounter lvl 13
    Impressive work dude!! You got a strong eye for the light and the colors.

    Keep it up mate!!
  • Emeriastone
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    I don't think you're going to have any trouble out there getting work. Great portfolio, impressive work.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    I see some feng zhu thumbs.
    Yeah, You should show more concept of architecture,character,vechicle. Showing to a 3d artist or level designer/environment artist so they understand the shape and design of the concept. The color and the paint looks nice but it is only for show up right.
  • ryanscottlee
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    all your work is great! awesome stuff
  • Talbot
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    Really inspirational work here. Thanks for sharing!
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    If I were a company, I'd hire you. The portfolio site is simple, but highly functional. I would have opened each image as a separate page, personally. But that is just a nit-pick. The look of it is clean, uncluttered, and works well. It also showcases your best work front-and-center. (and nice and large)

    The work itself demonstrates a solid, repeatable process, and a keen grasp of technical application. It also evidences a strong creative vision, the choice of angles provides very interesting composition for each frame. Very strong artistic fundamentals. (compositional balance, color theory, dynamic sight-lines, etc...)
  • Jonsnow
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    2 forest pictures rocks! i really like the atmosphere good job man
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I love the art. I browsed here first, and clicked on your link afterward. First reaction is that your bright white background makes some of your paintings seem overly dark. Just something to keep in mind.

    Great paintings :)
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    great work
    It's very obvious that you are a big craig mullins fan ^^
  • plundh
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    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm actively working on expanding my portfolio in the directions you all mentioned. My remaining fear is that most companies are seeking artists with several years of experience, and sadly I haven't had the opportunity to do internships or anything of that nature. I've even noticed some companies' job sites don't even allow you to submit a portfolio - instead their first step is weeding out resumes. Hopefully I'll at least get an art test.

    @airage: I agree: good call.

    @Two Listen: All good points; I'll take them to heart. I'll post some characters soon, though I'm not quite as experienced in that area.

    @vofff: You hit the nail on the head.

    @RichardKlein: Thanks!

    @Slum: I've thought about this, but making the background darker will make the text harder to read. Luckily the Lightbox darkens everything when you click an image.

    @Ravenslayer: Yes! He is definitely the Grand Master as far as I'm concerned. I was even lucky enough to get to talk to him last semester.

    I'm glad you guys/gals like my website: I did put effort into making it simple.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I want to model these things you draw!

    Sweet looking concepts
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    plundh wrote: »
    @Slum: I've thought about this, but making the background darker will make the text harder to read. Luckily the Lightbox darkens everything when you click an image.

    Ah, I didn't even realize you could click the images.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Wow, great, very colourful! Thanks for the inspiration! :)
  • Samfisher84
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    Samfisher84 polycounter lvl 9
    awsome work with an awsome site! love the waterfall piece
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Some great pieces here! Nice colors and composition.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    some really sexy stuff!
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    really great pictures!
  • JGcount
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    Looking great. Just planes seems small, or people next to them are to big.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Petter I am loving your stuff so much that i'm saving it to my "Favorite Artworks" folder, however you haven't placed your name on your images and your file names are simple when i go to save them - such as "cave.jpg"

    If you don't want to put your name at the bottom of your images then I suggest at least put your name within the filename so people can find your work again, I am renaming the ones i save as petter_lundh_cave.jpg that way i'll be able to find your site again in the future when i'm going through that folder and get impressed all over again at your stuff, just an idea for ya :)
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