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[STAGE] Street Fighter, Bilsk Steelworks (Zangief), Welbig

Well I'm having a hard time choosing. I've played street fighter, Smash brothers and maybe one or two other fighters so I don't have much experience to draw from. I'll take some time to pull out Street Fighter 2 and look over the levels again but here are my choices right now.

1) Charlie Stage from Street Fighter. Lots of options here. It would be fun to go retro and make a WWII hanger with a Mustang or Corsair. It could also be fun to model an F22 or even just go Sci Fi.

2) Street Fighter, Zangief stage. Another interesting stage. I'm hesitant to do it because I see that others are using a variant of this stage and I'm not sure how to change it. A nuclear missile plant or even a steam punk factory could be fun here.

Lots of choices to go from. If anyone has a good website to look at for fighter stage images I would really appreciate the help. I'm pretty busy with work and would love to get started soon. I just need to find and pick a stage that will get me pumped up. Thanks guys.


  • Welbig
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    I found another that I am interested in:
    3) Street Fighter Thailand Adon Stage. Could be fun to make it a Mayan temple instead.

    At the moment the factory stage is my favorite choice. As I am just learning UDK I think it would be a good scene for me to start in rather than a jungle scene or one where I would need to model a complex fighter plane.
  • Welbig
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    I've decided to go with the Street Fighter Zangief stage pictured above. Is there any way I can change the name of my post?
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Nice one guys looking forward to this!
  • Welbig
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    Here is a quick sketch I did while on my lunch break. It was a busy weekend with family in town. The idea is to make a rusted out Russian munitions plant. I want someone to feel like they'll need to go to a doctor for a round of shots after walking in. There will be a missile assembly area on the left and 3 large containers of liquid chemicals on the left. One or two of the containers will be damaged and leaking. I'm not sure what to put into the background on the right but that will come to me as I look up more reference.

  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    solid start dud , :D keep it up
  • Welbig
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    Thanks, I just got home from work. Time to research. I hope to get more concept and a better concept so I can start blocking tomorrow.
  • Welbig
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    I got a start on the graybox tonight. I gathered a good chunk of reference last night but I could still use plenty more. Still a lot more to do and to plan out but I hope to be working on the real models this weekend. It feels good to be working in Max.

  • Welbig
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    I continued grayboxing tonight (need to find more time to work on this stuff). I made the room longer and wider to give it more depth and to give better parallaxing. I may lower the floor so it can't be seen to make it seem higher as well. I plan on changing the metal floor plates to bigger metal framed steal mesh so that more of the room can be seen. I'm also considering making the fighting platform wider still because most fighting games I've played have fairly wide stages. Any ideas on what I might be able to throw in to fill in space are welcomed. I still have a few ideas but the more interesting items I can put in the better. I've decided to throw in control panels here and there as well and rockets with removed panels and plenty more steel girders. Would a slightly vaulted ceiling bee more interesting? It would make it so the larger girders weren't flush with the ceiling and hanging from other rafters instead and would give me a place to hang the chain from shown in the original level. Done rambling time for bed.


    Can I get anyone to change my title to "[STAGE] Street Fighter, Bilsk Steelworks (Zangief), Welbig"
  • Welbig
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    Technically there is still work to be done on the Graybox but I think I've moved pass that some by modeling out the catwalks that are further in the distance. I need to break the upper catwalk on the left and have pieces dangling and the damage of the toppled missile will have to be worked out too. The right side is still up for grabs and I need to decide a few more things for the foreground but that will get done. It's not as though there still aren't things to work on yet. At this point my poly count is really really low so I'm feeling good about the amount of detail I can afford to put in and with all the repeated objects texturing shouldn't be too daunting. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands dirty and starting some really work on this.

  • Welbig
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    Worked on the girders and rafters today. There is still some work to be done with them but that is for another day. This is a render from Max. Once things are worked out better I'll start tossing it into UDK but for now I'm still working a lot with the layout and nothing is that close to final yet.


  • Welbig
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    I've been offered an art test and will have to focus on that for the next couple weeks so I probably wont be able to submit my stage on time. I'll see what is up after I'm done with the test but I have to focus on that for now. Wish me luck. Good luck with your stages everyone.
  • Chandler
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    Aww, I wanted to see the finished product! ;( 'Salright, an art test is way more important. Good luck!
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