Chin from King of Fighters

So heres my characters back story.
A little over a hundred years ago an old Drunken Fists Master named Chin Gentsai immigrated to America and finally met up and befriended another cranky old man named Chet who was headed off to California for the famous California Gold Rush of 1849. These two men decided to make this journey together in search of Wealth and plenty of Booz! The two old geezers became close friends, and as time went on Chet taught Chin how to mine for gold in the Golden State of California. In exchange for Chets schooling of gold mining Chin taught Chet everything he knew about the ancient fighting style of Drunken Fist. Now Chet and Chin are a almost unstoppable duo that Mine for Gold all day then go and get drunk until they can't even stand up straight.

Chet Concept

Good luck!
No, but really, that's cool. I was really pumped about your original choice seeing as it'd be a fun little spin, but it would be kind of tough to be excited about all the time unless you made him really silly.
Your new direction looks like it'll be a challenge. Can't wait to see some rough stuff to see where you take it.
Thanks man for the encouragement, I was feeling pretty dooshy about changing my direction.
i liked how prospector chin was coming.
I have changed my direction and I am now going to do a Mai from Street Fighter But in the style of Hajime Sorayama. He was a huge inspiration to me when I was young and it will give me a chance to stretch my self by doing a chick.
Jokes aside, I'd prefer if you insisted a bit more with Chin. I think that the world of CG, and enterteinment industry in general, is already satured of hot half naked chicks. Even if you transform her in a robot. Chin is a much more interesting and original char.. an old and drunken fighting master, that lives layed on the China streets.
Anyway, I think that you have to do what works best for you. And if you think you'll have more fun doing Mai's redesign, then, go for it. After, we're all here because of the fun! Good luck, man.
I'm going to go stick with Chin and pull it through. I need to go back and really flush out my sketches before going into 3D. Thanks guys for your input.
Don't be so impressed with hot chicks. One day they'll become old. And her breasts will fall. Personality is what really matters!
I'm actually really glad you stuck with this. Good luck man
This sculpt is looking so full of character so far.
AKAperly: Thanks
Dan!: Thanks, it's good to have confirmation from you guys.
Turret: Thank you.
Suburbbum: Thank you as always for your encouragement!
WillMac: Thanks so much, ya he is awesome.
I think both characters was good. Girl was beautiful and sexy, this guy is charismatic and funny. I'm sure with your artistic skills you might make great piece of art no matter what you will choose
For some reason (not sure if this is your style), but I think this would benefit greatly from some 'pinched' stylization in the Zbrush.
thanks JacqueChoi i had only planned keeping the stylized to the clothes but like the new direction.
You make sweet love to those polys man, I envy you.
love it so far
keep it up
I also tweaked the legs some more. I made him a little bowlegged and pigeoned toed.