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Volcanic activity in Yellowstone rising, along with other volcanoes



  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Oh crap! Guys, just looked at this months calender. It ends on the 31st!
    Does....Does that mean the world.... will end... on the 31st?

    But really, I don't know what to think about 2012, but I'm keeping one eye open. Would hate to have everyone be able to say "I told you so" to me if it happens.
  • bbob
    Joopson wrote: »
    But really, I don't know what to think about 2012, but I'm keeping one eye open. Would hate to have everyone be able to say "I told you so" to me if it happens.

    Who's to hold you up on it if the world really ends? Win-win I reckon..

    But meh, modern astrology is bull, so why shouldn't old astrology be bull as well?
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    The Maya calendar doesn't end, apparently it just resets at that point.
    A bit like how our years end at December 31st.

    In any case these volcanoes are all on or connected to the same tectonic plate, you'd expect some form of activity.
    You can't push land together somewhere without pulling it apart elsewhere...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    That dude is really inciting some bs. Earthquakes of moderate size are extremely common along the faults, especially the pacific plate (ring of fire) which is the most active plate of our planet. A massive quake rocked the plate in Japan because of the enormous stress. There should be no surprise that there is increased activity. If you look at other large quakes recorded in history you can see tons of medium sized quakes occurring around the world at roughly the same time (SHOCKER). Hell, even when the volcano in Iceland went off, world seismic activity kicked up. Stop worrying, this isn't a Roland Emmerich movie...

    The Mayans' calendar essentially had "ages" of which one is ending next December. Why is there no additional calendar age? Beacuse they fuggin killed each other off before they could make another. Good god. Take the tinfoil off your head and swallow a chill pill.

    If there was any real danger, we would know about it. Sorry, conspiracy theorists, but there are no massive ships in the Himalaya's, waiting to whisk away society's elite. At least for the U.S, you're talking about a government infrastructure that couldn't even get water to people in New Orleans, let alone hide some worldwide event and silence thousands of scientists from talking about it.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

    And, well, to be completely annoying about it- most Mayans actually thought Humans would evolve in 2012, to the next level. Homo-luminous (rough English translation).
    Whether we want to or not. It'll just happen.
    So.... Yeah
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    Meh, Canada and Africa are some of the safest places (and maybe the poles).

    Time for a road trip!
  • amblin
    RexM wrote: »
    These rises of volcanic activity began to occur at the same time of the quake.


    Kinda freaky.

    Chill folks, nothing apocolypic is going to happen. All that is happening is a massive quake (which has apparently moved the earths axis by 10 inches) went off. Massive damage to Japan and major loss of life. My sympathy to anyone affected.

    However, this doesn't mean the end of the world. that you tube vid is a fucking joke designed to invoke fear and more importantly to focus attention on a person that thrives on said attention. A simple abuse of information twisted to someones personal agenda.

    As for solar activity, yep it's up. It happens cyclically, approx. ever 11 years and also at longer cycles. The earth has been around for billions of years as has life. It's bad for the Japanese people but the end of the planet? No, not even close.
  • Segreto
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    Segreto polycount sponsor
    I'm in idaho. I read somewhere in a local paper that we basically have 20 minutes before getting blasted with ash and whatever else that flys our way. If it happens during my lifetime, first thing I'm doing is grabbing a beer and watch the show.. really no point in freaking out about it. If it happens, it happens. Disasters happen all the time, it sucks but that's life.

    But like was said earlier... we have a better chance of dying of old age before that kind of shit hits the fan.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    gibson543 wrote: »
    @Justin - Well yeah but that was only because of an internet calander stopping at the year 2000. This however seems a tad more logical because of the natural cause.

    Alot of people thought the rapture was going to happen - when it didn't they all said "no no no, it's going to happend in 2001!"
  • Mark Dygert
    bbob wrote: »
    Oh you mean because some mayans didnt bother to finish a calender?
    I'm looking at a calendar that ended in 2006 and I'm still here, someone please explain why we're still here.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
  • maze
    I am sure the world wont end in 2012... and if it does who cares, theres nothing to do anyways. I am sure mayans runned out of ink...ha
  • slipsius
    Ok, first off, With all the nature activity lately, Im startin to get kinda worried about what the hell is happening. The world is sinking.

    NZ had 2 pretty major earthquakes (and they didnt even know there was a fault line under christchurch before!), then whats happening in Japan is just.... unbelievable. Earthquake, tsunami, and a volcano.

    The world is obviously going through some changes. Will it get worse before it gets better? Kinda hard to tell. But the fact japan moved a couple of meters. If thats just the start of it, we`re fucked.

    Yes, there is the worry of yellowstone. But, what about Taupo in NZ. Lake Taupo (The largest lake on the North island) is a volcano... The last time it erupted, there were reports of people in china seeing a red sky. If that goes, NZ is gone.

    the whole 2012 thing is dumb though. As much as its like ok, if this is the start of the end, well... shit. But, even the mayans said its not the end of the world at the end of their calanader. they just didnt go further. so really. chill with the 2012 thing

    My heart goes out to those in Japan though. All of it scares the hell outta me. Just wondering what could happen in the future to the rest of the world. But, already, more than 10,000 people in Japan are dead/missing, and that number is going to get higher, for sure.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ Yellowstone hasnt kicked off in like 700,000 years or something stupid like that.

    If it blew it would wipe the US out.

    Ever hear the story about the future archeologists who digs into America that was covered in a volcano ash and finds a motel. He thinks the toilet bowl was some sort of worship device..
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    all this doomsday fun and no mention of the Apophis asteroid?
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Dan! wrote: »
    all this doomsday fun and no mention of the Apophis asteroid?

    Assuming we'll survive it, which is a big if, how awesome it would be if that thing hits the moon and we get a ring around the earth instead of a moon?

    Would make for some epic scenes.

    I also wonder what kind of an effect a theoretical event like that would have on life on earth. I don't think it necessarily means total destruction if the thing hits the moon.
  • Joshua Stubbles
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    I think Nibiru is a massive death star type ship.

    Coming to a planet near you. Apparently this year on december...
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    That dude is really inciting some bs. Earthquakes of moderate size are extremely common along the faults, especially the pacific plate (ring of fire) which is the most active plate of our planet. A massive quake rocked the plate in Japan because of the enormous stress. There should be no surprise that there is increased activity. If you look at other large quakes recorded in history you can see tons of medium sized quakes occurring around the world at roughly the same time (SHOCKER). Hell, even when the volcano in Iceland went off, world seismic activity kicked up. Stop worrying, this isn't a Roland Emmerich movie...

    The Mayans' calendar essentially had "ages" of which one is ending next December. Why is there no additional calendar age? Beacuse they fuggin killed each other off before they could make another. Good god. Take the tinfoil off your head and swallow a chill pill.

    If there was any real danger, we would know about it. Sorry, conspiracy theorists, but there are no massive ships in the Himalaya's, waiting to whisk away society's elite. At least for the U.S, you're talking about a government infrastructure that couldn't even get water to people in New Orleans, let alone hide some worldwide event and silence thousands of scientists from talking about it.

    well we could all do that and be sensible.. but then this thread would have been boring...
  • mats effect
    It's always something. I think its a lot of scaremongering to a degree. But when nothing happens next year I hope it puts and end to "the world is going to end on this date" thing. Pretty sure their was something in 2005 about the world ending two years from then.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    slipsius wrote: »
    Ok, first off, With all the nature activity lately, Im startin to get kinda worried about what the hell is happening. The world is sinking.

    NZ had 2 pretty major earthquakes (and they didnt even know there was a fault line under christchurch before!), then whats happening in Japan is just.... unbelievable. Earthquake, tsunami, and a volcano.

    The world is obviously going through some changes. Will it get worse before it gets better? Kinda hard to tell. But the fact japan moved a couple of meters. If thats just the start of it, we`re fucked.

    Yes, there is the worry of yellowstone. But, what about Taupo in NZ. Lake Taupo (The largest lake on the North island) is a volcano... The last time it erupted, there were reports of people in china seeing a red sky. If that goes, NZ is gone.

    the whole 2012 thing is dumb though. As much as its like ok, if this is the start of the end, well... shit. But, even the mayans said its not the end of the world at the end of their calanader. they just didnt go further. so really. chill with the 2012 thing

    My heart goes out to those in Japan though. All of it scares the hell outta me. Just wondering what could happen in the future to the rest of the world. But, already, more than 10,000 people in Japan are dead/missing, and that number is going to get higher, for sure.

    lol, where are you getting these 'facts' from man? :P

    A fair amount of my family live in Christchurch and I was born in a town south of Lake Taupo so let me help you out. :)

    New Zealand and Japan were both formed from a fault line which is part of the larger Pacific Plate. (poetically named the ring of fire)
    NZ sits smack bang on top of it and we've known about this for a little while.
    Lake Taupo on the other hand is the remnants of a VERY dormant volcano, which is about as likely to erupt as Mt Everest.

    At least we can both agree the whole 'the end is nigh' banter is utter nonsense. :)

    My mind boggles at how scared our society has become, largely thanks to the media's bombardment of fear and the advent of arm chair internet prophets...

    To put the recent events into some perspective.

    In 1883 the volcanic eruption on the island of Krakatoa blew 2/3 of the land mass away, with the resulting tsunami killing about 20,000 people.

    The explosion was apparently heard halfway around the world in London and the ash cloud was attributed with dropping the global temperatures by about 1.2 degrees Celsius ultimately launching Europe into one of the coldest winters in history...and people largely got on with their day.

    Fuck me...if that happened today people would just drop down dead from sheer internet induced panic. lol

    What happened in Japan and Christchurch is an unfortunate series of absolutely terrible and monumentally sad events but the end of the world it is not.
  • RexM
    Couple concerning things:

    -The initial quake moved Japan 8 feet to the east.
    -The quake also shifted the axis of the planet, and made days lose one millisecond.
    -The nuclear crisis shouldn't be overlooked either.

    You're also aware of the volcanic eruptions, right?

    Two in Russia and one in Indonesia went off right as the Japan quake happened.

    A volcano went off hours before the quake in Japan as well, and another volcano on the other side of southern Japan went off yesterday.

    Volcanic eruptions for these types of volcanoes are rare, especially 5 of them all happening within two days time. That is EXTREMELY rare, almost unheard of actually.

    No, I'm not saying that 'the end is nigh' or something, but to ignore the recent chain of events....

    Not to mention the fact that Japan has had hundreds of aftershocks since the initial quake all exceeding 3 in magnitude, and they are also expecting a second mega-quake in Japan in the coming days that is estimated to be a 7.9 in magnitude.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i doubt we will ever see the end of the world.

    we might see the end of mankind though.
  • RexM
    i doubt we will ever see the end of the world.

    we might see the end of mankind though.

    The end of the world is the end of mankind..
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    or is it?


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i doubt we will ever see the end of the world.

    we might see the end of mankind though.

    volcanoes and earthquakes won't "destroy the world" how do you think land masses are formed in the first place?

    in a very literal sense, they would reshape the surface of the world. killing most of the flora/fauna that are currently living there. but it wouldn't be the end of the world, give it a million years or so, and the world will be teeming with life again.

    don't get so stuck up your own arse that you believe humanity = the world.
  • RexM
    Our civilization is our world, basically.

    The world is a vague term that can be used loosely, and in this instance our world is our civilization.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    1: http://www.iris.edu/seismon/
    2: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/

    If you feel that volcanic eruptions occurring during or in close proximity to an incredibly huge earthquake are strange, you didn't pay attention during midschool's geology lessons.
    Lava is squishy. You squeeze the ball that holds it, some is going to come out. (yes oversimplified I know)

    The earth's axis moved a bit during the big chile quake last year too. Again, its what happens when that much mass shifts on a moving object.
    This quake is the 5th largest since we started recording earthquakes. Stuff is going to move.
    All these locations are all on the same plate. Its been moving for a LOOOONG time. This happens. Its not doomsday, its not even unexpected, its just happening now, and it sucks for those living through it.
    Humanity has seen some bad times in its recorded history, and likely some worse times in its pre-recorded history. We're still here, and there's billions of us.
    In terms of "life as we know it" we could lose half the population of the planet.. and we'd be back in 1955.

    Here's the thing about us. We'll be scared, annoyed, and many of us may die, but we'll rebuild and carry on. It seems to be what humanity is good at.

    Here's a pro-tip: The core of the sun will eventually burn out and expand into a red giant. THAT will basically be the end of life on earth. Be sure to write this down somewhere in a number of different languages, and in a few billion years you'll look like a prophet.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    no, the world is a very defined term that can only be used in one context.
  • slipsius
    Malus wrote: »
    lol, where are you getting these 'facts' from man? :P

    A fair amount of my family live in Christchurch and I was born in a town south of Lake Taupo so let me help you out. :)

    New Zealand and Japan were both formed from a fault line which is part of the larger Pacific Plate. (poetically named the ring of fire)
    NZ sits smack bang on top of it and we've known about this for a little while.
    Lake Taupo on the other hand is the remnants of a VERY dormant volcano, which is about as likely to erupt as Mt Everest.

    At least we can both agree the whole 'the end is nigh' banter is utter nonsense. :)

    My mind boggles at how scared our society has become, largely thanks to the media's bombardment of fear and the advent of arm chair internet prophets...

    To put the recent events into some perspective.

    In 1883 the volcanic eruption on the island of Krakatoa blew 2/3 of the land mass away, with the resulting tsunami killing about 20,000 people.

    The explosion was apparently heard halfway around the world in London and the ash cloud was attributed with dropping the global temperatures by about 1.2 degrees Celsius ultimately launching Europe into one of the coldest winters in history...and people largely got on with their day.

    Fuck me...if that happened today people would just drop down dead from sheer internet induced panic. lol

    What happened in Japan and Christchurch is an unfortunate series of absolutely terrible and monumentally sad events but the end of the world it is not.

    Yes, there is a huge fault line under NZ, but the big one they knew abuot goes through wellington. Not christchurch. So when the first EQ hit christchurch, alot of people thought it was that fault doing something. thinking, oh crap, if its this bad here, whats happening in wellington. Then they found, i believe its 3, "smalller" faults that circle christchurch.

    As for Taupo, its erupted more recently than yellowstone has. So I dont see why bringing it up is any different than yellowstone :P
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    just because a volcano has a more recent eruption, doesn't make it more active.
  • Mark Dygert
    Because separating land masses and drifting continents do it silently under the cover of darkness...

    One night the earth was like this:
    And the next day, like this, all without so much as a ripple on a pond.

    Or to put it another way... the contents did this one hung over morning:

    To quote Carlin from a few pages (and years) ago the planets fine, the people are f*cked.
  • Geledonutt
    i just read this thread.. who's going to walmart to stock up on lotion and tissue?
  • slipsius
    tissues? dude... recycle! You`re gonna need all the nutrients you can get!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Come on guys, you'd be FOOLS to ignore the chain of events, and then draw absurd connections to wildly extrapolate an escalation of DANGER, TERROR, and DESTRUCTION.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    slipsius wrote: »
    Yes, there is a huge fault line under NZ, but the big one they knew abuot goes through wellington. Not christchurch. So when the first EQ hit christchurch, alot of people thought it was that fault doing something. thinking, oh crap, if its this bad here, whats happening in wellington. Then they found, i believe its 3, "smalller" faults that circle christchurch.

    As for Taupo, its erupted more recently than yellowstone has. So I dont see why bringing it up is any different than yellowstone :P

    The big one as you call it runs the length of New Zealand with smaller fractures winding there way throughout the entirety of the Island, you see the big mountain off the side of Christchurch, that's formed via a volcano which is part of one of those fault lines, it was known about, trust me.

    Yellowstone is a super volcano, an active super volcano, Lake Taupo is not...apples and oranges.

    In any case the amount of seismic activity which has occurred around the world is well within the norm when the plates reach a critical energy release, its all connected.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    We're all fucking dead, guys.

    Suck it up.

    whoa whoa whoa...there were no witnesses...
  • Disco Stu
    Just a little fuel for your thoughts.
  • Annagyijjk
    It was terrific writing and advise. I can not remember who wrote it.
    Someone very intelligent, that is for SURE
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    You folks worry too much. Go home and perform your favorite stress relief tasks. ;p
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