I wouldn't doubt it. 8.9 is a significant quake. The power of that traveled along the entire ring of fire, from which the yellowstone caldera isn't far from. I think it's pretty easy to see the connection. I don't think yellowstone is going off anytime soon though (lets hope).
I wonder if this has anything to do with the announcement of Maya2012 at GDC not that long ago...
Yea with so many quakes happening around the ring of fire... I wonder why the west coast of the US hasn't gone off yet.
I also doubt Yellowstone is going to go off, if it does, holy crap is everyone on the planet screwed. I wonder what's going on in Iceland too, since it seems to be capable of great destruction also... It would pretty freaky if things picked up there also.
Don't worry its just the mole people digging their way out of the hallow earth using nukes, nothing to worry about.
This other stuff does too, though.
Gah! So much weird stuff. Animal die-offs, huge earthquakes, civil unrest in the Middle-east and Afrika (I spell it that way)
It's all just so crazy. I don't know what to think on days like these.
People that go looking for doom and gloom forecasts will always find it.
On the bright side if we do get some horrific volcanic activity it could throw a kink in global warming by throwing up massive amounts ash something akin to nuclear winter! See its not all bad! heh... yea we're all fucked hopefully you're lucky and you're sitting on the powder keg when it blows instead of horribly maimed or forced to eat family pets or neighbors...
On the bright side if we do get some horrific volcanic activity it could throw a kink in global warming by throwing up massive amounts ash something akin to nuclear winter! See its not all bad! heh... yea we're all fucked hopefully you're lucky and you're sitting on the powder keg when it blows instead of horribly maimed or forced to eat family pets or neighbors...
Or if you live in a country where severe frost and cold and lack of sun hasn't been an issue for millennia, where people settled during the last ice age, when we had even less :P
I mean worse things have happened earlier in the planets history, it didn't wipe out life then, it won't wipe out life now. Seriously.
Unless the entire world is flat and everyone does nothing but stand around and breathe in the smoke, people will survive.
Yellowstone erupting would probably turn the world into "The Road".
Glad I live in Norway, hope nothing terrible like that happens.
You live in Norway and yet you think America is 'the world'? :P I expect that from an american but... or are you talking about the economic result of such a disaster?
The entire world would be affected by the ashcloud from the resulting eruption, so I imagine the entire world would look like The Road/Next-gen Game :P, at least for a while
Apparently, according to nasa, there is to be some serious solar activity in 2012. This latest tectonic shifting may be a sign of things to come, I really hope not:\
Apparently, according to nasa, there is to be some serious solar activity in 2012. This latest tectonic shifting may be a sign of things to come, I really hope not:\
You live in Norway and yet you think America is 'the world'? :P I expect that from an american but... or are you talking about the economic result of such a disaster?
You overstate American arrogance and under estimate the impact a super volcano would have on the world... If it was located in Europe I would still be worried about my survival in the US.
The hotspot in yellowstone extends nearly halfway to the center of the earth, or so they suspect... It would make the recent Icelandic volcano activity look like a pimple. If iceland kicks off like it has in the distant past when it carved the fjords it could rival yellowstone for destruction. At least sea levels would raise dramatically thanks to all the water being released so quickly.
If they go off together we have raising seas, blanketed skies and all manor of chaos.
The first half of this is, yea US you're screwed, so skip to 35:00
On the contrary I believe such an event would just create a huge blamegame by the ignorant majority. Leading to more racism and hatred, while I'd like a second renaissance to change the world for the better, it probably wont happen.
Also what about my games, I can't play my games if the world ends
Well everyone knew these things happen, just let it happen and then rebuild again, ON THE EXACT SAME PLACE, WITHOUT MUCH MODIFICATION TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN.
You know, as sick as it might sound. I think this world needs an event like this. Those who survive will have a world which would mostly be re-generating itself again. The horrible buildings from the 70's onwards would be gone, and people would hopefully come together to start over. I'd very much like to think some of the major world issues (racism, religion, etc.) would work themselves out too, if something so huge happened.
Oh yes, violence, ignorance and bigotry have only gotten worse. If we just could go back to more peaceful neolithic societies with the quaint human sacrifices and no rule of law.
Holy shit, 14 year old shitting his pants right now. While old age might catch some of you before this does, my generation or my kids generation might not be so lucky. To me it looks like this fucker could hit long island.
And I'm with bbob, chaos like this would put everyone into survival mode, and basically people would fuck each other up
You know, as sick as it might sound. I think this world needs an event like this. Those who survive will have a world which would mostly be re-generating itself again. The horrible buildings from the 70's onwards would be gone, and people would hopefully come together to start over. I'd very much like to think some of the major world issues (racism, religion, etc.) would work themselves out too, if something so huge happened.
Those would be monuments to horrible architecture, frozen in time...
But I understand your core point, in the face of massive adversity people tend to pull together. I would add to that, people often get pretty paranoid about "strangers" after the initial trauma is over. Basically there is a window after something happens where people pull together and then those bonds solidify and new people are a threat, especially as resources get scarce.
The horrible buildings from the 70's onwards would be gone
Hmm yes thats a huge priority right now... I often think on my way to work 'wow, that building is FUGLY, wish a tsunami would come in and wipe it away... never mind the people'. :P
I get what you mean. I hate what we have done to this planet. Those images of all those cars washed up and smashed in Japan today had me thinking, that last time there was a quake that strong in Japan, the worst sight would have been mudslides, destroyed villages and temples. Now...
...but nevertheless, the loss of innocent human life is a serious tragedy.
Oh noes! The world is ending.....
God damn this guy is a fear monger. OMG MAJOR WORLD EVENT GAIS..GRAB UR TINFOIL HATS.
All of these eruptions are on the ring of fire. Big earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are commonplace pairings. This was in the top 7 biggest earthquakes in recorded history. That much activity ripping down the already active ring of fire of the pacific plate - it's no wonder there are eruptions. I'm surprised there aren't more big earthquakes along the faults.
That's a given. It's gotta be a little concerning for other folks situated around the edge of the Pacific tectonic plate though. A big quake in New Zealand then a bigger one in Japan a couple of weeks later? Gotta be a lot of places in the world that're a bit worried at this point. The entire west coast of Canada, North and South America for instance.
Looks like some people took my statement out of context a little. What I meant was. One of these days mother nature will wreak havoc on humanity. Personally while I would feel sorry and saddened by the death of innocent people (perhaps including myself!). Its like natures defensive blow. Take out the virus thats killing it off, it'll thrive and the human race could continue on and re-start after the innitial devastation.
All humanity is, at the end of the day, is an animal. We like to think of ourselves as better than ants, dogs, fish, etc. But really we're as vunerable as any of those creatures when it comes down to the sheer force nature can put on us.
This planet is slowly (not really slowly) but surely declining into a lack of resources, space and ozone layer. Thats all because of us. We are like a virus. Theres no denying it. If there were less of us, those few would have a better future. Minus the innitial devastation (of course).
Naturally, like everyone else. I don't want to die before my natural death should come. We all live to survive. I don't wish for a lot of people to die, but it's proven to happen in history (plague for example, the wiping out of the dinosaurs, etc.)
You make it sound like the planet is an agent with intent.. :P
Its just a tiny rock in space, sometimes shit happens and a lot of things die, not of any reason or because it "has to be". It just does. Don't look for meaning, just duck and cover.
With Leonard Nimoy saying the mayan calendar is ending a year early and this video posted on facebook earlier, I may start crafting an obsidian lava-boat.
@Justin - Well yeah but that was only because of an internet calander stopping at the year 2000. This however seems a tad more logical because of the natural cause.
Yea with so many quakes happening around the ring of fire... I wonder why the west coast of the US hasn't gone off yet.
I also doubt Yellowstone is going to go off, if it does, holy crap is everyone on the planet screwed. I wonder what's going on in Iceland too, since it seems to be capable of great destruction also... It would pretty freaky if things picked up there also.
Don't worry its just the mole people digging their way out of the hallow earth using nukes, nothing to worry about.
Glad I live in Norway, hope nothing terrible like that happens.
This other stuff does too, though.
Gah! So much weird stuff. Animal die-offs, huge earthquakes, civil unrest in the Middle-east and Afrika (I spell it that way)
It's all just so crazy. I don't know what to think on days like these.
If it blew it would wipe the US out.
On the bright side if we do get some horrific volcanic activity it could throw a kink in global warming by throwing up massive amounts ash something akin to nuclear winter! See its not all bad! heh... yea we're all fucked hopefully you're lucky and you're sitting on the powder keg when it blows instead of horribly maimed or forced to eat family pets or neighbors...
Or if you live in a country where severe frost and cold and lack of sun hasn't been an issue for millennia, where people settled during the last ice age, when we had even less :P
I mean worse things have happened earlier in the planets history, it didn't wipe out life then, it won't wipe out life now. Seriously.
Unless the entire world is flat and everyone does nothing but stand around and breathe in the smoke, people will survive.
You live in Norway and yet you think America is 'the world'? :P I expect that from an american but... or are you talking about the economic result of such a disaster?
That's gonna be a hot day, huh?
The neutrinos are mutating? roflmao..
The hotspot in yellowstone extends nearly halfway to the center of the earth, or so they suspect... It would make the recent Icelandic volcano activity look like a pimple. If iceland kicks off like it has in the distant past when it carved the fjords it could rival yellowstone for destruction. At least sea levels would raise dramatically thanks to all the water being released so quickly.
If they go off together we have raising seas, blanketed skies and all manor of chaos.
The first half of this is, yea US you're screwed, so skip to 35:00
With all that said, It's probably a safe bet to bet on old age getting everyone here, before a super volcano does...
Vig, your such a pessimist
Indeed, let me see if I have a spare tin foil hat because you will need it in 2012
Pretty much, it's like when Krakatoa went off, the world was dark for a looong time, crops were ruined and a long winter set in.
Also what about my games, I can't play my games if the world ends
The jews were responsible for yellowstone going off because of their jewiness.
I pray for east Asia.
Oh yes, violence, ignorance and bigotry have only gotten worse. If we just could go back to more peaceful neolithic societies with the quaint human sacrifices and no rule of law.
And I'm with bbob, chaos like this would put everyone into survival mode, and basically people would fuck each other up
But I understand your core point, in the face of massive adversity people tend to pull together. I would add to that, people often get pretty paranoid about "strangers" after the initial trauma is over. Basically there is a window after something happens where people pull together and then those bonds solidify and new people are a threat, especially as resources get scarce.
Hmm yes thats a huge priority right now... I often think on my way to work 'wow, that building is FUGLY, wish a tsunami would come in and wipe it away... never mind the people'. :P
I get what you mean. I hate what we have done to this planet. Those images of all those cars washed up and smashed in Japan today had me thinking, that last time there was a quake that strong in Japan, the worst sight would have been mudslides, destroyed villages and temples. Now...
...but nevertheless, the loss of innocent human life is a serious tragedy.
Blast it, now I have to go watch that stupid film again.
I hated how the step father just dies and everyone's just like, yay hugs!.
More on topic however, event's like this make me very nervous living in San Fran.
Volcanoes, one in Indonesia and two in Russia went off at around the time of the quake:
God damn this guy is a fear monger. OMG MAJOR WORLD EVENT GAIS..GRAB UR TINFOIL HATS.
All of these eruptions are on the ring of fire. Big earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are commonplace pairings. This was in the top 7 biggest earthquakes in recorded history. That much activity ripping down the already active ring of fire of the pacific plate - it's no wonder there are eruptions. I'm surprised there aren't more big earthquakes along the faults.
Just spreading the news. Volcanic eruptions are pretty rare and for them to happen like that is pretty concerning.
The Japan volcanic eruption happened hours before the earthquake as well.... which is also concerning.
I'm concerned because I live in WA.
You make it sound like the planet is an agent with intent.. :P
Its just a tiny rock in space, sometimes shit happens and a lot of things die, not of any reason or because it "has to be". It just does. Don't look for meaning, just duck and cover.