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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Dashtoronto
    Sukotto wrote: »
    Polycount is a community of artists, as artists, we know how it feels to have someone steal an idea, so if it does happen to you, there will be people there to back you up

    ha ha ha! I love you guys. but I honestly dont think Valve cares who came up with the idea. They only acknowledge who sent the idea in.

    anyways, sorry guys for my little rant. I just felt like ranting. I guess i'm having a really rough day. sorry.
  • Doughnut Bear
    just a little something for the sniper im working on if anyones interested
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    i would post my current work in progress but my idea would be stolen by model designers that are a hundred times far more advanced than I am, in a mere nanosecond. Not to mention, their copies would be far more better looking. I'd rather wait till mine is 99% done and just before handing it into valve so at least i get credit for my idea : P

    Yes, because the really good modelers can't think of stuff by themselves and they have no honor. They just like to rip ideas from everyone else.


    (actually, I think all the sucky modelers are looking at all the pros work and rippin their ideas)
  • GG_Underscore
    the flatliner is ready for killing - one more model to go....
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Looking like a pretty solid model. It might be nice to get a contrasty colour running around the inside spiral of the helix.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    ah well, some hats ideas are "obvious" and have been made ten times without the need to involve stealing. Anyway, it's too bad coz you won't get advices to make progress.
  • Apocol0id
    Macgta wrote: »
    Hi all :) First post on Polycount woo :poly124:

    Just thought i'd post 2 experimental TF2 weapons i've done in the past:



    First one was just a crazy idea i had called the Savoury Incendiary Launcher (launches sandviches instead of rockets :poly124:), The other was just a shotgun based on a remington.

    I like the shotgun design, might work better with some rounded edges, seems kind of box like at the moment.
  • ColonelBD
    Updated some moar, changed the firing mechinism slightly.

    @Cbast: It reloads like the default ones, and the thing is an airtank, also like the defaults. However adding liquid does seem like a good idea, especially if somehow I can get it to slowly get pushed out as the medic fires, kinda like the ubermeter on the ubersaw. I look into that.

    As for the flatness, I think thats just caused by Modos shader system when viewed flat on, still trying to get to grips with the thing.

    Comparison shots with the Blut and Blender render:

    @GG_underscore: *whistles* aint that a beuty? Have you managed to get it ingame, and if you have are you planning on releasing it? I just think think the good people over at TF2 mods and gamebanana could use a little medigun related love.

    @Doughnut Bear: Oooh I like the dragon head, however there are so many smoothing errors I can barely see it that well. The blade should be bigger as at the moment it looks more like a razor than a machete, also as much as I like the dragon head, it is more asian than astraulian, maybe if it was a snake head or something. Just my two cents.
  • Doughnut Bear
    @ColonelBD thanks for the crit, i will be sure to increase the blade size though being a noob at blender i have no idea whats up with the shading errors :/
  • Ruskeydoo
    @ Macgta: the pump on your shotty seems really thin. Its diameter is only a small amount greater than that of the tube its attached to.

  • selentic

    Bonus points to whoever knows what this is.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
  • JZeeba
    I'm working on something for the Medieval update, I decided to try and make a set that could be used with the beak...

    The hat is very simple, I used a reference I found online, I didn't want it to look completely like the Gibus so I put a cross on the texture (which could be paintable).


    For the melee weapon, I also used a reference I found online, the texture is still in progress (haven't tweaked the vmt settings at all to incorporate specular)


    I didn't quite like the first person view, so I scaled up the blades a bit and it looks like this, but still didn't quite like it.


    Do you guys think I should make a v_model as well??
    I had thought of naming the set "The Torture Practitioner", but I'm not sure about names for the hat/scissors... any ideas? do you think it's worth having that hat if you already have the Gibus?
    I'm not very good with textures, so those ones are almost final versions :poly124:

    As for the other weapon in the set, I'm struggling to have it finished on time...
  • selentic
    BenHenry wrote: »
    old VW bus?

  • Tehrasha
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    Tehrasha polycounter lvl 11
    selentic wrote: »

    Heh, that was my first thought, but I figured since you were asking it must be something far more obscure..
  • ColonelBD
    @Doughnut bear: To fix the shading in blender, use the edge split modifier with sharp edges (shift_e make sharp), just remeber to save a backup copy before you OK the modifier as its anoying as hell to edit the mesh after that.

    @Jzeeba: Yay a medieval medic hat, the perfect compliment to your blighted beak! However the medic logo is really distorted, you may want to go back over your uvs.

    Also the scissors look way to round and look more like tongs, and the texture is way to blurry, its just not pleasing to look at at all.

    Flatten out the scizzor blades, than if I were you I'd add edge highlights to the edges and use the colour pallette for the syringegun or blutsauger (In swizzles turtorial), with more strokes and colour variation to show the rust.
  • GG_Underscore
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Looking like a pretty solid model. It might be nice to get a contrasty colour running around the inside spiral of the helix.

    thanks for the input and compliment.

    i actually tried a colored line on the spiral tube (see below for an older shot) but the feed back i kept getting from my friends was that in game camera the colored stripes help breaking up the sections into a definite front, mid, and back and painting the spiral part blended things together... i begrudgingly removed it since i am trying to appeal to the masses and i got more feed back against it then for it.

    that said i would LOVE to make the twisting hoses more unique, but i am drawing and absolute blank because everything I've tried just doesn't seem to work for one reason or another (braided steal water line was too complex, rubber hose just didn't seem to work, painted line blended segments together).

    you have any ideas for me? i'd love to hear them

    old shot -
  • Dr.Eggman
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Dr. Eggman, I think your pack has the right idea, but I think you need to work on your textures a little bit, right now it all just seems like flat colors, you need to add brush strokes, color variations... On your hook hand, you need to delete that pattern, and go with either a bigger scale pattern, or just fill it in with one color. The cannon is a really awesome idea, but it seems boring in the viewmodel. Try to add some "modifications" that the demoman put on the cannon. Do these things, and I guarantee you'll have a much better chance.

    This could also help: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73559
  • ColonelBD
    Was halfway through unwrapping the gun when I realised I haven't tested it ingame yet, so here it is mind meltingly checkered goodness:



    On a completely unrelated subject, wanna know where the blood on the Vita Saw comes from:

    Just a wierd bug I found when messing around in HLMV.

    @GG_underscore: I like the one with the stripe better, makes the spiral way more varied and eye pleasing.
  • selentic
    Tehrasha wrote: »
    Heh, that was my first thought, but I figured since you were asking it must be something far more obscure..

    No one around here knows what they are ;_;
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Dr.Eggman wrote: »
    Excellent job! And you even got the claw and peg leg to work!
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    I updated the texture to make it look less flat.

  • sicsided
    Love that watch, nice to see it evolve. Only thing that stands out now a bit is the key (specifically near the teeth, it all seems kinda flat), although for its size I'm not sure if it matters. Nice job.
  • selentic
    Looks pretty bad tbh.

    There's a reason why the details in tf2 assets are kept to medium sized ones at best.

    That watch is insanely cluttered, you've jammed a handful of small details into a really small space. It's distracting from just about everything else in the game.
  • Doughnut Bear
    @cbast looks awesome. do all of the parts move?
  • pyanodon
    Dr.Eggman wrote: »

    I love it! but...where's the gunpower barrel? I cant wait to see it.

    Great job in the cannon!! and the huge shark is something we didnt see yet on tf2:thumbup:
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    How often are custom items added into the game and how long does it take after submission?

    Just wondering, this looks fun.
  • Doughnut Bear
    @Dr.Eggman i really like the pack however the cannon could use some texture work so it doesn't look like just a single color
  • nofacej
    Cbast wrote: »
    I updated the texture to make it look less flat.

    This is a great looking watch, but I think the key is too realistic in proportion. Combined with the amount of detail inherent in this kind of watch I think it's looking a little bit out of place in this cartoony world. Have you considered fattening the key up and exaggerating the size of the head and teeth? Would fit the TF2 style a lot better imo.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    hmm i agree with selentic i think its way over detailed and cluttered for tf2 i'd much rather see 3 or 4 chunky gears than 400 teeny ones
  • ShakerSilver
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    And that's why the vita-saw takes away 10 HP from the Medic.

    PS: That new gun is HUGE.
  • Macgta
    I'm sure someone has probably thought of this before but nevertheless, I have been working on a kilt for the demoman, Not finished textures just quite yet;


    Heres a screen with the Demo wearing it; Not done the bones yet this was just in PS to see how it fits;

  • Veko
    I did a similair thing with the kilt, encoutered a lot of problems with the animations though. Yours looks better though :)
  • Macgta
    Thx :) I am dreading dealing with the animations tbh :(

    Anyway heres some screens of team skins, Added a normal map on the belt/bag for extra detail, Can't really see it well in these screens though:

  • SimplyChristina
    Here are some new models I been working on :






    Of course , a James Bond quote .
    Used by THE SPY , this weapon is a cocktail glass , whose function is similar to the sniper's JARATE .
  • crazy-g
    @Macgta: looking good but i really can't tell the difference with or without the normal map. fine details are usually done with the spec map. if you want to use a normal map, you are probably better off to have it do some cloth folds similar to how his pants look. also have fun skinning that :)

    just finished up my Medieval pack for the soldier, fun promo forthcoming

  • NeoDement
    That looks awesome Crazy-G, I love how distinct the flag is.

    Just a reminder to everyone, the Medieval submission deadline is tomorrow, so get submitting!

    The update will go live some time after that, so if you really need an extension, just email us at medieval@kritzkast.com. Don't leave it too late though, the update has to go live eventually ;)
  • Doughnut Bear

    did some more work on my machete
  • Simski
    crazy-g wrote: »
    @Macgta: looking good but i really can't tell the difference with or without the normal map. fine details are usually done with the spec map. if you want to use a normal map, you are probably better off to have it do some cloth folds similar to how his pants look. also have fun skinning that :)

    just finished up my Medieval pack for the soldier, fun promo forthcoming

    Excellent, a medieval pack I actually truly like.
    The helmet, banner, and mace go great together.
  • Blasphemy
    Just submitted an update to my old Svetlana model.

    svetlana-thumb.jpg is the submission image.

    hl2%202011-02-26%2016-31-54-11.jpg is an older screenshot before I started on the highlights on the texture and fiddled around with the green. Refer to the submission image for green intensity.
  • comomomo
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    comomomo polycounter lvl 8
    My modelling skills are not quite on the tier of what I see around here, but can I get some comments/crits?


  • Flat Face
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    Flat Face polycounter lvl 10
    I'd say the glasses need to wrap around his head a little, they're too straight at the moment and the cigarette is a tad high poly me thinks.

    The modeler in me is wanting to tell you it's pretty good but the TF2 whore in me is wanting to slap you and tell you it doesn't suit his personality.. I'm torn..
  • Apocol0id
    comomomo wrote: »

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Kind of wrote up some suggestions on the image. Hope it helps!
  • Simski
    Flat Face wrote: »
    I'd say the glasses need to wrap around his head a little, they're too straight at the moment and the cigarette is a tad high poly me thinks.

    The modeler in me is wanting to tell you it's pretty good but the TF2 whore in me is wanting to slap you and tell you it doesn't suit his personality.. I'm torn..
    The glasses could be an okay addition, however the cigarette feels too much.

    TF2 does not need more smokers.
    Spy is an avid smoker, Soldier keeps cigarettes in his stash and there's an official picture of him holding a cigar, an ashtray with lit cigarettes can be seen in Meet the Demoman, and similarly an ashtray with lit cigarettes can be seen in Meet the Sniper.

    So let's keep Scout no more than an aggressive teen vandal, he fits that stereotype well enough without any implied addictions to things other than energy drinks.
  • comomomo
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    comomomo polycounter lvl 8
    The intent of the set was to have a sort of "bad boy" scout.
  • Simski
    The glasses remind me more of a county cop, would probably look better on someone older and more hefty than Scout.
    I would recommend another pair of sunglasses.

    The cigarette just looks out of place.
    He just doesn't look like the type that smokes, and I'm sure he wouldn't want to risk loosing his breath due to cigarette smoke when running. It doesn't remind me of "bad boy" as much as it reminds me of a kid trying to look cool by smoking, and Scout is not the kind of guy that wouldn't already be thinking of himself as the king of cool.
  • The Scrub
    glasses and cigarette also include the Scout stopping every 10 seconds wheezing heavily and hacking up something blackish onto the floor.

    He is a runner, a jumper, a SCOUT!
    He is requiring his lungs for ze running und ze jumping!
    Please to be thinking with your brain, yah?

    Sorry for being so harsh(and for misusing so much grammar) but possibly make it something else that makes slightly more sense
  • Macgta
    Got the bones somewhat sorted on the demoman kilt; Still a bit of modification to do, might have to ditch the little black bag as i can't get it to clip properly:

  • Apocol0id
    If the glasses were changed to look like they were more of a 1950's look, and the cigarette a toothpick, or sucker...it might work a little better.
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