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That's Life

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Sharvo keyframe
Hello all,

I have been lurking on here for a while was going to take part in some challenges but work got in the way and i wouldn't have put the time i would have wanted in the challenges. But, i am now in unemployment road and wanted to kick things off with my latest finished bit of work called That's Life. I will be making a sketch book as well, to show you upcoming bits and bobs. I have just started a scene so will upload some stuff for that soon.

But for now here it is, I say its finished but with all things when you look at something for too long you think everything is gravy, let me know if anything stands out that looks weird!



  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Nice little scene you got there. Only little thing I don't like is that the caravan itself blends too much into the background. Looks like its just because of the similar colors.

    Is that a Vray or Mental ray or what render?
  • noname
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    noname polycounter lvl 10
    The caravan is floating above the cinder block. The cup-table-thingy seems to be floating aswell. You should add something to connect it to the pipe imo. Other than that I really like your scene. I'd maybe thicken the pole of the baskeball hoop a bit and work some more on a transition between road and sand. Oh and some variation in the sand itself would help aswell (some texture blending for example).
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 15
    Love the style, reminds me of old adventure games :)
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Oh what a nice little scene!! Really like the style!

    I second noname for the caravan floating above the cinder block and for the road/sand transistion.
    And I'll add that the details on the tire against the caravan are too smooth imo.

    Hayden Zammit get a good point about the caravan that blends a little too much with the overall scene, maybe try more saturated color just to have a focus point on this image.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Nice render but how would it look like in game engine? And where is the WF? How much polys in the scene? How big are the diff/nm/spec maps? Have you done it from a ref or concept?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Definitely has an old school Full-Throttle vibe to it and that's a good thing.

    I think everything in general looks fantastic, but maybe the color palette isn't helping things. The colors are all warm so the scene feels like it's lacking depth. Maybe cooling off the background tones a bit, or warming up the foreground a little more would help. It just sort of feels like an orthographic image, like everything is compressed together.
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Wow, thanks for all the feedback i forgot to put down were the concept came from an illustrator i got in touch with via his blog here is a link to his work in case it inspires you.


    Yep i totally agree that the caravan blends into the background a bit and that it is very warm, i think i may need to make the caravan more white as this is what the focal point should be.

    It is rendered in mental ray.

    Yeah the reson some parts are floating is that i originally had it all connected but a few people felt that it went against the original concept and by making everything look like it is connected it lost some of the flare, flow and curves of the objects. But definatly agree with the sand blending materials is something i really want to grasp.

    @Voff i am very new to game engines and felt i would be over my head trying to get this into a game engine, however my next project is a lot simpler than this. Not sure what you mean by WF? Polys is on the big side of things but can be optimized easily as for texture sheets they vary from 128 to 2048 the reason a lot of them are fairly big is because i rendered the original at 4k width and 2k height. But i have big sive and half size for each texture. Concept link is above to the illustrators blog.

    But thank you for all the feedback really much appreciated i will give it my best shot to try these things out, once again thank you!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    WF is wireframes Sharvo. nice scene BTW
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