Ok thankyou for yoru sugestions , I am for the moment considering of using pebbles for rivers and lake area , anyway I may just skip it later eventually for something else ...
Here is some new work on blending the new textures ... I remade once again the ground rocks , added two types of grass , one dense and one with more stones and stuff , plus here I mixed a bit of everything , from grassy sand , messy sand , rainforest roots , stones , pebbles , grass sparse , grass dense ....
what you think ?
Any sugestion for improvement always welcome .....
I am in the point of finalizing my texture once and for all this time , so I keept improving and refining so far , I been working also on the rocks and clifs but not yet ready to show ... final one will be dirt and ferns ground .... after those I should be done and I could eventually transform some unused ones into decals ... Hope to be able to load all that in my level lol ....
Much brighter than crysis, I have to say it looks a bit less realistic, but almost more appealing to a degree. I have to say, some of those textures seem to LOOK tiled. Have you ever tried Luxology ImageSynth? It can really help the texturing process. Crazybump good.
Almost makes me want to try this Blue Mars thing.
This project really is blowing me away though. Crazy good.
Much brighter than crysis, I have to say it looks a bit less realistic, but almost more appealing to a degree. I have to say, some of those textures seem to LOOK tiled. Have you ever tried Luxology ImageSynth? It can really help the texturing process. Crazybump good.
Almost makes me want to try this Blue Mars thing.
This project really is blowing me away though. Crazy good.
Thankyou , what you mean by much brighter? You mean its too saturated? may be its the TOd I still have to find a decentone and I have tried the one called natural tod or something but it makes the sky too much bright ...
I haven't tried imagesynth I make usually my tiling with the clone stamp tool of PS , Crazybump I have bought and I love it ..... wich textures in particular look tiled? so I could go check ....
Here is a Picture of a Massed compilation of the items I have done so far to create , I hope , a realistic Jungle environment ... what are your feelings and impressions?
Here is the new Tree version of the Kapok Tree .... what do you think ? this is the large version , there is also a Giant Version plus some smaller ones ...
Any criticism is very much appreciated thankyou ....
Hi , thankyou ....
the tree is still wip and I plan to remake the fronds areas to be able to use a modular branches/ leaves system to allows me to create varied shapes in the trees, also I am improving the ivy parts and the Lianas that I do not like much atm ... I somehow imitated the crysis layouts but I don't like them much so I am remaking the layout and rearranging the texturesI created to a more usefull pool ...
I hope that makes sense lol ...
About the leaves , I have usually created them hand painted , imitating real leaves couse I coudln't find decent pictures of branches and leaves , I so created 3 main types of leaves for my project trees , Bo tree , Kapok tree and lanceolar , the last is the most typical in the Jungle so I will reuse them alot , the Bo is oval and more rare mostly used for the banyan and the smaller tree fillers , the Kapok is starshaped and used for mainly all the big jungle trees and eventually some bushes ...
the branches where created by making a draw in PS with the pencil and then overpasting on it's shape a bark texture , cutting out stuff and then overplacing all the leaves according to the shape of the branch ... I tried to not exagerate in leaves couse the density will be given by the number of branches ....
the polycount of the small trees is around 700
the big ones are around 1800 , I plan to make lods as well ...
for the small ones a 300 lod and for the big ones 900 and then 600 / 300 lods ....
you're a fucking badass Naima, i liked this project the moment you posted it.
as for ideas, i would suggest a lot of fallen, washed up or rotted timber. right now everything seems very clean and hardly any decay and imperfection. think of driftwood, washed up seaweed, varied lengths in grass, snapped/hanging branches.
I would say the greens are MAYBE a little saturated in general.
I'd love to see your work in arma2
*hint* *hint* *pray* *pray*
maybe i would suggest also a texture of sand with some matted, partially submerged in sand grass, to transition between grass and sand
you're a fucking badass Naima, i liked this project the moment you posted it.
as for ideas, i would suggest a lot of fallen, washed up or rotted timber. right now everything seems very clean and hardly any decay and imperfection. think of driftwood, washed up seaweed, varied lengths in grass, snapped/hanging branches.
I would say the greens are MAYBE a little saturated in general.
I'd love to see your work in arma2
*hint* *hint* *pray* *pray*
maybe i would suggest also a texture of sand with some matted, partially submerged in sand grass, to transition between grass and sand
thanks ... what is arma 2?
Anyway , I wante to first get a decent tod realistic couse everytime I change it it changes the way also my textures look so it is sort of useless to define a tone in my textures if the tod can dramatically change them ...
as for the rotten and decayed stuff I am right now working on a set of fallen and broken jungle trees , with roots etc but mainly I wanted to define the two main tree types for now to have a base to work on ....
I think your range of greens is slightly too narrow, try introducing some more yellow into the palm leaves and maybe desaturate them just a tiny bit.
A dead palm branch or two on the ground as well as a few still hanging from the trees themselves might help.
Fallen coconuts, driftwood, and bits of seaweed might make some good props for the shoreline. The seaweed could be made with decals rather than models. Speaking of decals you need some foot prints and/or animal tracks decals to help break up the perfectness of your sand.
I think you should try to make the ocean further away a darker blue to help it look deeper if you can. This will also fix the issue you are having with the horizon, right now it's not defined too well because the sky and the ocean meet with nearly the same hue and value.
I also think your sky is too CG looking atm, you need more natural looking clouds and a little less haze.
You've made some great progress on this project. I've been peeking at it from time to time. Keep it up
Sorry aside from installing Cryengine and taking a look at Crysis War's assets/levels I have no idea what it is capable of or how to go about doing it.
For the sky the color is looking better. Can you use photo source for your sky? I get the impression the sky is generated by the engine. If that's the case maybe you can make some cloud billboards or geometry. Take a look at this tutorial for faked UE3 volumetric effects, maybe you can do something similar for clouds. Considering how well Cryengine shades foliage geometry it might work well. You need to get much more detailed clouds if you want to get closer to realism. There's a big difference between the two pictures in your previous post as far as clouds are concerned.
Cryengine can make volumetric clouds and distant billboards clouds but I have not yet seen any tutorial on how to make them well , I mean I didn't even looked for them yet since I was focusing in creating assets still , but since I hit the problem of the rendering of my items according to the different tod chosen I decided to focus a little on the tod and improve it so to make it final and be able to have also a proper look of my items in game under the same chosen tod ...
For starters your palm trees are too perfect, too green. The stems of the palms coming out of the base ion the real image have more yellow, and this doesn't stop anywhere. the yellowness continues throughout the palm, with some dead tips and broken palms.
the real palm trees also have a lot of dead matter in their tops, lots of grey stuff giving the top a significant amount of volume, much more than yours have. They also have seed pods, again not perfectly green. the odd red/orange seed pod or leaf like in the photographs you posted. In short, use your own references a bit more to make your palms less perfect.
Your palm trunks are also a bit thin and need some of the (dis)colouration near the top of the real palm trees. Yours also feel flat when compared to the real ones: exaggerate the model slightly, stronger normal map, etc.
Also, the plant in the foreground in the left corner, the leaf structure is completely different, but i'm not sure if its meant to be the same plant. If it is, Then i would suggest to remake the model taking the real plant's leaf structure into account.
some dead branches and dying/dead leaves on your model plant would also help to make the plant much more believable in general, as again it looks too perfect.
Also, don't use DoF on your screenshots. the real image doesn't have that to any noticeable extent, but your screenshots do.
Having said that, what you've got here is quite spectacular and just needs a bit of tweaking to make them less perfect and hence more believable.
Yes , tough thte Palms I did Do have some Yellow areas , inface one palm is more dried and one is totally dead leaf , but since I have saturated the colors and painted over them in green to reach the same tone in the picture I guess now looks more green, the trunks I copied mostly from a PAcific Athol Island I have been loking at and the palms looked thin and not much fat but I did several versions anyway ranging from thin and esile to massive and fat , I just picked those ones couse had the same or similar height from ground of the fronds and so to represent a little better the real scene , but its not a goal to make it 100% the same couse I am making a tropical environment not a portrait of this real picture....
I also did and am doing debris and other stuff for ground like dead leaves , scattered stones and woods , I did shells and kelps and I still need to make some decals for the ground ...
The normal maps are a question mark couse according to how the Light cuts the trunk it gets much reveleaed or pretty much flattened , I had to find a balance , I guess with this kind of light doesn't reveals much ... I may post some other pictures of the palms tough if you want ...
What is DOF?
Right now I was working on Bromeliads , hanging plants , lianas and Ivy, the ones I dd so far where more temporary place holders... same goes for the plant there , the beach bush , the texture is more or less done but the model wasarranged fast to take the place of that bush in the real picture , I experimented and noticed that bending too much the branches polygons for this bush is not a great ide a... better to use more flat or slighty bended branches I think ...
Naima you're a fucking ultimate badass dude. Where are you from anyway?
looking at this shot, I think as you mentioned, its important to make some visible dead leaves and roots under the bushes. Youve got a bit of stuff hanging around grunging the area up but imo it would help to have even more
This is really good man
(ps. arma is a combat sim based on VBS engine which militaries use. its main idea is really giant maps and realistic.. everything, but theres only a few good environment artists working for it, as a result most the custom maps use default assets.)
A Thankyou ... I have almoust finished with the Beach Rocks, I just need some pellbes and I guess that set is done I will be able to resue probably by changing its textures for other areas of the Island ...Eventually I can make just a Cliff on the style ...
Then I have another already made set of rocks wich is more jagged and broken for the areas that are less soft and sandy but more broken and Sea hit ...
so the last ones will be the River Rocks wich will be half textured wet and dry parts and used to combo a Waterfall set ....
The previouse ones may be used also for rooted Rocks , I mean broken by the roots of the trees.... So also the Rocks should be done ....
about the debris I have partially done , I just didn't put in this picture , I did some scattered leaves and small wood pieces , I will need to make small scattered rocks , palm leaves and some other little things that appear only by close .....
Here is a Top view of the Welcome Island , I still have to find a better name , maay be I will call it Las Arenas Rosadas , due ot my SL Island and to the Rock colors slightly pink ....
Frame Rate Registered from this distance - 40 - 46 .....
Here I remade the River rocks , all of the set here is made of 3 model rocks sharing three materials , one for dry , one for half wet and one for totally wet , total textures are 2 diffuse , 1 normal map and 3 speculars .....
What do you think in terms of , look , realism and optimization?
That waterfall is pretty neat, perhaps a bit too frothy for such a short waterfall though. It looks like the water is leaping off your rocks rather than flowing down them.
The dead palm leaves need to be more brown and less white. I don't think I've ever seen a white dead palm branch, at the most desaturated they turn a sort of gray/brown/tan.
I'm not sure what you are basing your rocks on, FWIW all the natural rock in Hawaii is lava based, so it's really dark, almost black, the dirt here can easily be a reddish hue as well.
Feel free to disregard what I've said for you island (except the white palm leaves) as it could easily be somewhere other than Hawaii, just throwing in my observations based on where I live.
Tha'ts my most polygonal model , around 18k faces for the waterfall , but I made also a total of 5 lods for it up to 500 polys ...
Wow that almost looked like a photo to me
For my taste you just got to make the fallen tree less green saturated. And this big white specular planes on the palmleaves are kinda strange, but I'm shure tey are not supposed to be there anyways.
Hello thanks a lot for all comments , I rellay need critics ....
Ok Indeed the waterfall looks too full and water too big to what I touhgt too but that's the particles I found as smaller premade in crysis and I still have to get how to reduce them ....about the dead palm leaves yes , but I am still tuning the TOD settings and I overbrightened the scene so I guess I have to either go back on this lowering brightness or loering palms textures brightness...
About the rocks I can just say I liked those kind of ^^ ... I made three types or are inthe works mostly based on granite , and Seycelles look , but that on the beach more smoothed , slightly pinkthe interior ones I wanted to make more broken and jagged m I saw pics of mountain rocks and I imagined them after surrounded by jungle ... as for the trunk , yes also this is very wip and actually it's supposed to be a moss covered tree in the rainforest and not in "open jungle" but it's not rightly tone fitting yet due to my experimentations with the tod and the overall brightness and saturation of the elements together ....
that said thanks a lot and hope always in comments , I will try to fix those details asap.... but in meanwhile I am mass producing elements and resource assets to place ingame , leaving most of the tuning for later ....
Here is an update of the Waterfall scene , I added severall new plants types , plus I did a coshared texture among 8 different models , using same model but differently uvmapped on the texture....
I am still missing to make some thing jungle trees , complete the kapok set , make 3 -6 bushes of the banyan liek and durian like trees , then make the ferns , banana trees , some kind of trinax palms , some small ground stuff and I shoudl be done with all the plants sets ....
as usual comments and critiques are highly appreciated ....
The waterfall looks better. I like the muddy water.
Try to make rocks look wetter where they are near the water, a bit of moss here and there might help too.
Your foliage is looking very good, but in general I think you still need to vary your green hues a bit more. Right now everything kind of blends together a little too much and it's hard to pick out individual plants or trees. Take a look at this picture, or maybe this one, or perhaps this one. They're not the best at illustrating my point but each species of plant seems to have it's own particular hue of green. It might have a lot to do with light and shadow, specularity of the leaves, and sub surface scattering properties of each plant.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: as you introduce new plants and trees try to use slightly different hues of green for the foliage.
It's hard to simulate nature, you're doing a very respectable job of it so far, keep it up
I found a few nice palm tree reference photos (though I bet you have a million of these types of photos by now): 1, 2, 3.
Oh the Blue Mars is just the Platform on wich I am working to deploy this level ....
I can say that I have finally Completed the Terrain texture set .... Just one last decision stands between the "final" word and the temporary choice ...
I have made again another texture for the Grass and I woul dlike to know your opinion on wich one is more suited for the setting ....
Upper view is the tiling , lower view a close sight compared with a player avatar...
the size detail can of course be changed , but what's importnt to me is what's more fitting for a tropical Island setting , since I have also no room for further "grass textures" slots this has to work for pretty much all "grassy" areas and I can't have a dry grass , green and dry or other variations due to the limited to 15 number of textures slots wich are already all filled for now ....
The engine do the caustics all alone , tough I advice that it can create weird seams of the models in water are overlapping or seamed uvmapping , so for good caustics in water it needs to be a very smooth and almoust one single uvmapping block to avoid bad caustics seams , couse those get mapped on the uvs of the model....
Here is what is probably one of the last plants I have to make , after this I will have to make fixing , lods some cliff stuff and buildings ... but for now I was working on a new Musa Paradisiaca ( banano tree) ....
Here is the Wip what you think ? Shape , color , texture , maps etc? As usual all comments and constructive criticism is very welcome....
Dicksonia tree fern , the same texture holds room for other two types of ground ferns and eventual bromeliad fern...
then some large leaves bush and thin leaves varied ...
The last plants I need to make are :
fan palm
Cycas plant
Chamaedorea bush
Gunnera Manicata
some scattered types of flower bushes and bromeliads
Then I shoudl be done with al the plants and I will just focus on fix details , increase variations of models , make lods etc...
Unless someone can suggest some other interesting type of plants I may add...
Apart those I also have on plan eventually but later on after a first release for the swampy areas some mangroove and for the ruins part large rooted banyans ...
but those are in other areas of the Island.
Then I need to make some minor ground plants like small leaves roots and stones , nothing that will take extra textures tough
Here is what is probably one of the last plants I have to make , after this I will have to make fixing , lods some cliff stuff and buildings ... but for now I was working on a new Musa Paradisiaca ( banano tree) ....
Here is the Wip what you think ? Shape , color , texture , maps etc? As usual all comments and constructive criticism is very welcome....
low and high specs tests....
I think this looks really good, a small crit would be that for the top leaves where they turn brown and dead they are too shiny. Dead leaves are generally not very specular.
Here is some new work on blending the new textures ... I remade once again the ground rocks , added two types of grass , one dense and one with more stones and stuff , plus here I mixed a bit of everything , from grassy sand , messy sand , rainforest roots , stones , pebbles , grass sparse , grass dense ....
what you think ?
Any sugestion for improvement always welcome .....
I am in the point of finalizing my texture once and for all this time , so I keept improving and refining so far , I been working also on the rocks and clifs but not yet ready to show ... final one will be dirt and ferns ground .... after those I should be done and I could eventually transform some unused ones into decals ... Hope to be able to load all that in my level lol ....
Much brighter than crysis, I have to say it looks a bit less realistic, but almost more appealing to a degree. I have to say, some of those textures seem to LOOK tiled. Have you ever tried Luxology ImageSynth? It can really help the texturing process. Crazybump good.
Almost makes me want to try this Blue Mars thing.
This project really is blowing me away though. Crazy good.
Thankyou , what you mean by much brighter? You mean its too saturated? may be its the TOd I still have to find a decentone and I have tried the one called natural tod or something but it makes the sky too much bright ...
I haven't tried imagesynth I make usually my tiling with the clone stamp tool of PS , Crazybump I have bought and I love it ..... wich textures in particular look tiled? so I could go check ....
Here is the new Tree version of the Kapok Tree .... what do you think ? this is the large version , there is also a Giant Version plus some smaller ones ...
Any criticism is very much appreciated thankyou ....
Other then that I think it looks good
the tree is still wip and I plan to remake the fronds areas to be able to use a modular branches/ leaves system to allows me to create varied shapes in the trees, also I am improving the ivy parts and the Lianas that I do not like much atm ... I somehow imitated the crysis layouts but I don't like them much so I am remaking the layout and rearranging the texturesI created to a more usefull pool ...
I hope that makes sense lol ...
About the leaves , I have usually created them hand painted , imitating real leaves couse I coudln't find decent pictures of branches and leaves , I so created 3 main types of leaves for my project trees , Bo tree , Kapok tree and lanceolar , the last is the most typical in the Jungle so I will reuse them alot , the Bo is oval and more rare mostly used for the banyan and the smaller tree fillers , the Kapok is starshaped and used for mainly all the big jungle trees and eventually some bushes ...
the branches where created by making a draw in PS with the pencil and then overpasting on it's shape a bark texture , cutting out stuff and then overplacing all the leaves according to the shape of the branch ... I tried to not exagerate in leaves couse the density will be given by the number of branches ....
the polycount of the small trees is around 700
the big ones are around 1800 , I plan to make lods as well ...
for the small ones a 300 lod and for the big ones 900 and then 600 / 300 lods ....
How would you change it to make it look realistic?
as for ideas, i would suggest a lot of fallen, washed up or rotted timber. right now everything seems very clean and hardly any decay and imperfection. think of driftwood, washed up seaweed, varied lengths in grass, snapped/hanging branches.
I would say the greens are MAYBE a little saturated in general.
I'd love to see your work in arma2
*hint* *hint* *pray* *pray*
maybe i would suggest also a texture of sand with some matted, partially submerged in sand grass, to transition between grass and sand
thanks ... what is arma 2?
Anyway , I wante to first get a decent tod realistic couse everytime I change it it changes the way also my textures look so it is sort of useless to define a tone in my textures if the tod can dramatically change them ...
as for the rotten and decayed stuff I am right now working on a set of fallen and broken jungle trees , with roots etc but mainly I wanted to define the two main tree types for now to have a base to work on ....
here follows a comparison picture of my level with the different tods
The realistic tod is the one provided by Mothman
the final one is the one I was using befoure .....
I enabled all highest settings available for Blue mars platform .....
What yu think ? the kind of realism I want to reach is this one like :
What do you think ? please be critical and constructive so that I can change what's needed and improve it thankyou ....
I think your range of greens is slightly too narrow, try introducing some more yellow into the palm leaves and maybe desaturate them just a tiny bit.
A dead palm branch or two on the ground as well as a few still hanging from the trees themselves might help.
Fallen coconuts, driftwood, and bits of seaweed might make some good props for the shoreline. The seaweed could be made with decals rather than models. Speaking of decals you need some foot prints and/or animal tracks decals to help break up the perfectness of your sand.
I think you should try to make the ocean further away a darker blue to help it look deeper if you can. This will also fix the issue you are having with the horizon, right now it's not defined too well because the sky and the ocean meet with nearly the same hue and value.
I also think your sky is too CG looking atm, you need more natural looking clouds and a little less haze.
You've made some great progress on this project. I've been peeking at it from time to time. Keep it up
in meanwhile I worked on the sky , how's now ? ...
and with high settings on ...
For the sky the color is looking better. Can you use photo source for your sky? I get the impression the sky is generated by the engine. If that's the case maybe you can make some cloud billboards or geometry. Take a look at this tutorial for faked UE3 volumetric effects, maybe you can do something similar for clouds. Considering how well Cryengine shades foliage geometry it might work well. You need to get much more detailed clouds if you want to get closer to realism. There's a big difference between the two pictures in your previous post as far as clouds are concerned.
the real palm trees also have a lot of dead matter in their tops, lots of grey stuff giving the top a significant amount of volume, much more than yours have. They also have seed pods, again not perfectly green. the odd red/orange seed pod or leaf like in the photographs you posted. In short, use your own references a bit more to make your palms less perfect.
Your palm trunks are also a bit thin and need some of the (dis)colouration near the top of the real palm trees. Yours also feel flat when compared to the real ones: exaggerate the model slightly, stronger normal map, etc.
Also, the plant in the foreground in the left corner, the leaf structure is completely different, but i'm not sure if its meant to be the same plant. If it is, Then i would suggest to remake the model taking the real plant's leaf structure into account.
some dead branches and dying/dead leaves on your model plant would also help to make the plant much more believable in general, as again it looks too perfect.
Also, don't use DoF on your screenshots. the real image doesn't have that to any noticeable extent, but your screenshots do.
Having said that, what you've got here is quite spectacular and just needs a bit of tweaking to make them less perfect and hence more believable.
I also did and am doing debris and other stuff for ground like dead leaves , scattered stones and woods , I did shells and kelps and I still need to make some decals for the ground ...
The normal maps are a question mark couse according to how the Light cuts the trunk it gets much reveleaed or pretty much flattened , I had to find a balance , I guess with this kind of light doesn't reveals much ... I may post some other pictures of the palms tough if you want ...
What is DOF?
Right now I was working on Bromeliads , hanging plants , lianas and Ivy, the ones I dd so far where more temporary place holders... same goes for the plant there , the beach bush , the texture is more or less done but the model wasarranged fast to take the place of that bush in the real picture , I experimented and noticed that bending too much the branches polygons for this bush is not a great ide a... better to use more flat or slighty bended branches I think ...
The rest of your map is top-notch by the way.
how looks now?
How's now ?
Here are some New Beach Rocks , smoothed and wind eroded , I tried to get inspiration from Seycelles beach rocks ....
What you think ?
looking at this shot, I think as you mentioned, its important to make some visible dead leaves and roots under the bushes. Youve got a bit of stuff hanging around grunging the area up but imo it would help to have even more
This is really good man
(ps. arma is a combat sim based on VBS engine which militaries use. its main idea is really giant maps and realistic.. everything, but theres only a few good environment artists working for it, as a result most the custom maps use default assets.)
Then I have another already made set of rocks wich is more jagged and broken for the areas that are less soft and sandy but more broken and Sea hit ...
so the last ones will be the River Rocks wich will be half textured wet and dry parts and used to combo a Waterfall set ....
The previouse ones may be used also for rooted Rocks , I mean broken by the roots of the trees.... So also the Rocks should be done ....
about the debris I have partially done , I just didn't put in this picture , I did some scattered leaves and small wood pieces , I will need to make small scattered rocks , palm leaves and some other little things that appear only by close .....
ho I am from Italy ....
Frame Rate Registered from this distance - 40 - 46 .....
Frame Rate Registered from Closer View - 19 - 22 .....
What do you think in terms of , look , realism and optimization?
The dead palm leaves need to be more brown and less white. I don't think I've ever seen a white dead palm branch, at the most desaturated they turn a sort of gray/brown/tan.
I'm not sure what you are basing your rocks on, FWIW all the natural rock in Hawaii is lava based, so it's really dark, almost black, the dirt here can easily be a reddish hue as well.
Feel free to disregard what I've said for you island (except the white palm leaves) as it could easily be somewhere other than Hawaii, just throwing in my observations based on where I live.
Wow that almost looked like a photo to me
For my taste you just got to make the fallen tree less green saturated. And this big white specular planes on the palmleaves are kinda strange, but I'm shure tey are not supposed to be there anyways.
Ok Indeed the waterfall looks too full and water too big to what I touhgt too but that's the particles I found as smaller premade in crysis and I still have to get how to reduce them
About the rocks I can just say I liked those kind of ^^ ... I made three types or are inthe works mostly based on granite , and Seycelles look , but that on the beach more smoothed , slightly pinkthe interior ones I wanted to make more broken and jagged m I saw pics of mountain rocks and I imagined them after surrounded by jungle ... as for the trunk , yes also this is very wip and actually it's supposed to be a moss covered tree in the rainforest and not in "open jungle" but it's not rightly tone fitting yet due to my experimentations with the tod and the overall brightness and saturation of the elements together ....
that said thanks a lot and hope always in comments , I will try to fix those details asap.... but in meanwhile I am mass producing elements and resource assets to place ingame , leaving most of the tuning for later ....
I am glad you like tough
I am still missing to make some thing jungle trees , complete the kapok set , make 3 -6 bushes of the banyan liek and durian like trees , then make the ferns , banana trees , some kind of trinax palms , some small ground stuff and I shoudl be done with all the plants sets ....
as usual comments and critiques are highly appreciated ....
Try to make rocks look wetter where they are near the water, a bit of moss here and there might help too.
Your foliage is looking very good, but in general I think you still need to vary your green hues a bit more. Right now everything kind of blends together a little too much and it's hard to pick out individual plants or trees. Take a look at this picture, or maybe this one, or perhaps this one. They're not the best at illustrating my point but each species of plant seems to have it's own particular hue of green. It might have a lot to do with light and shadow, specularity of the leaves, and sub surface scattering properties of each plant.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: as you introduce new plants and trees try to use slightly different hues of green for the foliage.
It's hard to simulate nature, you're doing a very respectable job of it so far, keep it up
I found a few nice palm tree reference photos (though I bet you have a million of these types of photos by now): 1, 2, 3.
Comments and critiques welcomed ...
I can say that I have finally Completed the Terrain texture set .... Just one last decision stands between the "final" word and the temporary choice ...
I have made again another texture for the Grass and I woul dlike to know your opinion on wich one is more suited for the setting ....
Upper view is the tiling , lower view a close sight compared with a player avatar...
the size detail can of course be changed , but what's importnt to me is what's more fitting for a tropical Island setting , since I have also no room for further "grass textures" slots this has to work for pretty much all "grassy" areas and I can't have a dry grass , green and dry or other variations due to the limited to 15 number of textures slots wich are already all filled for now ....
Here is the Wip what you think ? Shape , color , texture , maps etc? As usual all comments and constructive criticism is very welcome....
low and high specs tests....
Dicksonia tree fern , the same texture holds room for other two types of ground ferns and eventual bromeliad fern...
then some large leaves bush and thin leaves varied ...
The last plants I need to make are :
fan palm
Cycas plant
Chamaedorea bush
Gunnera Manicata
some scattered types of flower bushes and bromeliads
Then I shoudl be done with al the plants and I will just focus on fix details , increase variations of models , make lods etc...
Unless someone can suggest some other interesting type of plants I may add...
Apart those I also have on plan eventually but later on after a first release for the swampy areas some mangroove and for the ruins part large rooted banyans ...
but those are in other areas of the Island.
Then I need to make some minor ground plants like small leaves roots and stones , nothing that will take extra textures tough
I think this looks really good, a small crit would be that for the top leaves where they turn brown and dead they are too shiny. Dead leaves are generally not very specular.