I think that the metal exposed by the chipped paint should be brighter... and the grip material feels a bit weird to me, i can't really recognize what it is. But other than that, awesome!
Wow I had no idea it was going to come out that bad ass! You can stop sacrificing virgins on the altar of creativity, you have enough mojo to last you a decade or two. Seriously this is some awesome stuff like Gauss said, keep it the thread going, if not for yourself do it for my selfish desire to see awesome stuff....
Dang man, This stuff rocks! Really solid work. Do you mind if I as what that last map was? The first was your diffuse, 2nd was the spec... But I have never seen a map that looks like that last one. Glossiness?
Another quickie, will do lowpoly + mats, based on this concept , flaps that open for reload can also form a small shield that will avoid bullets that come in direction to the hand :P :
Hey Johny like everyone else i am LOVING that cherub gun, it made me pick up my walther p22 and analyze it to see why that cherub gun can't (or can) exist and function perfectly.
What I have found as far as I can tell that it's missing is only the slide lock, which i'm guessing you know - holds the slide back once the gun's clip empties so you can reload, decock and then get back to firing without having to recock the gun. Other than that from what I can tell (not a gun expert) this gun would totally work in the real world and I personally would LOVE to create this in real life. I am honestly going to do some research into it because this seems so kickass!
Great models overall, i like them all and your textures are so intricate, a lot of time was put into them and that is obvious
This was mainly an exercise of my "design eye" , its something i need to practise badly to come up with original designs or spin concepts onto more interesting shapes , but i agree with joe completely there are some parts that are plain sloppy/rushed or where the alterations were unecessary , its fun nontheless !!
Neox , after 2 personal projects i have lined up ill be back at charactars thanks for reminding me how much fun they are to do with your works ^^
Another quickie, will do lowpoly + mats, based on this concept , flaps that open for reload can also form a small shield that will avoid bullets that come in direction to the hand :P :
Snake , i have made the bakes already , when i have some free time ill do the mats, ill post the wires of the HP of that gun when i return to the office
EQ , move along mistar !
also a big fan of your studio..
will follow this thread everyday
i was wondering what you've been working on
about the sights harry mentioned, this is a gun without a barrel, its not very accurate and a general direction of fire is good enough
ok I'm done.
Nice touch, and really shows its use.
Post moar!
I saw someone else on here modeling that same gun I believe. I think is was Jesse Moody
What I have found as far as I can tell that it's missing is only the slide lock, which i'm guessing you know - holds the slide back once the gun's clip empties so you can reload, decock and then get back to firing without having to recock the gun. Other than that from what I can tell (not a gun expert) this gun would totally work in the real world and I personally would LOVE to create this in real life. I am honestly going to do some research into it because this seems so kickass!
Great models overall, i like them all and your textures are so intricate, a lot of time was put into them and that is obvious
I def love the more techy approach you took though...
lololol joaoaoaowned
Looks nice overall man, but there are a few sloppy parts here and there and a few "wtf joao changed this area just to change it" moments as usual!
yeah random blablablah so i can post
do something about it, i know you still have it in you!
This was mainly an exercise of my "design eye" , its something i need to practise badly to come up with original designs or spin concepts onto more interesting shapes , but i agree with joe completely there are some parts that are plain sloppy/rushed or where the alterations were unecessary , its fun nontheless !!
Neox , after 2 personal projects i have lined up ill be back at charactars