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stylized female



  • TNO
    jup the clay look is what i want to imitate to a certain level.

    I modified the dragon on some of the said areas and gave him 2 more wings.
    he is a really overweight Dragon and needs 4 wings to be captable to fly.
    the wings over his legs are just there to make him stable in the air.

    the thing area or holes as described are there to simulate his overweight.

    I have to move on on the project and jump in the next days to the texturing area.
  • lampekap
    1: if the hip wings are just to stabalize, why are they the biggest?
    2: another set of such tiny wings is useless.

    make the shoulder wings larger, or scrap the wings entirely. they don't make any sense as they are now to anyone looking at the dragon for the first time.

    the wings may seem comical like they are now, but to me they are useless and distracting. just like the "horn".

    the choice is yours but here is what would take reference of:

  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Completely agree with lampekap's post. Personally I'd get rid of the hip wings and make the shoulder wings bigger. Not a fan of the horn wither, looks more like an antenna than a horn. Also I'm personally not fond of unicorn dragons, perhaps giving it a second horn and put it more towards the back like Spyro?
  • TNO
    a dragon without wings can´t fit to my storyboard.
    but 1 little point for you - the little wings should be the stabilitators..
    my written mistake.

    one of my refferences of the great artist Bobby Chiu


    Edit ; Wings will get bigger. spyro looks way too general in my eyes. ;-)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I completely disagree with lampekap's post. i can find hundreds of dragons with tiny wings that pull it off very successfully. he is going for a cartoony fat dragon. tiny wings make perfect sense. as does a silly 'horn'.

    I feel at this point in the project, you need to be critiquing his execution, not his design.

    The fat around his legs isn't working very well. As mentioned, it looks more like he's got a diaper on.

    super quick paintover -

    thickened his neck, made his horn smaller again, softened his lips, made his eyes a bit larger and changed how the bottom lid works. fattened him up to more comedic proportions. shortened and fattened his tail to fit his body type. made his wings a uniform size. added more fat everywhere and generally softened his appearance. fatty fat fat.

  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Completely agree with lampekap's post. Personally I'd get rid of the hip wings and make the shoulder wings bigger. Not a fan of the horn wither, looks more like an antenna than a horn. Also I'm personally not fond of unicorn dragons, perhaps giving it a second horn and put it more towards the back like Spyro?

    Let's take off Mickey Mouse's pants and make him get down on all fours while we're at it.

    I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but like Sectaurs said, it seems like it's mean to be a "cartoony" dragon, so it makes sense in that context for the dragon to have tiny wings or 1 horn or whatever. :)
  • TNO
    x-D i laughed diapers could be funny ^^ maybe I build a diaper :-P (just kiddin)

    I will try to change that area around his leg to avoid that look .

    he has that horn because a mature version of him is able to use it for defence.

    the family around the spyro dragon is not captable to do that ?
    if you look close you see that his wings also aren´t connected to his shoulders. ;-)

    @ Sectaurs
    many thanks that is really lookig fat and cute .
    I will try to use that helpfull overpaint to change him. :-)

    thanks again
  • lampekap
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    I completely disagree with lampekap's post. i can find hundreds of dragons with tiny wings that pull it off very successfully. he is going for a cartoony fat dragon. tiny wings make perfect sense. as does a silly 'horn'.


    the dragon you are describing could fit the intends of OP very well actually. Its just not how I see sensical, but that is arguable.
    Making the shoulder wings a bit larger would help alot I suppose...
    keeping the tiny wings on the other hand would make the dragon flap maniacly to lift an inch from the ground, which could fit the comical style very well.

    TNO if you could clearify what is exactly the role of the dragon?
    will he fly? what is the purpuse of him, in what story sense, and how will you execute that?

    Well have more of an idea of this, ittl help
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Excellent point and paintover sectaurs.

    I like the dragon, although it somewhat lacks in execution/refinement as said.

    I think its dissapointing to hear comments which amount to "make it more generic", which is what quite a few of the critics are in many posts and threads. People critique what they dont like, instead of the execution.
  • TNO
    @ lampekap
    I´m tired of you because you are asking the same question again and again.It seems like you are not reading or having some kind of amnesia. -.-
    (it is also worthless like the long fucking debates about the "why doesn´t she wear clothes?" )

    I made it clear on the FIRST page and on the others too of course - posted pictures of the fucking Dragon and her clothes too on first page and on the next pages and nobody noticed the dam Dragon on the first page till I posted him with some slight changes again several pages later.

    I´m pissed about the ignorance and/or the stupidity people like you like to show of. o0

    I can go every path realism -comic or even the strange sucking way - whatever.

    Even if debates get started again (they will! if I would bet I would win easily)
    about the controversial design or my way of saying things direct to peoples postings regardinless if they might work in the industry or not - I like to say the truth in a as possible nice way as I can and I try to not act like an minion.

    I will stay the course on this project regardinless what people write or say.
    (if there are usefull tips I will use them of course and change the bad looking things)

    and the last thing I am working on the skeletton to make the caracters animatable which doesn´t work yet as i like and I am really angry about myself of the lack of knowledge to get a proper bone setup which could work easily for animations.

    @ Calabi

    thank you that could be also a reason why people buy sequels after sequels of films Games etc and don´t realise that there is still the same old story again and again. Looks like they wear blinders.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16

  • TNO
    you are an southpark lover
    that says all about your taste of art :-P
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Don't get me started on the lotr troll cave, you could understand.
  • TNO
    Trying to be honest to you;
    I´m not interested in talking to you.

    btw i would have won my own bet.
    I have thought that you would post here again but that fast? lol I am surpiced- thought my honeypot post wouldn´t work so well.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Fuck, dude, how can you be so obnoxious and stupid after 7 long pages of people telling you the same thing?! You don't seem to have a plan for anything you're making and because of that it's all looking uncohesive and overall just bad, so stop pretending like you've made it clear what you're trying to achieve, people don't have a clue because you don't have either. You don't deserve one bit of the advice people have been giving you here, cause you clearly only hear what you wanna hear and you won't make any progress with this mentality. But nevermind me, your work is awesome, really great man, keep it up!
  • TNO
    @ felipefrango
    I give you the "Fuck" back.
    the rest is also working my honeypot posting is working like a charm :-)

    my work needs a lot of work and you are not honest about my lack of skills and still not trying to help.
    sad you lie to let me feel "better" X-D

    I have read this website recently and that is some great advice.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Felipefrango, unless you're trying to laugh a bit more, I suggest you to simply ignore that guy, he's here to post not listen to crits, he admitted it in his last post, no matter what we say he will not listen, so far so good just laugh in silence.

    So, stop feeding the damn troll... :)
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    What, on top of it all you don't like South Park?! Seriously, want some great advice? Stick you head in the oven. :D

    @BeatKitano: Yeah, I don't know why I even come back here, it's like a terrible car accident, I just can't stop watching. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Whoa what a word TNO, people post in your thread telling you about their POV regarding your works and you give the F-word back to them..

    "I´m pissed about the ignorance and/or the stupidity people like you like to show of. o0"

    It's funny to read you said that, remembering the 5/6-page of your ignorance to people's thought about your work. TNO, did you notice that most of the updates from you is just a self-defending (and long...) words rather than the actual work updates?..

    Look, can you please (I'm begging you whole-heatedly) describe the concept of your work?..like the characters personality/ role in your story?..because you said it will be a short animation right?..how they "look" in your mind can you please write it down here? or better if you have any sketches...trust me its for your own good...and trust me you never said it clearly before.....

  • lampekap
    TNO wrote: »
    @ lampekap
    I´m tired of you because you are asking the same question again and again.It seems like you are not reading or having some kind of amnesia. -.-
    (it is also worthless like the long fucking debates about the "why doesn´t she wear clothes?" )

    I made it clear on the FIRST page and on the others too of course - posted pictures of the fucking Dragon and her clothes too on first page and on the next pages and nobody noticed the dam Dragon on the first page till I posted him with some slight changes again several pages later.

    I´m pissed about the ignorance and/or the stupidity people like you like to show of. o0

    I can go every path realism -comic or even the strange sucking way - whatever.

    Even if debates get started again (they will! if I would bet I would win easily)
    about the controversial design or my way of saying things direct to peoples postings regardinless if they might work in the industry or not - I like to say the truth in a as possible nice way as I can and I try to not act like an minion.

    I will stay the course on this project regardinless what people write or say.
    (if there are usefull tips I will use them of course and change the bad looking things)

    and the last thing I am working on the skeletton to make the caracters animatable which doesn´t work yet as i like and I am really angry about myself of the lack of knowledge to get a proper bone setup which could work easily for animations.

    please re-read my post.
  • TNO
    @ felipefrango
    I dislike Southpark because the design of the figures is gross.

    @ BeatKitano
    yes please just stop writing if it ends like this always. would be really thankfull if you make that true with stopping to write.

    elipefrango used the word in first place and I was kind enough to give it back to him.
    other people haven´t written such a word and i wouldn´t use that word for saying it to someone else to ofend him personally. I use the "fuck" only for describing a bad feeling i have or to describe a worse modeled object I made.

    @lampekap and Revel

    My last try to describe the story i thought i have written it - crap i try it again

    I am trying to make a crossover clip. wehre you get the solution in the end.

    It is night - you see a girl sleeping in the bed.- she is ill and at first look you don´t have a clue why she is ill.

    you see a dragon flying thru the dark air .
    you see the girl is awaiking from the nocking at the window.
    Girl dislikes the sound and looks what makes the sound.

    now the rossover part where you get a clue why she is ill

    Girl plays with the dragon. Dragon makes funny things.
    playing with her pen she used for writing a letter , flying clothes thru the air and other stuff.
    maybe they play hide and seek.

    Dragon want to get her lough really much and sets fire on paper.
    (by mistake it burns to much )


    Dragon realises that it made a huge mistake and is flying throuh window.
    girl is shouting at him and is searching for water.


    you see the Dragon flying into the room again
    and has a bowl with watter filled in it.
    girl get soaked to the skin. and is anyed about the stupidity of the dragon and is throwing him out.
    girl is in bed and is ill.

    what the carcters are intended to be ;

    the female is just a cute looking female which playes with a dragon and she can get really pissed if something goes really wrong.
    somehting like a fire in the room would make her really angry.

    the Dragon is a bit silly doesn´t realise how much damage he can make with the speciality to make fire, but is a really friendly pet of the girl. The dragon isn like a dog which tries to defend the owner.

    I have realised that it doesn´t make a change if I write here anything or post some more pictures about the project or from the project because people like
    BeatKitano & felipefrango
    think this project is just a joke and they make fun about it which really upsets me.

    I also can´t post that much here because I don´t have that much clue about the rigging yet and i am trying to understand that. (which is a pain in the ass because i made the change from the old blender 2.49 to the beta version 2.54x which has really big interface and shortcut changes.

    ( I really hope it clears the fog)
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Ah I see, so atleast people can make judges from your description and give comments based on that. I, too, having a hard time in rigging and now finding a way in doing this process correctly. Good luck to you too dude.

    Owh and btw, quote from Gauss's Design Reboot Blog;

    You Are Not Your Work
    I feel a little silly parroting this again, but it's worth it if gets through to just a few more people. Remember the lesson of every teary-eyed critique in art classes the world over--you are not your work.
    It is
    of you, but it is not you. While you may be deeply invested in it, once you have made something it is out there in the world and separate from you. No matter how coarsely phrased a criticism may be, remember it is a reflection of the work and not you personally.
    There are creative professionals that get by without learning this but boy does it cause them no end of grief. The pride and joy of creation I think must necessarily follow with detachment; a distanced, even clinical appraisal.
    While I've found this kind of professional detachment also tends to shave the peaks of euphoric highs during development, it's more than worth it by pulling out of the gutting lows. You can be still be passionate and excited about your work without taking the emotional rollercoaster that comes from not being able to separate your work from yourself.

    I think that's your problem at first by taking peoples comments about your work personally. Like what Gauss said, you're not your work and when people comments about your work, their not saying about you personally. So there's no reason for you to be pissed off. It'll be much better and professionally if you answer "your work sucks" statement with "accepted, I'll make a better one next time" kinda attitude, eventually people are happy giving you some free tips and trick for you to achieve your goal which is to make a better one. Compare to "your work sucks" answers with "fuck you, don't write here anymore, your comment useless" kinda attitude, you telling people how much you're not appreciating people's time in taking a chance to write here AND you're not appreciating your work by keeping it sucks all the time, there is no goal to make it better in your next project which don't make they say "your work sucks" again but eventually "good improvement from your last piece". I hope you see come point here.

    And please don't fuck anymore people, it'll looks even worst to you. (and no, I'm not saying about the felipe's comment, but before that, your comments on lampekap's words)

  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Revel wrote: »
    You Are Not Your Work
    I feel a little silly parroting this again, but it's worth it if gets through to just a few more people. Remember the lesson of every teary-eyed critique in art classes the world over--you are not your work.
    It is
    of you, but it is not you. While you may be deeply invested in it, once you have made something it is out there in the world and separate from you. No matter how coarsely phrased a criticism may be, remember it is a reflection of the work and not you personally.
    There are creative professionals that get by without learning this but boy does it cause them no end of grief. The pride and joy of creation I think must necessarily follow with detachment; a distanced, even clinical appraisal.
    While I've found this kind of professional detachment also tends to shave the peaks of euphoric highs during development, it's more than worth it by pulling out of the gutting lows. You can be still be passionate and excited about your work without taking the emotional rollercoaster that comes from not being able to separate your work from yourself.

    This is really interesting Revel, thanks for sharing. Haven't thought about this through this perspective. Once you manage to acknowledge this taking criticism becomes a lot easier, but learning to truly detach is hard.
  • Revel
    Offline / Send Message
    Revel interpolator
    Yeap interesting thought, quote from Gausswerks Design Reboot blog. Everything that is "first time" is always seems to be the hardest part, but when continue on doing/ learning some particular things (example; taking criticism), eventually it'll feel much more easier later on..heheh :D

  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Owh and while we're at it, I just found a free rig for Blender, but yea it said for v2.4+, thought you might want to look at it..


    Good luck.

  • TNO
    @ Revel
    thank you.
    I tried the rigs in the new version and some worked others looked really grazy.

    that statement of Gauss's Design Reboot Blog written in the "you are not your work" sounds good to me too. I will try to keep the written things in my mind before I write again something.

    I have build a Ladybird (which would need more details if it would be in this size
    and a rig which isn´t conneted yet with the mesh.

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