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Lets TALK about MAC and PC.



  • mayaterror
    In the year 2000 my geeky friend from the graphics lab in college was always touting the supposed superiority of Macs. (We were working with Maya pre-Windows on SGI 02s) We had some PC video editing suites with Premiere, and my friend decided to show us all how the Mac was so much faster at rendering the same Premiere project. I was sold on the ability of his G3 to crunch certain types of data faster than a comparable PC. Combine that with the fact that the Mac didn't demand three-digit file extensions nor did it complain if frame numbers came after the file extension. Back then, Mac was a pretty good companion for an animator and I can totally see why it was relied on in industry. And I never saw any BSOD's on my friend's G3.

    Flash forward to 2010, and I'm totally with most of you in this thread, a Mac is just more PC hardware in a pretty case for trendy idiots. I don't know why so many graphic designers and video editors still seem to think that a Mac is somehow superior. We have a computer lab where I teach that has 70 PCs and 8 Macs - and the Macs collect dust. The students ask why we have them and when I explain that people in the graphic design industry often use Macs, and it's good for them to know both, I get confused looks and blank stares. We usually turn the Macs off because their hard drives make this annoying high-pitched whine. That's all a Mac is now, a whiny, expensive, trendy whore of a computer.

    BTW - those of you saying PC hardware doesn't last - I have a dual Pentium III system that I built in late 99 that still runs! I use it to play Divx movies on the TV. In all that time I've only had to replace a power supply. But I also did a few upgrades over the years...
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    IMO the only feasible way to get a 'Mac' is building your own rig with similar parts to a Mac build and installing OS X on it afterwards..

    Saves you hundreds if not thousands of bucks. As a max user I'd never touch Mac though :p
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Terrabyte. I recently switched over to mac myself, coming from building my own pcs for the last 15 years. I started tinkering around on an imac, like pior a few years ago, basically separating out my personal computing needs from my professional, and gaming needs. I recently upgraded to the 27" i7 model and threw 8 gigs of ram in it. Runs like a dream, and I love using OSX. I'm running maya 2011, modo, silo, zbrush, blender, photoshop, sketchbook pro, 3dcoat, and tested mudbox 2011 on it too. Basically all the software I'd be using on my pc anyway. All run great for me. With the added perks of having steam games like TF2 and now starcraft 2 on it, I'm a pretty happy camper.

    I didn't mind spending the extra money for the user experience myself so getting the best bang for my buck was not a concern. The i7 imac was a decent upgrade over my quad core 64 bit vista box I built a couple years ago too as far as performance goes. I prefer working on a mac myself and not having to worry about the system. Just got tired of tinkering with hardware I guess. I think the mac pros are overkill personally though. The new imacs are more than adequate machines.

    thank you testing its capabilities. that just made my day :)
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    what are you going to be using it for, if you want to do any iphone stuff well you pretty much have to go mac if not ide say go for a pc, you will get way more for your money.
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    what are you going to be using it for, if you want to do any iphone stuff well you pretty much have to go mac if not ide say go for a pc, you will get way more for your money.

    He already came to a conclusion, make sure you read through the thread. :P
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Terrabyte. I recently switched over to mac myself, coming from building my own pcs for the last 15 years. I started tinkering around on an imac, like pior a few years ago, basically separating out my personal computing needs from my professional, and gaming needs. I recently upgraded to the 27" i7 model and threw 8 gigs of ram in it. Runs like a dream, and I love using OSX. I'm running maya 2011, modo, silo, zbrush, blender, photoshop, sketchbook pro, 3dcoat, and tested mudbox 2011 on it too. Basically all the software I'd be using on my pc anyway. All run great for me. With the added perks of having steam games like TF2 and now starcraft 2 on it, I'm a pretty happy camper.

    I didn't mind spending the extra money for the user experience myself so getting the best bang for my buck was not a concern. The i7 imac was a decent upgrade over my quad core 64 bit vista box I built a couple years ago too as far as performance goes. I prefer working on a mac myself and not having to worry about the system. Just got tired of tinkering with hardware I guess. I think the mac pros are overkill personally though. The new imacs are more than adequate machines.

    im going to be using what this man has said ^ lol
  • Bibendum
    Sounds like you've made up your mind but I just want to clear something up, the reason why OSX has fewer viruses is not because it's a superior OS with better security, it's because the point of a virus is largely for it to spread itself which makes OSX an unappealing target since it's user base is trivial compared to Windows. What you're getting isn't really a vastly more secure OS, just one with better odds.

    That said, I hope you're satisfied with whatever you purchase. I've owned 3 macs (2 notebooks and a mac mini) and they're simple and easy to use so if that's what you want, you'll definitely find it.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    • Makes a thread asking which he should settle with.
    • Users people post valid opinions, personal experiences, and facts about PC
    • One user posts a personal experience with Mac.
    • Original poster settles with Mac based on Mac user's personal experience.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Well, maybe he just wanted comfort (and safe porn browsing)
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    while were talking about mac os could a Mac head tell me how to maximize my windows and how I can merge folders without deleting the contents of 1 in the process.

    folder1 = [file1,file2,file3]
    folder2 = [file1,file4,file5]

    merged = [file1,file2,file3,file4,file5]

    When I drag and drop in finder I loose the contents of 1 folder in the merge.

    These 2 things are driving me nuts.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Unfortunately there's not much one can do about those kind of retarded flaws. The folder sorting is driving me insane too (the "F" of Folder gets them sorted after "E" files and before "G" files, or something like that ; typing the first letter of a file to jump to it only works one time out of ten, and so on. But at least its better than back in the days when doing so used to RENAME the file currently selected hehe)

    In my experience there is sometimes workarounds for those things but they require downloading a special app (filecutter for cut and paste ...) and it's quickly becoming painful. Then you have Mac lovers telling you you're stupid, you don't need such and such feature, Steve Jobs designed it this way to save the world from hunger, and so on (instead of just saying that no, there's no solution to the given problem)

    The only way to ease the frustration is to treat the OS like a slightly retarded puppy that you jut have to pat the right way. No reason to get worked up on something stupid that you have no control on anyways hehe.

    Good luck!!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    The one thing that always annoys me is at times Ill just use the enter key to launch something but enter on mac is renaming the file >.<
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    @ sef build fear: most online stores offer building the pc complete for a small fee
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    • Makes a thread asking which he should settle with.
    • Users people post valid opinions, personal experiences, and facts about PC
    • One user posts a personal experience with Mac.
    • Original poster settles with Mac based on Mac user's personal experience.

    hahahahha. i pretty much wanted to know how it worked on a mac. also i wanted to discuss what has been said about macs and whats been said with pcs. Plus theirs not a lot of mac users here in this thread, im simply saying "WOw thanks for testing the 3d capability and the gaming capability for the mac and telling that it handles it with ease too" that's all. hahaha u had me dying
  • CGvanHoudt
    I have a mac because; when I open the box, turn it on and install Maya I can start working immediately. I tried to work with Windows 7 for about a year now but I switched back to Mac OS X. Also, I like the fact that my MacBook Pro looks good, I find that I work much more efficient if I have nice, clean looking products around me.

    I also don't care that it's more expensive, I'm willing to pay for a better looking product.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    CGvanHoudt wrote: »
    I have a mac because; when I open the box, turn it on and install Maya I can start working immediately. I tried to work with Windows 7 for about a year now but I switched back to Mac OS X. Also, I like the fact that my MacBook Pro looks good, I find that I work much more efficient if I have nice, clean looking products around me.

    I also don't care that it's more expensive, I'm willing to pay for a better looking product.
    See this.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    See this.

    all i see is angry kids :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'll stick with PC's and my game engines.

    I used Maya + OSX for too long in school.

    Plus XSI doesn't run on OSX :P
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD wrote: »
    I'll stick with PC's and my game engines.

    I used Maya + OSX for too long in school.

    Plus XSI doesn't run on OSX :P

    your reason for to stick with pc and game engines? explain
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    CGvanHoudt wrote: »
    I like the fact that my MacBook Pro looks good, I find that I work much more efficient if I have nice, clean looking products around me.

    I also don't care that it's more expensive, I'm willing to pay for a better looking product.

    ..............uuuhhhh, right... Personally I'd rather pay for performance than looks.

    I'm more on the neutral side, I've been around computers for most of my life (like most of us here), and I have owned both PCs and Macs. Our family computers have never had any problems, only upgraded some stuff like RAM and HD, I remember I when I started my Dad's old computer which had Windows 3.1, around 2007 and it still works perfectly as with our other PC's.

    I've owned an old iBook (one of those coloured clam-shell ones) when I was in primary school and it took me awhile to get use to it since it was different from windows. Once I got used to it, it worked like it was supposed to and I've never had any trouble also.

    I believe the Mac OS are designed to be user friendly to people who do not know much about computers, should start as soon as you turn it on and harder to stuff shit up accidentally, kinda like baby's first computer (don't take that last one seriously :poly124:).

    If you're having trouble with PC's (and Macs), it's most likely the user's fault, as I've said I haven't had ANY major problems.

    If you wanna decrease your problems:

    Don't download porn
    Don't download pirated shit
    Don't open dodgy e-mails
    Don't download music from P2P (for example limewire)

    I guess you could do those things if you know what you're doing without any problems, you just gotta be able to tell what's a virus and what's legit (a 3 minute mp3 shouldn't be 153kb in size).
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    nightFlarer- nice reply, what im looking for. i know all the old mac are poop for 3d and stuff. but the new imac is apparently good for that stuff too :)
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    I can save you a bit of time right now. If you use 3D studio max, it will not run properly on a mac, even with boot camp.
  • Bibendum
    STRIKER wrote: »
    your reason for to stick with pc and game engines? explain
    The only reason to buy a mac is so that you can run OSX. The hardware in a Mac is exactly the same as what goes into PCs, the only difference is the OS.

    Now here's the problem... OSX is specifically designed for users with simple needs. Meaning browsing the internet, watching videos, listening to music, etc. It does those things quite well, however once you start to branch out from that into areas like say... game dev... you can't really do much (unless you're working on the iphone) because the vast majority of the engines you're using (UDK for example) are going to be Windows only. At that point you have to use Windows and if you're running Windows off your mac you're beginning to defeat the entire purpose of buying it in the first place.

    However looking at your work it looks like all you care about is high poly character sculpts, if that's your only interest and you're not a max/xsi user, you'll probably be okay.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Mac = expensive for not so many reasons = cool design = does the same as PC = less compatibility = it does give you problems too = if you want to sell it later is a good investment.

    PC = lots of compatibility = cheap = it can have a good design if you want = nothing that a Mac cant do = it does give problems as any = if you want to sell it later, it sucks.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    How about this:
    Baseline MacBook Pro 15inch - $1799
    2.4GHz Intel Core i5
    4GB 1066MHz DDR3
    320GB SATA HD
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M with 256MB

    Similarly specced Dell Inspiron 14r - $849.99
    Intel® Core™ i5-450M 2.4Gh
    4GB2 Shared Dual Channel DDR3
    500GB3 5400rpm
    ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD5470, 64-Bit, DDR3 1GB1

    So you buy a Dell now, and in 1 or 2 years you buy a vastly improved one from the other $950. Or you keep it pocketed in case it breaks. Any laptop (apples too) can break. Or you spend it on booze and hookers. I dunno. FREE MONEY.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    gannonroader- whaa?? all lies, lol so i heard. i can show you peoples replies on how it runs really good on mac. which is good news

    Bibendum- i know what u mean. and the stuff i posted here are just studies and quickies. not what i care only about :)

    bugo- dont care about designs, but i see what u mean
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    ok i think i know what to do, i simply test the NEW imac and see for myself, right? no better way to find out. and if i dont like that shit, im sending that shit back. ill put my sources to the test :P

    ............end of thread ...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    STRIKER wrote: »
    your reason for to stick with pc and game engines? explain

    a bunch of the software I use often (UDK, Marmoset, XSI, etc, etc) don't have an OSX port.

    OSX ports of software/games often have worse performance and more issues (starcraft 2, zBrush , maya, etc etc) because most programs are designed for windows and/or there's a larger user base for windows so it gets more attention and support. Adobe products run well and macs work great for sound/video.

    I don't support Apples polices with their computers/iphone/app store etc etc

    Their products are overpriced
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    my problem with with macs is the 1.limited choice of specs and 2. they come with very average graphics cards. the newest 27" imac only now just come with a 1GB graphics card , the ATI Radeon HD 5750, which is ok but not if your doing high end 3D. so its kinda silly spending all that money on a mac just to have to buy a new graphics card. early this year my friend bought a 27" imac and basically its just a pretty average computer with a very very nice screen, the usb ports being right at the back is very annoying too because you have to to turn the imac round to even see what your doing, and from the front it hard to tell were the disc drive and the memory card reader are and on the first day he managed to stick a memory card in the disc drive, lucky for him he was able to get it out. to me Mac/apple has become very dull.....all their products look the same. every mac user i have met is either someone who knows little to nothing about computers or are a "graphic designer" who couldn't possibly create anything with out a mac. only decent thing on mac these days is Final Cut and to be honest there are alot of other better more robust editing and grading packages out there for windows and linux.

    Beware the Invasion of the IPeople
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    my problem with with macs is the 1.limited choice of specs and 2. they come with very average graphics cards. the newest 27" imac only now just come with a 1GB graphics card , the ATI Radeon HD 5750, which is ok but not if your doing high end 3D. so its kinda silly spending all that money on a mac just to have to buy a new graphics card. early this year my friend bought a 27" imac and basically its just a pretty average computer with a very very nice screen, the usb ports being right at the back is very annoying too because you have to to turn the imac round to even see what your doing, and from the front it hard to tell were the disc drive and the memory card reader are and on the first day he managed to stick a memory card in the disc drive, lucky for him he was able to get it out. to me Mac/apple has become very dull.....all their products look the same. every mac user i have met is either someone who knows little to nothing about computers or are a "graphic designer" who couldn't possibly create anything with out a mac. only decent thing on mac these days is Final Cut and to be honest there are alot of other better more robust editing and grading packages out there for windows and linux.

    Beware the Invasion of the IPeople

    awesome. thanks for the heads up. but im not great in detailed specs so what is better nvidia geforce 9800 gt or the ATI Radeon HD 5750?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    STRIKER wrote: »
    ok i think i know what to do, i simply test the NEW imac and see for myself, right? no better way to find out. and if i dont like that shit, im sending that shit back. ill put my sources to the test :P

    i'm working on the new imac 27" - dunno if there is a newer one. you better get a good aircondition, when its hot these things crash like hell, freeze all the time and are very annoying, also they scratched 10cds already - the ati card and drivers built in are a mess, you need to remove them and exchange them with the mobility drivers to get rid of baaaaad color banding - on windows 7 that is, can't use most of my software in OSX - so maybe its just windows - but i doubt that the overheating and cdscratching is software problem
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    Neox wrote: »
    i'm working on the new imac 27" - dunno if there is a newer one. you better get a good aircondition, when its hot these things crash like hell, freeze all the time and are very annoying, also they scratched 10cds already - the ati card and drivers built in are a mess, you need to remove them and exchange them with the mobility drivers to get rid of baaaaad color banding - on windows 7 that is, can't use most of my software in OSX - so maybe its just windows - but i doubt that the overheating and cdscratching is software problem

    dam send me a link to the model you got would ya
  • Michael Knubben
    Neox: I remember there being a problem with motherboard/fan drivers under bootcamp, so the overheating could actually be a software problem.

    But yes, another non-biased opinion here: they're both very comparable in quality. Claims of mac being crash-proof are sadly highly exaggerated, as are claims of pc's crashing. I haven't had the OS crash in a long, long time. I really am quite fond of Win7, especially with some tweaking and little programs to enhance the experience (7 taskbar tweaker, for instance, which cycles through different windows of a program when you click multiple times on the icon, and goes to the last used window if you click it once. This should be default behaviour, I think!)

    The only thing I find myself getting very tired of (with windows and mac alike, just pc hardware in general) is how hard it is to maintain the initial speed of a computer. Part of this is software, part of it is hardware.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    every mac user i have met is either someone who knows little to nothing about computers or are a "graphic designer" who couldn't possibly create anything with out a mac.

    I used to work in IT support for 3 years and I've built a half dozen PCs. Moving to a Mac was the best tech choice I've made in years.

    I also make games.
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    Rick Stirling what do they use at R*North, Mac or PC?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    while were talking about mac os could a Mac head tell me how to maximize my windows

    there's no real maximize-button. the green orb does it kinda... almost... jobs-style. ;) the idea is that clicking on that one will scale the window to fit it's contents - if said contents require as much or more screen real estate than your display has it will effectively do a maximize.
    it's a weird one and there are some apps (often ports) which behave differently tho.

    it's one of those things that pior mentioned - if you ask real macheads about it, they will just give you attitude and refer to holy jobs and that HE knows best.
    and how I can merge folders without deleting the contents of 1 in the process.

    you mean copying files instead of moving them? holt down the ALT key while dragging.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    STRIKER wrote: »
    dam send me a link to the model you got would ya


    ah btw if you wanna use udk forget it, doesn't run in the latest build - december build runs though, so i guess its a shader model 3 thing - it just crashes now, without an error message
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    thanks thomasp, What i mean by merge is copy a folder into a folder containing a folder with the same name. in windows any contents that has the same file names is overwritten and all new files are copied. on my mac i do the same thing and the contents of the first folder is indiscriminately deleted before copying the new folder in.

    We had major issues with Macs + ATI cards when writing realtime 3d simultors, they seem to be really prone to Zsorting errors. They also seem very prone to screen tearing.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    thanks guys for the replies :) thats exactly what im curious about, the bootcamp and stuff. thanks for the heads up, this is what i wanted this thread to be like.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    every mac user i have met is either someone who knows little to nothing about computers or are a "graphic designer" who couldn't possibly create anything with out a mac.

    haha, yeah, I was a PC IT guy for a while, I found that most people in the IT crowd have the immediate knee jerk reaction to Macs "it's a Mac, I don't know anything about them so I can't fix it.... also they suck". That's how I got the job at the Mac office, they knew I was a PC guy but I wasn't afraid to learn something new.

    I also knew a retired IBM engineer who was a huge Mac proponent, he regularly made me feel like an idiot with his know-how.
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    i don't really have that much of a problem with mac except with what i listed above. i just think they are a bit over hyped by good advertising and there are people that tell me about how awesome they are but never know why and can't show me why either. its personal preference or down to what software you need to use but i wouldn't buy a mac to run windows on it. i like to build my own machines and i have built a fair few for others, i like to have the choice of exactly what i want not a preset list of a few choices that aren't even that impressive. Can you even get an imac or a mac pro with a quadro or fireGL/firePro off the shelf?..........no. why would i pay all that money for a mac pro just to have to replace the graphics card?

    recently i've been getting into linux specifically ubuntu and fedora and if your sick of windows then a linux based OS is a far better choice than OSX. at the moment i'm just playing around with linux and have been trying out trials of maya and softimage on fedora and also got a beta of Mari and its very nice. there has to be a reason high end VFX studios like weta run their workstations and renderfarms with Fedora and other linux based OS and not on Macs.

    i always ask mac users this question after they have a big rant at me of why macs are so awesome and better than anything else, "if they are so good, why doesn't everyone have them?"
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    "if they are so good, why doesn't everyone have them?"

    hmm, thats probably why i started this thread because im no pro pc or mac but heard that mac last longer.....o and the question i feel it would be the money issue
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Also, if you are not familiar with OSX yet, you will soon realise that the whole 'Macs are more simple than PCs' is just marketing talk. As a matter of fact, being a daily user of both systems, I dont think anything on the mac is more simple at all, OS-wise.

    The only thing is that the control panel (or whatever its called) is much better organized - pretty much like the one that was on Windows until the late XP days. I think Macs only seem simple now, just because Seven and Vista are an absolute mess when it comes to the organisation of the control panels menus and overall navigation when you need to change some 'under the hood' preferences. (changing resolution or desktop bakground used to be the most simple things to do on Win, now they added useless steps to reach the same options - completely retarded design) But besides that and the annoyances found on both sides, the two system feel perfectly identical in terms of functionality and user operation. Macbooks have cool gestures, but win machines have the Win key. Draw game!

    Also, if you are a mouse power-user on the PC, be prepared to be disappointed. Mouse movement is very unnatural on the Mac if you are used to a straightforward PC-like motion of the cursor. If you only had Macs all your life its fine, but when transitioning its extremely painful. I personally gave up and only use the touchpad or a tablet.

    Anyways - dont base your purchase on the simplicity argument. If you are smart enough to install 7zip by yourself on a Windows machine not coming with it pre-installed, then there will be no difference between the OSes for you. Only base your choice on the software available for you to work with. In my experience CS4 runs better on the Mac (not in terms of raw power for big file handling, but more for brushstroke interpolation, whereas on Win theres always that problem of lines being jaggy if drawn at a low zoom factor). But Macs cannot run 3DSMax and UDK. That sort of things.

    Just thought I'd clear this up!
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    pior- some really good points man, but im really really confused on that you cant run 3ds max or udk. to my knowledge, you can get bootcamp for the mac and basically you get a windows CD and install it on the mac, it will allow you to use any windows software.

    i dont know if im missing anything that would stop this?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    pior wrote: »
    Also, if you are not familiar with OSX yet, you will soon realise that the whole 'Macs are more simple than PCs' is just marketing talk. As a matter of fact, being a daily user of both systems, I dont think anything on the mac is more simple at all, OS-wise.

    well... program (un-)installation seems a lot easier to me for one.
    i don't even dare to install anything on windows these days thanks to the *"§$%&! registry clutter, totally non-user-serviceable and just keeps building up over time.
    what a joke when you have to maintain a throwaway-partition for junk-apps and games or run things in a sandbox to check if a program is worthwhile using on your work partition.
    i find windows the hardest to maintain by far.

    on the mac, i don't even think twice about trying out some utility since throwing the app-folder and perhaps some stuff from library->application support into the trash rids my system of any traces i could possibly care about.

    linux, well ... nice when it's a fresh system. IMO not so nice a while down the road when a flood of updates is required to sort-of maintain compatibility. conflicting libraries are also a wonderful treat - but at least solveable problems with a little bit of command-line-knowledge.
    also it's probably just me but when you look close on linux, there's quite some half-baked stuff like only partially working drivers, support for this and that lacking, etc. ultimately it offers a lot more control than any of the other OS'es tho - if you know what you're doing.

    STRIKER: bootcamp is not a 100% windows solution, there are incompatibilities. if you intend to get a mac, don't rely on emulation for your main OS and applications.

    edit: the reason big studios rely on linux and not on mac is probably partially a historical one: they were all unix-based before the rise of linux so you can assume that the tech staff there have strong preferences - and also a matter of control: jobsy keeps switching hardware and OS every few years, seemingly apple doesn't give a damn about backwards-compatibility. just look through mac related forums and you'll read about plenty of incompatibilities between versions of OSX, never mind older stuff.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14

    check it out guys, o and its 3 years old (computer)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Its probably just parallels, old stuff.

    EDIT: yeah it says it was parrallels, and
    The viewport speed it's not so great but acceptable at 32fps vs. 112fps on native windows
    also the render speed was a bit slower.
  • Racer445
    Offline / Send Message
    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    virtualization works alright... until of course you have a job that requires you to make 6 million triangle models using the software you are trying to run virtualized. :)
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Oh I meant natively of course. What I mean is : if you go to the apple store, get a Mac, and bring it back home, then no you wont be able to run UDK or Max. But then yeah you sure can install bootcamp or parallels and get them to run, but why would you want to take the risk of lower compatibility in the first place ? Granted I have no experience with bootcamp, but it just seems logical that if you want to use as Win specific as UDK or max, then you simply grab a solid PC build and not a mac. Just common sense ?
  • Marine
    Offline / Send Message
    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    pior wrote: »
    changing resolution or desktop bakground used to be the most simple things to do on Win, now they added useless steps to reach the same options - completely retarded design

    they're still simple, display in control panel for changing resolution and personalise for themes, background, sounds. even simpler, right click desktop for both, or just right click a picture and choose set as background
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