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Valve approach to Realism - L4Dead and Half Life 2

polycounter lvl 8
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Kuki polycounter lvl 8
Hi guys, I've been always a Valve fun, since the first Haf-Life came out. I really love the realism they accomplish without the need of brutal "normal mapping" force, I mean, their titles Like L4Dead and Hl2 seems to balance the photosource material, env lighting and normal mapping intensity in a perfect way. (Probably the art direction is the main actor here)

Anyway, I'd lik to know what you think about it. Do we really need parallax and bumped out brick walls to make better games? :)

I'd like also to know something about the tech/art choiches behind this titles, any polycounter from Valve?

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  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    The funny part is where you think they aren't using normal maps ;)
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    I'm not saying they'r not using normal map mate. Just sayin they're not forcing everything to bump like in Gears & Co
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, but gears of war art direction is not meant to be realistic now is it? It's a very stylized game.

    It's all a matter of perspective really.

    Crysis1 has more tech than any of the mentioned games merged together, and it's the most photo-realistic game ever made. (imo)

    I really beg to differ when you say L42 is realistic, it looks dull, flat and outdated with alot of 'photoslaped' textures.

    HL2 on the other hand when it got released back in '04, was probably the most realistic game ever made, graphics wise. Radiosity helped a lot on those lightmaps, and most of their textures were also mainly photosourced.

    And every single game by valve has normal maps, (even tf2) they just use it differently than other games do. Most of their normal maps are used to give high frequency detail to textures.

    It all comes down to art direction, I for once am getting tired of photo-realistic games. I think the topic is definitely overrated and I prefer art directions from the likes of Uncharted, call it stylized-realism.
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 17
    I really cant wait for episode 3!

    Either way ive always liked what Valve have done.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    [HP] wrote: »
    Yeah, but gears of war art direction is not meant to be realistic now is it? It's a very stylized game.

    It's all a matter of perspective really.

    Crysis1 has more tech than any of the mentioned games merged together, and it's the most photo-realistic game ever made. (imo)

    I really beg to differ when you say L42 is realistic, it looks dull, flat and outdated with alot of 'photoslaped' textures.

    HL2 on the other hand when it got released back in '04, was probably the most realistic game ever made, graphics wise. Radiosity helped a lot on those lightmaps, and most of their textures were also mainly photosourced.

    And every single game by valve has normal maps, (even tf2) they just use it differently than other games do. Most of their normal maps are used to give high frequency detail to textures.

    It all comes down to art direction, I for once am getting tired of photo-realistic games. I think the topic is definitely overrated and I prefer art directions from the likes of Uncharted, call it stylized-realism.

    Honestly I agree with all you wrote here :). And I also love the Uncharted style.

    Anyway I still think that Valve's way of doing realism has something appealing and unique, different from other games that take the "photoreal" road. I think has something to do with their use of lighting.
  • Sandro
    I really beg to differ when you say L42 is realistic, it looks dull, flat and outdated with alot of 'photoslaped' textures.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I've often wished valves stuff used normal mapping more to be honest. there are some many hard edges with no bevels. its like a land of razors. Bevels/a highpoly bake go a massive distance in increasing the realism of a model and without them your lighting cant do its thing so well. I wonder if its a budget issue, they do tend to cater for everyone and his dogs crappy computer (which is awesome)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The issue I have with Valve games is that the characters are stunning... I mean, laod up Left 4 Dead 2, look at the characters, the animation, its just amazing... But they let it down with the most boring, bland and horrible levels ever. Thanks to them using an outdated Quake 1 style bsp, the maps are all boxes with no actual detail. Texture wise its fantastic, but the actual geo... It doesnt hold up anymore.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    yeah i hate BSP, it has some major advantages though, or atleast in the past it did. Unreal seems to do quite fine without it. Different tech i guess.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    If you are comparing L4D to Gears or Crysis you at least need to acknowledge that Valve can reach about twice as many customers in the PC market.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with most of the comments posted. Anyway I foun L4Dead visually appealing even if the tech specs are "low-fi" compared to the one seen in Gears & other titles. I like the way they used the lighting and how they create the scenes.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    the ugly playermodels of hl1 never stopped the game from selling great.. the level tech of l4d didn't either .. guess it's that bit of "great games" what is doing the magic :)

    look at portal and tell me people are not hungry for robots singing about cakes.

    tech is not everything.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Valve's art direction and use of shaders is top notch. They're also trying to reach a wider audience of PC gamers since the point of entry for PC gaming varies from rig to rig, but with what the constraints they use, they do a top notch job.

    Personally the one gripe I have with games, and often times normal mapped ones, are games that constantly use a fuck ton of black shadows and games that don't make good use of shaders on characters.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Crysis is not a good example of realism when we talk about characters. The environments are pretty nice though.

    The l4d2 characters are the best of the best right now, at least for me. There is an article about their creation, in Cgsociety if i recall well.

    And if we want stylized character, Tera, the new FFXIV and Vindictus has a nice art for characters.

    As Rollin said, Tech is not everyting. You can have the best technology, and you could not be making a good use of it.

    And another thing is that a game should be played at maximum specs in the actual machines with mid-range videocards of less than 100 bucks. To make games for computers that normal people can't afford is bad. Crisis is a good example, a very cool appealing game that goes slow with the latest technology in videocards. We see poeple needing SLIs of very expensive videocards, or Tri-Sli to get a good perfomance ¬¬
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    judging by how portal 2 looks they may be adopting more dynamic lighting in their tech. Hopefully no more shadow models overlapping static shadows ?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I thought Crysis suffered from the perception that your computer couldn't run it rather than fact, it didn't help that the demo ran slower than the final game.
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    yeah i hate BSP, it has some major advantages though, or atleast in the past it did. Unreal seems to do quite fine without it. Different tech i guess.

    It's the same, but they do not depend on BSP alone. For example, you might make a corridor out of BSP brushes, but then you'd cover the flat walls with meshes. That way, you can have the benefits of a BSP tree with the beauty of your static models

  • Bibendum
    Do we really need parallax and bumped out brick walls to make better games?
    No, you don't need a lot of tech to make a good game but that doesn't mean it isn't nice to have.

    TF2 aside I've never really been impressed with Valve's art direction, I absolutely loved playing L4D but (aside from the 4 main characters) it's probably one of the worst looking games I've played in recent memory and the biggest thing to HL2's credit in my opinion is that it ran really well when it came out, even on bad hardware.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Bibendum wrote: »
    TF2 aside I've never really been impressed with Valve's art direction, I absolutely loved playing L4D but (aside from the 4 main characters) it's probably one of the worst looking games I've played in recent memory and the biggest thing to HL2's credit in my opinion is that it ran really well when it came out, even on bad hardware.

    Really? I'm a huge graphics whore and I thought both L4D games look great.
  • Bibendum
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Really? I'm a huge graphics whore and I thought both L4D games look great.
    I can't say much about L4D2 as I haven't played it yet but what is it that appeals to you about it?

    To me the game just looks like half-life 2 a lot more fog and zombines instead of combine. Everything is flat and boxy and full of hard edge transitions and texture seams in the environment.


    I'd like to think we've reached a point in in rendering where we can afford to spare a few dozen polygons to build out a window frame.

    It's a game that is so well paced that it works visually when being played but isn't something you'd want to stop to look at.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Bibendum wrote: »

    It's a game that is so well paced that it works visually when being played but isn't something you'd want to stop to look at.

    The thing is, it's made to be played, not to stop and look at. Anyway tiny details like a window not being 3D don't bother me. The quality of the way the environments are organized and laid out is much more important to me than if it's at a high level of detail. You can easily believe that their environments are real places which is something I haven't been able to say for many games and something that I really love about Valve's environments.
  • Bibendum
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    The thing is, it's made to be played, not to stop and look at.
    You make it sound as though games can't both look great and play great. It's not an either/or scenario, it's quite possible to have both.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    it actually looks quite good when you're playing instead of just looking at screenshots
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Bibendum wrote: »
    You make it sound as though games can't both look great and play great. It's not an either/or scenario, it's quite possible to have both.

    Did you even read the rest of my post or just that first sentence?
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    Im actually like what valve made.
    I dont need to be fancy graphic whore with custom made super computer to actually
    run the game nicely.

    thats what i call good graphic engine.

    also their character is not typical generic FPS character
    it has personality. shape, interesting to look at.

    not genering bald marine/special forces .....
  • Bibendum
    I read it. Did you understand mine? I apologize if I phrased it poorly.

    You basically prefaced an opinion with a rationalization, essentially "It's not supposed to look great... but I think it does because x" Which is wonderful and my issue is not that you think it achieved both great gameplay and great graphics but the fact that you seemed to be implying that they should have only set out to achieve one goal, gameplay. Whether or not you think it had both is great but really irrelevant to the point I was making which is why I didn't include it in my quote.

    Edit: Again my goal here is not to be hostile, I'm just trying to clarify what I meant so I'm sorry if my initial response wasn't clear.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    ^ i didnt read your post

    i just read the first starter post and reply ..

  • Bibendum
    xvampire wrote: »
    ^ i didnt read your post

    i just read the first starter post and reply ..

    lolz sorry I was responding to zip, not you. :poly136:
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Bibendum wrote: »
    I read it. Did you understand mine? I apologize if I phrased it poorly.

    You basically prefaced an opinion with a rationalization, essentially "It's not supposed to look great... but I think it does because x" Which is wonderful and my issue is not that you think it achieved both great gameplay and great graphics but the fact that you seemed to be implying that they should have only set out to achieve one goal, gameplay. Whether or not you think it had both is great but really irrelevant to the point I was making which is why I didn't include it in my quote.

    Edit: Again my goal here is not to be hostile, I'm just trying to clarify what I meant so I'm sorry if my initial response wasn't clear.

    I never said that how it looks doesn't matter and I didn't mean to imply that. What I was saying is that gameplay is what matters the most, not modeling out every window frame and adding tons of unnecessary detail that wastes performance. Valve is very good at creating environments that are believable and have the perfect amount of detail to be interesting yet run on many types of hardware.

    Anyway arguing over this is pointless. It's all personal opinion in the end.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    it actually looks quite good when you're playing instead of just looking at screenshots

    That's the point ;)
  • ScudzAlmighty
    YAY! I win the thread!

    seriously though, with the constant improvements to the lighting engine and the way they use the fog and enviro effects, the atmosphere alone is better than half the games out there.
  • Mark Dygert
    The only knock I ever had against L4D was the over use of BSP and the lack of static meshes. I understand why they use so much BSP its the only real way in source to control what the player does and does not see, super cheap on textures and lighting. BUT you can hide ugly blocky BSP in static meshes. You get the functionality and the detail.

    This will probably come to pass in Ep3.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Part of why they use so much BSP also Vig is because of their lighting system. Models on Source are lit by each triangle, not lightmaps. This means that if all the buildings and floors and such were made by optimized models, they'd look absolutely terrible. Only dynamic lights at the moment light models not based on the triangles and on L4D2 engine you can only have 1 dynamic light rendering per scene which always ends up being your flashlight. This is why you don't see other players flashlights lighting things.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    This is why you don't see other players flashlights lighting things.
    Honestly this thing really sucks, I mean It could really pump up the atmosphere
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'm sure they'll have it in L4D3. Portal 2 has made some large advancements with dynamic lighting on Source and they'll definitely port those into the L4D3 engine.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    There are already multiple dynamic lights in levels of Alien Swarm, so I'm sure we'll be seeing some of those advances soon.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, those advances will be in any future Valve products but they never go back and update the old engines with those new features. I've even e-mailed Valve about adding a feature from L4D2 into OB engine and they said they'd love to since it's a feature the TF2 team has been wanting but they won't risk messing up anything else on the engine since it could mess up the code and they aren't going to invest the time into making it work.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I think a few of you guys hit the nail on the head here. Valve visuals are always expertly concepted and tweaked for a perception of a believable place and real characters. It's much more impressionistic than literal and it's seldom actually as photorealistic as you think it is.

    Take their assets individually and they can riddled with lowres textures, seams, lack of geometry and odd weighting. However as a whole, the visuals are fantastic at giving you a feeling of a real place and human characters.

    Their art is all about feel and flow rather than look and sometimes that can be hard to convey in screenshots.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    Fuse wrote: »
    I think a few of you guys hit the nail on the head here. Valve visuals are always expertly concepted and tweaked for a perception of a believable place and real characters. It's much more impressionistic than literal and it's seldom actually as photorealistic as you think it is.

    Take their assets individually and they can riddled with lowres textures, seams, lack of geometry and odd weighting. However as a whole, the visuals are fantastic at giving you a feeling of a real place and human characters.

    Their art is all about feel and flow rather than look and sometimes that can be hard to convey in screenshots.

    We can consider the thread completed with this ;):)
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree, especially with a game like L4D if the players stop to admire the blocky bsp bits then you did something wrong. The one time you get a break and can stop and check things out is in the safe areas and you're face to face with some of the best character models I've ever seen.
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    [HP] wrote: »
    Crysis1 has more tech than any of the mentioned games merged together

    Thats not really an argument now is it, what does that even mean?
    And its quite irrelevant too, since I'm pretty sure you can do stuff look photo realistic with a limited amount of tech, it just depends on the aproach you take.

    I think L4D2 realism lies more within the character models/textures and some of the lighting situations though, I wouldn't say it's photo realistic.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    No one who is supporting Valve here is saying their games are photo realistic though. We're saying they feel like real places more than any other studios games. When you're playing the game and you're moving through their environments playing, it feels like you're in that situation in the real world. The environments don't feel like they're housing the gameplay and are there just for looks like most games, they feel like an integral part of the experience and that's not something that's easy to do.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    derp derp derp photorealism hrngggghhhhh bspppppp

    their games look good, and the artwork is evocative of real life and immersive. Bam, mission accomplished, no reason to quibble over cubemaps or vertex shading or some bullshit.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    SupRore wrote: »
    derp derp derp photorealism hrngggghhhhh bspppppp

    their games look good, and the artwork is evocative of real life and immersive. Bam, mission accomplished, no reason to quibble over cubemaps or vertex shading or some bullshit.

  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    No one who is supporting Valve here is saying their games are photo realistic though. We're saying they feel like real places more than any other studios games. When you're playing the game and you're moving through their environments playing, it feels like you're in that situation in the real world. The environments don't feel like they're housing the gameplay and are there just for looks like most games, they feel like an integral part of the experience and that's not something that's easy to do.
    I exactly think the same way.

    A stupid example: two years ago I lived in the city suburbs, often during the cloudy days of december, leaving home in the morning and looking at the pale sun, It came to my mind the feel of City 17, thinking to be there, not joking guys. I mean, in my opinion HL2 has really one of the most realistic and suggestive urban env ever seen. I played many games, many awesome but honestly the lighting+color palette and atmosphere of City 17 really made it real.

    I know, I am a Valve fan and maybe not a good judge :)

    For those who don't know him :

  • Joseph Silverman
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    No one who is supporting Valve here is saying their games are photo realistic though. We're saying they feel like real places more than any other studios games. When you're playing the game and you're moving through their environments playing, it feels like you're in that situation in the real world. The environments don't feel like they're housing the gameplay and are there just for looks like most games, they feel like an integral part of the experience and that's not something that's easy to do.

    exactly, I agree with that.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    It did make sense if you actually read what i wrote, I meant that tech is irrelevant, realistic games have been made with low and high tech engines. That's why i mentioned crysis, and source engine too.

    And I second, and underline: It all comes down to art direction!

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