Update: Current version:

I've basically finished the high-poly model for the weapon, though I might add knurling and other details later. I'm currently working on a scope for it (A PSO-1). I'm not planning on adding lots of fancy attachments and accessories, as I feel that the strange texture of the PSO scope and the distinctive wood stock will create enough visual interest.

this is my reference: http://www.pixagogo.com/2702114220
this picture in particular illustrates the welds: VSS Welds
Should be smoother on the corners like here:
Otherwise I like it, I think the welds could be a bit less prominent. Or maybe just the brusk strokes should be bigger.
Here's where I'm at with the scope:
I'm not looking forward to combing the top shapes, they are going to be a pain in the ass
it was early in my modeling career, so it was pretty bad. Ive been meaning to update it.
but ya, its looking great
Nope.... that stock is custom made....
It´s off a foto series RomanS made...
Here´s an original "boxy" VSS Stock:
And here it is on the rifle model! I'm probably going to change the welds, but I want to see how they look when baked into normals first. Alot of their prominence comes from indiscriminate application of ambient occlusion, followed by sharpening.
Here's the finished low detail wireframe with scope.
Time to get UV mappin'!
I'm having a hard time with the accordion-thing on the scope's eyepiece. I think it needs more geometry.
I've fixed the scope baking issues, as well as a few odds and ends.
I had quite the time making the stock look right, until inspiration struck! I created a texture which had only the sandwiched layers of plywood which make up the stock, and applied it as a top-down projection onto the high-poly model. I then rendered-to-texture onto the low-poly, and covered up the hideous striations this created on the side of the stock with a photo resource, erasing the edges so that they would blend properly with the non-side parts of the stock.
C is a very dark color, like pictures others have posted. If I end up making a C version, I will definitely improve the colors and contrast. I'm just putting it up there for comparison.
Something really nice about light wood with dark metal.
I've also done some work on the scope. I'm having a hard time with the scope because the metal on most PSO-1 scopes is this strange splotchy texture.
It might be missing a bit of specular detail on the metals, a more oily look would perhaps help sell it more..
looks good on the last try.
the metal could be darker tho and could use more bangin.
keep in mind that the handguard and the mag have a dark/desaturated plumish/reddish color.
i liked the pso texture of the previous render better, as that special coating pops alot more.
btw you forgot the sling loop on the stock
aajohnny3d: I'm using the new (commercial) version of the Marmoset Toolbag.
chaosquack: yeah it does seem weird, and I have found a picture or two of some PSO-1s with black finishes but for the most part they are a semi-shiny silver metal with a really strange speckle pattern, kind of like mold almost. Honestly, I like the silver a lot because it contrasts with the rest of the gun so much.
n88tr: I've thought about adding accessories, but I personally hate it when weapons are super-tacticaled up. I've always thought that the Vintorez was this really strange very cool gun and for this project I'd like for it to stand up on its own.
bbob: thanks! I think you're right about the specular, especially on the dust cover. It just doesn't pop enough.
Rumkugel: I'm still working on the scope, so we'll see how it turns out. Also, you're right about that sling swivel, whoops!
I've started to add rust and stains. It seems to me that the rust is predominantly on the silencer in my reference images. I'm not sure how bad to beat up the gun (to match the stock), since it's easy to clean dirt and stuff off of metal, whereas a flaking varnish can't really be fixed without sanding and redoing the whole thing.
An idea to try would be to lighten the top of the plastic part to show the wear of the suns rays bleaching the plastic.
I'd love to see your texture maps. Especially for that wood, and could you go into more detail about how you did that with a projection, I didn't quite understand the process, but that could just be a product of my limited experience and knowledge.
I'll post flats once I've finished the model.
(Right click- save)
Any first person shots?
vcool, here are some first person shots.
Does anyone know an easy way to make a wireframe material in XSI? I want to preserve the edges I currently have (so mostly quads, in other words, no tris unless I've actually put them there), and then render-to-texture so that I can make it pretty in marmoset. I've tried a few things (such as one at http://www.edharriss.com/) and for some reason can't get it to work.