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TF2 - Polypack - Chemical Alia



  • Boylee
    vcool wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of the drum insets.
    I have to agree. Also the iron sight looks a bit... quirky. Maybe that's just me. Other than that it looks ace.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    vcool wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of the drum insets.

    Neither was I, plus I must have scaled it horizontally at some point, lol. So I redid that part with a different look. I also added more detail to the top view and a better shape.

  • Mico27
    Imo you should remove the inset you made on the barrel and just add it on the normal map. That way it'll look less blocky (and it'll spare you a few poly, not that it matter much).
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Mico27 wrote: »
    Imo you should remove the inset you made on the barrel and just add it on the normal map. That way it'll look less blocky (and it'll spare you a few poly, not that it matter much).

    I couuuuuuld do that, though my reasoning so far was to keep things in geometry that were built with the original Spy's revolver, especially in places that would be seen clearly in first person. But looking at the insets, it definitely doesn't look like something normal maps couldn't easily handle.

    I'll try both! Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Galago
    I like the new insets much better, I say keep the modeled on.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Well, it's 3:30 am and it's time for bed, but I threw some ridiculously quick colors onto the revolver to help me get some ideas. I went through two or three pattern designs this evening, and I feel like it's starting to go in the right direction.

    For the handle material, I'm leaning towards yellowed ivory, but I want to consider some wood options some more as well.

    Sorry it's so hideous right now, lol. I wish I had more progress to show this evening, but I wanted to get out some ideas, at least.

  • Khthon
    Ivory sounds like a good idea. Nice pattern so far.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Sorry but that handle is way too pretty for TF2. Look at it next to the gun itself.
  • Psyke
    Sorry but that handle is way too pretty for TF2. Look at it next to the gun itself.

    why is it an issue with the handle?

    it's going to be covered up most of the time?

    these items could be passed off as spy simply using "refined antiques" or something
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Psyke wrote: »
    why is it an issue with the handle?

    it's going to be covered up most of the time?
    It looks too smooth, too realistic. Frankly, it's too good looking. It doesn't look like a watercolor painting like most of TF2's stuff.

    The rest of the gun looks like it fits with the team fortress 2 theme, and clashes with it.

    As for it being covered up by the hand, it's true, and I may be being too picky. But he should probably be considering being a bit picky himself if he wants to compete with folks like EVIL (whose razor had the exact same problem, I might add, which he fixed)
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry but that handle is way too pretty for TF2. Look at it next to the gun itself.

    The Ambassador makes me question this. It's pretty in terms of TF2 as a whole, but I don't think that it's out of place for the Spy himself (and of course, only some of the pattern would be hinted at while he holds it in first person).

    Not to mention, decorative Middle Eastern patterns on weapons are usually quite attractive. While the game style is overall very wacky, I find the Spy's existing weapons to be much more reserved and grounded in realism, compared with other weapons in the game.
  • Mico27
    Also I'd point that the new shotgun seen in the MAC trailer had some fine decorative pattern on it also.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Mico27 wrote: »
    Also I'd point that the new shotgun seen in the MAC trailer had some fine decorative pattern on it also.

    Oh man, I really need to be keeping up with my TF2 media. I'll have to check that out. Honestly, I'm more concerned about the handle being ivory, since that appears to be what the default pistol's handle is made from. If I go with this material, I need to make sure that the color and feel of it is totally different.
  • Psyke
  • Karkasmolenklok
    The Ambassador makes me question this.
    if Valve had asked me about the Ambassador I'd have said the same thing. I frankly don't like what they did with it color or texture wise.

    Granted, both the new shotgun and the ambassador have some decorative detail. I don't think the shotgun is really comparable because if you look at it it's relatively big and simple in comparison to the pistol grip here, which has very fine lines, especially when you consider how small the grip is going to be and how that kind of extremely fine detail will contrast with the comically exaggerated simple forms of other objects.
    Not to mention, decorative Middle Eastern patterns on weapons are usually quite attractive. While the game style is overall very wacky, I find the Spy's existing weapons to be much more reserved and grounded in realism, compared with other weapons in the game.
    Personally, I think the spy's revolver is the perfect example of what a TF2 weapon should be. The texture, color, and theme are all perfect and fit flawlessly in the TF2 setting. I think he's got that going on for the rest of the gun, the handle just seems like too much to me.

    That's just my opinion though.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7

    Personally, I think the spy's revolver is the perfect example of what a TF2 weapon should be. The texture, color, and theme are all perfect and fit flawlessly in the TF2 setting. I think he's got that going on for the rest of the gun, the handle just seems like too much to me.

    That's just my opinion though.

    I also think that the default revolver is pretty much the perfect weapon for the Spy. I wasn't really sold on items like the Ambassador and the Razorback when they were introduced, feeling that their bolder patterns/colors weren't a very good fit for the game's style. But there's been a lot more visual variety brought into the game over time, and I think these ideas give us more to feasibly work with.

    I'm not opposed to detail with purpose, and I do think it's necessary for the weapons to reinforce my theme and distinguish them. That said, it would be great to hear peoples' feedback on some variations of color/contrast/weathering to find a good balance.
  • Mico27
    Just a few photoshop tricks to suggest some texture tweaking to make it more interesting :o
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Mico27 wrote: »
    Just a few photoshop tricks to suggest some texture tweaking to make it more interesting :o

    Thank you for the suggestions! Though seriously, I 've hardly started on the textures yet and it's almost completely flat in most places in mine v: I think that the saturation variation in the metal parts there is really helpful.
  • Khthon
    Keep updating us Alia! :V

    Don't worry about the handle, really.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    After compiling the model, I adjusted the geometry a little to fit better in his hand and avoid clipping. Sorry about the crap Max renders again, but I'm having mysterious trouble with displaying the textures in the model viewer. I need to get that working before I do any more texture work, since there's a huge difference in how the model looks between Max and in-game.

    I also want to work on the glossiness of the sunglasses material and some other technical issues. I've also been shifting around UVs on the gun, and I'm probably not done messing around with that yet either.


  • Khthon
    I think you already answered this, but did you end up jiggling the tassel on the hat?
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    If ya figure out whats wrong wiht your textures, its probably whats wrong with mine.

    any way, i love where your revolvers goining, Edgy and refined.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Khthon wrote: »
    I think you already answered this, but did you end up jiggling the tassel on the hat?

    If ya figure out whats wrong wiht your textures, its probably whats wrong with mine.

    any way, i love where your revolvers goining, Edgy and refined.

    Yeah, it's weird. I've also been having bounding box problems with the revolver/knife and team color display problems despite having successfully done it half a dozen times on other models.
  • Bboy
    After watching Dr. Who today, your Fez got 100% cooler.
  • Galago
    Chemical Alia, this is some A-grade stuff.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    And here are my finalized models. (Apologies for the revolting lack of fake updates.) I'll also post some in-game screenshots of this stuff when my internet is less down.

    The Familiar Fez


    Your "Eternal Reward"



  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    Great spy pack man! There are way too many good spy entries.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Norron wrote: »
    Great spy pack man! There are way too many good spy entries.

    For serious. Thanks!
  • FOOL
    Effects of the hat should be you never die, you just become so seriously injured you can not fight any more.
  • Khthon
    The dagger is a reference to Aladdin, correct?

    Aladdin- What are you doing?
    Jafar- Giving you your reward.
    [pulls out a dagger]
    Jafar- Your eternal reward!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    FOOL wrote: »
    Effects of the hat should be you never die, you just become so seriously injured you can not fight any more.

    This is the best sentence I ever read.

    Khthon wrote: »
    The dagger is a reference to Aladdin, correct?

    Aladdin- What are you doing?
    Jafar- Giving you your reward.
    [pulls out a dagger]
    Jafar- Your eternal reward!

    Lol, yes. I wasn't sure if other people shared my fond recollection of that line and maybe went wayyy to obscure.
  • FOOL
    This is the best sentence I ever read.
    Well thank you very much my friend.
  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    Probably my favorite Spy pack right now. I'm a sucker for sunglasses and awesome weapons.
    I love that you named the knife your "Eternal Reward". Aladdin reference ftw! (It's my favorite Disney movie and I'm a big Disney fan)

    Is the fez separate from the glasses? cause I'd personally prefer to just wear that fez without the shades. Great pack, good luck.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    REKLAS wrote: »
    I love that you named the knife your "Eternal Reward". Aladdin reference ftw! (It's my favorite Disney movie and I'm a big Disney fan)

    Is the fez separate from the glasses? cause I'd personally prefer to just wear that fez without the shades. Great pack, good luck.

    It's all one "hat". But when I release it for download, I think you can just decmpile the model and delete the sunglasses if you don't want to use them. Or I could send you a separate one, of course.

    Also, yep, Aladdin.
  • Okrag
    The spy wears a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
  • Svdl
    This is the prettiest pack ever! I especially like the decorations, very detailed but not so they wouldn't fit in the game.

    Any chance for some pictures of the ingame viewmodels?
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Svdl wrote: »
    This is the prettiest pack ever! I especially like the decorations, very detailed but not so they wouldn't fit in the game.

    Any chance for some pictures of the ingame viewmodels?

    Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoy them.

    I was having some problems with viewmodel compiling, but I think I have the solution now. Unfortunately, all my time since just making the official deadline has been spent moving out of and cleaning my old apartment, and I'll be spending the evening doing that and turning in the keys today.

    Depending on when I get home, I'd like to get that stuff working and some screenshots taken tonight. I'd also like to put together a better promotional presentation so it's easier to visualize everything. If I can't get it done by tonight, then tomorrow for sure if all goes well. :)
  • Khthon
    Sweet, awaiting the screens and promo with great anticipation...and maybe a video of the items?
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Khthon wrote: »
    Sweet, awaiting the screens and promo with great anticipation...and maybe a video of the items?

    No problem, assuming all goes well.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    I'm still having no luck with the viewmodels, so unfortunately I can't share any first person screenshots yet.

    But here's my promotional page presenting the project as one coherent thought. It's 3:30 am, so hopefully there's nothing silly going on with it. c:

  • Simski
    I love the quality of your work, you truly are a great modeler :P

    However I must sadly admit hat I personally don't like this theme.
    It to me, still feels a bit too far-fetched with Spy stereotypes, and Spy's personality.

    I absolutely adore your knife though; so if you don't win the polycount pack, I still hope Valve will be adding it sometime later :)
    Possibly your Revolver as well.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Simski wrote: »
    I love the quality of your work, you truly are a great modeler :P

    However I must sadly admit hat I personally don't like this theme.
    It to me, still feels a bit too far-fetched with Spy stereotypes, and Spy's personality.

    I absolutely adore your knife though; so if you don't win the polycount pack, I still hope Valve will be adding it sometime later :)
    Possibly your Revolver as well.

    You mean your childhood wasn't filled with cartoons of generic fez-wearing spies? It's possible that my life has actually been some sort of elaborate social experiment!

    Anyway, that's fine, glad you like them. :)
  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    On the other hand, I love this theme to death. Great promo image too!
  • Psyke
    that purdy knife needs a kill icon :X

    or maybe i'm just obsessed?
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Psyke wrote: »
    that purdy knife needs a kill icon :X

    or maybe i'm just obsessed?

    Oh, it definitely does. Sadly all of my time for non-essential stuff related to this project has been set aside for moving into my new apartment this month over a period of many grueling after-work and weekend trips. We're just about done now, so I can work a little more freely on my personal stuff and wrap this project up as a complete mod.
  • Psyke
    if you need help with the icon i'd be more than glad to get some done haha :B
  • Fragus
    Oh, it definitely does. Sadly all of my time for non-essential stuff related to this project has been set aside for moving into my new apartment this month over a period of many grueling after-work and weekend trips. We're just about done now, so I can work a little more freely on my personal stuff and wrap this project up as a complete mod.
    Wow, so many people moving into a new home on this forum! :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Wow awesome pack! I've only checked in this thread once somehow but it's one of my favorite completed entries now. Great job!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Psyke wrote: »
    if you need help with the icon i'd be more than glad to get some done haha :B

    Really? That would be awful swell of you, if enjoy making them it would be much appreciated! If you'd like to, let me know if you need any base images.

    Also thanks, Zipfinator! :)
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