I'm sure when/if you have kids, you might get a little more worried about the legal shit. Just read some of the horror stories about gay couples that live together, have civil unions and kids, and one of them dies and the other persons family takes everything they can get, or the ex-wife takes "her" kid(s).
I have a kid, not married to the mother. I don't get your logic, I should marry because I'm worried about what happens to my kid when I die? That sounds more like an issue with the legal system than a reason to get married.
I went through most of this old thread It is so nice to see how many of you have found the other half even with the condition of moving very frequently. I lost 3 girlfriends over moving to different country or not doing this for the past 8 years. Now I think I am too scared
The USA really should pass legislation saying same sex marriages preformed else where have to be legally recognized by every state. How are people gay partners suppose to deal with jobs/job markets that require people to move?
^ As for relationship status, I'm single. Was in a 6yr relationship, which ended last January.
I hope that ended well for you, sory to hear.
Lots of great stories and pics in this thread.
Personally - this is my 20th year married. Two kids (18 and 15).. My wife and I started dating Xmas 1984, so we've spent more of our lives together than apart which is kinda freeky.
Not married, but I've been with my girl for 5-ish years. We own a home together. No kids, one cat.
She's also works at Red Storm, as an animator. We met in college, and were lucky enough to both find work for the same company. She puts up with my shit while I attempt to keep her sane. Good times
I have a kid, not married to the mother. I don't get your logic, I should marry because I'm worried about what happens to my kid when I die? That sounds more like an issue with the legal system than a reason to get married.
yes, please... that shit don't make sense.
As for relationship status, I'm single. Was in a 6yr relationship, which ended last January.
Lots of great stories and pics in this thread.
Personally - this is my 20th year married. Two kids (18 and 15).. My wife and I started dating Xmas 1984, so we've spent more of our lives together than apart which is kinda freeky.
She's also works at Red Storm, as an animator. We met in college, and were lucky enough to both find work for the same company. She puts up with my shit while I attempt to keep her sane. Good times