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Rockband 3

polycounter lvl 18
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Rwolf polycounter lvl 18

Has my intrest, although the keyboard would be a coin toss for me. Also intergrating "full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar" I would like to see that in action.

Want to see more details if they updated the drum hardware, although they will be adding cymbals into the note chart.

Looks like Harmonix might have "Power Gig" beat with their upcoming real guitar intergration. I thought it was silly Power gig went with a "air drum" peripheral and quoting it plays more authentically.


  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    If I can play this with a real guitar, it will be a first day purchase for me.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Can't wait to see what they'll be doing for this. I love playing drums on Expert but only 4 pads and 1 kick pedal gets a bit old after 3 years. Hopefully they'll integrate double kick along with symbols into the actual charts. Also would like to see what they're going to do for guitar. I can play that on Expert too but I much prefer drums.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Can't wait to see what they'll be doing for this. I love playing drums on Expert but only 4 pads and 1 kick pedal gets a bit old after 3 years. Hopefully they'll integrate double kick along with symbols into the actual charts. Also would like to see what they're going to do for guitar. I can play that on Expert too but I much prefer drums.

    Looking at the video and some screenshots, look like the cymbal notes are "round/circular" fuses instead of rectangular ones. That definitly keeps things simple, I get confused with double the note channels w/ DTXMania.

    Hopefully they'll solve the hardware issue of using double pedals with the current hardware (It currently can work with a headphone splitter, but you can't have one pedal down while using the other)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I bought the official double pedal system for my RB2 set and it doesn't work. The pedals won't work AT ALL when the splitter is plugged in. Apparently you just have to get lucky with them. They really need to sort it out and make it an actual feature of the kit instead of having to buy some crappy $5 peripheral to use it. What would really be awesome is if they integrated a hi-hat pedal AND the ability to use double kick but I doubt that will happen.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    maybe that mystery port on the back of RB2 drums will be used in RB3
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I think that mystery port was for the Mad Catz Symbol pack? They released a 2 symbol pack but all it did was replace the yellow and blue pads so if you wanted to use the symbols to make it more authentic you could.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    don't think so, since you can add up to 3 cymbals on the RB2 kit like in this photo http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/images/kotaku/2008/09/DSC02942.JPG

    Top is foot pedal, middle is the mystery port, bottom 3 are for the cymbals.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Ah well I have no idea then. I'm guessing they had plans for it but scrapped them or something.
  • bounchfx
    UNF.. I can't wait for this. super excited about keyboards, though I still hope they add double bass, even if it hasn't been announced yet. also hope theres a vox+instrument mode for one player.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    GameTrailers interview.

    @1:30 it show's what looks like "MadCatz" guitar, looks crazy, but not fuctional outside the game. Still wondering if the other guitar is Fully Stringed.
  • bounchfx
    Rwolf wrote: »
    Still wondering if the other guitar is Fully Stringed.

    yes, it is.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm cheap and broke, but I really want to play with the keyboard,

    and pro mode sounds awesome

    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    If I can play this with a real guitar, it will be a first day purchase for me.

    There will be at least 1 "guitar" that can work as a game controller and a real guitar.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    the double kick pedal for rockband was awful. I'm a real drummer and have conquered double kick on my kit...and yet that pedal for Rock Band is like running through quick sand.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    ErichWK wrote: »
    the double kick pedal for rockband was awful. I'm a real drummer and have conquered double kick on my kit...and yet that pedal for Rock Band is like running through quick sand.

    Have you tried modding a real pedal? I've done so with mine. Just need a door alarm switch and a head phone jack.
  • ZacD
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Pricing sounds about right.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like that cymbal set is just a stupid addon like the one for RB2. Didn't you say they're going to add them to the charts though Rwold?

    EDIT: Oh wait I looked at those in game screenshots on Zac's link. Circles! I can't wait to try that out.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I kinda hoping, and kinda hoping not they improve the drumkit. If they don't, I'll just resue the rb2 kit and save money for the ridiculous guitar.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    They've said multiple times they want to make as much instruments work as possible, even the guitars can be plugged into a computer and be used as a midi guitar.

    So all the old stuff should work fine.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I love Rock Band. I hate how they've dealed with the franchise in Australia though. We still don't have RB2 here, (although I've imported it) I'm hoping that RB3 comes out here in a reasonable timeframe so I don't need to pay shipping for the keyboard. I'm pumped for the keyboard.

    I got Green Day: Rock Band this week, I love that too! The guitar is a bit meh, but the drum charts are awesome fun to play. The harmonies are awesome too, they'll be a great edition to RB3.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I thought in general AU & NZ got the short end of the stick with any game. Although hearing that RB2 isn't even out yet is abit crazy.
  • ZacD
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'm excited for the drums. I've been meaning to get an electronic drum kit for a while but can't spare the money for it. This will be one step closer to that and will probably tide me over until I have the money and time for one.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    "Preorder now and get a set of Tony Iommi brand plastic finger tips free! (You're gonna need them!)"
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    I'm scared already


    Well that take's chart reading, and muscle memory to a new level.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    I'm excited for the drums. I've been meaning to get an electronic drum kit for a while but can't spare the money for it. This will be one step closer to that and will probably tide me over until I have the money and time for one.
    • Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard Controller (Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 / Wii) - $79.99
    • Rock Band 3 Game & Wireless Keyboard Controller Bundle (Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 / Wii) - $129.99
    • Rock Band 3 Wireless Fender Mustang PRO-Guitar Controller (Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 / Wii) - $149.99
    • Rock Band 3 Wireless PRO-Cymbals Expansion Kit (Universal) - $39.99
    • Rock Band 3 MIDI PRO-Adapter (Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 / Wii) - $39.99
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The electronic kit I've been looking at is like $1400 so I think I can spare the $100 for the game and the cymbals expansion kit. They aren't going to do a complete drum upgrade though? That's kind of disappointing.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i love that they are merging the game into more of a real music training tool, the vocals and drums have always been slightly usefull for that. but the guitar and bass had nothing to do with real playin, if this comes out not too buggy i will totaly sign on first day.

    hopefully the game will come with sheet music / tab of the songs to practice with, hell i would love a mode where the actual sheet music just flowed across the screen like the vocals an you play by reading that/
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    it sounds like you can use any midi keyboard or drum set with rb3, I dunno if they are updating the drums much or not, we'll probably know a lot more after e3.
  • bounchfx
    they already have an updated drum kit.. It's called the ion drum kit.. Google it!

    Also, rhino, pro mode IS the tab/sheet music flowing towards you. Donno if it'll be included in the game manual though.

    I do know however that they have specific pro training for each of the 83 songs
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    bounchfx wrote: »
    I do know however that they have specific pro training for each of the 83 songs

    I think I will do this in practice mode, and slow the speed too 50% or more lol. I never tried to play real guitar before, so somthing tells me I'm going to be looking down at it and back up the screen alot.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Bounch, the Ion drum kit is kind of crappy. They made it so it could be used as an electronic kit on its own too but most of what I heard about it is bad. Its pads are kind of hard, the symbols don't react realistically like higher end electronic kits do and it doesn't change the way the game plays at all. Plus it's about $300 or $400 I think which is too much to spend on a crappy electronic kit that doesn't improve playing the game much.

    I was hoping that they'd upgrade the standard kit anyway to be a bit sturdier and have the symbols built in instead of being an addon. The newest RB2 kit (Which they upgraded a year or so ago) isn't that bad though so it won't be a huge disappointment. It's kind of sad to see that the guitar is getting this major upgrade and the drums just get rehashed Symbal addon for the RB2 kit.
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    is there a song list out?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Part of it.

    • Metric, “Combat Baby”
    • Rilo Kiley, “Portions for Foxes”
    • Them Crooked Vultures, “Dead End Friends”
    • The Vines, “Get Free”
    • The White Stripes, “The Hardest Button to Button”
    • Phoenix, “Lasso”
    • Ida Maria, “Oh My God”
    • Juanes, “Me Enamora”

    • Jane’s Addiction, “Been Caught Stealing”
    • Smash Mouth, “Walkin’ on the Sun”
    • Spacehog, “In the Meantime”
    • Stone Temple Pilots, “Plush”

    • Dio, “Rainbow in the Dark”
    • Huey Lewis and the News, “The Power of Love”
    • Joan Jett, “I Love Rock and Roll”
    • Night Ranger, “Sister Christian”
    • Whitesnake, “Here I Go Again”
    • The Cure, “Just Like Heaven”
    • Ozzy Osbourne, “Crazy Train”

    • Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody”

    • Jimi Hendrix, “Crosstown Traffic”
    • The Doors, “Break On Through”
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    Rwolf wrote: »
    "full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar" I would like to see that in action.
    based on this picture and interview

    that "full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar" statement is not correct.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Vampire, apparently there's another peripheral guitar that does that. At least that's what I thought from what I've read. That one is just the new guitar.

    Anyway, do you guys think that they'll update all of the old songs to be playable in Pro mode? I'm guessing they won't since they have over 1500 songs now including all DLC but I hope they do them over time based on popular demand for which songs to update at the very least.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Are they going to charge more for "pro" songs (to upgrade your old ones) or to update old ones is my question
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'd hope that if they do end up updating the old songs to be playable on Pro they won't make you pay anything if you've already bought them. Hopefully they won't raise the price either even though it'll take more time to develop the charts. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    xvampire wrote: »
    that "full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar" statement is not correct.

    No just didn't look hard enough. It's just not priced yet.


    Btw, you can probably find a Ion Drum brain seperatly if you already own a a full electronic kit.

    I've also notice in the Gamespot interview the guy mentions "Double Kick" lets hope it's true.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I hope they implement double kick into the Pro mode and make it REAL Double kick with all of the notes and not like RB2 where you can just use two pedals on the already dumbed-down kick pedal charts if you can even get the shitty double kick peripheral to work.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    wow i hope they improve the quality of the periphs, i rember my rockband 1 guitar died the first nite, and so did many many others, that one with the million buttosn looks like a night mare. rwolf where did you get that image at? cause i'm skeptical, that looks so far removed from what they show in the vids,

    also in the vids i did not see any guitar chord playing, cept what looked like some simple one finger bars
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Rhinokey wrote: »
    wow i hope they improve the quality of the periphs, i rember my rockband 1 guitar died the first nite, and so did many many others, that one with the million buttosn looks like a night mare. rwolf where did you get that image at? cause i'm skeptical, that looks so far removed from what they show in the vids,

    -Yeah I heard about those nightmares. My RB1 controller is still going on strong, although the strum bar is a lil loose now. (although my foot pedal did snap, and thats when I bought a real foot pedal and rigged it up to RB)
    -1up.com, but it's also in the first link Xvampire posted at engaget. I couldn't find the url link on engaget, but it's in the screenshot's gallery below the post.

    Engagets pic of the full stringed squire is a little bit higer res, and you can see the 4 face buttons, start select/foward buttons, and a D-pad. But it's missing a PS/Xbox button. I wonder if that mean's it'll be compatible with both xbox and ps3?

    Although Madcatz Mustang has the psn/xbox button in place.
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Bounch, the Ion drum kit is kind of crappy

    Well I guess RB3's midi adapter solves that :) now just need $1000-$2000 for a real kit.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter

    I'm totally buying this!

    That might be the worst way i've ever seen guitar music transcribed.
  • ZacD
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    cool i just wish i could use my own guitar and the technology worked out the note rather than where your hand is
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    yeah its based off midi instruments, same thing with the drums.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Rwolf wrote: »
    Well I guess RB3's midi adapter solves that :) now just need $1000-$2000 for a real kit.

    I've actually been planning to get a $1400 or so electronic kit sometime, so maybe I'll be able to use that! If I go to school in a year or so though I definitely won't have the money for it which is disappointing but I have to think about my future more than my Rock Band 3 or drum playing enjoyment.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    so can you use any midi capable guitar? If I'm going to be shelling out 400+ on a guitar I'll be pretty upset if my only choice is Squire.

    I've wanted a midi setup guitar for a very long time, if you can use any one you want with the game it might finally push me over the edge to buy one...

    The fretboard/play space looks like a bit of a nightmare to sight-read, but to finally be aided by real world experience instead of handicapped by it is a pretty sweet payoff.

    edit: if so I've heard great things about Axon's kit: http://sewelldirect.com/AXON-AIX-101-Guitar-Interface.asp?source=froogle&utm_source=Froogle&utm_medium=cse&cvsfa=1306&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=53572d35393230
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Sandbag wrote: »
    I've wanted a midi setup guitar for a very long time, if you can use any one you want with the game it might finally push me over the edge to buy one...

    The press release said the midi adapter would be keyboard, and drum compatible. no mention of guitar however...

    Although my guess the squire will be in the $200 price range.
    awesome demo btw, definitly kicks Power Gig in the face (untill we see actual gameplay at least)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Sandbag wrote: »
    so can you use any midi capable guitar? If I'm going to be shelling out 400+ on a guitar I'll be pretty upset if my only choice is Squire.

    I thought the midi + real guitar was going to $150?
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