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Boy Scouts Gaming Pin: Good/Bad

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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
So, Im sure you all have heard. If not.


So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support. Is this really in the spirit of Boyscouts? In example, I don't remember any awards for watching or setting up a TV. Explaining the rating system of movies.

Do we really need a pin for this? Its so consumerist and commercially based. How does it promote the supposed of making of a better citizen?

(FWIW, I got out of Scouts early on after cubscouts. Hated the fakeness of it and the bullies)

Here is a good critique.


Message #1: Video Games Are Dangerous and Need Regulation
Message #2: The Only Learning in Games is from "Educational / Edutainment Games
Message #3: Videos Games Are about Consumerism[/quote]

Lets be honest, I think its a plea of the BS to appeal to new generations they hope. "Oh look being a cubscout is neat cause you get points for playing games. I wanna join!"


  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18

    As an Eagle Scout and a game artist... I really don't know what to say about the whole video game pin..

    However, as a Eagle Scout and an individual, seeing
    So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support
    just makes me want to say fuck you.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry Flaagan. Have to call em how I see em. :( If you feel that strongly, then maybe you should get involved with them to change the.. bullshit.

  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Your Scouts in the US seems very different to our in the UK...

    "Since the mid-1990s, The Scout Association has been clear and unequivocal in our equal opportunities policy and practice especially regarding sexual orientation, as befitting our role in contemporary society. "

    They also cater for different religions in the UK "Variations of the Promise are available for different religions."

    Not sure about the non-religious like me though! I loved being in Scouts and never really saw a religious undertone, we prayed in school as well but it didn't mean any thing to me. That Penn and Teller show does seem pretty scary, is there an alternative to Scouts in the USA?

    Oh yeah, a gaming merit badge is bullshit though, go build a fire and burn meat on it then get lost in the woods!
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Sorry Flaagan. Have to call em how I see em. :( If you feel that strongly, then maybe you should get involved with them to change the.. bullshit.


    Oh yeah cause Penn n Teller are totally unbiased sources who just call it how it is....

    Anyways not to thread-jack I, also an eagle scout, think stuff like this is total bullshit (the pin that is). Its just gonna give the scouts more ample reason not to get out and do things. I'm a big guy like a really big guy lol and I still love hiking/camping....Hell I even work in food-staff in the kitchen down at Camp Emerson CA...

    Loved my experience in scouts and loved the fact that I had to work my ass off to get my Eagle because it made it that much more prestigious that I had it. So this kind of stuff just points to all sorts of "Hey lets make Boy Scouts Easier"
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    its only a cub scout belt loop. For like young kids.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    PhattyEwok wrote: »
    Oh yeah cause Penn n Teller are totally unbiased sources who just call it how it is....

    It doesn't matter. The facts remain the same. They officially don't want atheists, and gays. And do get a large portion of their funding from the Mormon church. They also use tax money. Which is against the idea of having the private/public separation.

    As I said to flaagan. If you don't like it. Do something about it. Get involved and change it. Dont get frustrated when people call out what are facts about how scouting stands.

    Anyways not to thread-jack I, also an eagle scout, think stuff like this is total bullshit (the pin that is). Its just gonna give the scouts more ample reason not to get out and do things. I'm a big guy like a really big guy lol and I still love hiking/camping....Hell I even work in food-staff in the kitchen down at Camp Emerson CA...

    Loved my experience in scouts and loved the fact that I had to work my ass off to get my Eagle because it made it that much more prestigious that I had it. So this kind of stuff just points to all sorts of "Hey lets make Boy Scouts Easier"

  • Disco Stu
    A kid of 10 years who already knows that hes gay and an atheist..
    would anyone want that kid?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ZacD wrote: »
    its only a cub scout belt loop. For like young kids.

    yeah, Cub scouts is easy mode. I see this as a good thing, studying games with your parents and learning about the ESRB, learning self control and not playing games for 10 hours straight after school, etc...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think the video game badge is a good way to remain 'current'. I saw some people bitching about how the badges are suppose to be about survival, but I'm pretty sure they already have other badges that have nothing to do with survival. So, I don't see what the big deal is, other than people still associate video gaming with sitting on your ass and becoming fat and violent.

    Update: Actually, I see they have a badge for computing. That's pretty on par with video gaming IMO. I know computing is a slightly different beast, but still, it has just as much to do with survival.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    <--- Eagle Scout & Scout Leader

    My memory isn't as clear when I think back to my days as a cub, but as a Boy Scout, merit badges were typically very involving and quite often, challenging. I suspect to earn this pin, the kiddos will need to learn things about the history of games and what goes into making them and what social impact they may have. I think that would be great. And it might even open up the eyes of some parents out there. Kiddos are always going to play video games, regardless if there is a pin or merit badge being offered. So why not educate them a little more in the subject matter?

    "So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support."

    "If you don't like it. Do something about it. Get involved and change it. Dont get frustrated when people call out what are facts about how scouting stands."

    (Just because you call something a "fact" doesn't make it a fact, nor does it mean that you've presented the entire picture. If you don't like the rules, start your own club. To try and change an organization's core values from within, to suit your own, is equally as intolerant as the organization you are against).

    Scouting was/is one of the best organizations I've ever been a part of. It exposed me to challenges and adventure I would not have gotten elsewhere. It is more than tall silly socks and merit badges. I've climbed and repelled cliff faces, made my own hunting/fishing equipment from scratch and used it, hiked 20+ miles a day in the mountains, had close encounters with bear, elk, and other wildlife. I learned skills that ultimately lead to my being able to save my mother's life when I was 13 years old. I've learned about the true spirit of Scouting, cheerfulness in service to others. There will always be corruption and idiots in any organization, but you'll be hard pressed to find a better program for youth and adults alike. And if all you "think" you know about the organization is founded on comments like oXYnary's, then you know nothing of Scouting.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    [MILES] wrote: »
    <--- Eagle Scout & Scout Leader

    My memory isn't as clear when I think back to my days as a cub, but as a Boy Scout, merit badges were typically very involving and quite often, challenging. I suspect to earn this pin, the kiddos will need to learn things about the history of games and what goes into making them and what social impact they may have. I think that would be great. And it might even open up the eyes of some parents out there. Kiddos are always going to play video games, regardless if there is a pin or merit badge being offered. So why not educate them a little more in the subject matter?

    "So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support."

    "If you don't like it. Do something about it. Get involved and change it. Dont get frustrated when people call out what are facts about how scouting stands."

    (Just because you call something a "fact" doesn't make it a fact, nor does it mean that you've presented the entire picture. If you don't like the rules, start your own club. To try and change an organization's core values from within, to suit your own, is equally as intolerant as the organization you are against).

    Scouting was/is one of the best organizations I've ever been a part of. It exposed me to challenges and adventure I would not have gotten elsewhere. It is more than tall silly socks and merit badges. I've climbed and repelled cliff faces, made my own hunting/fishing equipment from scratch and used it, hiked 20+ miles a day in the mountains, had close encounters with bear, elk, and other wildlife. I learned skills that ultimately lead to my being able to save my mother's life when I was 13 years old. I've learned about the true spirit of Scouting, cheerfulness in service to others. There will always be corruption and idiots in any organization, but you'll be hard pressed to find a better program for youth and adults alike. And if all you "think" you know about the organization is founded on comments like oXYnary's, then you know nothing of Scouting.

    So you don't oppose the stance that the boyscout organisation has against homosexuality and atheism?
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    However, as a Eagle Scout and an individual, seeing
    So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support
    just makes me want to say fuck you.

    ditto. :/

    Anyhow, the pin is awesome. I support it :)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    , is there an alternative to Scouts in the USA?

    Odyssey of the Mind, it's the nerdier version of scouts, I built a robot in 7th grade for a competition.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Scout troops are as religious/anti-gay as the dads running them. I know a few openly gay eagle scouts that still do stuff with scouts and it isn't a big deal.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Odyssey of the Mind, it's the nerdier version of scouts, I built a robot in 7th grade for a competition.

    Haha. I was in that. My group won the regionals.
  • 3DLee
    Another Eagle Scout here. I'd say that seeing it's a Cub Scout pin not a Boy Scout Merit Badge, it's fine. Maybe it will help get parents educated as they're usually involved more in Cub Scouts.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    I know a few openly gay eagle scouts that still do stuff with scouts and it isn't a big deal.

    depends where they do it.

    dunno about the US, but in the UK they've been on this modernisation trip for years. I mean, they let girls in and everything. Eeeurgh. Girls.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    funny story:

    the Bloods and Crips are born entirely from young black youth not being able to participate in the Boy Scouts program back in the early 50`s.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Before this becomes a locked thread. Yea, I guess I should have kept my mouth shut (as EQ waits with the closed thread button). But since people want to defend against the undefensable.
    [MILES] wrote: »
    <--- Eagle Scout & Scout Leader

    My memory isn't as clear when I think back to my days as a cub, but as a Boy Scout, merit badges were typically very involving and quite often, challenging. I suspect to earn this pin, the kiddos will need to learn things about the history of games and what goes into making them and what social impact they may have. I think that would be great. And it might even open up the eyes of some parents out there. Kiddos are always going to play video games, regardless if there is a pin or merit badge being offered. So why not educate them a little more in the subject matter?

    Why not educate them on movies as well? TV? After all kids are going to do those as well. At least a computing pin has a purpose since it so integrated to interact with society these days.

    (Just because you call something a "fact" doesn't make it a fact, nor does it mean that you've presented the entire picture. If you don't like the rules, start your own club. To try and change an organization's core values from within, to suit your own, is equally as intolerant as the organization you are against).B: My Facts are facts. Are you that scared of learning the truth of what you hold so dear to bother to look at their own statements? Cmon Miles. You have given nothing showing what I said to be "entire picture".

    These are facts. Im sorry you feel offended about them. I'm glad you got something out of scouts. I have said nothing against you, I have said something against the organization itself.


    Now, if you want to say somehow my facts are only part of the story. Please explain. You gave nothing other than your opinion of such.


    If you want to comment that changing something to fit your own values is as bad as the initial rules.


    So per the guidelines of whom can join, its about inclusiveness, not exclusiveness. It would be subtracting rules, not adding more. So it would not be just to fit "one person". Intolerance does not work that way.

    . And if all you "think" you know about the organization is founded on comments like oXYnary's, then you know nothing of Scouting.

    I know more than you think it seems. To know the hypocrisy of the organization. I was in Cub Scouts and boyscouts. I got out of boyscouts because of the jackasses involved.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    I was an atheist when I was in cubs and scouts (way back when :P) and they had no problem with it in the UK, dunno what bastardisation they did to the scout movement in the US to be honest.

    As for the badge, I just see it as them trying to be relevant to children's interests these days really, allot of the badges even back in my day were quite questionable :P
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    fun fact:

    konstruct is a full fledged member of the freemasons. A secret, underground society of half-mole, half-man, half-giraffe creatures that cast spells on Earth dwellers from their altars made of dead kittens. Hence the name...think about it.

    i basically have the same opinion as oxy, but honestly don't give a shit. anything that makes people more aware of video games is a good thing for me.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    DAMNIT I knew I was risking blowing my cover with that ^
    [MILES] wrote: »

    Scouting was/is one of the best organizations I've ever been a part of. It exposed me to challenges and adventure I would not have gotten elsewhere. It is more than tall silly socks and merit badges. I've climbed and repelled cliff faces, made my own hunting/fishing equipment from scratch and used it, hiked 20+ miles a day in the mountains, had close encounters with bear, elk, and other wildlife. I learned skills that ultimately lead to my being able to save my mother's life when I was 13 years old. I've learned about the true spirit of Scouting, cheerfulness in service to others. There will always be corruption and idiots in any organization, but you'll be hard pressed to find a better program for youth and adults alike. And if all you "think" you know about the organization is founded on comments like oXYnary's, then you know nothing of Scouting.

    don't you think this is an experience that all human beings should be able to participate in? granted you don't need an organization to do any of that if your really driven to do that. I guess this all points back to the core values thing. Getting the Scouts system to change their views on homosexuality might make some people happy, but piss off a ton more.
    Its a right -vs- left micro argument. or I guess I should say, religion vs. non-religion micro argument.

    At the end of the day, the boy scout debate, is really just the gay rights debate. Which isn't really a debate. Its just a bigoted stance that one day we will look back at and be embarrassed as a culture. much like women's rights.
    (maybe that's why the girl scouts exist- someone should start up the gay scouts :P)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    XD Gay scouts, then there should be black scouts :P.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Clumbsy thumbs. (editing)
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    konstruct wrote: »
    DAMNIT I knew I was risking blowing my cover with that ^

    At the end of the day, the boy scout debate, is really just the gay rights debate. Which isn't really a debate. Its just a bigoted stance that one day we will look back at and be embarrassed as a culture. much like women's rights.
    (maybe that's why the girl scouts exist- someone should start up the gay scouts :P)

    I don't think that's fair at all. It is not a gay rights debate. It's a debate on whether private clubs should, or should even be able to, remain exclusive to whatever draconian requirements they've decided.

    To get back to the original subject, I don't see a problem with the badge. Playing video games or learning about them will not rot these otherwise perfect children. Knowledge is generally not a bad thing, even knowledge of such an awful subject.

    *edit* - having said all that, what other groups aren't allowed into the scouts? someone said they're letting girls in now?
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I will chime in to say one more thing about Scouting in general, and why, despite what it may or may not have been contorted into by some individuals in this or any other country, I still hold the establishment in the highest regard, as well as any individual who has put effort into either achieving the Eagle Scout rank, or just enjoying the experience of having been a Scout.

    Read this book.

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    I don't think that's fair at all. It is not a gay rights debate. It's a debate on whether private clubs should, or should even be able to, remain exclusive to whatever draconian requirements they've decided.

    Yep. Except. They use public facilities and get free work from the US government (via Army). And that's where the conflict is. So if they want to have such, then they should accept no favors and not seek special disposition and status. As well as drop the idea of making the president honorary head of such.

    You cant have your cake and eat it too.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    right- which is why its a topic of gay rights ^
    A private club, that excludes individuals based on sexual orientation, shouldn't qualify for monetary government support *cough* marriage *cough*

    I think were all saying the same shit, but internet debates always turn into a game of telephone.
  • tokidokizenzen
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    tokidokizenzen polycounter lvl 17
    Back in the day when I was a scout I wanted more relevant badges to my interests, so games would have been good. But that is a kids point of view. The badge just sounds like a marketing way to keep kids interested. I think scouts should go back to their roots and focus on teaching kids how to do stuff that is not common knowledge. Like tie knots and cooking food for survival, and making fires. When 2012 comes they'll be thankful for it. They won't give a shit about video games.
  • sicsided
    Back in the day when I was a scout I wanted more relevant badges to my interests, so games would have been good. But that is a kids point of view. The badge just sounds like a marketing way to keep kids interested. I think scouts should go back to their roots and focus on teaching kids how to do stuff that is not common knowledge. Like tie knots and cooking food for survival, and making fires. When 2012 comes they'll be thankful for it. They won't give a shit about video games.

    If scouts was a reinacting Fallout, I would join again.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Any organization the mormons give money to is morally reprehensible

    any entrenched societal ideals in america are the product of barely contained hatred and a directed attempt to make innocent people suffer

    Oxy, private clubs are churches. The debate about government money is a valid one, but it is not as cut and dry as you want it to be.

    I mean, if i had kids they wouldn't be scouts, fuck that socially backwards shit, but it's not like there's human sacrifices or anything going on. Just outdated social ideals.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    aww shucks, during my twenties I got too enlightened so I'm unable to have knee-jerk prejudices against any groups or religions. I hope I don't get kicked out of the church of atheism.

    This thread feels like it's cruising into locked-ville
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    oXYnary wrote: »
    And do get a large portion of their funding from the Mormon church.

    Okay just to clear this one up
    Yes the BSA does get a decent amount of money from the church, but it does not come out of Church Tithing or donations or even the Church's Budget, but rather out of the members own pocket. The members decide what they want to pay and then that money is sent to the scout district office.

    It's called the Friend's of Scouting Program. Then from the district office money is reapportioned back to the LDS troops where it is needed and anything else is then used on other non LDS troop affairs and infrastructure etc etc.

    The reason they do this is because by law the LDS church can't hold fundraisers that involve selling specific BSA product (such as the popcorn drives) because the church is tax exempt due to its Religious Institution Status. Friends of Scouting is their way of gaining funds to support their scout troops.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    +1 To PhattyEwok
  • KhAoZ
    oXYnary wrote: »
    So, Im sure you all have heard. If not.


    So other than Scouts being a Mormon sponsored anti-gay group that gets US government support. Is this really in the spirit of Boyscouts? In example, I don't remember any awards for watching or setting up a TV. Explaining the rating system of movies.

    Do we really need a pin for this? Its so consumerist and commercially based. How does it promote the supposed of making of a better citizen?

    (FWIW, I got out of Scouts early on after cubscouts. Hated the fakeness of it and the bullies)

    Here is a good critique.


    Message #1: Video Games Are Dangerous and Need Regulation
    Message #2: The Only Learning in Games is from "Educational / Edutainment Games
    Message #3: Videos Games Are about Consumerism

    Lets be honest, I think its a plea of the BS to appeal to new generations they hope. "Oh look being a cubscout is neat cause you get points for playing games. I wanna join!"[/QUOTE]

    Uh... you just pissed off a lot of people...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think we should get back on track with the thread... it's not about earning a straight/gay badge, nor is it about the 'who funds us' badge. What are your thoughts on the new video game badge?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I think it costs too much money and sounds pretty gay :p
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    videogame badges are just achievement unlocks for scouts. Get over it.

    achievement unlocked +1

    20 campfires started.
    10 tents erected.
    5 old lady's helped to side of street.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    A portion of the original idea of the scouts was to teach self sufficiency, which is also a major portion of being a Mormon, part of the reason that in being a Mormon, you'd still be on the governments watch list. You can't be a good sheep if you can go play by yourself so to speak. The other parts of the list go back to a history of "problems" between the gov and the church, but this isn't the place for that discussion.

    As a note, the military also raises your pay grade and enlisted rank (if I remember right) if you successfully completed the Eagle Scout program.

    Why? Because it teaches survival skills, leadership and self reliance. Its that reason that the government grants funding. Its trying to culture future military.

    Also not all scout troupes receive funding from the any of the Mormon churches..

    On that note, it doesn't matter who the hell the video game merit badge is for, its bullshit. Video games have nothing to do with survival, leadership or self-sufficiency and thus has no part as a scout badge. BUT given the fact that the scouts enrollment/attendance ratings have been steadily declining for a long time its no surprise.
    Its a gimmick to get kids that otherwise wouldn't join the scouts to join in hopes that they can be exposed to all the other cool shit that you get to do and then stay for that reason vs video games. Its bait and switch, and its not like 90% of group/membership based organizations don't do that or haven't done that at some point in their history.
    Removed voluntarily as it didn't add to the topic being discussed.

    Justin and ZacD (further down) : Touche.
    I concede that with that in mind there is validity in it being a merit badge aside from my original take on it being a gimmick.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    The internet's biggest tool makes an INCREDIBLY CLEVER, INSIGHTFUL commentary on one of the mechanically sillier Christian bibles ftw, logic!
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Hey guys, how's it going?

    I just thought I'd go ahead and let everyone know we're reading this, and that the topic is the boy scouts offering a merit badge for videogames.

    You're welcome to try your hand at derailing this thread with anti-religious non-sense if you've been getting your fix of Polycount a little too much lately and need a break. We don't mind helping you out with that.

    Respect the other members of the forums, cool? You never know who believes in what.

    Anyway, a badge on playing games is pretty funny when its right next to Woggle making, camping, tent raising and fire making.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Seems kind of out of place for scouts. I thought that stuff was all about learning about nature and how to survive etc.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I think it's a combo platter, on the one hand it's bullshit because it's the scouts trying to appeal to kids by offering incentive for kids to play games, which of course, kids will want. On the other hand, it's bullshit because it's the scouts putting its hands into an aspect of a kid's life that, really doesn't have fuckall to do with the scouts. Do the scouts really need a badge for a kid to play video games? No, that's the parent's job, kind of like movies, tv shows, and music the kid is experiencing at a young age.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @people saying its out of place in scouting

    Scouts is basically about being a better person, so being able to manage your time and learn how to play video games "responsibly" could be considered part of it.

    They have merit badges in boyscouts for personal finance, family life, emergency preparedness, to, golf, Graphic arts, Law, Radio, reading, photography, and journalism. So some of them are more career options or sports.


    There's no fun in fundamentalism.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    methinks people aren't reading the description of the badge. It's about time management, awareness of the ESRB and getting the whole family in on gaming.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Back in my day, Scouts was all about hanging out with your mates whatever colour, culture or creed they happened to belong to. That and lighting things on fire. So many fires.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ This forum goes in some really strange direction sometimes. Usually with many people getting either offended, or aroused. Sometimes there's game art stuff too I guess...

    Just thinking out loud really. Not in any way trying to contribute to this topic at all, it's far too messy for me.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I have an aviation merit badge from Boy Scouts. One of the adults in the troop had his own 4-seat aircraft. After all the bookwork was done and all other parts of the merit badge were completed, we got to go up... and I got to fly a friggin plane.

    I'd have to go home and look at my merit badges, cause I've got a lot more cool experiences from getting them (and Boy Scouts in general). There were plenty that involved sitting indoors doing generic stuff, but there were plenty more that involved getting up and getting out. I have no problem with the idea of a video game merit badge, though I question the merit (sorry, had to) of giving badges for something the kids would be doing to get away from working on getting badges.

    In general, my experience going up through the ranks was that you had to *earn* everything you got. I was very fortunate that the adult leaders who were in charge of my reviews took them very seriously, as when I reached the ranks that I could do reviews of younger Scouts, I found the newer adults to be willing to let things slide.
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