Warner Bros. Pictures has set a July 20, 2012 release date for Christopher Nolan's third Batman movie in conventional and IMAX theaters! Let the countdown commence!
I plan to dodge all trailers and teasers until then. Its funny because the only information released about it besides the release date is the fact that the main villain will NOT be Mr. Freeze, haha. I hope Harvey Dent returns. By the way, I can't believe no one else made a topic about this, The Dark Knight was only the BEST MOVIE EVER people! Of course, Batman 3 won't be able to compare to it by any means since there won't be a Joker in it.

I'm not so sure about the new film, how can it live up to the Dark Knight?
But Chris Nolan does seem to keep delivering, this new film of his Inception is looking very interesting, but then it could end up like Spiderman 3. "You are going to put the Penguin and Catwoman in!" demands the studio.
I don't think anything like that will happen. Nolan gave WB the highest grossing comic movie of all-time, and the genre's only Oscar performance, so I think they know the recipe for success is to just turn him loose.
Also, Harvey Dent is definitively dead. Aaron Eckhart himself said that in interviews after the release of The Dark Knight. Wouldn't make sense for the third movie anyway, as Nolan went to the trouble of setting Batman up to appear as the bad guy in Gotham for the next flick. If Two-Face shows up and everyone knows Dent is guilty, it goes against the whole last act of TDK.
I'm putting my money on Riddley Scott's Alien prequel.
Chris Nolan stated that he planned to do a third movie a long time ago... its not like someone has ever said they were going to direct/write a movie then suddenly disappear. Not to mention that Batman 3 will probably be the most anticipated movie of all time, even if it ends up sucking, it will make a lot of money just from people that want to see the sequel to the Dark Knight.
The last 2 minutes you mean hehe. Yeah I saw this date days ago (July 12th actually) but considering the fact that Nolan hasn't been absolutely confirmed yet, I refrained till there was so real news. I thought they cocked up the Dark Knight, hope it returns to the greatness of Begins. Seymour Hoffman for Penguin!!
I'm not following. What's your point?
Star Wars: Episode 1 is the high point for movie anticipation. People aren't going to be camping out weeks in advance to get opening night tickets for Batman 3.
Actually it is July 20th... lol
I think they are...
Ice to see you!
throw in some riddler for the thinking man and we got a movie.
What I really think will happen is a re-imagining of one of the other characters to make them more realistic, like how Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul were handled. I've heard rumors of the Penguin as a high-class arms dealer. I think it still needs to heavily involve the mob and the Gotham police - that's the most realistic part of Nolan's Batman story, and he's focused on that a lot.
"You underestimate the power of the dark side." Nothing outhypes Star Wars. I actually stood in a line outside Toys R' Us the night before the Episode 1 action figures went on sale. Not a proud moment, mind you.
Scarface would be great. That's some spooky shit right there! I loved the take they did on him in the animated series.
Penguin could be good if done right. Like being the owner of Glacier Club like he is in the comics and doing dirty work on the side. But he would be more a supporting character versus a main threat.
Ohh! What about Cain?
Killercroc is too direct a villain. He is a cannibalistic freak that relies on his muscle. He also was already shown in the 1.5 animation movie that WB released before the Dark Knight. There isn't much to give him psychologically.
Maybe we will start or even see hints of Robin.. Mind you a good robin. Not the robin crap as presented from the last series of movies.
The Great White Shark is too new a character, and only was able to operate inside Arkam.
I'm not comparing it to Star Wars at all, but I am saying that tickets for the midnight show will sell out hours after going on sale.
I'll probably end up seeing this when it comes out, though.
Too bad it's not Mr. Freeze... I would have liked to see the treatment on his char.
At least some mention of her, Or maybe before she turned all loopy. A cameo if you will!
Well, no, not really. In actual fact, it's just obvious and boring.
Ain't we getting excited about this a little on the early side? We've still got well over 750 sleeps until release.
For the most part I agree with you. I don't know what happened with Dark Knight, but I have a feeling it has something to do with Chris Nolans brother coming on as a writer. Or maybe Warner Bros. didn't learn from Batman and Robin and started interfering... but all will be forgiven if he manages to make 3 as FUCKING STELLAR as Batman Begins was.
Wow, such hatred! Do you honestly think it was that bad? haha
but im waiting for some good batman movie
Harvey Dent was the centerpiece of the entire film. His character represented Gotham and the conflict between Batman and Joker's ideals. It was Harvey Dent's movie moreso than it was Bats or Jokers, as far as a story arc.
Anywho, I would think for a third film you'd have to have to go in a completely different direction than the last one, especially with the villain. Joker was so chaotic, I'd think you'd have to have someone that was completely analytical and precise. The Riddler would be a good choice. Maybe portray him the way he was done in Brian Azzarello's Joker graphic novel.
Personally though, (although they probably wouldn't do it) I would love to see them do Scarface. I've always loved that character and the whole psychosis of him. That would be an acting showcase too for whoever got that role.
Riddler working the police to hunt down Batman
Scarface as the new head of the mob, to show how far they've fallen that they'll listen to an accountant with a puppet
Bane as the head of the russian mob, he's addicted to Scarecrow's Venom, doesn't make him stronger but lets him ignore nearly any injury.
Riddler gives him an intellectual challenge, Bane gives him a physical one, and Scarface is one of the few weird ass characters who would fit in.
Casting... John Cusack as Riddler, Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the Ventriloquist, no idea who could play Bane, but Mariusz Pudzianowski is what I think he should look like, no idea if he can act though
It's not called the Light Knight.
Also, funny thing about that movie is that its not nearly as violent as you might remember. They do a lot of suggesting gore rather than actually showing it. Still a lot of guns though.
Did we see the same film? I wanna see the version you saw!! Twoface was an afterthought, it really reminded me of Raimi's treatment on venom in spiderman 3...which makes me suspect Nolan doesn't have much love for the character.
Christopher Nolan: "Well, the way the story is constructed we always imagined that Harvey Dent would form the emotional arc of the story. His story, his tragedy would be the arc of the story. Because the Joker, the purpose of the Joker for us was always that he has no arc, he has no development. He doesnt learn anything through the film. Hes an absolute. He cuts through the film sort of like the shark in Jaws. So hes a catalyst for action. People are reacting off and being affected by him."
I dunno, I thought that the movie was really about Dent. He's the focal point of everything. Without him you have no movie. He represents what Batman and Joker are fighting for. He starts off as the typical do gooder, but gets darker and more desperate to do the right thing (his interrogation scene) as the story goes on due to what the Joker is doing, even before he turns into Two Face. His corruption and eventual turn represents Jokers greatest victory. That's why it's so important at the end of the film that Batman and Gordon have to cover up Dent's crimes. I know a lot of people want his character to still be alive, but I thought there wasn't anything that you could say with his character beyond what was done in The Dark Knight.
I think marilyn manson could visualy make an interesting riddler, if they kept it rather restrained/not goth, his slim build and face are rather interesting and if you ever watch him in interviews or hear him speak he is ridiculously intelligent.
(Scroll down a ways)
(Without Crowe)
Haha this must be the first time I read someone who has the same thoughts on the movie. I remember coming out of the cinema very confused, finding the story very messy, I had no idea what was going on most of the time or what the motives of the characters were. I never read batman comics or know who two face was so maybe that's one of the reasons?
I only really liked the parts with the joker and some of the action.
anyway 1989 batman FTW
You do realise that your example sequence was deliberate and not because of the PG13 rating?
He's the Joker. For a moment the audience thinks the nade will explode and the bank manager probably shat his pants 5 times only for it to be sleeping gas. It's a moment of tension.
Twenty minutes or so after that scene, the Joker kills a goon by slamming a pencil through his eyeball. An hour after that, we see Rachel blown apart in a massive explosion and then cut to Harvey Dent getting his face burnt off. All that was too tame for you?
Like vcool said, the Joker was just fucking with the guy. Because, you know, he's the Joker.
Admit it.... you thought Batman was going to find a way to save both Rachel and Harvey
What was the real reason she didn't return for dark knight? Can't have been just because she was pregnant.