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The Age of Stupid

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conte polycounter lvl 18

from wikipedia:
"The Age of Stupid is a 2009 British film by Franny Armstrong, director of McLibel and founder of 10:10, and first-time producer Lizzie Gillett. The Executive Producer is John Battsek, producer of One Day in September.

The film is a drama-documentary-animation hybrid which stars Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from the mid-to-late 2000s and asking "Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance?"


i just saw this movie, right now i am in thinking of how to help our planet. i mean, i thought a lot about this before, but now i just can't find a place for myself to not do anything.
have you saw this? what's your impression? we can't just sit and look how the world plunges into the ass...


  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    When you live in a world where anybody in our shoes (uses a computer regularly, prolly fairly well off) has access to whatever they want, whenever they want, it's really really hard to get anyone to even consider cutting back on what they're consuming. I mean there's so many things you can go into; how many plastic bottles are thrown away every day, what people eat, etc. To me, I think it DOES make a difference what you personally choose to do.

    You have to draw a line somewhere between becoming a total hippy versus being a total consumer whore, but most people seem to think it's all or nothing. My wife and I still use some plastic and whatnot, but generally we produce about a trash bag of trash once every two weeks, and about the same with recycling (usually more recycling but we have a good recycling program here).

    We try to do what we can, and I know it's cheesy but doing something is better than doing nothing at all. I don't think there's an easy solution because it is impossible for us to continue living the way we do; it's totally unsustainable. I think things will have to get pretty bad before large groups of people start living more sustainably, mostly just because the only way people learn is the hard way :P
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Just 5 years ago I only had few friends that consider doing something about this. Now I don't think I know even a single person that does not care about it or does not try to live in the best way considering the environment. Pretty much every day I talk with somebody on that topic..... and what ... are the things getting better.... NO they are not. We can only do so much I guess. Solutions have being invented but the governments still rather not bother because it will be very very expensive. It is very sad and I have no idea why is all of this continuing and how/when will we realize what is actually happening.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i just hope they stop blaming the consumer entirely and actually make laws that forces factorys etc to have the proper tools to purify the waste it generates either smoke , etc etc , also investment on greener energies like they invest in gas . Sure people doing their share sure helps , but it kinda demotivating when 100 000 do recicle, save water etc , that same ammount is destroyed by one factory per day...
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    Lol, I totally agree Johny :P
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    In my town they charge you to recycle. If I want them to pickup bottles, cans, paper I have to pay an extra fee. Preposterous.
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    people need to be forced. governments can't really do that since their main interest is being elected again. we are fucked.

    go monarchy?
  • anoon
    What a load of wank.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    scooby, What do you mean you are charged for recycling? Are you paying for the bin? The bin cost is for the service, so you don't have to go down to a recycling center yourself. There they should pay you a few bucks for the goods.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    It's hard to take it seriously when Mr. Kobayashi is narrating this trailer... (has no one noticed?)

    Our world is made to please the ego, here and now. Money, drugs, fame, material gain over spiritual... the cycle of ignorance is too global to stop it, I fear, not without a change of heart. So long as people put their own egos over nature, we will continue to plunder its resources for our own, immediate and personal gain.

    In aboriginal cultures, it is a custom when a decision has to be made and the collective elders gather, the main factor considered is how will that decision affect 7 (!) generations ahead. That's such a stark contrast to what stands in front of our governments eyes when they make theirs...
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know about governments in other countries, but in the US, it's lobbyists for major manufacturing corporations that keep any federal limits on waste from being put through. That's how we end up with half-assed solutions to problems, like the "cap and trade" system (where big companies are pretty much allowed to do as much environmental damage as they were anyway, because they buy extra pollution tickets from smaller companies that don't need them), or the healthcare reform ending up without the Public Option but still requiring everyone to buy coverage from someone (which we shan't talk about, for fear of derailing this thread), or the credit reforms that sound good in press releases, but really just make the creditors give a little more notice when they're going to do something shady (as though finding out a little sooner that your interest rate is going to go up to 28.8% will allow you to pull money out of your ass and pay it all off before that takes effect). Only the first example is directly related to the topic at hand.

    My point is, it's the companies themselves literally co-writing the laws that regulate them. As in, representatives from affected industries are part of the lawmaking process to such an extent that they sit in on the meetings and demand or decline parts of new bills to be included before Congress gets a vote. Officially, they have no influence, but in practice, it's they're "campaign contributions", etc., that will determine whether or not these bills are passed; which is why they're involved in the writing/revision process. They're regulated by the government, but they negotiate their own regulations.

    Maybe that's just democracy in action, or maybe it's bribery. But regardless of the principles and ethics involved, it's what allows the billion dollar US industries to keep effing up the planet.

    Meanwhile, at the state level, it's cool to see what Schwarzenegger is trying to do with the energy in California. I don't live there and I don't know much about the details or how it's going to affect other things there, but it looks like he at least has the right idea.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    A hybrid car battery production / creation is more pollutant then running an H2 hummer for years. An electric car battery takes a very very long time to decompose. Companies are making millions off 'green products' proven to be more pollutant then there previous counter parts , or hardly any improvement at all. If you don't believe in the theory of climate change you are labeled a moron, and an outcast. It is cool and hip to be environmentally friendly. You become part of a new hip crowd. You are socially accepted. Scientists conducting research relating to climate change receive massive grants sometimes numbering in the millions in a blink of an eye. Climate change in my option has transformed from a simple scientific theory to a world wide obsession only benefiting your social status and pockets of greedy industrialists, politicians, and scientists. This film is no different.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Cojax wrote: »
    A hybrid car battery production / creation is more pollutant then running an H2 hummer for years. An electric car battery takes a very very long time to decompose.

    Cojax, can you provide some studies for that? I would be interested.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    full vid here:

    cojax, its a bit more than a simple scientific theory;)

    You're also right in that everyone driving an electric car is not goign to fix anything, the problem is much bigger.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    What's going to happen is not global over-heat-and-die scenario, nor pollution or any other man-made catastrophe simply crossing some threshold. No, it won't come to that. The Earth is a self-driven ecosystem that has sustained and stabilized itself for billion of years. It will naturally react to the changes caused on its surface and counter-balance them, somehow. Hopefully, we won't die in the process.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    yup, thats it. Humans survived an ice age... Dunno how much fun that was though:P
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    shotgun: You're way more eloquent than I am :D Totally agree.

    This isn't just about global warming, it's about the clusterfuck that we're creating with overconsumption at all levels. I agree "green washing" is ridiculous, that's why it's about consumption, not just changing what we're consuming.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    shotgun wrote: »
    What's going to happen is not global over-heat-and-die scenario, nor pollution or any other man-made catastrophe simply crossing some threshold. No, it won't come to that. The Earth is a self-driven ecosystem that has sustained and stabilized itself for billion of years. It will naturally react to the changes caused on its surface and counter-balance them, somehow. Hopefully, we won't die in the process.

    someone watched the day after tomorrow one too many times ;-)

    jk I hope this is actually the truth. that way we will hopefully be less F*ed.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Person A "Oh hey i thought you were all about (blue), why are you doing that?"
    Person B "Oh i quit (blue) a friend told me that it was bad and stuff, now I'm all about (red)!"
    Person A "Oh cool i should try (red) too!"

    ^pretty much sums up humanity.

    Cyreal, look up a a visual history of the planet over the last 4 billion years. It swings from hot to cold every 100 thousand years. We just so happen to be in the middle of the mild period between the overly hot and overly cold.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    In addition to consumption, should we not be considering rampant overpopulation as a contributing factor?
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    does anyone else feel like the end days are literally right around the corner? I mean, maybe not THE END FOR EVERYTHING end days- just a huge cataclysm seems brewing that feels like its going to take out a lot of people. be it WWIII, Some sort of environmental shitstorm, or maybe all that religious hooey is on point and Jeebus is headin back for round 2 :P

    I mean this seems to be a main thread in a lot of modern story telling, video games especially.

    Maybe I`m just getting older, and every generation has its apocalyptic anxieties, Or maybe it has to do with the US no longer being on top of the dog pile. Maybe it has to do with a little climate change causing a bit of ruckus?

    but either way I feel this weird primal instinct kickin in thats telling me to brace myself. Part of me thinks I should be scared, but in all honesty I cant feel anything else but excited.

    !!!BRING IT ON!!!
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    yep last ice age ended around 10,000 bc. we hit a warm period and we are fortunate. I was being a bit too sarcastic for my own good. when I said I hope this is the truth i meant the truth as in the planet will fix itself even though we've done a number on her. Because no matter how you split it with how much CO2 we blow into the atmosphere each day I'm surprised its not a greenhouse in antarctica already.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not touching this topic with a 10ft pole made out of 100% post-consumer waste.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Well as our CO2 levels are high, they are not as high as they have been in the past... our WAY far back past but our past. So yeah all we can do is speed up the switch from a moderate period to a hot, so it can before a very cold again.

    "Maybe I`m just getting older, and every generation has its apocalyptic anxieties, Or maybe it has to do with the US no longer being on top of the dog pile."
    You nailed it!

    Things are not like they used to be... WERE ALL GOING TO DIE! IT'S A SIGN OF THE END OF DAYS!

    As for over population, fixed by... women working and medicine. You don't have time to be a baby making machine when your working 9-5. Add that on top of the survival chances are much greater for kids, so you don't need to have a as many kids to ensure your seed is passed on.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    konstruct wrote: »
    but either way I feel this weird primal instinct kickin in thats telling me to brace myself. Part of me thinks I should be scared, but in all honesty I cant feel anything else but excited.

    !!!BRING IT ON!!!

    in complete honesty I feel a similar way. I've felt that something is gonna happen pretty soon that a lot of people are going to be put into very bad situations... like you said, its more of an ingrained thing, like that primal instinct you mention, something that doesn't sit quite right with you when you think about everything thats happening in the world...

    Thegodzero - Agreed.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    There needs to be a organization that certifies things as green or clean like energy star.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I always love hearing the 'climate change is nothing, its a cycle really, nothing to worry about' speech. Sure, climate swings. Thats no reason to not be worried about factories/plants releasing shitload of stuff in the air (something that most likely never happened in the last 4000 years hehe)

    Lobbies freak me out honestly.

    Thanks for reminding me about that movie, Conte! Forgot about it, but wanted to watch it.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    Cyrael wrote: »
    in complete honesty I feel a similar way. I've felt that something is gonna happen pretty soon that a lot of people are going to be put into very bad situations... like you said, its more of an ingrained thing, like that primal instinct you mention, something that doesn't sit quite right with you when you think about everything thats happening in the world...

    Thegodzero - Agreed.


    Can't shake this feeling that things are deceptively calm. I keep hearing about things like the systemic releasing of methane gas that is frozen in permafrost caused by global warming; how it feeds into a cycle that releases more methane. It's things like that make me think that the obvious problems aren't really obvious. They're there, so to speak, but their impact is hidden until it's too late. Cataclysmic changes that occur too quickly to really deal with comfortably.

    The general lopsided quality to everything in our times globally (the burdens of society, distribution of wealth, education, and culture, etc.) seems too out of whack to support a global society, which we're becoming.
    Which gives rise to things like Bin Laden and Global Terrorism, Global Warming, Katrina and Haiti, gluttonous consumerism and tea baggers.

    Things are getting tense in the disparities between nominal systems and dangerous ones.

    I mean, in a way the cold war was as tense as it gets. The thing is though it's black and white cutthroat nature kind of hid all the other problems that were starting to rise, and are here now.
    Not to mention those nukes still exist, and the problems they pose still do too.
    So if you ask me, things are just as bad as ever if not worse.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    pior wrote: »
    I always love hearing the 'climate change is nothing, its a cycle really, nothing to worry about' speech. Sure, climate swings. Thats no reason to not be worried about factories/plants releasing shitload of stuff in the air (something that most likely never happened in the last 4000 years hehe)

    That's my mindset too, pior.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Cojax wrote: »
    Companies are making millions off 'green products' proven to be more pollutant then there previous counter parts , or hardly any improvement at all. If you don't believe in the theory of climate change you are labeled a moron, and an outcast. It is cool and hip to be environmentally friendly. You become part of a new hip crowd. You are socially accepted. Scientists conducting research relating to climate change receive massive grants sometimes numbering in the millions in a blink of an eye. Climate change in my option has transformed from a simple scientific theory to a world wide obsession only benefiting your social status and pockets of greedy industrialists, politicians, and scientists. This film is no different.


    People also apparently forgot the cold winter we just had.

    You can never win with the climate change folks. They play both sides of the coin. People were crying out "extreme weather" a few months ago. But if it was the warmest winter we've had in a while then they say "see...global warmingz!1"

    I share konstruct's concern that something bad is coming. I think of this often. But the environment is the least of our worries. 100 trillion in unfunded baby-boomer liabilities is a much greater concern to me. I fear a currency collapse far more. All that bailout money for the banks seems to be making its way into the system now. $80+ per barrel of oil we hit just recently was attained at a much faster pace than it did a couple years ago. Commodities like this have an inverse relationship to the dollar.

    High unemployment + rising costs + savings wiped out = disaster. A financial apocalypse is what I worry about far more than a few temperature degree changes in either direction.
  • Mark Dygert
    "So, be sure next mealtime to ask for your free sep-tua-centennial cupcake in a cup."
    I hear if you reserve a hover chair now they throw in a free round of virtual golf...
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    As for over population, fixed by... women working and medicine. You don't have time to be a baby making machine when your working 9-5. Add that on top of the survival chances are much greater for kids, so you don't need to have a as many kids to ensure your seed is passed on.
    Add to it that there is a social war against having kids. When was the last time "I'm pregnant" wasn't met with "oh sh!t... you're f*cked".
    The people that listen get the message, "don't have kids they ruin your life...". The problem is no one ever finishes that conversion and prepares them to actually have kids when the actually decide to have them
    "Your life is over, this thing just destroyed every hope you've ever had of being happy" is not the good way to start off being a parent.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Junkie_XL wrote: »

    People also apparently forgot the cold winter we just had.

    You can never win with the climate change folks. They play both sides of the coin. People were crying out "extreme weather" a few months ago. But if it was the warmest winter we've had in a while then they say "see...global warmingz!1"

    Climate change = more extreme weather, global warming would cause colder winters and hotter summers.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    ^ I cant believe that actually needs to be a talking point.

    If you ask me, this is why space travel, and colonization needs to be the #1 world priority. everyone needs to put aside all their bullshit, and pull together in the most bad ass space race the world has ever seen.

    its time to abandon ship suckaz!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD wrote: »
    Climate change = more extreme weather, global warming would cause colder winters and hotter summers.

    Man-made or not should be the debate.

    Shall I bring out climategate again? :poly124:

    This is better...
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    wut- then what does the winter being colder have to do with anything??

    wether or not were actually screwed or not should be the debate, We need to get a move on if were gonna get our asses into space.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I don't really care if global warming is natural or man made, or even happening, its not smart wasting our limited oil supply and polluting.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    konstruct wrote: »
    wut- then what does the winter being colder have to do with anything??

    wether or not were actually screwed or not should be the debate, We need to get a move on if were gonna get our asses into space.

    smartest thing iv heard all month. Frisbee golf this weekend btw! lol
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    konstruct wrote: »
    does anyone else feel like the end days are literally right around the corner? I mean, maybe not THE END FOR EVERYTHING end days- just a huge cataclysm seems brewing that feels like its going to take out a lot of people. be it WWIII, Some sort of environmental shitstorm, or maybe all that religious hooey is on point and Jeebus is headin back for round 2 :P

    I mean this seems to be a main thread in a lot of modern story telling, video games especially.

    Maybe I`m just getting older, and every generation has its apocalyptic anxieties, Or maybe it has to do with the US no longer being on top of the dog pile. Maybe it has to do with a little climate change causing a bit of ruckus?

    but either way I feel this weird primal instinct kickin in thats telling me to brace myself. Part of me thinks I should be scared, but in all honesty I cant feel anything else but excited.

    !!!BRING IT ON!!!

    zombies... :thumbup:

    edit: also as a note to the electric car hub-ub earlier... They run on electricity, batteries need charging, the majority of the world has its electricity charged via coal.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    and coal pollutes more than oil.

    And solar and wind energy can't be more than 10% of our energy grids because there's no form of energy storage, and they could cause black outs or put too much power in the grid. That's why countries/states export a lot of their wind power.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    An interesting sum up of one viewpoint of current thinking, sourcing a lot from the geological record: http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html

    I'm sure it's not the only perspective out there with a ton of pretty graphs and charts to back them up though.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    konstruct wrote: »
    ^ I cant believe that actually needs to be a talking point.

    If you ask me, this is why space travel, and colonization needs to be the #1 world priority. everyone needs to put aside all their bullshit, and pull together in the most bad ass space race the world has ever seen.

    its time to abandon ship suckaz!

    Unfortunately most of us would go down with the ship suckaz. :[

    And the super smart, and the richest assholes would fly off into the great unknown.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    ya know, no one wants to hear it, but if you want to curb consumption one sure way would be a nice big world war, preferably all out with nukes and biological weaponry.
    Just kill off about 3 billion people, maybe four billion and we'll certainly make a dent in that resource consumption.

    Best thing is we'd only set our population numbers back 50 years.
  • greenj2
    Just watched it. Some interesting food for thought, thanks for sharing! :D

    Prophetic or not, I think we can all agree that anything promoting a greater mass awareness of the damage our species does to this planet and itself as a global community, is a good thing. It reminded me of something Terence Mckenna once said.
    Reason, and science, and the practice of unbridled capitalism, have not delivered us into an angelic realm. Quite the contrary: they’ve delivered 3% of us into an angelic realm, completely overshadowed by guilt about what’s happening to the other 97% of us who are eating it! It’s not a pretty picture, modern civilisation. Most people in the world today are quite miserable...And now we are attempting – with basically a carved wooden oar – to turn a battleship around. And it’s a very frustrating undertaking. The momentum for catastrophe is enormous in this situation. But it’s not 100% certain that catastrophe is what we’re headed for, because we are not 100% unconscious. There are people struggling to figure out how to control population, struggling to figure out how to balance the relationship between the masculine and the feminine, struggling to bring amelioration of hunger and disease to various parts of the world. So we’re in essentially a tragic situation. A tragic situation is a catastrophe when you know it, you see.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Terence Mckenna... Amen & RiP...

    What strikes me as a pessimistic reality is that we all sit here assuming there are knowledgeable people out there, scientists, environmentalists and what-have-you who have their finger on Earth's pulse. They know what's going on, they've got all the answers and they're dealing with it. The sad truth is there's most likely no one capable enough taking care of business for us. Everybody's helplessly looking around hoping someone's in charge...
  • jerry
    moof wrote: »

    The general lopsided quality to everything in our times globally (the burdens of society, distribution of wealth, education, and culture, etc.) seems too out of whack to support a global society, which we're becoming.
    Which gives rise to things like Bin Laden and Global Terrorism, Global Warming, Katrina and Haiti, gluttonous consumerism and tea baggers.

    A global society gives rise to Katrina and Bin Laden, what a load of crap :poly127:.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    konstruct wrote: »
    wut- then what does the winter being colder have to do with anything??

    Kinda proves what I said earlier and where 'I thought' Cojax was going with his post. "Man-made global warming" apologists have already got it set in their heads to believe one side of the science no matter what. If this last season was one of the warmer winters we've ever had on record then the climate change believers would be playing that card to the hilt, of course.

    For those who are truly interested in the topic instead of playing "follow the leader" it is good to read and watch stuff on both sides of the coin.

    The more I've looked into the "green push" the more it just seems like a money making scam for certain industries to profit while taking from others. I'd say we have more investigating to do before we decide to cap, tax, and trade ourselves to death with some new government bureaucracy. The panic button people are hitting with this stuff seems a bit too alarmist for my blood.

    edit: btw I aint no republican. The google book I posted was written by a democrat if memory serves.
    wether or not were actually screwed or not should be the debate, We need to get a move on if were gonna get our asses into space.
    We'd get there much faster if the government would declassify things like Roswell so we can copy that alien technology. :)


    **cue x-files music**
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    yay for nuclear power plants. shoot the left-over into space, we're very unlikely to see it ever again.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Phony Reason, and phony science, and the practice of unbridled capitalism, have not delivered us into an angelic realm.

    If reason is causing problems then it isn't very reasonable.
    If science is causing problems then it's because of the phony reasoning around it.
    Phony reasoning is the weapon of choice of unbridled capitalism.
  • greenj2
    shotgun> That's true. I'd hope that these days, more and more people are becoming critical of their leaders and so-called experts. Especially in our capitalist regime, where problems which can be profited from and aren't too controversial are quickly addressed/well funded and the more tricky stuff just gets swept under the rug.

    I think it's important that all people remember 'their leaders/experts are for better or worse, just as human as they are. No monkey on this rock flying through space has perfected the art of living here yet and none of us has all the answers. We're all just passing through this life, trying to work out what the fuck is going on.

    acc> A good point sir. I think 'Mckenna also went on to talk about the way capitalism/materialism uses scientific/technological advancements to justify it's dominance in the cultures of modern societies. I suppose that's why we are where we are as consumers, always chasing the newest toys, unaware of what they're really costing the rest of the world.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Junkie_XL wrote: »

    People also apparently forgot the cold winter we just had.

    You can never win with the climate change folks. They play both sides of the coin. People were crying out "extreme weather" a few months ago. But if it was the warmest winter we've had in a while then they say "see...global warmingz!1"

    Right? And don't give me any of that bullshit "science" to explain to me how global warming can make things colder...

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Vailias wrote: »
    ya know, no one wants to hear it, but if you want to curb consumption one sure way would be a nice big world war, preferably all out with nukes and biological weaponry.
    Just kill off about 3 billion people, maybe four billion and we'll certainly make a dent in that resource consumption.


    edit, in case this needs any elaboration: The amount of damage to our natural resources and the portion of land rendered unlivable by all out nuclear/chemical warfare definitely outweighs the potential gains, even if you were being purely sociopathic about it.
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