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APB - All Points Bulletin

Been in the beta for this for a while now, they've just started it up again with release 0.6 and I gotta say it's pretty awesome.

There was a lot of hype when the original clips were shown and people were suspicious as to whether it would be as good as they were portraying, especially in regards to the detail of the customization.

Turns out it is exactly as they demo'd, character customization is incredible and by far the best I've seen in a game. The progression system/unlocks really encourage you to play some to unlock 'cooler' stuff for your character.

I love the idea of the gang/clan system too where you can have your logo/emblem on your cars/clothes etc. The 'Designer' for creating custom graphics to apply as tattoo's / decals etc is pretty deep too.

Unfortunately, the beta is plagued with lag, as would be expected I guess but for most of the time it's playable and I've enjoyed what I've played so far. It's a nice take on the MMO genre.

Graphics and environments look good too, character work is great. The only crit I have is that the city can look a little bland and generic, and part of me thinks this is due to the size and scope of the game and the fact it's an mmo, although GTAIV managed it well (although that's not an MMO obviously).

Anyone else looking forward to it? Or playing the beta too?

And if I'm under NDA... oops.


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