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  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    frell wrote: »
    Its horrible what this guy is doing to our country.

    PS Obama, it would have been cheaper to buy everyone who doesn't have healthcare healthcare rather than this.

    Canada has the type of healthcare that Obama wants to implement. And Canadians come across the border to the US to get immediate attention for surgery rather than being told to wait a couple months, which can mean life or death for many patients.

    The plan will put a cap on how much money doctors can make, and we already don't have enough doctors to support this plan. So as soon as young wanna be doctors hear about the salary cap they may have second thoughts of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for the education needed.

    The plan doesn't take affect for 4 years, and by time we have someone in office to untangle this wad of crap called a presidency it will be to late.

    Here is one of the other problems right here, though really the huge pockets of the insurance industry is the bigger one.

    This is someone who's bought directly into republican talking points, and understands nothing of the issues and eats up bullshit stories with no basis in reality.

    Opposition for the wrong reasons, the republican mantra as of late.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    This bill will result in *more* people going bankrupt that currently are. If anything, it will increase the red scare and anti socialism sentiment.

    There are already reports of tea party members taking to the streets and yelling racial and sexual slurs at politicians, lawmakers and anybody within earshot, many of whom had no direct involvement with the penultimate decisions at hand.

    Stay classy America.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    THE BILL DOES NOTHING TO ADDRESS RISING COSTS. The number one problem in America that affects people's health is PAYING for healthcare. The quality isn't that great, but it's not awful, it's solidly middling. This bill will result in *more* people going bankrupt that currently are. If anything, it will increase the red scare and anti socialism sentiment.

    I dont disagree with you about the negative financial implications of this bill.

    I think you are over-estimating the ability of the american people to make practical observations and derive logical conclusions. I'm pretty sure as soon as the american people realize that russian soldiers haven't put us under martial law after this healthcare bill passed the anti socialism hysteria will reduce. I don't think the reality of the financial situation has anything to do with the average americans' opinion of it.

    That said, we'll have to wait and see how it pans out.
    Opposition for the wrong reasons, the republican mantra as of late.

    It's the democrat mantra too. Partisan US politics in general has adopted dishonest fear-mongering as the only way to communicate to the american people, whether they have something true to say or not
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    There are already reports of tea party members taking to the streets and yelling racial and sexual slurs at politicians, lawmakers and anybody within earshot, many of whom had no direct involvement with the penultimate decisions at hand.

    Stay classy America.

    Would that we had the class to handle these disputes like gentlemen

  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Besides the monkey flip in the beginning there was a significant lack of Judo in that video.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Besides the monkey flip in the beginning there was a significant lack of Judo in that video.

    Classical judo gripfighting to control the other guys, a look at a Tai-otoshi near the end, and a super smooth textbook Tomoe-nage -- that is about as judo as a fight between politicians can get! Also hips like a judoka on the ground, keeps himself low when he shoves the other guy down instead of starting to get back up like an untrained brawler would.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    frell wrote: »
    Its horrible what this guy is doing to our country.

    PS Obama, it would have been cheaper to buy everyone who doesn't have healthcare healthcare rather than this.

    Canada has the type of healthcare that Obama wants to implement. And Canadians come across the border to the US to get immediate attention for surgery rather than being told to wait a couple months, which can mean life or death for many patients.

    The plan will put a cap on how much money doctors can make, and we already don't have enough doctors to support this plan. So as soon as young wanna be doctors hear about the salary cap they may have second thoughts of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for the education needed. We also wont have enough resources to support this plan either.

    This healthcare is not free, don't let the bill fool you. Its only free to the people who would never pay for it in the first place. All it does is make the people who work for their money pay for everyone else.

    Im sure we'll all change our views when we are very sick with cancer and can't get it removed because a homeless person deliberately hurt himself so he could have 'free'(see above) shelter and food.

    The plan doesn't take affect for 4 years, and by time we have someone in office to untangle this wad of crap called a presidency it will be to late.

    As a Canadian, with experience using our medial system, and my wife being a nurse in the health care system, you are not entirely correct. A lot of that is the right wing media bullshit being spoon fed.

    There are cases where Canadian will go across the border, case in fact, a very good friend of mine takes his children who have CP to the Mayo Clinic for surgery, because they are the best in the world at what they do.

    However, for the vast majority of Canadians, our system works fine. Wait times are not long in most cases, and anyone requiring serious surgery, has no wait time at all. Our emergency room visits in most cases do not have a long wait time.

    I had a situation going to a hospital during peak hours, at least 50-60 people waiting, and I only had to wait 30 minutes for treatment. The most serious cases were treated first, as it should be.

    The fact of the matter is Canadians, along with other nations with similar systems, live longer and live healthier than Americans. There is a reason for that.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Technically speaking, everyone has free healthcare already. You can't walk into an emergency room or hospital with anything life threatening and not be treated, the doctors who didn't treat you can be arrested. And before someone says "then they'll be slapped with an unplayable debt" not really. If you are unable to make the payments then it will be payed for with tax dollars.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah guys, all treatments and transplants and surgeries are totally free and will be forgiven with tax dollars!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    frell wrote: »
    Its horrible what this guy is doing to our country.

    PS Obama, it would have been cheaper to buy everyone who doesn't have healthcare healthcare rather than this.

    Canada has the type of healthcare that Obama wants to implement. And Canadians come across the border to the US to get immediate attention for surgery rather than being told to wait a couple months, which can mean life or death for many patients.

    The richest of canadians do this. The richest people all over the world come to US because we have the best healthcare in the world for the richest .01%. Middle class and lower class canadians do not cross the border for american health care. They get it in canada. Their system is superior when it comes to taking care of the 99%.

    frell wrote: »
    The plan will put a cap on how much money doctors can make, and we already don't have enough doctors to support this plan. So as soon as young wanna be doctors hear about the salary cap they may have second thoughts of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for the education needed. We also wont have enough resources to support this plan either.

    Yea, I read about a doctor complaining how about this bill will only allow him to charge 220/hr. Poor guy. I'm all for reforming the skyrocketing medical school costs though.
    frell wrote: »
    This healthcare is not free, don't let the bill fool you. Its only free to the people who would never pay for it in the first place. All it does is make the people who work for their money pay for everyone else.

    Who told you it's free?
    Emergency rooms are already "free" to people who can't afford it, and that overpriced bill goes to the rest of us. Getting them insured saves us money.
    And believe it or not, some people work for their money, but still can't afford health insurance for their family.
    frell wrote: »
    Im sure we'll all change our views when we are very sick with cancer and can't get it removed because a homeless person deliberately hurt himself so he could have 'free'(see above) shelter and food.

    Why wouldn't he just break the law by stealing from a convenience store? That seems significantly easier than hurting yourself so badly you have to spend more than one afternoon in the hospital. You'd have to at least lose a limb. and that would only buy you a few weeks.
    frell wrote: »
    The plan doesn't take affect for 4 years, and by time we have someone in office to untangle this wad of crap called a presidency it will be to late.

    That would be obama again.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    The doctors are paid in rainbows and unicorn farts (which are also rainbows).
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    He only won because of his race anyway, so yes he probably will be re-elected.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    frell wrote: »
    Herrrrrrrrrrrrr duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    aesir wrote: »

    That would be obama again.

    I dunno, dude. I dont think the recession is going to look like its totally over to the average american by the election, and i don't think obama is a good *enough* president to be the first incumbent to win in that situation.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    SupRore wrote: »
    I dunno, dude. I dont think the recession is going to look like its totally over to the average american by the election, and i don't think obama is a good *enough* president to be the first incumbent to win in that situation.
    I'd rather any other democrat than Obama honestly. (Not based on race, im not racist)

    I've heard on many news stations that we are coming out of the recession numerous times, but no one seems to care.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    frell wrote: »
    I'd rather any other democrat than Obama honestly. (Not based on race, im not racist)

    You're not racist, you just dislike him for some unsubstantiated reason you cant quite put your finger on

    what are some democrats who differ greatly from obama in philosophy that you'd prefer as president?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    If I could find some good odds, I'd be willing to throw down a significant amount of money betting on obama. Everyone will hate him till it's election time and then the love will return. He won't lose any debates unless as he has a stroke in the next couple years. Republicans are screwed. They need to abandon most of their social stances to ever gain a new voter, but that would cut their base in half.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I dont think the recession is going to look like its totally over to the average american by the election

    Yeah that's the sad part about it all ... whenever I catch a glimpse of TV here I feel like a vast amount of people think that it's just up to the president in his mandate to 'fix the economy kthanks'. The brainwashed attitude I witness either on TV or random real life encounters just made me lose interest in the whole debate.

    By the way one technicality. In the speech given on the white house website, Pres. Obama mentions how the bill is now up for revision and further improvements. How does is that process supposed to go? Will it be another political mudfight or can that extra step really improve on the current text?
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    frell wrote: »
    I'd rather any other democrat than Obama honestly. (Not based on race, im not racist)

    I've heard on many news stations that we are coming out of the recession numerous times, but no one seems to care.

    Yes you are. You're totally racist. Your earlier comment about him winning because of race is all we need to know to be 100% certain you're a big fat racist.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    haha..yeah...you do have to pay for emergency room visits...they just cant turn you away..but they certainly can charge you.....
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    SupRore wrote: »
    I dunno, dude. I dont think the recession is going to look like its totally over to the average american by the election, and i don't think obama is a good *enough* president to be the first incumbent to win in that situation.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, the recession is nowhere near over, and won't be by 2012 in the slightest. ( I know that's what you're saying already, but the idea of it being over is laughable). The only "recovery" has been in the upper tiers of the financial sector who have figured out ways to profit massively even in these hard times (Goldman Sachs helping Greece hide their debt to join the EU for one).

    For the average american, they need to buckle in, because this recession is here to stay.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    low odor wrote: »
    haha..yeah...you do have to pay for emergency room visits...they just cant turn you away..but they certainly can charge you.....

    And plenty of them will stabilize you to the bare legal minimum and dump you back on the street.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Yes you are. You're totally racist. Your earlier comment about him winning because of race is all we need to know to be 100% certain you're a big fat racist.
    Its a fact, there was a major jump in African votes in the 2008 election than there ever has been on record. If you deny this than you must not live here.

    You're not. Ahh i see now. Theres a couple foreign exchange students in my school that are from Europe, one is from Germany. I asked them all to tell me how they talk about Obama over there, and it turns out they're extremely choked off from information.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    frell wrote: »
    Its a fact, there was a major jump in African votes in the 2008 election than there ever has been on record. If you deny this than you must not live here.

    It was the bill that the bush administration snuck in that let african citizens vote in the election that really tipped the scales.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    frell wrote: »
    Its a fact, there was a major jump in African votes in the 2008 election than there ever has been on record. If you deny this than you must not live here.

    So are they offset by the southerns who would never vote for a black man? and if no, please quote your sources.

    Also, you imply again that you're a racist, by suggesting that black people are so unable to make intelligent choices, they will just point to the black face on the ballot and vote blindly for "their guy". How is that white people can be trusted to judge a person objectively without skin color playing a factor, but somehow black people can't do the same?

    A jump in black votes has nothing to do with the outcome of the election unless you're incredibly racist.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    this guy's a dickhead, but that's a slight exaggeration -- to say with certaitny that all american put political responsibility and being informed above racial solidarity is ridiculous, surely at least a portion of those new black votes were uninformed voters just voting for 'their guy' -- the same way i'm sure a great deal of white racists voted mccain to keep darkie out.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Enough with the racist glenn beck clone.

    How much do the people that paint this as "a win" know about the actual bill? It's labeled as reform, it *sounds* nice on paper, and honestly it won't worsen most high tech employees care (read any full time game art employee at a large fully funded company), but I'm very confident in my prediction that this will increase the rate of medical cost related bankruptcies and deaths, and I've been following it *very* closely since it's inception.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    So are they offset by the southerns who would never vote for a black man? and if no, please quote your sources.
    Seeing as how there was 72 cases of confirmed fraud during the 2008 election, almost all by Africans, im going to say no.

    Since im not racist ill fight on both sides. Southern rednecks don't vote. They get out their guns and make plans. (In all seriousness, if you lived here you would have seen how hectic everything was the couple of weeks after he won) and ps, africans live all over, the white supremacists are much more wide spread and in no way can tip the scale.

    You don't live here. Ahh i see now. Theres a couple foreign exchange students in my school that are from Europe, one is from Germany. I asked them all to tell me how they talk about Obama over there, and it turns out they're extremely choked off from information.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    oh gawd, I think I broke my nose from facepalming
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I hear you man. ben may be a dirty foreigner, but I've lived here all my life, which i'm guessing is about as long as yours -- I know all about those fraudulent Africans living all over america, waiting to steal shit and rig elections. I hope we vote obama out before the end of 2010. Not for any racist reasons, just to stop those africans from overstepping their bounds.

    I mean, god, did you hear what happened with tiger woods? He cheated on his white wife. I dont think you've gotta be a racist to see obama's administration is leading to moral degeneration in america.
  • poopinmymouth
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Poop arent you from Texas, or Va or something hahahahaha
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    SupRore, in all honesty i cant tell if you're trolling or being serious. Its the way you're wording everything thats making me iffy.

    I hate to say it, but its reality. We may sound racist but we aren't at all. Come to America for vacation, ask any african why they like obama. 8/10 "Because he is black". I actually asked that to a kid in my school and that was his exact reply.

    In you're defense PIMM, you do live in Europe and don't see the full extent of America and the way people act. Whats seems like stereotypical racist comments to you are very true here, and i have dozens of friends, black ones to, that will agree.
    low odor wrote: »
    Poop arent you from Texas, or Va or something hahahahaha
    If he hasn't been in America for a while since 2008 then it wont really matter.
  • schebbe
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    schebbe polycounter lvl 8
    You should get an indian as president, a true native of America.
  • Master_v12
    A wise man once said... "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    if the new polycount 2.0 has custom titles, could a mod please amend "a bit racist" under frell's username.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    What the fuck... O.o.... this is why I stay away from politics..
  • Master_v12
    A dude with 21 post (A third of them in this thread), just called SupRore(2500 posts) a troll???
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    aesir wrote: »
    if the new polycount 2.0 has custom titles, could a mod please amend "a bit racist" under frell's username.
    Define racism.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    -redacted, probably a bit too far-

    Frell, my posts to ben were serious, my posts to you were supposed to be bitingly sarcastic examples of extreme racism but then you ended up relating to them. Grow up, dude.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    look at what we have become america. racists don't even know they're racist anymore!!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    aesir wrote: »
    look at what we have become america. racists don't even know they're racist anymore!!
    Where do you live? This might explain the aura of ignorance glowing on you.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    low odor wrote: »
    Poop arent you from Texas, or Va or something hahahahaha

    Yes, that's what makes this bumbling hillbilly look like such a tard. I spent the first 25 years of my life in Virginia, Texas and California.

    So, one black guy can speak for the entire race, good to know. Can you also ask your one black friend what he thinks about other racially loaded issues so we can all know? Please I'll be waiting with baited breath. Can I paint the entire white race based off of the teabagger interviews I see on youtube? Because if so, hoooboy.

    The idea that you have to have your feet "on the ground" in American to know what's going on is so laughable. It's a huge country, and no one single person's experience offers much in the way of info. True investigative journalism, polls, and scientific studies can give anyone on earth a much better idea of the political landscape than any one person's ideas from their tiny little sphere they move in.

    Especially since we are discussing a healthcare bill, which has constantly had it's full text online for anyone who understands English to read.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I love how he calls Black AMERICANS "Africans" and then says practically in the same breath "I'm not a racist".

    And...this is coming from me, a pretty die-hard right libertarian type *As Poop well knows and can attest to*. Please Frell, get off "our side" because you're making us (the right) look stupid and possibly bigoted.

    Point of interest, I'm in pretty dire need of some medical care myself, but have no insurance, and no money...yet I'm STILL against Government run health-care simply because I feel our inept Gov is too incompetent to handle the task. I mean, this is the same group of yahoo's who've bungled Social Security, Katrina, multiple wars and so much more. I don't think I want to give them the control over my health(care) as well thanks.

    I'm not a fan generally of Mitt Romney, but he said something great during the last election. "If you think healthcare is expensive now...just wait till its free"

    Now, healthcare reform and oversight I am a bit of a fan of. Between torte reform, limitations on med school costs, administrative costs for insurance companies and hospitals, exorbitant doctor salaries, pharmaceutical costs and profits...I think we can come out of this without resorting to handing our healthcare over to the Fed Gov. I believe the companies/organizations involved can still find a way to compete, be profitable and still provide compassionate effective care within a new set of more sane, affordable guidelines.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I kinda like glenn beck, actually. The man seems legitimately informed and intelligent.

    The fact the he willfully twists information and manipulates his audience is pretty damn immoral as a journalist, but as an entertainer/media personality he has my respect. He's like a straight faced, evil version of stephen colbert
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Fucking Africans hopping the fence into our country and taking our jobs as president...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    NY - FL - VA - MA

    I think frell is racist AND I've done jello shots in the woods next to a mobile home. And by jello shots I mean shooting ballistic gelatin with a gun.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Fucking Africans hopping the fence into our country and taking our jobs as president...

    Fraudulent record breaking African ballots in Nigeria tipping the scales for Obama, man!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    frell wrote: »
    Where do you live? This might explain the aura of ignorance glowing on you.

    LA muthfucka. more real ni**gaz here than anywhere else! Well, mainly latinos actually. I used to live in this ghetto ass part of korea-town, but now I'm back at the beach. I love LA :)

    But don't be scared, I'm so white I'd burn your eyes out if I took my shirt off.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Perfect argument in 4 fragments from another forum:

    okay, i'll go over it again

    people can't afford health insurance

    we are forcing them to get health insurance or pay penalties

    how does a subsidy that reduces the price of something you can't afford to a price you still can't afford helpful?
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