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Hello Polycount, Zelzaan is here! -or- Max Payne Fanart WIP

Hey Folks!

I've heard from many friends that the polycount community is a great place for 3D Junkies who are willing to learn, and after a looking through many really inspirational threads i absolutely had to join this forum.

I'm from Austria and got into 3D about 2 years ago. Currently I'm working on a Max Payne - style based Char. Here are some Screens, hope you like it:bgylau49uldv4cypb.jpg



  • A.Ceylan
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    Love the work!

    Great effort ... hope 2 c that character finalized.

    Keep it up!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    wow dude! 2 yrs into 3d and your already rocking! good for you!

    I think this looks really good so far. Main crit is that his face is looking more Clint Eastwood than Max payne. Another thing is that his coat seems rather tight to his body. Looks great!
  • Zelzaan
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    Thank you very much for your comments!

    @ A.C.: This one is definitely going to be finished ;)

    @ mike: Max looks completely different in every episode, so I decided not to be too careful in nailing a specific likeness. I improvised till I liked the result.

    The coat is supposed to be rather tight. I'll play with it, maybe I will achieve a more realistic result.

    @ Saso: fifty-fifty. I've attended a college for game developement, but apart from a few workshops it was a waste of money.
  • A.Ceylan
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    To me he seems like a mixture of Dirty Harry, William Dafoe and Mr. White from Reservoir Dogs.

    BTW, I made a quick paintover for some suggestions.

    You might consider to rotate his ear a bit.

    The purple lines are just a matter of taste ...
  • Zelzaan
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    arigato, your suggestion looks fine, I'll try the ear-rotation and the nose-thing :)
  • Zelzaan
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  • Disco Stu
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    Looking very nice! I think the weakest bit are the folds on the back of the knee.
    I think you could dig them a little deeper and remove some of the "spandex" like
    stretch effect.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Bad, ass I really like it nice work.

    I like that the materials are defined by their wrinkles and read as the materials they represent even without a defining diffuse material.

    I like the shoes and the wrinkles around the ankles. Not a big fan of the pinching behind the knees, seems a bit "pinned" into place instead of folded and creased.

    I like the un-tucked shirt, nice touch =)

    The jacket seems to hang away from the body, which technically is correct for this kind of jacket in a pose like this. BUT it would make rigging it up for a game and bringing the arms down a little hard since there wouldn't really be a easy way to relax the jacket as the arms come down. Its not impossible, but it would be easier if the jacket wasn't hanging.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    This is slick, dude. Long live noir max payne!
  • Clockwork
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    Nothing wrong with the modeling, but this do not say Max Payne. At all, but that's ok, fan-art and imitation suck anyway. Make original stuff.

    I'm more interested to see how well you'll be able to pull off this bake.
  • bbob
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    Looking pretty good there, I really like the folds on the sleeves and on the trousers. However, the folds on the shirt itself looks more like sand-dunes than draping cloth. Also, the coat, plus the collar on the shirt looks a bit too stiff.

    As for the face, I think you've done a pretty good job of capturing him, except that the chin is too big. Come to think of it, he axtually looks a bit like Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry..

    Clockwork wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with the modeling, but this do not say Max Payne. At all, but that's ok, fan-art and imitation suck anyway. Make original stuff.

    I'm more interested to see how well you'll be able to pull off this bake.

    Hey come on! What about giving the guy some proper critique, instead of giving him your oppinion on fan-art? What makes you the authority on what kinda art people should make or not?
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    I'd say it looks a lot like Max in MP2. It's different from the first Max Payne of course, but I don't mind that at all, his personality is portrayed much better by the actor that did the sequel. The original reminds me of Johnny Knoxville.
  • Zelzaan
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    Thanks a lot for your c&c guys!!

    @ Stu & Vig: Absolutely right, The folds on the back of the knees don't look convincing, i'll fix that.

    The coat was indeed kind of floating in front of the chest, didn't seem that obvious in the preview renderer. I've fixed that.

    @ bbob: sand-dunes :D Yeah, you're right, the folds lack of gravity. I'll see what i can do.

    Actually, it wasn't my goal to nail a specific likeness. I wanted to create a badass looking face and used a lot of different reference material. There's some of the Max Payne 2 actor, Ray Liotta and Clint Eastwood in himself. Just wanted to create a character that fits his angry and vengeful spirit.

    @ felipe: Yeah, me too. ^^
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    zelzaan what you descibed apart from small things here and there is depicted very well.
    He looks pretty bad ass :)
    i know this might be difficult to do now, but for the ultimate bad ass if you made like navy coat with a bit larger thicker "collar" woud add an old school macho feel!


    Corto Maltese style ;)

    fan art can be awesome! depends on the fan :) good job man!
  • Zelzaan
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    thank you yiannisk!

    I absolutely love this idea, so I exported the lowest subdiv of the coat to maya, straightened up the collar, imported it in zbrush.. but whenever I try to move up in my existing subd-lvls, some faces explode. Seems like i have to sculpt the coat anew, if I wan't to adopt this style :(
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18

    I got a serious Captain Tightpants vibe from the first post, guess it was the colour :p

    Its looking great so far, this is how the new Max Payne should have been :(
  • throttlekitty
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    So did I, odium.

    Great job with those wrinkles!!
  • StealthSilver
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    Seriously splitting hairs here, but the un-tucked portion of the shirt doesn't look long enough.
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    also you can try just making the collar larger. without lifting it.
    so it looks like an old coat. this could also work without major modifications.

    try it

    and what stealth says sounds like a good idea.
    would give him even more careless free feel.
    or maybe he was just kicking someone's ass in the back alley so maybe a lock of his hair is off a bit too :)

    of course it already is looking very nice.
    just pushing a bit more :)
  • Zelzaan
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    Holy ****. I've just realized that I haven't posted anything in a year. Was kinda busy... Moving to an other country, starting a new life and things like that :D

    However.. I've excavated my badass cop-type guy and want to finish him. Thanks to all for your critique, you really helped me out there!

    Most of the update work was done ages ago. Had to resculpt the coat and the helmet-like hair. Done a little work on the wrinkles of his pants and his hands.

    Time for some texture painting! Just need to figure out how to start :D

    Enough text, here are some pics:


  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    very nice work! try not to take a year updating this :P
  • mkandersson
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    mkandersson polycounter lvl 7
    Nice sculpt. For some reason he reminds me of a young Clint Eastwood :P
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, awesome work! I love it so far, looks really cool. So far I'd say that the shots from the side looks a little bit off, having a hard time pin-pointing exactly what it is though. I feel like the lips could be more relaxed as well, or have some more volume (can you say that? haha)

    Really nice work so far though! :)
  • bigphun
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    Very Impressive, I think it looks an awful lot like Mitt Romney.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You've got some damn nice work here, but I think you might have lost a certain something in the personality of the face between the previous image and the last one.

    Too tired to come up with a more coherent crit than that for now. Will have a closer look tomorrow.
  • Zelzaan
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    @ ae: Thanks, I'll do my best ;)
    @ mkanderson: Thanks, I threw a glance at Clint while scultping, simply love this guy!
    @ Thank you Chris! Do you mean the previous shots, or the newer ones? About the lips: Yeah, heard that a couple of times, relaxed them a tad. Took a look at Ray Liotta for this, he got some damn narrow lips.
    @ Thanks bigphun!
    @Jackablade, thanks! Lost personality? Hmm, didn't change that much on the face. I've elongated the nose a bit, gave the lips a tad mor volume and rotated as well as resculpted the ears. Maybe it's the hair, or the material.
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