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The Final Fantasy XIII Thread

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
Anybody pick it up today (UK Release).

Playing it now, about 2 hours into it, and I have to say its impressive. Don't get me wrong, its not perfect, but its damn impressive, much more than I was actually expecting. What are your guys thoughts on it thus far?

Pros -

* STUNNING artwork - I'm playing the 360 one for chevos but even then its still stunning. Aside from the hair, you actually can't tell its not in HD. The level of detail in the cinematics is just mind boggling...

* Battles - Wasn't sure if it was gonna work, and I'm still not 100% on it, but the battles are fun to do. I'm still at the "only press A, dont you dare do anything else" stage bu the battles are a lot more fun than previous entries, almost back to FFVII in a way, which is good for me.

* Voice acting - For the majority of the characters, its spot on, really impressive. A few corny lines, but thats Japanese translations for you. Sugar and rainbows indeed.

* Moms are tough - No... Moms are HAWT.

Cons -

* The camera - Thankfully the game maintains a camera angle most of the time and it doesn't need to be moved, but often when you need to move the camera, to check a corner for an item box or something, its just horrid to control. Really bad.

* Movement - It just feels cheap, like your not part of the world, more so skating on it, almost tank like in control, nothing a precise as I would expect.

* Simplicity - This game FEELS like Mass Effect 2... I.e. they stripped everything out and down to its basic form. No more fun items you can find in a clock, or anything like that, everything is in clearly marked huge floating spheres. Shops are at save points, villages are goe, it all feels a bit too dumbed down to me.

* Vanille - She... Is... Just... Too... Damn... HAPPY... Seriously, shes making me feel like an emo. She bounces everywhere, shes got this cute voice that never sounds down, its mad, she MUST be on something...


  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Im going to try and pick it up for PS3 but I get the feeling it will be sold out in a 50km radius
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I managed to catch it on display on PS3 at the store and the 1080p cinematics are stunning... Damn shame they used such a poor codec on the 360 ones but its no game breaker thankfully, at least they are still 720p.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    rolfness wrote: »
    Im going to try and pick it up for PS3 but I get the feeling it will be sold out in a 50km radius

    me too
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    odium wrote: »
    * Vanille - She... Is... Just... Too... Damn... HAPPY... Seriously, shes making me feel like an emo. She bounces everywhere, shes got this cute voice that never sounds down, its mad, she MUST be on something...

    Prozac. Every Final Fantasy game has at least one character who seems to be taking this shit. Still, I honestly doubt she's worse than Selphie - she was fucking NUTS.
  • Quokimbo
    I am a couple of hours in, the stripped down gameplay, I guess would be good for running around and grinding. I imagine ones you get in to larger longer battle, selecting your own commands will become more essential.

    I hate the control one person, rest are cronies in battle...

    The cinematics are great! Selphie was worse...
    odium wrote: »
    Damn shame they used such a poor codec on the 360

    Damn shame you had a choice, and picker the inferior one...Why? You must not like playing video games at their full potential? Hmmm, I can play this game in 720P/576p or 1080P...I pick the 1080p!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Because the 360 one is far smoother frame rate wise, and has chevos which will extend the game for me and show my friends what I've done, unlike PS3 trophies, which are pointless as nobody owns a PS3 but me. Also, the codec WAS a poor choice, they didn't have to use Bink. The 360 version was never going to have 1080p video, but it also didn't need to be so poor.

    Anyway, I'm up to Chapter 3 and I can't believe how important "CP" is... Did they REAAAAAALLY not think that one through?

    CP... Get it Wednesday.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Playing through Mass Effect 2 and Bayonetta now.

    Going to pick this one up next week with God of War 3

  • rumblesushi
    Quokimbo wrote: »
    I am a couple of hours in, the stripped down gameplay, I guess would be good for running around and grinding. I imagine ones you get in to larger longer battle, selecting your own commands will become more essential.

    I hate the control one person, rest are cronies in battle...

    The cinematics are great! Selphie was worse...

    Damn shame you had a choice, and picker the inferior one...Why? You must not like playing video games at their full potential? Hmmm, I can play this game in 720P/576p or 1080P...I pick the 1080p!

    Almost all multi platform games have a higher framerate on the 360. Generally the PS3 release is inferior. This is one of the rare examples that the PS3 version is better in some ways, runs at a higher resolution, but seemingly, with a worse framerate.

    Anyway odium - I haven't played it. I might give it a try, it's been years since I've played a FF. They are a bit too on rails for me, and it sounds like this one is no different, but I might give it a try anyway.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The last few games have been on rails so to speak, and this one is sadly even worse, just a straight line for the past 5 hours, not much else, maybe 10 feet off a random direction every half hour lol. Shame really, as I loved the older games for how you could go anywhere/any time.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    I'll have to pick it up for ps3 after GDC. 1080p looks amazing.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I have a feeling i'll be dissapointed but I'll likely play it. I'm not such a fan of the new format they're taking, with a serious lack of Overworld. Lost Odyssey was a major disappointment for me and I don't think I can take another heartbreak. (That being said I still enjoyed it, I just miss over worlds where you can walk around and potentially find random stuff)
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I think my most overwhelming impression of this game so far... is that, of all FF's, it's most reminiscent of FFX.

    Now, that is to say, -I- REALLY enjoyed FFX, so so far I'm enjoying this game quite a bit too. If some of you hated FFX, well, then I'd be a bit more weary treading into FF13 territory :p The graphics are freakin' stunning (like they were at the time for FFX). The battle system, while you can tell they picked up a few elements from FF12, still has a bit of the feel of FFX too. And the characters and plot also feel fairly FFX as well (l'Cie + Focus = Summoner's pilgrmage?)

    Anyway, if you enjoyed any of the more recent FF's, or really love the amazing art, I say GET THIS GAME! :D

    Oh, and Lightning is freakin' cool. I like Sazh a lot too, he breaks up some of the seriousness of the other characters well :P IMO, his voice actor is one of the best in a video game I've ever heard. You know when they have lines like, "blah, blah, but--" and they stop after the dash, before the next character has time to cut them off? Well, HE KEEPS TALKING until he's actually cut off! It felt like a dream come true for me... :P
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Picked up my copy today, cant wait to play.

    They have a lot to live up to from FF12 - which i still play. I'm ok with the FFX correlations, and am a little uneasy about the FFX-2 similarities... but i did play through that one twice and kind of liked it :)
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Seems like my Games Dealer sold prematurely :)...got it on Friday and was absorbed in it the complete weekend...didn't pause much...had to switch my controllers every now and again to recharge...finished it today...great game...after FFXII disappointed me...

    Some things are a bit sad...no real cities (well there are cities, but they are dungeons really...), no real NPC interaction (you can talk to exactly no single NPC...sometimes the mutter something when you walk past them...that's it), no minigames (there is an amusement park, but nothing to do there)... extremely linear, even for jRPG standards (there is one big area, and I think about 5 branching points total in the game...:poly121:)...the whole game seems to focus on speed...everything that could slow it down was removed...
    odium wrote: »
    Pros -

    * Battles - Wasn't sure if it was gonna work, and I'm still not 100% on it, but the battles are fun to do. I'm still at the "only press A, dont you dare do anything else" stage bu the battles are a lot more fun than previous entries, almost back to FFVII in a way, which is good for me.

    The Battles are fun and fast, sometimes extremely frustrating...I would wish for an optional pause function (like in VII, when you chose your action, the ATBs are frozen)...it is really confusing...especially later when you have to manage up to 6 different class setups...mostly I used the Auto-Chain and only changed Paradigms...(the 'Slow' option for the Battle Speed doesn't quite do it...the only noticeable change is, that characters don't act simultaneously...which is sometimes extremely bad...don't use it)

    Also I would like to have more control over the abilities my team mates use...one example...every character has a kind of ultimate attack using 5 ATB Segments, but the A.I. never uses them...it rather shoots out 5 lvl1 spells...also, why can't I summon the Eidolons of my team mates...why is it game over when the controlled character goes KO...the Battle System is lacking...a lot...amazingly it has managed to be too simplistic and confusing at the same time
    odium wrote: »
    * Moms are tough - No... Moms are HAWT.

    Yes, they are :poly121:
    odium wrote: »
    Cons -

    * The camera - Thankfully the game maintains a camera angle most of the time and it doesn't need to be moved, but often when you need to move the camera, to check a corner for an item box or something, its just horrid to control. Really bad.

    Oh yes...the camera...it always tries to adjust in the direction your running...while it is ok most of the time, if you want to circle an enemy to find the right moment to strike an preemptive attack, it is really hard, if not impossible, to keep the enemy in view...
    odium wrote: »
    * Simplicity - This game FEELS like Mass Effect 2... I.e. they stripped everything out and down to its basic form. No more fun items you can find in a clock, or anything like that, everything is in clearly marked huge floating spheres. Shops are at save points, villages are goe, it all feels a bit too dumbed down to me.

    odium wrote: »
    * Vanille - She... Is... Just... Too... Damn... HAPPY... Seriously, shes making me feel like an emo. She bounces everywhere, shes got this cute voice that never sounds down, its mad, she MUST be on something...

    Oh my god.is that girl annoying...her walk animation alone drives me crazy...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm pretty sure I've already been given cancer just by listening to Vanille... I love how everybody else is soooo emo and moans constantly but then she just bounces around all high pitched... Shes off her tits on something, thats for sure... I bet Sazh taps that.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    odium wrote: »
    I bet Sazh taps that.

    Hell yeah he does!!

    Im still waiting for my copy to arrive...... oooOOOooOooOooo!!!
  • ballooncity247
    odium wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure I've already been given cancer just by listening to Vanille... I love how everybody else is soooo emo and moans constantly but then she just bounces around all high pitched... Shes off her tits on something, thats for sure... I bet Sazh taps that.

    Now I know what it's like when people talk to me hahaha!! ^_^ but I think her sunny disposition even outshines mine =P

    I'm kinda getting the feeling like I'm walking through a gallery playing FFXIII, it's like a really long corridor with amazing views. I keep finding myself stopping for ages just looking around the environment - shame the crappy camera makes this activity pretty difficult and leaves me feeling a little motion sick.

    Tho very linear I'm still enjoying it, at least it feels like you are constantly progressing forward in the story instead of mindless wandering where you're not sure where you're meant to be heading =)
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    My rental turned up on release day, so after 3 hours I'm glad I did rent it.

    Pretty. Vacant.

    The hair is stunning, but the 8 sided arms and Quake3 fingers makes baby jesus cry.
  • Talbot
    I'm thinking about getting it. Although I've never played a JRPG so I'm really worried that I'm not going to like it. I like RPG's... usually. I've heard that this one is linear for the most part... which is good. But I'm worried that I'm not going to like the combat. All I can think of are the Gameboy Pokemon games I used to play and how I don't really want to do that... although it was fun at the time... hmmmm

    Any suggestions or comparisons that would help me decide whether I would like it?
  • Quokimbo
    Am I the only one who enjoyed random encounters, and the world map??
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey is there any websites just like that FFXII one, where you can simply watch vids of the whole game, cutting down the crap and just focusing on what matters story wise (and pretty-wise!)

    Waiting for my rental aswell...

    Also these animations must be a joke!!! So terrible ...
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Final Fantasy has been my favorite series of all time and really... the only time I get incredibly excited whenever a new game gets released. I was super worried when I found out this was going to be directed by the guy who did FFX, because god dammit.. I hated X. Well, not the plot wise.. I just couldn't stand the characters, world, art direction and voice actors. But with this, I'm absolutely enthralled and so enticed to learn more about every character. I thought I was going to hate Hope for probably being a Tidus clone *shudder* but he is pretty tolerable.

    And I'm going to jump off the bandwagon, and say that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE VANILLE. I don't know why, but every time she talks I become happy and find her the cutest thing in the damn world. And god bless the placement of her l'Cie tattoo, amirite?
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    Hey pior, I was just watching these yesterday, if this is what you're talking about:


    EDIT: this is japanese, that didn't seem to bother me last night.. lol --> Only a matter of time before the English versions are up I suppose

    (I thought it was 1080p, but apparently only 720p)

    Anyway, these final fantasy games have gotten a little silly for me I think to try to play through. I might change my mind, but the stories and character interactions seem pretty flat to me. Maybe someone can explain why this one is an improvement over 10.

    This game does look AMAZING though, but that's why I have these youtube vids... :)
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17

    Japanese voices with English subtitle ^_^

    And website for downloading YouTube movies :

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    ErichWK wrote: »
    ...And god bless the placement of her l'Cie tattoo, amirite?

    lol!! I thought the reaction Snow had was funny :P Something like... O.O! >.>... ok...

    Don't worry, you're not completely off your rocker, I sometimes find Vanille cute too. Her random accent was unexpected, but kinda cute :P (I think the random accent is much cooler on Fang, though)

    I thought I wouldn't like Hope much (too much of an annoying sissy), but he's actually growing on me a fair bit. Not sure how I feel about Snow though, he kinda needs to shut up about Serah once in a while, IMO...
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    Mezz wrote: »
    Don't worry, you're not completely off your rocker, I sometimes find Vanille cute too

    I would play her as my main the whole game if I could just for that run cycle....^________^
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Quokimbo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who enjoyed random encounters, and the world map??

    Random encounters not so much, but I missed the worldmap since it was removed for FFX...I think Versus will have a worldmap again...at least it is planed to have one...hope SquareEnix puts out some new infos on that one, now that XIII is released...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Heeeeey SMV that's perfect!!

    So I started watching it ... the full CG scenes are gorgeous but anything ingame (battle and realtime cutscenes) are boring as hell! Hence I have another question ... Is there any website with the CG cutscenes only, in good quality, and preferably with jap voice/english subs?

    I want to enjoy the art but not the boredom :P

  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Why can't we have sexy uncharted 2 running :( This feels more like moonwalking :)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Just under 8 hours in and now on Disk 2, which seems VERY odd... Theres nothing I've seen so far of the game that warrents me to be on "disk 2". Theres been a lot of CGI, but to be fair A) most of it could have been done in engine (and was, just in movie form) and b) the compression should have made the files smaller. Theres been a total of like 100 hundred world textures (Not many are normal/spec mapped even!) and no more than half a dozen different pieces of music... What gives? I really do have the feeling SE didn't really care about the port at all in that regard.

    That said, the games getting better now I have a few summons. Its still all closed off one way travel which sucks, but its getting better. Now that Hopes stopped crying like a bitch, that is.
  • KhAoZ
    Do you guys think this is better than FFXII?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    No. Its about on par with X, sadly... In more ways than one. :(
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I'm about 6 hours in, and really enjoying the combat. It is a hyper optimized version of the Job system, that is so user friendly and "dumbed down" that it will auto configure and set up the best groupings for you. You can customize the job groups, which is helpful. It is less open ended than 12 at the start - where you could really make any character a specific role from the getgo. I really enjoy too how you are "trained" to use every character by splitting the story off into different vignettes, so what i hope is to allow you to know who and what to use later in the game. Only thing i hate, its not fun to play a healer, or a buffer/debuffer.

    I think it is far more technical and advanced than 10, which was more about micromanaging your individual players as classes, moving them in/out as necessary both to beat an encounter, and to get everyone experience for the battle. In ways, its more like 12 with strategy and learning fights - and less of the grind 10 had. I do miss some of the grind, but i havent gotten to the "full party" bits yet.

    I dont know about combat seeming slow in 13 either... every battle ive fought has been extremely fast paced and chaotic, constantly switching paradigms to buff/debuff/chain/kill/heal. They toss a wrench into that with Odin, where if you go fast you die ;)

    Upgrading weapons is a fun little touch - i got used to selling all the junk you find in 12 that i almost started selling all the weapon components i had collected. Thankfully i didnt and was able to upgrade them a bit.

    I both hate and love the gameover/retry system. I hate that if my char dies, its over - and you can't have the "epic recoveries" unless other party members die. It is super nice though, in that you can experiment without fearing a long reload time or long fight back. You can experiment and learn instead of feeling frustrated about it. I just wish they handled the party leader stuff similar to FF12, where party member "titles" were liquid and could change at any point in battle.

    With that, i think it will encourage the use of fewer characters later in the game though... but since everyone earns CP regardless of being in the party - no one should be "underleveled."

    I think its fun, its different, but its growing on me.

    I dont get Vanille's accent... sometimes its Australian, sometimes its NZ, other times is lisp-y. There have been a few times so far where i want to punch her in the face, then she starts running around and I can't help but laugh. Lightning is a fucking awesome character, I dont think there have been super-ultra-strong female characters like her in FF's. Ashe from 12 was more stoic, Lightning is just a badass.
  • Quokimbo
    I miss controlling all three party members. When I switch paradigms, and Vanille is a healer, she doesn't do much attacking. More, she sits and waits for someone to get hit, then heals.

    If I were picking all three commands, she could attack, attack, oh someone got hit, heal...attack, attack.

    I do not like it all...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm at... Some place... And its all blue. Not when the lake gets turned to crystal, way after that, start of Disk 2...

    I have no idea why I'm here or what I'm doing... All I know is I've been walking on the same bloody platforms now for a few hours and its REALLY starting to bore me now... The games good when things are happening, but times like this I just want to smash my face against the pad...

    Its so wrong that I would KILL for a cross dressing mini game where I have to impress the pimp, or even a small minigame where I have to do squats... I miss opening cupboards for items :( When did games get so... Common...?
  • KhAoZ
    I heard stories of people camping out at GameStop and Best Buy for this... I feel bad for them :P
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    yeah, it really feels with a lot of the new additions and design that it feels very simple. You do not control more than one character, or make choices for spells/attacks from more than one character - but you control the overall actions of everyone based on pre-built AI "modes."

    Chests aren't hidden, they're floating magic technosperes that cover your screen with a FUCKING PRESS X TO OPEN THIS THING THATS FLOATING IN YOUR FACE, and "exploration" is more like "walk down this fancy corridor." Even as far as the crystal grid... they present it like "you have choices in directions to go" but you actually don't get any choices that will really affect your playstyle/character.

    It feels like a oversimplified version of the core aspects of Final Fantasy, but becomes more technical merging and melding those all together. I wonder if most angst that we show for it is nostalgia, or actual good design. I feel 13 had great combat design, it is highly optimized. If thats still obnoxious and we like "busy work" in these RPGS... then i guess thats ok, different strokes i guess.

    definitely not a "purist" final fantasy game, but i think it still sits pretty with the rest of them. Then again, I also liked FFX-2's combat, so yah :)
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah...I also missed those little things. And that blue forest thingie also was a bit boring, but it gets better afterwards...

    Also regarding Vanille's accent... it is
    pulsian :poly121:
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    How the FRIDGE do I beat this Aster Protoflorian? I'm switching Rav/Rav and Rav/Med up but hes one tough asshat... My grids are currently maxed, too... Argh... He takes an age to get down, just took me 15mins just to get him down to 55,000 HP from 130,000...
  • bluekangaroo
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    How the FRIDGE do I beat this Aster Protoflorian? I'm switching Rav/Rav and Rav/Med up but hes one tough asshat... My grids are currently maxed, too... Argh... He takes an age to get down, just took me 15mins just to get him down to 55,000 HP from 130,000...

    Yeah..that one was a tough meany...I think I had Rav/Rav (for quick Stagger) Com/Rav (Damage) and Com/Med (maybe even an additional Med/Med for fast healing...don't remember, but it might be a good idea ;))...used some Phoenix Downs on that weakling Hope and some Potions...and when I was really close to death I summoned Odin...still needed some tries...that rotating-flower-attack can be a killer...
  • Quokimbo
    odium wrote: »
    I miss opening cupboards for items :(

    Walking against walls, spamming the x button...
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Originally Posted by odium viewpost.gif
    I miss opening cupboards for items :(

    Walking against walls, spamming the x button...

    Praying you'd find the best weapon in the game and all you ever found was a potion or maybe if you were lucky a phoenix down.
  • Quokimbo
    Cyrael wrote: »
    Praying you'd find the best weapon in the game and all you ever found was a potion or maybe if you were lucky a phoenix down.

    OMG Good times!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    moose wrote: »
    ...Then again, I also liked FFX-2's combat, so yah :)

    Haha, ME TOO. Ok, I understand people's beef with the game, but man, it had a GREAT battle system.

    Piflik - Damn, I couldn't help looking at the spoiler. However, I WAS RIGHT. :D (I had thought about this...)

    Okay. Does anyone remember this one environment that basically took my breath away? (I really do mean this) It's when you're with Vanille and Sazh, just before you find out about this "Day 11". You reach this cliffside--and then your jaw drops, because you're gazing out at this expanse with beautiful rolling clouds, lush forrest grounds below, a shining lake, a gorgeous horizon... Oh my god. I have never stopped to look around at the scenery in a game this long. I found myself thinking, "I wish I had a camera". No joke. Funny, cause I kept hearing Sazh mutter in the background, "This is no time for sightseeing..." I DISAGREE, Sazh.

    Freakin' blew me away.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Piflik wrote: »
    Yeah..that one was a tough meany...I think I had Rav/Rav (for quick Stagger) Com/Rav (Damage) and Com/Med (maybe even an additional Med/Med for fast healing...don't remember, but it might be a good idea ;))...used some Phoenix Downs on that weakling Hope and some Potions...and when I was really close to death I summoned Odin...still needed some tries...that rotating-flower-attack can be a killer...

    I started out with a com/sab, buff up with protect & shell, and com to slow the Sagger bar down, then rav/rav until someone was 50%, the com/med to heal & slow down stagger bar again, repeat until buffs are wearing off. When you stagger him go com/rav, and time the attack so your attack x4 comes after Hope's spells, so you juggle him and not allow him to attack. Once Stagger is over, reapply buffs, and repeat rav/rav, com/med until he's staggered again.

    Lost the first time because i didnt heal enough, and he did the super uppercut move to me and killed me :( Was able to rock face the 2nd time.

    Really finding it crucial to start as com/rav, then swap to rav/rav to build stagger, and finish them off with com/rav. Generally gets you the highest rating & kills the fastest. I'm still having troubles with large groups of dudes, but its still fun :)

    There have been some awesome vistas in the game so far, i love the transparent plants!
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I like every thing except the linear levels..... I liked how in final fantasy I got to choose which town I would go to and do my thing and it would eventually all just lead back to where it was supposed to.
    In this, I just go up..... It doesn't feel like I am doing any thing, just there for a ride.
  • KhAoZ
    EricV wrote: »
    hehe that makes me feel even smarter then for walking into the toys r us and picking out one of 30 the copies they had in the afternoon

    lol kudos :P
  • Alhizzy
    Been playing this game for about 17 hours already, and the game looks and feels amazing. Although it is more linear than other Final Fantasy titles, doesn't mean it isn't great. Final Fantasy X was linear, and it's a great game!
    Definitely recommend picking this title up guys, fantastic visuals included :).
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    KhAoZ wrote: »
    Do you guys think this is better than FFXII?

    I really didnt like 12 at all. If its on par with 10 thats a good thing then. Not as good as others in series, but good enough
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