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The Final Fantasy XIII Thread



  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Mezz wrote: »
    Haha, ME TOO. Ok, I understand people's beef with the game, but man, it had a GREAT battle system.

    Piflik - Damn, I couldn't help looking at the spoiler. However, I WAS RIGHT. :D (I had thought about this...)

    Okay. Does anyone remember this one environment that basically took my breath away? (I really do mean this) It's when you're with Vanille and Sazh, just before you find out about this "Day 11". You reach this cliffside--and then your jaw drops, because you're gazing out at this expanse with beautiful rolling clouds, lush forrest grounds below, a shining lake, a gorgeous horizon... Oh my god. I have never stopped to look around at the scenery in a game this long. I found myself thinking, "I wish I had a camera". No joke. Funny, cause I kept hearing Sazh mutter in the background, "This is no time for sightseeing..." I DISAGREE, Sazh.

    Freakin' blew me away.

    Yeah...I did, too...since the preview screens always showed Lightning in that lvl, I hoped I could return...Sazh doesn't know what's good...but he is one of the coolest FF characters for a long time (although that doesn't say too much...)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Sazh is really likeable, the whole thing with him and his son and if hes going to do Van is great (yeah ok, in my head...).

    Anyway, that boss I was stuck on... Its amazing how if you dont understand something you WILL fail. I suddenly got the hang of different roles and using them in battle and the boss went down in just a couple of minuites, very easy...

    Everything is slowly starting to become really good. Its a damn shame it snaps back to shitty land when you find an item box and you see how simple its become, but hey ho, the plots picking up now, the characters are all starting to come into play (Except Snow, who is hardly seen now) and it feels very good.

    Its seriously true what the reviews say in that it takes a good 12-16 hours to get into it, which is insane these days to assume your players will stick with something that long. But now the plots getting better and everything is falling into place, its picking up.
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah...most games are over by that time...I am really glad to see that there are still gmes that last longer than 5 hours...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah with the exception of things like Fallout 3 and Oblivion, most games this gen have all been about the short ride.

    Come to think of it, why hasn't anybody made a game such as Call Of Duty, where you play a merc in Iraq or some place that has to do random contracts or something, kind of like Fallout in nature, but on a massive scale? That would work very well and sell like mad in this day and age.
  • Piflik
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    No, First person... Mercs was just a huge, bland open third person game, not the same at all and quite dull this gen tbh...

    Back to FFXIII how epic was that bit in Palpulom (Sp?) where
    snow turns up on the bike?
    Totally rocked :D
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    PalumPolum (stupidest name ever...)

    Twin Sisters
    are hot...erm I mean cool ;)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, any
    pair of sisters that appear in bondage gear and turn into a bike
    is hot in my book.

    Its like Transformers. With boobs.
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Lots of Transformers in this game... ;)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I am happy though - that when you summon the... summons, you're not just fighting on a retarded motorcycle or disgusting looking jet hover thing. I'm glad they rock shop with you like in FF12, and you can do the gestalt mode stuff at will. Looks like it'll be heavy damage, but ughhhhhh walking fighting, and crazy-spell-casting characters are much cooler than a m
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Vanille's Eidolon (
    ) looks quite cool in Gestalt-Mode...also Gestalt-Moe is the only way to get them use their ultimate attack...the fight before is only to collect as much points to trade into attacks in Gestalt-Mode as possible ;)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Whats the deal with upgrading...? I#m at the part where
    Hope finally tells Snow and he carries him away after the fall
    and have only just started upgrading, but theres hardly been any weapons, and the ones I did have, have hardly any differences... So I've only upgraded a couple. Even then, I only have 3,000gil for parts, and the parts go soooooo quickly... With 8 weapons per character, how the hell am I supposed to upgrade them all...? And whats each characters best ultimate weapon...?

    I have a feeling I'm doing this wrong. Lightnings Gladius is level 12, and Fangs Bladed Lance is level 5, and I'm pretty much out of parts, yet those are the only ones...

    17 hours in... In other games I would have had 99 of every item by now and a few million gil... Am I really sucking that bad...?
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    Upgrading and Gil is really tedious...expensive stuff to sell is dropped very seldom...and upgrading is extremely expensive...you'll get some good items for upgrading your weapons later, but that doesn't help much, since every weapon can be upgraded to lvl 99...you can make the Ultimate Weapon from every Base Weapon, but the Stats are different...you can have 8 different Ultimates per Character ;).

    I upgraded only Lightning's Gladius for ost part of the game...and I still don't have the Omega Weapon, since I am missing an item essential for changing the second Tier Gladius into the third Tier (Omega Weapon) and this thing costs 2 mil...and I hate farming :(
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    daaaaaaaaaaayyym they noticed the loophole!
    screen got blurred when i pause. daym u square!

    also i think this is not rpg but menu mashing game , where you have to memorize and access menu very quickly lolz

    my impression of this game :
    it has very2 beautiful graphic, one of best concept art in next gen game so far.

    the plot is simple in begining and then getting thicker and thicker ....

    about lightning ... she is remind me to Jack in mass effect 2. ,,, -_-
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Modded myself 15million gil.
    Just throwin' it out there.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I havent played final fantasy since 7 and 8 and I have to say I realllly dont like 13!!! Sure the art is great but this game is just boring! The battles are about mashing (a) and switching your fighting style every once in a while and I dont understand the story at all because they never explain anything!

    Im about 5 hours in and I couldnt care less because I have no idea what pulse/cocoon/falcie/icie/purge are? THEY NEVER EXPLAIN ANYTHING, except for that red haired girl who looks like she's 20 but acts like fucking 6 year old!!!

    Here is how I see the story: Basically I was thrown on a futuristic train track, going after some magical floating thing(pulse?), where mutant people are kept(icie?). You were supposed to go there on your train to be turned into one of the mutant things but you stopped it and the floating thing fell down and turned THE WHOLE CITY(cocoon?) into a crystal lake, we went from the crystal lake to some ruins and there we found an airplane but we crash landed in some junkyard and here I am walking around a straight path for 3 hours no with no idea what I am doing really. Oh yes, I also got saved by two chicks who turned into a motocycle.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?!?!?!?
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    man the art is great in this game. so much to see and look at. i don't know about you guys but half of the time i'm probably just looking around the environments and figuring out how they did what and looking at textures and possible topology (matrix eyes ^^), and the other half actually playing the game, lol.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    Modded myself 15million gil.
    Just throwin' it out there.


    Explain, NOW, seeing as I just sold all my damn equipment to get a shitty 20k gil...
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    got to a point last night where its finally getting fucking awesome.
    How they re-introduce 3 person party combat is really great, that was such a cool and exciting buildup... just wish they did that about 4 hours earlier.

    I'm curious as to how to get more gil too... i ony have about 3k, and a lot of weapons only upgraded between 3 and 5.

    The more i use the crystal grid thing, the less i like it. It really feels like FF13 is not about choices, but just about being along for the ride. I can't choose to develop into an area further yet, i can only just hold down X/A until the little sparkly line fills in to the next little ball, so i can hold X some more. Its lame. At least in FFX, you could navigate around and plan a strategy of how you wanted to build each character - instead of being locked into a lame, linear progression path. Even if im spending time and "farming" shit, i cant overdevelop my characters because the game locks your progression based on story progression... also fucking lame.

    Hopefully, like the rest of the elements of the game that are a little annoying, will get better as they choose to unlock stuff (lame).
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    I'm only seven hours in so far but I'm kind of disapointed so far...

    Story is super confusing and Hope is damn annoying. They start throwing the worlds jargon out at you with out explaining a thing. It fails to intrigue the player through the story because you have no idea what is going on, even after reading the data logs its still confusing.

    Then the level design is super linear you just need to go straight...Oh yeah and I had to retry like 20 times against Odin...

    The overal scale and evnironments look really nice though, and the characters are really close to the cinematic models so it feels almost seemless between gameplay and cinematics. But hopefully it'll get better soon
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    odium wrote: »

    Explain, NOW, seeing as I just sold all my damn equipment to get a shitty 20k gil...
    You will need xsata or xport. Or some way to edit your game save and put it back on your XBOX.
    Open your save in a hex editor and go to offset 000117B9.
    You will most likely see the bytes "E9"
    Edit these two bytes to your liking.
    Changeing them to 00 will set your gil to 15 million.
    Here are some others:
    E0 - 250 Gil
    E1 - 500,000 Gil
    E2 - 900,000 Gil
    E3 - 900,000 Gil
    E4 - 3,000,000 Gil
    E5 - 3,000,000 Gil
    E6 - 700,000 Gil
    E7 - 600,000 Gil
    E8 - 60,000 Gil
    Save, rehash, resign.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    for those who concern about game linearity


    soo actually it split into half half
    after playing halfway the game become open world. but again still linear ...

    after that .... i dunno i only spent 10 hours for this game
    my friend who finished the japanese version say : ... there is no city or town , bro
    -_- ... ugh ...

    but btw
    this is the developer comments , yes finally he admit! :P
    but lets support their effort, i believe XV would be nonlinear
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Finally got to the point where everyone has all the jobs, and I also finally figured our how to make money and upgrade shit haha, only took 20 hrs. The story and characters keep getting better and better, just when I think it's going to start dragging it pucks right back up
    and the story pushes on.

    It's going to take a while to max characters out lol, but I guess that's understandable :)

    Must keep playing!!!!!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    The 1st hour or 2 was pretty weak, i was just pressing forward and mashing x non stop. the environments look great, characters are awesome. glad i got it on ps3, everything looks so sharp.

    Im only like 3 hours in or so but damn that crystal wave environment is fuckin gorgeous, i dont think ive seen anything like it in a game before. combat is more fun with the paradigm shifts now in place.

    the only thing really bugging me is that anime style voice acting where every little movement/reaction has a grunt or gasp, i cant stand that shit.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Oh it gets better... Wait until later when Vanille has an orgasm every time she casts a spell... Good times...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ok I am very much confused by that game. I watched some of it online ... also saw someone playing it around the 10 hours mark, and played it myself a little bit. It ... really sucks, right?

    I mean letting fanboyism aside and all that. It just feels like a very broken game... I wonder what the public reaction would have been if this wasnt labelled Final Fantasy. I mean I like the designs, I can understand the appeal of the story and characters BUT as a game it feels like such a hack job .... For instance I am okay with random encounters as a classic component of the FF series, but there is so many weird things here and there :

    Like, what is the point of making the characters jump like basketball players on crack during the linear exploration sequences, but have them be stuck to the ground during both cinematics and fights? It's as if no one was worried about continuity or style while putting the game together.

    Then again I am fine with a certain suspension of disbelief for fantasy games but here I feel like the stretch between the realism of the cutscenes, and the puppet behavior of the characters during the actual game is just too much of a stretch this time around. It kinda makes me uncomfortable, it's very strange ...

    I think I feel like on many fronts the gamedesign of that title was driven by "oooh it's okay gamers will buy it anyways" instead of a real aim for quality. I'm not a huge fan of X-2 but I appreciated its qualities for at least a few hours ; same for XII, there was a real feeling of world surrounding the player. But here it feels very void somehow?

    What do you guys think?
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    I don't think the Final Fantasy name carries all the weight in terms of sales. As far as I'm concerned, Squaresoft is at the forefront of JRPG's (very popular in Japan), and this game would make its money back overseas merely based on its production values alone.

    I think the lack of continuity has become very acceptable in the anime/otaku, and is present in almost every facet of this culture. The superstar outfits and hairdo’s match the robotic and non-representative emotions and motives portrayed by the characters involved. I specifically remember a scene where the two young characters crashed a motorcycle spaceship, and seemed excited to explore a very dangerous dungeon inhabited by robot hounds four times their size. How can something be interesting when all humanity is lost?!

    Ultimately I think that Final Fantasy has become a dressed up children’s story, catering only to those who don’t care for interesting characters (outside of their fancy costumes that is) or intelligent interactions. The game is technically gorgeous! But, it only makes me sad at so much lost potential…

    I certainly don’t mean to offend anyone with my opinions, so excuse me if I come across harsh!

    Note: I’ve only seen about 2 hours total of this game.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    15 hours in and it still feels like a grind. I never upgraded any weapon once, so I did a little experiment and put all my upgrades in Lightning's weapon and got it to level 20... turns out it doesnt make any difference!!! With the old weapon my total power was about 50... with the upgrades it was about 250, so you would expect to do 5 times as much damage... but nooooo, you only do like 1.5 times as much damage...

    Also the whole crystarium system is pointless, instead of the computer automatically levelling you up like in most RPGs you actually have to go to a menu and hold a button to level up! The influence you have is so minimal that its just annoying really!

    This game tries really hard to reward you with nothing but grind and slutty cg girls.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I only just found out that SELLING all the shit that gives you 1xp gets you shit loads of cash... Meeeeeeeeeh...
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    kwakkie wrote: »

    This game tries really hard to reward you with nothing but grind and slutty cg girls.

    aaaaaaaaand your point is.... ?

    Pior skipping most of the game play and watching the cut scenes is kinda missing the point, I think the involvement in the story becomes more relevant if you actually play the damn thing.. to sit back and take a non committal view of the story line and point out errors in the game is a bit cheap
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I'm roughly 3 hours in and bored to tears. I'm going to put it away for a few days and come back with an optimistic outlook (Thanks to Moose and others for commenting on the road ahead).

    It's really shocking to me that Squenix failed to hook me with their intro, they went for "instant action" and by all respects it should have worked as a great hook, but for various reasons it ended up being dreadfully boring and confusing.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    actually it is unfair if i judge the game before i finish it,

    but cant help myself to post this

    tidus is fun and believable character in FF world, least emo compared to other ff characters.
    despite his faith give him every right to feel more sad than Cloud
  • bounchfx
    I'm 11 hours in and enjoying it quite a bit. it feels shallow so far, honestly, but I love the fucking graphics (aside from the shoulders lololol) and I can actually understand whats happening in the story. I also really dig a couple of the characters so that helps.

    and hell, you don't even have a real combat system yet at 3 hours in. I just got another part of it 6 hours in lol.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    hit a 30 hr mark, and am to the "open worldy" bits now. It definitely gets better, and better, and better as you keep going. Each party member's abilities start having more synergy, and when you have 5-6 ATB marks it really feels cool. I'm only using 3 people though, not really swapping in others. Sucks ass though, since i'm not using Sazh, and he's the only one who has haste.... argh.

    Once i figured out that you need to sell & dismantle items, accessories, and weapons more i was able to upgrade a sword to Teir 2, and a few others to max. Trick is to use organic parts to get the 3x bonus, then use mech parts to upgrade as many levels as possible in one hit. Its super-ultra-mega-lame in terms of getting money, but is ok, since you always have access to the things you once had via the shops at the save menu.

    I HATE the post-game battle screen... only because it seems like it taunts you with the fact that it doesn't give you money. I really think its a horrible decision to put those "points" in the post battle screen that serve no purpose at all. Just give me CP, TP, gil, and items plz, thats all i really care about, not that it took me 0:00:13 seconds to win a fight, or that i got 5 stars. Its entertaining, sure - but sometimes it gives you 0 stars if you prepared buffs and debuffs in the fight, making it last a little longer. Why i would get 0 stars for buffing makes no sense, its like they have hard coded times that you have to beat, or you get 0 stars.

    My biggest gripes are:
    - economy
    - complicated upgrading
    - linear character progression

    With the economy, as stated before, its a pain in the ass to make money. It wouldn't suck so much if it wasn't crucial to the character & weapons's advancement.

    Upgrading is cool, but its far too complicated. Let me level my weapons and accessories like Final Fantasy 7, where there are some arbitrary points that add up in my weapon, that i can spend later to build it into a stronger item, or that is completely passive and just levels like a character with experience. If I use one item for a long time, i can continually make it better by just using it. Requiring found and purchased items to advance it a tier is cool - because that is such a rare thing. Buying 99 Bones and 99 oils to then go and buy 99 Parafin things and 99 Bomb parts, then switching menus, using 10 bones per time to get the 3x bonus, then dropping 99 parafins to max the levels out & repeating this process sucks.

    The upside to this, is that if you are filthy rich in game, you dont have to play for 20 hours to take a weapon to its max level - and can upgrade it in a single swoop. Or, upgrade it to max, dismantle it, and get multiple items required to make Ultimate weapons (that would cost you 6 million gil a pop if purchased). Another alternative would be to add "WP" where you could pump points into a weapon to level it by holding a button (lol).

    The character progression branches... kind of, after you unlock all jobs for the characters. Unfortunately, most cases its FAR cheaper to continue in the paths you already have - since starting a new job costs 3000 CP per point at stage 1, instead of the 700 CP it takes to advance in stage 3 or 4 of an existing job. At the top of the "main" jobs they get to be 4000-10000 +, but are much stronger bonuses. You could spend 8000 CP on two bubbles and get 22 strength or spend 9000 CP on 3 bubbles in a new tree and get +4 str + 2 magic. Its retarded. You are never given the choice to branch out, where i could invest 10mil CP in a path to get Haste (MOTHERFUCKING GIVE ME HASTE ON OTHER CHARACTERS), while avoiding the other path that gives you the useless abilities AI will never use until i feel its necessary to pick them up.

    I enjoy it, but because of this linear character progression,i dont feel like I am playing the game all the time. Motomu Toriyama is playing the game for me, or rather he is farming for me, and I am beating bosses.

    I do love it, dont let my criticisms confuse anyone on the fence about it. I will complete it, and all the side missions... but there are just some little nitpicky things that I think they completely missed the mark on that I really hope they address in the future. It is definitely a great game, and some of the Hunting Missions and boss battles are really cool and very challenging. It may be one of the most challenging FF games to date later in the game, given the complexity of roles and weapons - and it helps you out a lot by taking almost all of the mundane repetitive battle tasks away from you.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I'm somewhere around 20 hours, and I feel like.. the more I play, the more I get into it, and the better it is.

    To all those of you who are saying, "I've played 2~3 hours, and it's BORING wth!" --Just calm down, and give it a chance. You may indeed hate the rest of the game, but it DOES get better. Lots of jrpgs start off slow, cause there's lots to work yourself up to. I feel like, after all the hype, people are almost TRYING to hate the game, to say, 'See? I told you Square was gonna make more emo girly garbage.'

    So what I'm saying is--I don't think everyone will love this game, but at least give it, say, 10 or so hours before you make all your judgements. :P

    IMO, this seems to be the most character-driven plot they've had in any of their FF's. It's nice to have, after the total opposite in FF12, which had me kinda upset with the lack of character development. It's so far been very linear, but sometimes I like being easily guided to where I'm going (I have a tendency to get lost/waste time otherwise :P)

    I still haven't decided if I like how hard it is to make money. Part of me is like, 'Thanks god they've finally made it so you don't have millions of dollars just sitting around, making it too easy to afford anything.' The other part... is like, 'Holy crap, I can barely afford shit-all.'

    And something I DO like about the game--I have died. The more I play jrpg's, the more I find I'm not always challenged enough, and barely die the entire game. Those Eidolon battles? DAYUMN. Am I the only one that thinks those battles are damn tricky? Thank goodness for a challenge.

    And yeah, I'm still not over how beautiful this game is. :D Oh man!!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Those Eidolon battles can be rough! I pretty much assumed after the 2nd one that i would lose the first time, every time - come back in prepared and win. There are some Hunt missions later that took me 3 or 4 tries to beat, partially because i was too weak, and also because they were very tricky and challenging.

    The major MAJOR plus side to the game is the Game Over system... no more dreading forgetting to save before a boss for fear you'd lose 5 hours of gameplay & items. The retry system is so awesome and unbelievably welcome that I can't see a FF game without it in the future.

    I love all the characters, they're all very compelling. Hope has become one of the cooler FF chars in a game to date.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Ahhhh, yes... the game over --> retry. It is quite stress-relieving. I feel like when you retry, you should get put right back into a boss battle. But, I guess skipping the scene before isn't so bad.
    (Did any play FFX? Do you remember ^$#%$#%^# Seymour Flux, and how many EFFING times you were forced to watch the cut-scene because you couldn't skip it? Yeah. Thank god they learned after that to allow us to skip scenes. X.X)

    "I love all the characters, they're all very compelling. Hope has become one of the cooler FF chars in a game to date. " --Wow. I'm sure a few people reading this thread will be blown away by this statement. :P But I'm happy to hear it, cause I feel that way more and more as I play. When it first started, I was like. oook... wtf. Will Snow shut up with all this hero talk? Will Lightning just relax already? Can Vanille and Hope stop being so annyoing? And, well, once you get past that initial set-up of their characters, they DO all get better, and are becoming quite compelling.
    (IMO, Fang has always been awesome, from the second I saw her screen-grabs and concept art.)
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    jrpgs are ALL about drama.
    Except pokemon.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    renting it on 360 and so far I'm 30 min in and I am not enjoying the English speaking voices. Does the ps3 version have option to select the original Japanese voices? May make me buy the ps3 version over the 360.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    lol why would you rent the 360 version if you have both systems?
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I was adamant that I wouldn't start FFXIII until I finished Mass Effect 2 but I folded like an origami master last night and played for an hour or so.. (I actually felt guilty about not finishing ME2 and went back to play that instead..) pressing the X button a lot in that time.. the characters seem cool shame the mom died shes kinda hot.. .

    from what I've played so far the game is very pew pew pew ...

    I'm sure it will develop later on .. and its a gorgeous game holy hell its pretty..
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the paradigm system makes the combat in this game tbh...

    i HATE (like REALLY FUCKING LOATH!!!!) the fact that i can only control one players actions at a time and the rest is just simplified bullshit...

    other than that, it's pretty cool, it's like FFX on roids, except they stuck selphie from VIII in there, and injected dopamine straight into her spinal column while force feeding her cocaine.
  • bounchfx
    the paradigm system is the combat in this game


    and I don't mind only controlling one person. easier for me. they're smart enough to do exactly what you need. plus if you libra the enemy they're going to do the best move for the situation anyway. if you need heals, that's when you switch to medic mode.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    the paradigm system makes the combat in this game tbh...

    I plowed through some more tutorial last night and got a bit deeper into the paradigm system and the little customization offered, and I have to agree.

    While at first I hated the idea of auto-attacking every round it's really not that bad when you are switching paradigms back and forth.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    lol why would you rent the 360 version if you have both systems?

    cause I'm playing Mass effect 2 on my 360 which is in Austin and ps3 in Dallas.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i dont have a huge problem with only controlling one character, because later on the battles get so crazy and fast that controlling everyone would be a nightmare.

    my biggest gripes though:

    - you can only ever use one summon. They force you into challenging, and sometimes infuriating Eidolon fights, yet you cannot use them in battle unless you choose that character as your leader. It's completely lame that they give you awesome abilities and tools, that you can never see/use in game because of their broken system. If they had just allowed you to summon any one of the the 3 party members via the "summon" menu instead of only the party leader's... that would have been perfect. It could trigger the individual's bit, and you kick ass. Either that, or allow you to swap party leaders mid combat to get a different summon in there.

    - AI controlled units do not use TP abilities. Granted, it'd be a little over powered, but still sucks because they force you to learn the TP abilities in the tech trees.

    I finished 26% of the Hunts last night, and have some weapons near ultimate-level. Once you get the chocobos in Pulse... the money starts flowing if you can find the hidden treasures. Gold chunks sell for 60k a pop, but are kind of hard to find. Doing hunts over and over, farming the shit out of them for components to upgrade weapons and grinding CP.

    I became a lot more excited and happy about the game once it opened up into FF-monster hunter, i almost don't want to continue with the story :) I have a feeling though im overleveling a lot, am doing 50k plus damage per hit during staggers now... haha.
  • Quokimbo
    moose wrote: »
    I became a lot more excited and happy about the game once it opened up into FF-monster hunter, i almost don't want to continue with the story :) I have a feeling though im overleveling a lot, am doing 50k plus damage per hit during staggers now... haha.

    They had hunts in 12 right? I like hunts, gives me something to look forward to!

    I still wish I could control all three...It would amount six auto-inputs instead of two, but you still could have that control if you wanted it.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    I'm at ~18h so far and I'm genuinly enjoing it! I think the whole seireis is great and every part has something special to it.
    The linearity is somewhat close to FF-X which is my faovurite, so thats a good thing.)
    The stripped down gameplay feels strange though. The only time ii feels close to challenge is once in 2-3 hours when some grand boss arives. But I'm pretty anal about beating every damn mob I can find, so that could be one of the reasons things aren't too hard so far(but yeah odin's been a bitch=) )

    The story is nice and compleing. It keeps me engaged and interested. Even though sometimes I feel some scenes\lines|actions would've worked better if made otherwise, but thats a rare case and I'm totally nitpicking.

    It's fun how things just get better and better and better as you advance thorugh the game.)
    But a boring start is still a tiny-winy gamedesign fai, which could costs Square thouthands of newcomersl. Toriyama wanted a very storydriven game and thats fine with me. As long as the story is good is could be enough of a reawrding mechanism for the player. But in the begging it's actually the only one.But the whole plot stuff is just to complex to master it from the get go. So you kinda lack motivation to move forward. Except for waiting when does the good stuff starts. And thats, well, not something a player should be doing.

    The art is simply gorgeous. The dynamic lighting works amazing with all the cool particle effects they have.
    Though it feels heavily borrowed from tons of places, it still turned out great. It's like you take Star Wars, Gears of War, Mass Effect some Final Fantasy essence and put it all into a blender. It's not bad in any way, but I rally feel like starting to long for some oldschool steampunk and all the knights and castles stuff(since FFXII also beared some vivd resemblance to star wars to me.)

    The part that interests me is...how do those guys handle the development? I wish they'd made a postmortem someday.

    Plus. It's A shitload of content there. Do they really pull it off relying only on the inhouse resources? Seems kinda strange to me. Have anyone ever heared of any outsourcing for square at all?

    Anyways gotta work.) At first I can't work, 'cause I can't put the game down. But now when I finaly did I'm stuck writing aboot it on the internet.)))

  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    had some time over the weekend and Im up to about 10 hours now, frickin love it ! I was very sceptical about the paradigm system and also the auto attack. but its really very cool, finding the control of the Eidolons a bit strange got the second one so far, needs practice I guess. Im looking forward to the big assed battles with monsters that last frickin ages..I like the way the paradigm system mimics the strategy of earlier games of when to defend heal and when to attack and theres less repetitive choosing of skills because of the auto attack.

    it does suck that we can only use one eidolon per battle.. dunno who thought of that.. some of the best battles in FF series involved multiple summons per battle.

    but yeah very polished and pretty great combat, not sure what to make of the story at the moment.

    I seem to find myself comparing this one mostly with FFX, which I thought was on par with 7 as the best FF ever, I prefer the X characters, snow seems like a prat, hope is cool and geez wtf is up with vanille. Sazh as the older guy is cool (chocobo in the hair is a bit much..) but Auron has him beat.. but Im saying all this without knowing what the full story is.. I'll be impressed if the storyline lives up to FFX.

    Awesome game.. I have to go away on a biz trip tomorrow for 2 weeks man its going to suck ass.. I actually considered taking my PS3 with me...

    oh yeah and I also thought the music for FFX is better

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    welp, finished it! Won't spoil any ending, its not exactly amazing (FFX and X-2 ended WAY better, nothing compared to 9 though!)... but i guess it is a "conclusion." After i had finished it, i was still wanting about 4 or 5 more zones of combat and story development. It just ends... *shrug* :(
    Was never too into the story, was kind of like 12, where it was a lot of incoherent babble, without grounding stuff in their reality. I liked the concepts of the antagonists and how they related to the characters, that part of the story worked great together, but as it ends I was left a little baffled. Plus... the final two (!! only 2, wtf) stages of the boss were ugly and lame. The Fal'Cie you fight on Pulse looked 100000000000000000000x cooler, i thought that the last boss "had to be fucking crazy and ridiculous looking," because it was.

    I'm 87% complete with all the hunt missions, there are some really fucking hard ones! The ones near the end are wayyyy harder than the final boss, and even the final 3 levels (which are BRUTAL). When you unlock the Faultwarrens area, the hunts there are kind of hit or miss, but there are about 4 or 5 really challenging ones. I'm just farming there now, as you can get 100k CP in one shot through it. The final Faultwarrens boss (gives Genji Glove wewt) took me about 18 minutes to fight... was pretty easy, just took a long time. There were a few others that were much more challenging (the floating head looking ceith thing w/ crazy magic, and giant orange plant blob).

    I want to get the 2x CP item... but you can only get it by doing a retardedly hard hunt. Some of them seem like if you cannot get the Random: Instant Chain item set bonus to go off (which you need two characters with), you won't win. I've been leveling though, and have about 3k more HP than the last time i tried, so maybe it'll be easier soon. I had 20k on my sentinel to start... but its not enough!! ahhhh. There are some hunts where im going to need to be maxed out to lvl5 in 3 trees, and well into the other trees... I need to get a 3x Sentinel group that can heal well! ugh.

    I'm also to the point where I need ultimate weapons, and lots, and lots, and lots of gil. Going to be a while yet before all the hunts are dead :( Thankfully only need to make one of Fangs, and dismantle it into 3x Traalk;jdakj things (the 2mil component).

    One final comment i have on it, is that the AI can be absolutely horrible, and doesnt do what they should.

    In 12, you could "find bugs" in your combat and fix them with Gambits. In 13, if your sentinel isn't provoking, and only using Challenge... you're fucked - or if the character magically works their way behind the (huge) monster, and is out of ranged to be provoked.. your fucked. Likewise if you want to focus on attacking, and the sentinel isn't using Mediguard or the ultra-defense ability, you're fucked and have to stall the stagger and heal. The priority for healer AI is broken too, they focus on topping people off before resurrecting, and wont heal unless someone is below a certain threshold. Was fighting one hunt last night where my sentinel needed 12k + at all times, yet the healer would not heal unless they dipped below 8k. Was very frustrating, ended up having to do a lot myself. Also with buffing, the buff classes only buff one buff at a time, instead of doing 2x 2 buffs (not always the case), or 2x 2 buffs and 1 1x buff. I wish i had the granularity of FF12, with some sort of priority menu for the abilities they use. There were also many fights where i wanted Veil on my characters, but they wouldnt buff it until they do 4 different buffs. Also - they aren't smart enough to know that person X has Protectga, and person Y has Protect, so they waste an ATB slot buffing both. Guess i just need better choice of Synergists.

    Paradigms dont change when you swap leaders around, im really baffled why they didnt let you switch leaders in combat to vary your situation and do specific things. Saboteurs will debuff targets you aren't attacking first (even if you are a commando), which is completely baffling and broken :( I can understand doing other targets AFTER they fully debuffed the current target, but not before. As it works now, they fully debuff the other target, then stop doing anything entirely.

    I'm also learning to HATE changing party members, because you have to redo all theparadigms :( I may try giving everyone every role, to see if that fixes it. They could have figured something else out to fix that.

    Combat has gotten a lot of fun, especially with these Hunts. Its super technical making sure you have the perfect set of Paradigms, as well as choosing the right accessories to get the hidden set bonuses (ATB rate %, Random: Instant Chain, Magic/physical Walls). I'm going to beat them all, and get some Ultimate weapons for the 6th ATB bar and ultimate domination :)
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