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Iron Man 2 - Trailer 2

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  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    haha I saw this this morning and had the same reaction, that suit is F***ing amazing!!!!!! I want it now. I really loved the first Iron Man, I think its my joint favourite superhero movie with the dark Knight. cant wait :D
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Gonna rock so hard.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    as if the first one wasn't fucking awesome enough, they went and did this.... jeeeeesus *chills*.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Say what you want about sequels killing the movie industry, I'm pretty pumped for this dang thing.
  • slipsius
    ya, this one looks siiiiick. and i LOVE that portable suit! lol. im excited. loved the first one (even if avatar made 2 BILLION dollars more than it. lol)
  • Quokimbo
    I remember, while watching the first one, I forgot what I was watching...I forgot I was watching a Marvel film. IMO it was better then any other hero movie.

    This is gonna be good!
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    0:00 - 2:19 = Man, this is going to be good!
    2:20-2:32 = Holy fucking shit this movie is going be awesome!11
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Fucking A... the briefcase suit makes an appearance, YES!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    the first iron man movie is my favorite superhero movie by far. i watched it in theaters many times. i have a feeling this will get the same respect from me.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Hope they go into the whole extremis thing :)
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    im soooo excited for that movie!
  • Dash-X
    I know I'm definitely going to see this movie... I'm not too familiar with the Iron Man mythos, but it looks like it will certainly excite.
  • rasmus
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Would have posted this earlier but was too busy changing my pants over and over again. Hmmm it's been five minutes sense i last watched the trailer, i should watch it again...
  • littlephoenix
    Iraon man 2 looks great, but i dont think it will be as good as one, thats just a hunch, plus the trailer doesn't look hair raising, only an opinion hehe
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    another instant blu-ray purchase ^^
  • FlaminHotYogurt
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Say what you want about sequels killing the movie industry, I'm pretty pumped for this dang thing.

    Yeah, they get it right once in a while :)

    Can't wait to see this sucker :D
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I think that studios are starting to realize the extra costs for it to be good = greater sales.
  • KhAoZ
    I'm excited about this being on IMAX!
  • Pavel Petrenko
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    Pavel Petrenko polycounter lvl 8
    Nice, looks spectacular!
  • KhAoZ
    Does anyone know why the movie is released today in the Netherlands, tomorrow in Australia, Argentina, and Fiji, and in the Phillippines and UK the day after, but won't come to North America until May 7? Seems quite random to me, but maybe I'm missing something...
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
  • KhAoZ
    So anyone know why?
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I saw it last night and it was amazing. Loads more iron man action and the dudes up at ILM and all the other fx houses did a great great job. Loved mickey rourkes character aswell and Sam Rockwells got some mad dancing skills :)

    got no idea why US has to wait for it but we had to wait 6 months to see UP after you guys :) god knows why?
  • Ride
    Awesome effects, but all in all the movie was extremely shallow and ...well sucked.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    A reminder that there is an additional scene at the end of the credits just like the first movie.
  • KhAoZ
    crazyfool wrote: »
    I saw it last night and it was amazing. Loads more iron man action and the dudes up at ILM and all the other fx houses did a great great job. Loved mickey rourkes character aswell and Sam Rockwells got some mad dancing skills :)

    got no idea why US has to wait for it but we had to wait 6 months to see UP after you guys :) god knows why?

    What's UP?
  • slipsius
    khaoz.... really?! you`ve never heard of UP? pixar movie with the floating house? so good
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    was good, but not great, there's a lot of stuff packed in and it runs for barely two hours, an extra half hour to expand on things would have helped a lot. the drunk tony scene was cringe worthy, up there with peter's strut in spider-man 3, the fights were okay, but downey and rockwell were the highlights
  • KhAoZ
    Oh "Up".... I thought UP was an abbreviation LOL, my bad
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Saw it tonight, and it was all right. I still think Iron Man's animation looks too weird and.. kinda bad.. most of the time, but I understand there's compromises that have to be made and that the suit's built-in assists would probably make him all jerky and awkward moving.

    Film seemed a bit slow, and when it picked up it was over too fast. Still can't stand Sam L Jackson in it. Overall it felt like a rather thin experience.

    I'd say some good things about the film, but it's a lot more fun to whine :P
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Saw it last night at the midnight showing, not as good as the first movie, but I was not disappointed in paying to see it in theaters. Good action, Robert Downey Jr does a great job in the role and the stuff moving towards the Avengers is definitely intriguing!

    I gotta say this about both movies though...the bad guys are pretty weak as characters, very one-dimensional and in both all they do is make a suit that is a rip-off of Iron Man...pretty damn boring imho.

    I thought Scarlett Johanson did a great job in her fight scene, but apparently it was mostly a stunt double; http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/03/08/lol-scarlett-johansson-stunt-double-spotted-in-new-iron-man-2-trailer/
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    I enjoyed it. Not as great as the first one, but nothing really for me to complain about that isn't just nitpicking. I was very entertained. A couple of neat dork out moments for comic nerds. :) All the tech stuff like the hologram displays was brilliantly done, I'd love to see a write up on that.

    Oh, definitely be sure to stay through the end credits.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yep saw it at lunch today, definitely not Ironman 1, but it's a good sequel.
  • Cheez
    Not too shabby. Take the first half of Iron Man 1 and add the second half of Iron Man 2 and you'd have a heckuva superhero movie.
    Highlight to me was Hammer's sales pitch for "The Ex-Wife"
    Oh and that trailer for Super 8. Neat-o :)

    Crap I KNEW there was a bonus at the end of the credits. Was it worth waiting for ?
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Cheez wrote: »
    Crap I KNEW there was a bonus at the end of the credits. Was it worth waiting for ?

    Yes. :D For me at least. If you're a marvel fan it's exciting.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    it was thor's hammer... anyone else feel they kinda wimped out with the 'one off' it was cool as fuck and then the quick ending to whiplash with crossing the streams, it all felt a little too easy and quick. let's fly around for 10 minutes and have 20 seconds of fighting. GO!

    I enjoyed it but felt the fight scenes were a little phoned in and it was a little too obvious about Scarlett's stunt double as she'd hide her face and do the 'pop up' hey you know it's really me close up.. too many cliche reveals.. but again I'm nitpicking. I thought it was well worth my 6 bucks.

    Also forgot to mention how he found the 'secret' cure.. wtf lets use magic and not explain anything...
  • KhAoZ
    I saw the midnight showing last night, it was good, enjoyable, awesome special effects, but I thought the storyline was a bit weak, they didn't really bother explaining a lot of things and there was way too much silly humor such as the constant sex jokes. The first Iron Man was definitely better.

    Yeah I agree with you completely Jeremy, I was telling my friend that and he didn't agree with me.... glad someone else does :P

    Btw, impressed with Scarlett's fight scene my ass LOL. You were impressed with her body, come on admit it....
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Anyone notice how much curlier Scarletts hair got from every scene haha, I did enjoy it but its a leave your brain at home and take in the explosions film, Yea I agree with Jeremy too, still really enjoyed it though.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Spoilers below.

    I must be the odd one out, I liked it more than the first one. Warmachine's upgrades and the drone designs were badass.

    Also, Capt. America's shield - nice.

    EDIT: Oh and drunk Iron Man. YUS.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    I didn't necessarily think the first one was better, they were definitely paced different though, much more focus on the characters and they're development and interaction than your typical superhero movie.. which I loved.. a lot of people forget that whether its a super hero movie or not characterization will always trump explosions. I do love the interplay they've got going on in all the marvel movies.

    Some people were raving about how it was bad, like spiderman 3 bad. to them I say they are so incredibly wrong its ridiculous. They must of been watching a different movie than I.

    Tony stark ftw. The scene where rhodey gets the war machine suit was SO badass.

    Jeremy Lindstrom- 6 bucks!?!?! are you kidding me. thats amazing. I can't even get a matinee movie out here for six bucks.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    adam wrote: »
    Spoilers below.

    I must be the odd one out, I liked it more than the first one. Warmachine's upgrades and the drone designs were badass.

    Also, Capt. America's shield - nice.

    EDIT: Oh and drunk Iron Man. YUS.


    I had a blast.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    It was a bit lame though that Whiplash knew Stark was going to be in the race, but Stark's own people had no idea.
  • KhAoZ
    Haha yeah they didn't bother to explain a lot of stuff and the plot didn't really make sense overall... but i guess you can't expect much from marvel besides cool special effects :)
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I loved it! It wasn't the best thing i had seen all year, but it was a great comic movie. The pacing was lackluster as expected from the director. I have to say, he did an amazing job with the flow of the characters. Everyone was there for a reason, everything was laid out in a very easy to get way so that they could get to the action. I think the reasoning for the flat characters was that the plot was made simple to allow for that many characters. All and all i'm planing to go see it again!

    I'm really wishing that the Thor movie was being done with the help of weta, so far the stuff i have seen has been very cheesy looking. I just hope that by the time the movie hits that there will be no rubber suit looking outfits in the movie.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    It was a bit lame though that Whiplash knew Stark was going to be in the race, but Stark's own people had no idea.

    I don't think that's actually a big deal. Stark entering the race was a spur of the moment decision but he was still attending the race. Whiplash's plan would still be the same but with Stark driving Whiplash would get the first strike rather than drawing Stark out.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Great overall movie. I still liked the first one better. I liked that it started with action/explosions in the first one, then kept the momentum going, where this one started a bit slower. I'm cool with that, but just made me like the first one more. It's a close race though ;)

    Did anyone else notice that scenes from the commercials/trailers were not in the movie? For instance, the 'you complete me' and Pepper kissing his mask and tossing it from the plane. I'm kinda glad to be honest. Those were good scenes, but I like seeing a trailer that didn't basically show me the whole movie :)

    I did find myself slightly annoyed by how 'instant' many of the items were.
    The toxicity going away instantly. Being able to build a particle accelerator in an evening (or it seemed). Building an army of droids in a short period, along with his own suit. War machine's instant transformation. The way the computer can instantly transform the city plan the way he did it. And, to make a new suite with his triangle chest plate.
    Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't have wanted to sit and watch the timeline pass, but there are ways to handle it.

    And I thought Mickey Rourke did a great job BTW. I am hoping for a new villian 'type' for the next movie. I'm not that familiar with the Ironman series, like I am with others, but I've got to imagine there are other villians that don't just emulate his suit.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    notman, yeah and scarlett shooting the iron man hands.. that wasn't in there either.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    notman wrote: »
    were good scenes, but I like seeing a trailer that didn't basically show me the whole movie :)


    I HATE watching trailers where i go.. well guess I don't have to go see the movie now.. because they went through the entire plot in that 2 min span.. it seems to be happening a lot more often lately as well.
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