Just saw these had a look around and didn't see any other threads. As expected they look sick but on the second image the explosion looks too good, i figured you would be better judges than me so take a look.

and a few more for good measure
http://www.allgamesbeta.info/2010/03/crysis-2.html, smells like upgrade time.

For a company that touts their graphics as the best out there, their environments sure are generic and uncreative. Did i mention i never cared for Crysis?
really looking forward to it though, i thought Crysis was great
I will be probably have to upgrade my graphics card for this though.
I'l take farcry 2 any day over crysis
Star wars battlefront 3?
(I hope that Crytek uses their newly acquired talent well, the character art in Timesplitters was BEYOND good, let's hope that bleeds over into the Crysis franchise.)
Aren't they the same people?
thats a nice explosion too!
wtb videeooooo
He has crazy legs!
the characters themselves look too good. seems like highrest character render slapped onto ingame screenshot with tracers and other goodies photoshopped in.
of course, you cant really be sure until you see a video, then you still cant be too sure these days
That just proves it's Mental Ray / Vray render stuck on a screenshot, I'd say.
Most of the assets in those pics are from the FIRST game.
Now usually that wouldn't be an issue, but come on, those pics scream a mix of bullshot and lazy...
The lighting on the environment looks great, sure, but especially on his gun I can pretty much recognize Vray's glossy reflection noise...
yes it does. you just increase the resolutiuon of the scattering.
Unless you're being sarcastic but it's hard to tell with you.
Crysis isn't what's interesting, the technology is. It's healthy with some competition in this area as it's only been id Software and Epic Games with this kind of tech till now.
that said it wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, then again crytek would also not surprise me for pulling it off...
whether the screenshots come really from a console or PC is also questionable. But CryTek has some serious talent on "faking" things in real-time.
the model seems a bit too hi-poly so, hence I would also be skeptical
Completely agree. Only part of Crysis I liked was having to flank every incampment
But you know more about this stuff than me Butcher, so I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
Says they're not bullshots, and the game is hands down the best looking game ever made.
And it's for console.
But again, that character! hehehe. The reflexion on the helmet is just too clean, and many surface details on the armor are obviously from the source model and not from a bake. I mean, come on guys ...
Could be aggressive mip mapping/LODing. That would at least suggest the environments are real.
The only things that stant out to me as being bullshots, are the character and the explosions. All the explosions actually, look better than any realtime explosions I've seen. Then again to judge accurately, I'd like to see them in motion.
As for gameplay, I don't play PC games, I've never even played the first one.
My favourite FPS of all time is Goldeneye :P
this from 06.
You've got to remember that these are promo images, they're not screengrabs from mid-level playtesting, they will have had a guy sitting down and setting these up for days if not weeks, positioning the cameras, effects, lighting etc.
There's no reason why that light on his shoulder couldn't just be a little point light they added in the level editor when setting up the screenshot scene, to add a little extra somethin'
cool that they´re taking the Cry-ing out of the woods, I just hope the city isn´t a completely empty backdrop without all them explosions.
Yep, it happens