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Bioshock 2



  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Ive encountered some issues with home PC where video looses sink in game and video menus give a frame every 20 seconds or so after I exit to them from a started game. Where work PC did not. Sure its something with this being older hardware, and such. Soon I will upgrade.

    I did play MP for a tiny bit today. But It screamed BAD CONSOLE PORT. The lack of wheel up and down to change weapons off the bat was one (and not having the option to choose both directions). The second being its inability to see anything past the normal 3 buttons where the SP had no issue. Oh and the menu system of having to hit back and such... ouch.

    Saw a bunch of. forget the word, where players pop around.

    What is with SP\MP multi platform games these days and the MP being so horrible. Partly, I blame GfW.

    Anyhow, this is an aside, and does not hurt the single player game. Just gotta figure out some work arounds so I can continue to play here versus waiting until I have access to the better machine again.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I have noticed the quick save being totally broken... Most of the time it works, but randomly I've found that if I let the game carry onto death and load, that it MAY load my last game, or it may load a point aaaaaaaaages back and remove my last quick save? WTF?

    No, not using vita chambers and yes, it is on hard. Bioshock's issue is that as a game its sadly piss easy, so I needs me a tricky game this time.

    Also pretty sure the chevo where you protect the little girl with no damage to you/her is bugged. I know for a act I did it with ZERO hits and never got it... But I did save/load/save/load/save/load so maybe it counts those as tricking the system, which is odd because it doesn't with the big daddy fights. :s
  • Quokimbo
    I am playing on a PS3.

    Has anyone noticed your audio diaries, Sinclair, or Grace repeating themselves? They will say something, then I will pick up an audio diary a few minutes later. They will say the same thing the did, after the audio diary plays.
  • Pedro Amorim
    Is the artbook available to download like the first one?
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    The final quarter of the game is AMAZING. the the end of the story is beautiful and sad.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    LA LA LA cant hear you Rooster. Put spoilers on that.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I lol'ed when I looked at the Collectors box in the store today.
    Vinyl Sound track, cool idea, but haven't seen a record player since I was a kid :P
  • Snipergen
    I'm 4 hours in I think, fantastic game, little sister freaks me out. Lovely artbook too.
  • UrAllOutofBrillo
    Bioshock has a place in my heart solely because how the story is presented through a radical setting during a time period I am not particularly familiar with.

    I am kinda peeved that "Welcome to the circus of values" didn't make the cut but I can see why it didn't.
  • Michael Knubben
    Rwolf: I think you'll find plenty of people still own a record-player! (mine was newly bought only last year, actually, since my old one broke)
  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    It comes with a vinyl record?! That's badass!

    It would sound awesome played on one of those old console style players like my grandparents used to have, lo-fi is the way to go with all the scratches and crackles from a worn needle.

    I'll have to hit up the thrift stores and see if I can find one...
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Rwolf: I think you'll find plenty of people still own a record-player! (mine was newly bought only last year, actually, since my old one broke)

    Probably just in my mindset that it can't be appreciated as much as a audiophile would. That and a younger generation of gamers growing up with cd's.

    Anyway I was scouting for the PC version at the store and there are none to be found... Have plenty of the first one tho. Seems like their stingent with PC releases (I noticed the lack of Dragon-Age copies on release day too)
  • Quokimbo
    Played some multi player today. Got to level 7 so far. It is BioShock with other people. Kind of fun...
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    wait what? level 7? levels? I need to try this out. haven't given it a go yet.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    So I just loaded up MP... Oh joy...

    New patch out! *Downloads*



    Live won't download the update. At all... So I check online for a link to the ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MEG patch, and all the links are slow as shit...

    So, I now can't play MP, until either some decent links appear or they sort the slow ass speeds on Live out...

    But what makes this all worse is that the HUGE patch a WEEK after launch is riddled with bugs... One of which is that if you hold down the fire button, it doesn't fire. Amazing...

    Christ, remember the time when games came out and they didnt even NEED a patch? Now devs are so lazy they ship games BROKEN and it takes a year before they are even playable, its an utter joke, they should be ashamed...
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Are you ever happy odium? :o
  • Quokimbo
    @ P.I.G.

    There are 40 levels to rank up in MP. As you level up you unlock more guns, more plasmids, and more tonics to use while playing...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Are you ever happy odium? :o

    Yes. When games are released not broken.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    How fitting your nickname is, latin for "hate" :p
  • Snipergen
    Damn that was a good game, I'm so impressed again with the detail in everything. And the last hour is simply epic.
    And do you believe this is Unreal 2.5?
  • ShadowFox
    One thing that's gets me on this is the shine on all the guns really throws it off, I think it needs to be toned down, got into a dark elevator and my gun was lit like i was standing next to a volcano!

    Other than that, this year seems pure awesome for gaming! dantes inferno, mass effect 2, bioshock 2, another fallout in the works, new s.t.a.l.k.e.r!! Loved all of them!
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Everyone touts gameplay over art.

    However, if Bioshock gameplay was stripped down to "hiding and exploring" it still would probably be the most satisfying interactive experience I have ever had.

    ( more story and environments, less button masturbation )

    I wish all my nightmares were in Rapture.
    If Hell was Rapture I'd punch saint Peter in the face.
    The cravings for more new content after finishing really sucks tho.
  • mLichy
    I feel the art in the 2nd isn't as good as the first. My problem though is that it's too hard right now. I'm playing it on PC on hard, and I can't stay alive long enough to gather adam the second time.. it's pissing me off...
  • Quokimbo
    This review really sums it all up for me.


    I will say, I am enjoying the multiplayer. Fixing to hit level twenty, hopefully this evening...
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    played it now for the 2. time. I love Bioshock and the special edition rocks. Will try out MP soon :)
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Game needs to be turned into a survival horror game more on the lines of System Shock.
    Great game as is, but I miss that ammo hunting pants shitting experience of days past.
    (Stalker is sort of this way, but I still have over 1000 armor piercing rounds for my sniper rifle. On hard mode.)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    yeah I keep finding way too much stuff, I end up using medkits and hypo's to replenish less than a fifth of my bars, just so the ones I find laying around don't go to waste.
    Stalker had that balance down pretty well, you'd always run out of ammo on your best guns, just because you need to carry so much stuff, like loot to get money from to buy new ammo and secondary weapons in case you run out.
  • EarthQuake
    bioshock2 update killed my save games, christ. had to delete them all and start again. gahhh
  • Quokimbo
    What are these updates you speak of? I have had none...I am playing on a PS3.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    PC version is getting updates
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Haven't played 2, but I enjoyed the first. There was only one big let down for me, (since I'm incredibly nice person I approach games with a good understanding of what it's offering and therefore don't become butthurt when it isn't the second coming.)

    They talked up dynamic AI and multiple creature scenarios with different outcomes depending on what you do. They gave the AI and relationship of the Big Daddies and Little Sisiters. Well... that was it they were the only creatures with a special dynamic. I thought I was going to get to play all sides against the middle with all kinds of crazy creatures and spoondulificating dynamic AI. Still cool though.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I just found a neat trick. If you have friendly bots. You can attach mines to them. Moving bombs!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Mines are awesome.

    Made the big daddy fights so easy. Place 6 prox mines down, get your camera out (if you still need too) and then hit a big daddy with flame 3... Then he walks into the mines. In the space of a second, 75% of his health is gone. With armor piercing rounds on the machine gun, it takes less than 2 seconds constant fire to kill him. A+ reward.

    Same with the Big Sister too.

    Which reminds me... The weapons in this game were sooooo poor... I never really used the spear gun thing, was totally useless :( Not enough damage and a far too slow fire rate. It would be like the Quake 3 railgun if it was half the power and longer pauses between shots. Poor show on the weapons front :(
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You have to upgrade the spear weapon. That and with the headshot bonus. It's deadly. What I found mostly useless was the (stock) shotgun shells.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yup, shotgun was another that seemed to do nothing at all :( You would think with it upgraded at close range it would take pretty much anything down, but it hardly hurt :(
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Argh what the hell. It keeps crashing if I try to save after being
    rescued by Ellen.
    I have to do the whole little sister part again.
    (This will be third time).
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I finished it. Here are thoughts.
    The story itself as far as the emotional bond and characterization was belivable and memorable. Where it broke down was the discordant of some of the splicing (no pun intended) of how the gameplay developed.

    For example, the woman returning from the first game. We get that intro in the beginning an then shes gone. Never to return. Thats just bad story structure, to reintroduce the character and make her disappear. The only thing I can think of is a expansion where you play another character specifically helping her in this same time.

    Then we have the art direction and timeline. Again not much sense. First 10 years. More power or even most power would have been out. I'll forgive that. But having the splicers still wearing suits and dresses that are in that good a condition? Or that in some areas, you had cadavers that had been dead for years. Yet they are barely rotten? Come on! Where the hell was the skeletons? Why was there soo much canned food? Where was the cannibalism?

    Then the characters we interact with... What the hell did they do for 10 years? Example: Guy in the train booth. He spent a decade in there or hiding? And he looked that alive? Then Sinclair. Same thing. Anarchic society and he's managed to survive for 10 years with all his wits?

    Art itself was good. Especially environment. No real complaints other than noticing some texture seams and difference in texture density. Very forgivable. Though seeing Ellen in the Big Sister suit with no neck, just a floating ball... That leads to animation, which was "ok", but for a A game, I would have thought more care would have been taken with facial animation.

    Gameplay was good. I liked some of the new combination's they did with plasmids, unlike the first, that were two different powers. What kind of hurt it was it was too easy to get more ammo, Atom, and such. No sense of conservation needed. Especially later in the game. If anything later in the game all the items should have been less to make up for your growing power in Atom. Hell, I had over 400 Atom left at the end.

    Haven't done much online much. What I have screamed CONSOLE PORT. Especially with the default keys to switch weapon being in one direction only and not set to the wheel mouse. That and it not seeing in control setup anything past mouse3.

    Overall, its worth it for fans to play. Not sure though if had to do again would pay full price versus waiting. Was a shorter game, and though visually stunning and emotionally capturing. I just kept getting taking out of the experience with basic reasoned "wait a minute.. wtf" moments.
  • Quokimbo
    I used the shotgun and spear gun quite a bit...

    Agree with a lot you posted oXYnary. Except multiplayer, because I am playing on a console. :)
  • System
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    System admin
    Needed a bit of a break and it's been a while since playing any games so I just rented this from Blockbuster, time to pop it in the drive and start creating havock!
  • EarthQuake
    Shotgun is probably the most useful weapon to me. You need to upgrade the clip size as soon as you get it, then = major win.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Just finished playing through it myself. I took the drill route the whole time. Fully upgraded and the tonic that restricted you to drill and one other weapon only, but gave tons of eve. I rocked that shit. Fully upgrade your health and freeze plasmid = unkillable! oh and the freeze skin tonic thingy helped too.

    All in all, i had alot of fun playing it. I was left feeling it was a bit short, but it could be b/c i enjoyed it. Kinda curious to play through it again using a different set up.

    ps. fuck i hate those hacking games. i suck so bad at that shit. I wound up just crushing everything out of frustration haha.
  • Meotwister
    Not that I really hated the hacking pipe dreams of the first one but I'm glad they switched it to a much quicker minigame (despite dropping it's difficulty a lot).

    Haven't had the chance to play through the entire thing yet (argh classes! :P) but 2 hrs or so in I'm having fun.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Was just now able to finish it. Loved it! Only things that annoyed me was the lack of any real boss fight, plot holes, and kind of easy (i played on hard). But....is it just me... or are the Big Sisters kind of sexy??
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
  • System
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    System admin
    Just got through playing the big "Siren Alley" level, this game is amazing!! Ended up harvesting a little sister just to see what would happen but I felt bad after adopting the second one when she said "Daddy? You're not going to hurt me, right?" So now I'm saving them all :)

    ps: I got a big sister and a big daddy to fight, it was crazy :D

    About the hacking machines: I prefered the connect the pipes sub game in the original Bioshock as it was more challenging but considering how much this new game draws you in to the world I'm glad it was changed.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    the most powerfull combo is in my opinion is the full upgraded driller and with all its tonikums + ice. wtf it was so funny running through everything like a berserker. shotgun is also one of my favs
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    odium wrote: ยป
    Which reminds me... The weapons in this game were sooooo poor... I never really used the spear gun thing, was totally useless :( Not enough damage and a far too slow fire rate.

    That's exactly what I thought, until I started upgrading. Rocket spears kick all kinds of ass, especially in crowds. I love tearing them out of splicers' heads and seeing the bodies fall to the ground afterwards, too. Recoverable ammunition FTW.

    Oh, and shotgun + bigger clip + sawed-off barrel + solid slug ammo = devastating.

    Still haven't quite finished it - about a third of the way into Fontaine Futuristics, but loving it so far.
  • Quokimbo
  • dolemite
    Did anyone else break the game by dying while protecting a little sister? I couldn't find my little sister after I revived, so I killed another big daddy and took the sister. Now when I died again and revived, I have two little sisters crying and I can pick up only one.

    This is kind of lame. Will I forever lose this sister I don't pick her up? Will the big daddy re spawn and readopt the sister, and I will fight him again? Will she just greet me at every vito chamber now?

    It's a solid game so far. I was in the mood for a mindless garden path.
  • dolemite
    Did anyone else break the game by dying while protecting a little sister? I couldn't find my little sister after I revived, so I killed another big daddy and took the sister. Now when I died again and revived, I have two little sisters crying and I can pick up only one.

    This is kind of lame. Will I forever lose this sister I don't pick her up? Will the big daddy re spawn and readopt the sister, and I will fight him again? Will she just greet me at every vito chamber now?
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