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god of war III newness

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
all in game, 60 fps., pretty impressive... but something with the lighting bugs me, i guess its always suppose to be overcast or something...the camera work in this game is nuts.




  • ikken
    boss fight starting on 01.10 is so omg insane
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    That was insane. I'm so glad I bought a PS3 this year. The lighting was the poorest part about the game, but it looks hugely epic - and I don't say 'epic' too often.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea I was hoping the lighting would change since the E3 build, it seems to be mostly lit with white light and its looking really colorless interms of highlights/tonal variation.

    I loooove god of war and im stoked to play this but I know its something that will really bug me if its like that throughout. The ps2 games were gorgeous so im hoping this one is just as awesome.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    Havent played any god of wars before. I always knew they were at least good just based upon all the word of mouth from it, but I just recently have gotten really excited for it. The last e3 demo was what sold me...I mean christ, the way he rips off the guys head and then rips out the cyclops eye by shoving his arm in elbow deep. My god...so brutal.
  • Cheez
    There's a demo on the BluRay version of District 9. Pretty slick, slick :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I'm bored of playing God of war series over and over..but I guess I just cant get enough of it.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    OK, I'll buy a PS3 when I have the money. Looks amazing!
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    As much as I love the series, Bayonetta has dulled my excitement for another God of War. This trailer was pretty good but I fear all the really cool stuff is going to be QTE's again. It's like "Look guys, I can't see any of the awesome animations you clearly spent lots of time on because I'm too busy looking for giant squares and triangles to pop up." Bayo proved you could do mind-blowing set pieces that you actually play on. I really hope Santa Monica figured that out too.

    If they did, fuck yeah, game's going to be awesome. Otherwise, it'll be good but I'll probably just wish I was playing Bayo the whole time.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Im really starting to wonder about the PS3 video output. I have no idea about the technicalities behind it, but it looked somehow washed out, but with very black shadows still? I was playing Bayonetta on a friends PS3 and HDTV the other day and it looked just like this GoW trailer - kindof 'dry', whereas the 360 version looks much more vibrant and balanced on my screen. Maybe some gamma settings? Ideas ?

    Oh and the D9 demo was absolutely terrible, hope they made it better since then!
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    One thing that I really love about linear games is how cinematic the experience is. I love free roaming games a lot, but when you look at games like God of War, every fight feels like you're really dishing out some pain.

    I think the only real drawback to that is replayability, because a huge aspect of how awesome the cinematic fighting experience is is how you've never seen it before. After you beat it, though, you know what's going to happen in all the fights.

    That aside, that trailer definitely widened my eyes :)
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    yea I was hoping the lighting would change since the E3 build, it seems to be mostly lit with white light and its looking really colorless interms of highlights/tonal variation.

    I loooove god of war and im stoked to play this but I know its something that will really bug me if its like that throughout. The ps2 games were gorgeous so im hoping this one is just as awesome.

    Glad I didn't have to say it.

    Atmosphere! - I remember when I had to climb out of a glowing red pit, with hands grabbing at me in 2............

    I still look forward to 3 though. I can't wait.
  • undoz
    I love the GOW series and I'm sure this will be epic, but what's with the lighting and the shaders? I had the impression that I was watching flat previz shots.
  • serialkiler
    will this be released for psp to ?
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    seems like they used the same shader for almost everything, at least that's what my eyes tell me :P Everything seems to have the same amount of specularity.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I just picked up the ultimate edition on the way to work, pandoras box looks pretty cool, made of plastic etc but overall seems decent quality and bigger than I expected. now I have to have it sitting here all day at work. leering at me to go murder some gods.

    so what do you guys think of the final product? Ive seen the reviews and visually it looks like they really improved the lighting from the e3 demo and it looks really fluid. gameplay looks more of the same but the other 2 were super fun so im not complaining.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    What's with all the recent games with out of the box pixel shaders. Between Batman and this, there is no color variation built into the shaders to emulate material types, and it's just not that hard to code. Every surface looks dead in terms of light response, but that's been my crit of the previous God of War games also.

    Also it seemed like you can never appreciate anything the game because it's 150% adrenaline testosterone violence directly into the balls at all times with no pacing variation.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Also it seemed like you can never appreciate anything the game because it's 150% adrenaline testosterone violence directly into the balls at all times with no pacing variation.

    Have you ever played the games?

    I agree with your other crits but this is outright not whatsoever true. Long periods of walking around, or dramatic changes in combat pace.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    now I have to have it sitting here all day at work. leering at me to go murder some gods.

    Same. Just picked it up at lunch (not the ultimate edition sadly) and am just counting down the hours til I can go home and start destroying Olympus.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    What's with all the recent games with out of the box pixel shaders. Between Batman and this, there is no color variation built into the shaders to emulate material types, and it's just not that hard to code. Every surface looks dead in terms of light response, but that's been my crit of the previous God of War games also.

    Also it seemed like you can never appreciate anything the game because it's 150% adrenaline testosterone violence directly into the balls at all times with no pacing variation.

    this sums up my take on it as well
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    played it a bit on the lunch break. Opening cinematic is totally a 007 opening ripoff. Pretty crazy shit though, as expected.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    aesir wrote: »
    played it a bit on the lunch break. Opening cinematic is totally a 007 opening ripoff. Pretty crazy shit though, as expected.

    I wouldnt call it a rip off. More of an evolution. Besides, that intro was much better than most Bond intros I've ever seen.

    Besides that, the game is pretty good so far,sweet graphics of course. The scale is pretty amazing too...They definitely nailed the feeling of making the world and the titans massive
  • glib
    What's with all the recent games with out of the box pixel shaders. Between Batman and this, there is no color variation built into the shaders to emulate material types, and it's just not that hard to code.

    Out of curiosity, how would you approach coding that?
  • bounchfx
    aesir wrote: »
    played it a bit on the lunch break. Opening cinematic is totally a 007 opening ripoff. Pretty crazy shit though, as expected.

    if by a 007 opening ripoff you mean completely fucking awesome then I agree. they did such a great job with that, who cares where they got the inspiration?

    it got me pumped as shit.

    in the worlds of the immortal Millhouse (also known as 'Thrillho
    "This is great, and all I've done is enter my name!"

  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    glib wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how would you approach coding that?

    i think poop is referring to the lack of any color falloff in the shaders, or colored spec. i hear they are using all realtime lights and not really any baked stuff, like doom 3, and like doom 3, gow3 has a very similar feel, everything seems to be made of this monomaterial.

    i think the number of dynamic lights they are using and hitting a solid 60 fps (except where they intentionally drop it) is the impressive part. for me, so far its been the sheer scale and amazing camera work that has my jaw dropping every 15 mins. you have to pick your battles in game development, and if i were to take a guess, i would say 60 frames a sec and a metric shit ton of dynamic lights were much more important to sony santa monica than fancy skin shaders.. but that is just my guess, i will comment more once i am a good way in..
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, some kickass stuff, but looks very dull ...
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    pior wrote: »
    Yeah, some kickass stuff, but looks very dull ...

    haha not your cup of tea hun?
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    holy shit, im about 45 mins in and my mouth has been agape the entire time. all the rocks look unique and ridiculously awesome, and all the crazy titan stuff at that framerate jesus.

    the lighting looks fantastic and most of the shaders look pretty nice expecially their water and ice. some things are kinda over shiny but the artistry on it is incredible in terms of sheer detail and the sculpted forms. really really awesome so far.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    So I get the awesome special edition. Open her up tonight. Put my disk in. Watch all the stuff as soon as I can move kratos i attack the stupid guys surrounding me and FREEZE.

    My console is frozen but the music keeps going. Same thing happened with Infamous and why I never finished it.

    Reboot. Start up.

    Same thing.

    3 times in a row. I can't even get 5 minutes into the game. I have barely used my ps3. Movies play fine. Anyone got a clue?
  • bounchfx
    just beat hades.

    I am not worthy. Oh man.

    sorry to hear you're having trouble jesse. destroy your ps3 with a hammer then go get another one. it'll be worth it.

    graphically, the game is really hit or ok. sometimes it looks fuck AWESOME and others it looks standard. but most of the time theres so much cool shit going on that you wont mind.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    So I get the awesome special edition. Open her up tonight. Put my disk in. Watch all the stuff as soon as I can move kratos i attack the stupid guys surrounding me and FREEZE.

    My console is frozen but the music keeps going. Same thing happened with Infamous and why I never finished it.

    Reboot. Start up.

    Same thing.

    3 times in a row. I can't even get 5 minutes into the game. I have barely used my ps3. Movies play fine. Anyone got a clue?

    This happened with my copy of Infamous too, it would freeze with the textures still loading whenever I enter a new area of the city. Same thing with Uncharted 2 :(

    I know that the recommended route would be to send your PS3 off to sony and get the bluray lens checked, ast that seems to be the main culprit behind this problem. However, I have had some success with rebuilding my PS3's database..but that's a temp fix at best.
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    My PS3 locked up a couple times when I first got it and had it standing up. After that I put it down horizontal and I haven't had it freeze in a couple years. If yours is standing up you might want to try that.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah mines laying flat....

    movies play great though with no pause or issues.... god damn it...
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I doubt a system update would help you?
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    damn that sucks jesse....probably just got a lil unlucky with your system. I never heard of that problem before
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I think some people have been having the same problem with the new final fantasy crashing out at the same point and the guy tried multiple copies. have you tried deleting the game data and reinstalling it? I had issues with Heavy Rain taking forever to load and crashing now and then. I think Sonys forcing us all to upgrade to fancy new slim models!!!!!!

    My God of Wars in the post :) stayed clear of all videos and everything so not to ruin it haha.

    interesting read about the difference from the E3 demo to the final game

    from the shots it looks like they improved the shadow falloff loads but over done it with the bloom
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey, cool article!

    BTW I am curious, what do you guys think of this?

    Some objects in shadows appear pitch black, but the back of the character is very bright ... The funny thing is, I think the same screenshot from the earlier demo looks better and more consistent. Weird and interesting!!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    arshlevon wrote: »
    i think poop is referring to the lack of any color falloff in the shaders, or colored spec. i hear they are using all realtime lights and not really any baked stuff, like doom 3, and like doom 3, gow3 has a very similar feel, everything seems to be made of this monomaterial.

    i think the number of dynamic lights they are using and hitting a solid 60 fps (except where they intentionally drop it) is the impressive part. for me, so far its been the sheer scale and amazing camera work that has my jaw dropping every 15 mins. you have to pick your battles in game development, and if i were to take a guess, i would say 60 frames a sec and a metric shit ton of dynamic lights were much more important to sony santa monica than fancy skin shaders.. but that is just my guess, i will comment more once i am a good way in..

    Sure that might not leave room for ramp based shading, off screen light map blurring, or other complex skin shaders, but gummi shaders with offset R,G,B dot products are cheap as shit. There is literally no excuse other than incompetence not to get some kind of material variation in shaders on a fully funded fully staffed project. Prioritizing 60fps might mean less advanced shaders, but there are super cheap hacks that are near free in terms of gpu cycles.

    It's *possible* that everything was so complex that they made an open decision to drop materials in order to get everything else working at 60 fps, but I think it's far more likely the AD either didn't know to ask for materials, programmers implied it would be too expensive, or the ball was just dropped all together and they went with the time tested art pipeline from before they had shader possibilities.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    for ratchet we had to cut so much art and shaders to hit 60, its really hard to keep a constant 60 frames a sec and compete visually with 30 frames a second games. luckily the ratchet franchise is based around a "toy like" motif and it doesn't matter if everything looks like its plastic, its kind of suppose to.

    but i know the pain of going for 60, its one of the main reasons this happened

    and i would like to say that no screen shot or video has really done this game justice, seeing everything in realtime is almost surreal, i would suggest people at least go to someone's house who has a nice tv and a ps3 and look at GOW3, its pretty awesome.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Without knowing more about their tech I can't speak for certain but I "believe" they are using a deferred renderer which would explain the complaints about shaders. If it's a deferred renderer in the traditional sense then all of the textures get rendered out as render targets, so an image with every objects normal, diffuse, specular etc is rendered. Then lighting and shading is done to the image not the model. This limits your complexity of your materials greatly because everything has to share the same shader or you have to render like a mask that lets you shade a few objects differently but that can get expensive because you're adding another render target potentially.

    The upside is supposed to be you can do far more unshadowed dynamic lights.

    Buuuuut This is all my speculation but I believe it to be the case since most things in that game appear to have the same material.

    Aside from that the game is pretty awesome, I mean it's God of War. The scale is really impressive.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yes, you really only get phong shading with deferred rendering, its pretty limiting shader wise, but you can do a lot more with dynamic lights and post.we switched to a deferred system on RCF2 and we had to do things a bit differently, not having light vectors anymore changes the way you do a number of things with shaders.
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    After much biting my nails on deciding whether to make a purchase for FFXIII or GoW3, I think I'm gonna purchase this one and perhaps even give ol' XIII a miss completely.
    Friday can't come soon enough :)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished it, I would give it a nice 9.
    Some combat was tough, but I'm always hesitant upgrading weapons. Only one puzzle frustrated me, a poorly placed camera hid a obvious answer. (was running around for 45 min's going wtf?)

    Gotta slap myself for some basic Greek mythology for obvious storyline.

    Overall I wanted more monster fighting and less puzzle solving hehe.

    Guess since GOW III was a quick ride, maybe should pick up the Dragon Age: Awakening or FFXIII now :P

    Btw you unlock "making of" videos sweet :)
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Screw skin shaders when "it's 150% adrenaline testosterone violence directly into the balls at all times with no pacing variation."

    I think Arsh has their thinking down. Screw skin when we have nothing but dynamic lights and 60 fps. Though 60 fps versus 30 fps with some specular variation would be a bit nice.

    I am like 99% sure that ancient greek/roman/whatever everything in the world is covered with a nice coat of polyurethane.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    jeffro wrote: »

    I think Arsh has their thinking down. Screw skin when we have nothing but dynamic lights and 60 fps. Though 60 fps versus 30 fps with some specular variation would be a bit nice.

    thats not to say i agree with it, i just know where they are coming from. i still think they could of thrown some noise in the spec map or some type of pattern to break up the highlights, but man in motion on a giant screen, there are some very picturesque moments.

    it was so pretty in fact that my wife let me keep playing, even though she is in deep on final fantasy XIII, her favorite game series. i was sure she was going to kick me off.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    arshlevon wrote: »
    thats not to say i agree with it, i just know where they are coming from. i still think they could of thrown some noise in the spec map or some type of pattern to break up the highlights, but man in motion on a giant screen, there are some very picturesque moments.

    it was so pretty in fact that my wife let me keep playing, even though she is in deep on final fantasy XIII, her favorite game series. i was sure she was going to kick me off.

    Clearly they aren't paying you enough if you don't have 2x ps3s 2x 65" OLED tvs, and 2x 6.1 Dolby Digital sound system in 2 different sound proofed rooms.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    JordanW wrote: »
    Without knowing more about their tech I can't speak for certain but I "believe" they are using a deferred renderer which would explain the complaints about shaders. If it's a deferred renderer in the traditional sense then all of the textures get rendered out as render targets, so an image with every objects normal, diffuse, specular etc is rendered. Then lighting and shading is done to the image not the model. This limits your complexity of your materials greatly because everything has to share the same shader or you have to render like a mask that lets you shade a few objects differently but that can get expensive because you're adding another render target potentially.

    The upside is supposed to be you can do far more unshadowed dynamic lights.

    Buuuuut This is all my speculation but I believe it to be the case since most things in that game appear to have the same material.

    Aside from that the game is pretty awesome, I mean it's God of War. The scale is really impressive.

    if they are using a deferred engine, it's possible to get multiple materials, at least approximated, using a deferred setup. I've been using this link while working on my practicum: http://www.beyond3d.com/content/articles/19/4

    explains a route for multiple material approximation. if done properly could not even require any data for the material type to be stored in the various buffers. Not sure how well it'd work on the ps3 setup though.

    Lighting is the one area that seems to be ignored somewhat. Bethesda games are notorious for bad lighting and Crytek is notorious for the quality lighting. And lighting is the one area that can really tie together an environment with the characters in my opinion.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I got to the 2nd boss battle last night and it looks like they are in fact doing some material tricks for skin. It looks like they're doing a color shift/band as the lighting gets closer to the terminator, this could be just for the primary light.

    At any rate the 2nd boss battle is amazing.
  • Cheez
    Good lord, this is a nice lookin game.
    That first level was NUTS.
    So far, it does skirt the edge of being a massive art show and less of a game, but who cares.
    Like Uncharted 2, I can see myself playing this over and over just for the showmanship.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    loved it, but two things i didn't like, the ending could have been better, dragged on too long and wasn't particularly epic and not enough variety in weapons, three variations on the blades and the gloves... would have liked a bit more.
    looks amazing though, will start my chaos mode play through soon
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ok so I fixed my PS3. Figured I would write it up here in case it happens to anyone else.

    It turns out the system some how got corrupted and it was creating errors while playing games leading to the freezes.

    So I backed up my system, formatted and played GOW3 with no issues. So I then restored my data and tried to play and had the same crashes. In the backup process it backs up the system data as well which is where the problem lies.

    So I backed up (copied) all my game saves to a thumb drive and began the formatting again.

    Copied all my game saves back and reconfigured my PS3 and played GOW3 for about 2 hours last night with no issues at all.

    Even dropped in Infamous really quick and it worked without issues.

    So there ya go. Saved myself buying a new PS3 or paying sony 150 bucks to repair it.

    As for GOW3. What a sexy game. Violent as all hell. Everything I expect from a GOW game.

    Something that stands out to me is the voice acting in the game. It just seems not on par with the rest of the game I guess. Like it was done really cheaply unlike everything else.
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