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Apple Ipad



  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Has anyone sen a video of the Courier working? The only one I saw was a mock up.
  • bbob
    its still very much in development, I dont think they have a prototype that looks exactly like the concept there yet..
  • die_Kröte
    So last night while at Disneyland with my family, I decide to call my brother back from a message he'd left me earlier. He starts in with, "hey bro, have you heard the news?" I knew this immediately meant he was already wet over the iPad. He loves everything Apple, without any willingness to listen to apposing views. It's pretty sad actually.

    Not thinking it would be a big deal, I say, "Oh sure, about the iMaxi?" and the proceed to call it an overgrown iPod and a pretty lame move by Apple. Nearly everything I've read so far has been rather negative and I tend to agree with most observations.

    At first I think he's just joking with me, but after awhile he starts telling me the I can go fuck myself. After he says this a handful of times between other ramblings, I get the strong impression that he's taken my criticisms personally, as if he friggen invented the god damned thing. This escalates to me shouting at him while walking from New Orleans square to Frontier Country in the masses of people, "I swear to God, asshole, if you tell me to go fuck myself one more time I'm going to hang up on your fucking ass!" I didn't stop to see if anyone was staring, but after getting my two cents in I tried to settle us both down by telling him I hadn't really seen it in action much myself and was really just trying to joke with him, etc...

    By King Arthur's Carousel we were talking about Mastadon... go figure.

    Oh, and fuck the iPad. I still think it's a stupid piece of shit.
  • conte
  • iatriki
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    HP slate sounds beastly.
  • venain
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    venain polycounter lvl 12
    ZacD wrote: »
    HP slate sounds beastly.

    I kinda wonder if it's penabled, thinking it's not, and I haven't seen it used with a stylus... I hope I'm wrong though, would love that thing to be penabled and come with a stylus.

    Just noticed Zac already said the same exact thing on the last page. Oh well, still sucky:(
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    ZacD wrote: »
    HP slate sounds beastly.

    Yep if those stats are all correct, the HP slate is the best for me. I would love to do skype cam calls with a slate tablet. Built in USB owns also. Wonder what the battery life will be?
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    "We also learn further on in the article that jailbreakers have gotten their mitts on the OS and have been busy digging into possible ways to exploit the iPad, much as they've done with the iPhone. From this they've discovered nascent SMS capabilities (?), possible stylus support, upload ability through Safari, multiple dictionaries including user-added entries (can we get a he'll yeah!), and a lot more."
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    That's what bothers me about Apple products... You need to "jailbreak" them to get them to do cool shit. That's why I'm sick of my iPhone and am strongly considering getting the Nexus One (except the lack of multi-touch could be the deal breaker).
    I've only ever owned an Apple iPod (two of them, one was stolen when I get jumped and the second to replace it) and now the iPhone 3G. I think I've owned three too many Apple products if you ask me.

    The iPad looks neat, but it will sell mainly because it is an Apple product. Joe Average or whatever his name is, will overlook things like the Slate and the Courier (if and when it's released) because it isn't an Apple product. The Slate/Courier/etc may be cheaper, it may provide them with a million other features, but is it Apple? It's why iPods dominated the mp3 player market. They were marketed well and if you were seen with anything other an iPod... "What ancient technology mp3 player are YOU using?". It just wasn't "cool" to be seen without an iPod.
    It'll be the same deal with the iPad, if you turn up somewhere with the Slate, people will look at you for using some ghetto ass imitation hardware, which in actual fact is far more superior and cheaper.

    Just another example of the marketing hype, I recently ordered a new laptop and most people that asked me about it, the first question was "Did you get a Mac?". When I ask them why I should have gotten a Mac, the usual response is "Because they look cool!".
    Enough said.

    iPad, not for me, I'm not "cool" enough.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Nexus one has multi-touch, its just it can't have it in the OS because of stupid and silly patents and legal issues.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Biggest pet peeve ever.

    Does anyone get, when you let them know you don't own a Mac,

    "Really? Why don't you get one? You're an -ARTIST-! Macs are better for artists!"

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I want a bumper sticker that basically says Im an artist and I dont own a mac.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    That's what bothers me about Apple products... You need to "jailbreak" them to get them to do cool shit. That's why I'm sick of my iPhone and am strongly considering getting the Nexus One (except the lack of multi-touch could be the deal breaker).
    I've only ever owned an Apple iPod (two of them, one was stolen when I get jumped and the second to replace it) and now the iPhone 3G. I think I've owned three too many Apple products if you ask me.

    The iPad looks neat, but it will sell mainly because it is an Apple product. Joe Average or whatever his name is, will overlook things like the Slate and the Courier (if and when it's released) because it isn't an Apple product. The Slate/Courier/etc may be cheaper, it may provide them with a million other features, but is it Apple? It's why iPods dominated the mp3 player market. They were marketed well and if you were seen with anything other an iPod... "What ancient technology mp3 player are YOU using?". It just wasn't "cool" to be seen without an iPod.
    It'll be the same deal with the iPad, if you turn up somewhere with the Slate, people will look at you for using some ghetto ass imitation hardware, which in actual fact is far more superior and cheaper.

    Just another example of the marketing hype, I recently ordered a new laptop and most people that asked me about it, the first question was "Did you get a Mac?". When I ask them why I should have gotten a Mac, the usual response is "Because they look cool!".
    Enough said.

    iPad, not for me, I'm not "cool" enough.

    I don't think Apple's products are so in-demand just because they're "cool." From what I've seen, the first people to line up for new Apple gear are uber geeks of the highest order - it's tech nerds and computer dorks who stand in line on launch day, and they're not a crowd known for being especially popular. Can't imagine a typical college jock being in any hurry to show off his iPad...
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Nerds and geeks get in there first, sure. I will not argue there. Nerds and geeks will line up for anything just to be the first people to get their hands on it. Whether it's a cool gadget or the latest sci-fi film.
    My point is that Apple products are a fashion accessory to a wide audience, I'm not saying that their products are not functional and don't serve a purpose. To you or me, we'll scout the market for an mp3 player, we'll look at cost, functionality, storage space, the design of the unit, accessories, etc. To most people, they'll look at the range of iPods only. Nothing else exists to them because if you want an mp3 player, you get an iPod... PERIOD! Your friends have one, your neighbour has one, the cute girl at the gym has one, your uncle's dog has one, so you need to have one as well.

    But this is a pointless argument really. I'm not an Apple fanboy and never will be so my view will mostly be biased, this thread is for discussing the iPad and not my dislike for Apple :P
  • bbob
    I think you summed it up quite nicely with fashion accessory, and that is one thing you have to hand to Jobs and his homies, it was absolutely brilliant to apply the same marketing for a mp3 player that Prada uses for their sunglasses. Emphasize on design, and inflate the price.

    Brilliant. Though not for me.
    (Maybe a modbook, lol.)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Mezz wrote: »
    Biggest pet peeve ever.

    Does anyone get, when you let them know you don't own a Mac,

    "Really? Why don't you get one? You're an -ARTIST-! Macs are better for artists!"


    hehehe. it used to be true though. While Mac OS was crap it still beat Win 95 every day for video editing or print or anything else that wasn't Maya or Max.

    I really miss the old Macs. Back then they were all about usability and not just looks. My Powerbook beat the crap out of every PC save some Thinkpads in usability and versatility back then....heck you could even change the battery ;)
  • Mark Dygert
    Chinese Tablet PC Maker May Sue Apple Over iPad Design
    The company is based in a southern Chinese city known for producing knock-off phones, which are called "shanzhai," or "bandit" phones, and sometimes take the form of counterfeit iPhones or other popular handsets."For this thing we are not shanzhai, because we were first," said Wu.
  • 00Zero
  • iatriki
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'll show you magical.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    Imagine if they only include a wacom penabled stylus? I'd prob buy two. What a dissapointment.
  • vcool
    TomDunne wrote: »
    I don't think Apple's products are so in-demand just because they're "cool." From what I've seen, the first people to line up for new Apple gear are uber geeks of the highest order - it's tech nerds and computer dorks who stand in line on launch day, and they're not a crowd known for being especially popular. Can't imagine a typical college jock being in any hurry to show off his iPad...

    Really? I gotta see that. Half the people studying here are nerds/geeks and not one who knows how to use a computer owns a Mac. Mostly girls or the guys that dress well. There are a few techsavvy people that have a Mac, but only a few that I know of.

    The crowd is a mix of engineering students, physics students, math students, and computer science students.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    TomDunne wrote: »
    ...the first people to line up for new Apple gear are uber geeks of the highest order...

    Effectively, the lowest dregs of humanity.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    wow 8ftspider. that depressed me.
  • vcool
    Did that just diss 50% of this community?

    It certainly hurt my feelings. I think the definition of "nerd" and the "technologically illiterate tech-grabbers" who pick up stuff because it's new is being mixed up. A true nerd is a techsavvy guy who knows what's genuinely good and what's a marketing trick to squeeze money of the ignorant. Is my definition old by 10 years?
  • System
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    System admin
    Doesn't look like it has a lid to prevent scratches, suppose you have to buy a carrying case, right? That costs extra? My first thoughts of this are a laptop without a lid that can't do many of the things a laptop can do.

    Seems like an expensive etch-a-sketch;
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    vcool wrote: »
    Really? I gotta see that. Half the people studying here are nerds/geeks and not one who knows how to use a computer owns a Mac. Mostly girls or the guys that dress well. There are a few techsavvy people that have a Mac, but only a few that I know of.

    The crowd is a mix of engineering students, physics students, math students, and computer science students.

    /shrug. Looking at your list, every group you mentioned are students, and I'm not surprised if they don't have hundreds of extra dollars to blow on Apple gear. But people clearly line up outside Apple stores for new products. Who is it that you think stands for hours in line to buy this stuff on launch day?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    That comic is retarded. I'm inclined to bring up the "no crying on polycount rule".

    If you think nerdy people advancing technology are the worst people on earth, by all means move to a third world nation, i'm sure you'll be surrounded by saints.

    God do i hate pessimistic assholes who piss on everyone's parade.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    That comic is retarded. I'm inclined to bring up the "no crying on polycount rule".

    If you think nerdy people advancing technology are the worst people on earth, by all means move to a third world nation, i'm sure you'll be surrounded by saints.

    God do i hate pessimistic assholes who piss on everyone's parade.

    Fuck, who took a shit in your cheerios? It's a goddamn comic and my sentence preceding it was written to be sarcastic. Stick your head in a microwave and get a tan.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    That comic shat in my cherios. My condolences if i missed any sarcasm, this is the internets.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    ipad is stupid, its just a bigger screened iphone that can do less and cant be traveled with as easy.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i thought that comic was awesome
  • bbob
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    Effectively, the lowest dregs of humanity.


    Oh boo!

    That war on "consumerism" is just a new way of making something that makes some people feel good, a sin, so those who talk about "consumerism" can allow themselves to feel infinitely superior to them. Someone should make it a sin to be that self-righteous, so we can all watch you cry.

    It's not my business to tell you what you need and what you don't need, nor is it any of your fucking business to point it out to me.

    I totally agree with crazyfingers on bringing up the no crying rule.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    That sounds a bit self righteous in itself bbob. ;)

    In fact, sounds like not having enough self confidence that you even feel/notice/think/believe others think they are better than you when they warn you off a product.
  • bbob
    I was referring to the comic posted on page 9.

    Moreover, I do not have any other gadgets than a cellphone and an mp3 player at this point, so I know its not directed at me. However, I am very much against anyone telling anyone what to spend their money on.

    Also, the bit about making it a sin to be self-righteous was supposed to be blatantly ironic, as that in itself would be doing the exact same thing. I was hoping that was obvious.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry, saw no quote, had no idea which post you were referencing. And yes, the irony was lost. I am also of the opposite camp than you in that I will warn people off products. I cant stop them from purchasing. All I can do is inform.
  • bbob
    In that respect, I completely agree, we can always argue about the worth of a purchase, whether it is viable or not, but to tell someone off, trying to bash their head in with "morality" instead of arguments is something completely different.

    I hope my sentiment is quite clear now.

    (first post is also edited for clarity now)
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    arshlevon wrote: »
    i thought that comic was awesome

    Me too.

    The only people I see crying are the poor little baby 1st worlders.
  • bbob
    Meehh, so much for trying to be the devils advocate.

    You wont help the third or second world by telling people what to do, but rather by starting with yourself I reckon.

    Besides, ironically, the mac fanboys help secure more industrial jobs in China. As with almost all other gadgetry, heck even Vietnam is becoming the new India because of electronic consumerism.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Come on, fellas. Let's keep this thing on track. Less verbal bashing of Polycount members and more verbal bashing of the iPad.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Did you see anywhere in the comic it advocating some kind of fascist regime limiting gadget consumption? It's merely pointing out that these super cheap new gadgets that fill "needs" that were non existent before it's announcement come at the cost of suffering in the 3rd world so that the 1st world can continue over consuming. These are pretty inarguable facts, and it's great it was put so concisely in comic form.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    the comic offended me cause it was not a comic, it was someone using comic form to preach what was basicaly a rant, and it was boring, and no one got kicked int he balls or farted.
  • bbob
    Yeah, sorry emil, I'll let this be my last word on this, and I will try to keep it concise.
    Did you see anywhere in the comic it advocating some kind of fascist regime limiting gadget consumption? It's merely pointing out that these super cheap new gadgets that fill "needs" that were non existent before it's announcement come at the cost of suffering in the 3rd world so that the 1st world can continue over consuming. These are pretty inarguable facts, and it's great it was put so concisely in comic form.

    No, no mention of any facism, that I did not imply either. But i quite seriously do not see how the purchase of an iPad, even though I'd never buy one, will increase the suffering of anyone unless if its thrown after anyone, please do enlighten me on that.

    Also, I don't see what is wrong with filling needs that we didn't knew we had. The invention of the wax candle did that too, and aside from the odd careless fire, that never hurt anyone. The mere thought of artificial lightning is today one of the pillars of society.
  • Mark Dygert
    E-Waste, E-cycling call it whatever you want it's shipped it off to 3rd world counties that gladly take the cash to store our trash. Then people pick through the piles of toxic chemicals to find useful things like copper. Only the wires are coated in plastic so they toss them in fires or acid. The other pollutants just seep into the ground and contaminate ground water while the plastics never really break down.

    Last I heard most developed nations where working on legislation that stops or limits this practice.

    Some pics about the effects of E-waste in India.

    Some reading:

    But I guess this is just more alarmist environmentalist BS we can ignore. =P
  • bbob
    Oh shit, I didn't know about that at all..

    Why the hell isn't this getting more coverage?

    As for "alarmist environmentalist bs" I never said anything like that in this discussion or another, I was just asking for empirical evidence. This dumping is way more serious, as this is undeniably happening. But lets not go off-topic.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Hah, I liked the comic. The last three panels, very Holden-esque
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'm confused. Aren't most of the components for a gadget like the iPad produced in third and second world countries? Doesn't consumption of a device like this actually help those countries by making it profitable for corporations like Apple to expand their manufacturing there? Isn't increased purchasing by early adopters indicative of a healthy economy?

    Regardless of the psychology behind impulsive acquisition of technology, isn't it something that society as a whole should be encouraging? The biggest advantage of consummerism is a strong, stable economy.
  • Justin Meisse
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18

    now there's a comic
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