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Sacrifice Scene

Hi, my name is Dusty Crandall. I'm starting a project for a sacrifice scene. I've done a lot of work in the past but it's all been high poly. This time I want to try some low poly / high texture work. If you are curious about the work I've done in the past you can go here: http://fxmogul.com/members/ViewMofile.aspx?User=Dusty83 (please note: you have to sign in to view my stuff. Making my own website is next on my list)

My general Idea is to have a giant cave with a tribal ritual sacrifice scene in front of it. I'll post what I have so far later today.

I will be rendering in "Unity". I wanted the "Unreal" engine but the graphics card on my computer isn't compatible with the directX 10. :(

This will be my first video game scene and my first time trying to model as low poly as possible. That being said, I don't want any "sugar coating". If my scene sucks let me know so I can fix it before any recruiter can see it.

That being said if any one can light really well I may need you to finish off my scene. I'm good at a lot of stuff but for some reason my lighting is always off. O and I'm stuck on exactly how I want my sacrifice stone, pillar, platform, thing to look. I'm thinking about a tribal decorated stone with a poll sticking out of the top but I'm not sure a viewer looking at that will automatically know it is a place of sacrifice. Let me know your ideas!

Post ya latter!


  • slacer
    Offline / Send Message
    If this sacrifice stone is used well, it should show some traces of blood and maybe you want to carve some blood channels into the stone and place some drip cups at the end of the channels to collect the blood,...

    Just google around for ancient sarcrifice stones and develop your own thing.
  • DustyCrandall
    Offline / Send Message
    I was kind of thinking that also. I like the idea of blood channels. But on the other hand if the sacrifice is to a giant monster instead of to the gods I'm not sure if blood channels would be needed. I how ever do want to put some blood stains on and around the sacrifice area. Thanks for the input.
  • DustyCrandall
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    I'm always cautious about posting "work in progress" pictures. I have a feeling that what I post is going to change dramatically after the feed back I get. That being said, here is what I have so far:


    I only textured the landscape and that might change as I progress. The sticks you see are going to be torches and the barrel things are going to be drums.

    I want the viewer to get the sense that they are very small in the face of something really huge. I want the viewer to think "Man, I don't know what's going to come out of that cave but I'm not sticking around to find out"

    There are already UV's set up for everything you see. I wanted to post something before I textured everything. It isn't a work in progress if I finish everything before posting.

    I'm thinking the actual sacrifice pillar, stone, thing should be as close to the mouth of the cave as possible, so the viewer could get a strong feeling of small vs. BIG. With that in mind you would need to know what it is from far away.

    Let me know what you think!
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    nice start, your graphics card doesnt need to be directx 10 compatible to run unreal so im a little confused by what you mean with that.
    if its a sacrifice to a large monster, id imagine that bones and stuff would be strewn about the scene too, and some of those trees would be broken perhaps
    id check out the rancor cave from return of the jedi or some other movie that has a sacrificial pit to maybe get some ideas
  • DustyCrandall
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    I hadn't thought about the trees being broken, but that's a really good idea! Bones being strewn about should add a nice touch to. Looks like I have some more work to do instead of typing. BTW thanks for the encouragement.
  • DustyCrandall
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    Here's my latest revision:


    What I did since I last posted:

    Moved the camera closer,
    textured: forest, drums, and torches

    You can't see the texture on the torches very well so I might use a lighter wood.

    Getting the alpha to behave on the trees took me longer than expected. Just the bumps and setbacks of learning a new program.

    What I have next on my list:

    Tomorrow I want to make some stars, make some fire, break some trees, and texture some blood stains on the cave.

    If the particle effects of the fire don't set me back I should get that all done before work.

    Again, any comments are appreciated. Thanks!
  • ApolloX88
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    ApolloX88 polycounter lvl 6
    The cave isn't reading very well. Perhaps some small ambient light? Stalagmites/Tites might help too.
  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    Agreed about the cave. Is it just sculpted out of terrain? if so you might consider actually modeling a cave mouth or at least some modular rocks you can pile up to give it a less smooth shape.

    This thread might be useful for inspiration http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=50160
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    reminds me of a N64 scene.
  • Disco Stu
    Offline / Send Message
    roosterMAP wrote: »
    reminds me of a N64 scene.
    Being a james bond game cant rememer the name.

    You should have a look at next gen enviroments or decide to go a stylistic simpler but greatlooking way, right now its too little diverse geometry not
    so pretty tileable textures and some texture stretching.
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