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Apple Ipad



  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    BTW about the ebook part. Have you guys seen Kindles/Nooks? E-ink looks a LOT less tiring to the eyes than backlit LCD. Granted its not color but I could see myself reading for a while on a Kindle, not so much on a iphone/ipad. You guys should check out these ebooks, they look almost irreal when you see them IRL.

    Peris tanks for the link! exactly what I was looking for.

    Also for those looking for an actual portable cintiq kind of solution :

    Got mine on buy it now/no bid for under 400$. Perfectly able to run CS2, Artrage, Alias sketchbook and even a bit of 3D. Funny enough, the only laggy app on it is Al.Che.My hehe. You need to purchase a specific Wacom stylus to enable real pressure sensitivity on it and get a dual button stylus rocker. But yeah definitely real Wacom tech in it. Like, with PRESSURE you know, not fingerpainting :P

    As a matter of fact I often get curious looks from using it. Even been asked a few weeks ago ... if it was the new Apple tablet!!!
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    When you compare it to the week long battery life of the kindle its a big difference
    Sure, but that's kind of biased, no? If you compare the two devices, apple's product does an infinite amount more than being an e-reader :P If Kindle supported 3rd party apps, this would be an entirely different story though.
    ZacD wrote: »
    Yeah that back would get scratched up quickly, cases will make a killing.
    I *think* it comes with a kind of binder case, which flips open to act as a stand.

    One thing that might be more of an issue is the screen surface area being bigger, to allow for more smudge marks :( I could use surgical gloves and it'd still smear the damn screen ;)
  • mLichy
    I agree it's kinda cool, also kinda fucking stupid. Might as well get a netbook for the same price. But the thing that's really stupid is the name... iPad... wtf... why not call it iTampon?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    To expensive for what it does. But if people can streamline it, add more functionality, I can see it being used in worthwhile situations (medical), not just allowing someone to browse porn in higher res. Also, the missing memory expansion is stupid, but very Apple in that regard. Upgrade? Just throw the old one out and buy the newer one.
    aesir wrote: »
    Life isn't easy being me.
    I got a picture of Aesir when his dog dropped a deuce on the floor.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    No flash means no online porn videos :shifty:

    Probably the best description I've heard is "A jack of some trades, a master of none."
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    No flash means no online porn videos :shifty:

    Probably the best description I've heard is "A jack of some trades, a master of none."
    "A jack-off of some trades, a masterbator of none."?
  • 00Zero
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    aesir wrote: »
    This fucking thing enrages me. It is fucking STUPID. There is no goddamn reason to get one of these. And normally, I'm cool with companies making stupid shit no one wants, but FUCKING APPLE'S STUPID FUCKING INTERNET HYPE MACHINE WONT STFU. Goddammit people, stop saying you want one of these! It's fucking retarded!!!
    You know, I really want one of these new apple thingies.
  • mLichy
    "A jack-off of some trades, a masterbator of none."?

    I Rofled
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I want a tablet computer that completely replaces a laptop with pressure sensitivity.

    The ipad isn't a bad idea, its just lacking a lot of stuff.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    I want a tablet computer that completely replaces a laptop with pressure sensitivity.

    The ipad isn't a bad idea, its just lacking a lot of stuff.
    I think that'll be the next thing they come out with.

    iMac Touch, perhaps?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not an Apple hater. I wasn't anxious to see this thing. I love my iPod Nano. Useful at the gym. No stupid camera. Why must everything I own include a shitty camera?

    I dislike bullshit marketing schemes:

    "Our most advanced technology..."

    It's a large iPod Touch. Advanced usually means smaller in the tech industry.

    "in a magical & revolutionary device..."

    It's a giant fucking iPod Touch. It's what people buy when they don't want a "magical" AT&T contract and "revolutionary" customer service.

    "at an unbelievable price."

    $200 to $300 more than an almost equally capable iPod Touch that fits in your pocket. Not including 3G price (up to $829 total). No Nike support...you fat bastard.

    My biggest gripe over the iPad (beside the ridiculous name) is it does not fit in your pocket. So it's not a good portable gaming device.
    A good multitouch RTS can now be made...but still limited by graphics capabilites, and the number of friends you have that can afford this thing.
    Too big to be a portable music player. I'm not taking this thing to the gym, on a walk, work, or any other place I go away from my computer.
    An actual book is often cheaper, and more portable, uses no battery, and I don't read enough of them to worry about how many trees were cut to make it. Reading on an LCD display gets irritating after a while. And I like having an actual bookshelf in my home, instead of a picture of a bookshelf.

    That said...it's shiny and has internet, so rich middle-aged people who want to feel like they're on the cutting edge of shiny things will buy the shit out of them.

    I like the idea. But I'll wait for something better running a capable OS to come along before replacing my laptop.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    ElysiumGX wrote: »

    I dislike bullshit marketing schemes:

    QFT, but about the price, $500 for a IPS monitor with 10 hours of battery life, a great media player, decent web browser, isn't a bad deal. But I wouldn't buy it. I would probably spend 1k on something that had all the features I wanted out of a tablet like that though.
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    they made this at a terrible time. there is actually a lot of progress being made in effectively using lcd's etc. ibelieve the kindle and other e-readers are using ambient light to backlight their products, and backlights are like 70% (i think at least) of the energy consumption. i just read something popular science about a new e-reader which will combine this, and have another regular lcd screen that turns on when a backlight is needed.

    things like this are going to bump the battery life up enormously. trying to pull of that this is innovative is garbage though, you're going to need to try harder than that apple. that's like the claim that google wave was innovative and a crazy new idea. it's like a forum, and it's bullshit. google earth was a revolutionary idea, street maps is absolutely insane. ipad is not.

    also steve jobs owns a pc.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ralus : thats the big misconception about e-ink readers. To reiterate : they are not backlit *at all*. But they do look like a piece of paper and not at all like a LCD screen. Its really beautiful. I bet that a good 50% of the people walking near them at the store believe they are looking at a display model with a piece of paper placed behind the screen. It really is that striking. Hence Jobs bashing the Kindle is really sad and not relevant.

    Plus he doesn't wear a belt with this jeans. What kind of hip fashion statement is that!

    I found the keynote kinda sad. No one on stage looked genuinely enthusiast. Right?
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    lol... yeah i gotta say it looks fairly pointless. Not anywhere near as capable as a laptop and not as convenient as an ipod touch/iphone.

    still looks like they're going to sell millions but whatever.

    pior: that tablet pc thing you posted looks fuggin cool. Are there any major drawbacks that you only notice once you have one? Like the battery life might not be that great and not sure if it'd run zbrush (would be cool to do mini speed sculpts on the couch/bus).
    Looks really cool considering the cost tbh... can't find any tablet pc's here in aus so haven't actually tried somthing like it first hand :\
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Cool tip Pior! Ill look into that one day! :) Is it also possible to use it as a secondary monitor (with a better PC) and maybe avoid some of that lag?

    About the iPad: I think this will go the same way as the iPhone: with the first versions only the REAL diehard apple fans and tech geeks would buy it. But I think in about 1-2 years from now they'll iron out the mistkaes/details and release a more affordable one, thats when the real goldrush starts imo :)

    For gaming it could be great, I can already imagine some kickass RTS games using technology like this: http://vodpod.com/watch/1221377-ihologram-iphone-application (I havent read the specs yet so Im not sure if the ipad has a compass or tilt sensors btw).
  • bbob
    Jay Evans wrote: »

    I think what everyone wants, myself included, a properly pressure sensitive stylus, not a placebo finger.

    Hadn't heard about the microsoft courier, now I am all giddy and hopeful. They better deliver!

    EDIT: whoa, there was a couple of pages there I forgot about.. d'oh
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    haha yeah those styluses are a joke. Its some kind of weird conductive material, super soft rubber that you have to press hard to register. Tinfoil on a conductive stick, when it works, is better than that.
  • hawken
  • bbob
    Reminds me of the Rock vs. iPhone benchmark.. XD
  • MattW
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    MattW polycounter lvl 10
    Sandbag wrote: »
    Just give me a big high resolution digital sketchbook with a pen and pressure sensitivity. Please.

    Is that too much to ask?

    I've been echoing this same sentiment. I'm pretty bummed it's not an art tool. I would like to see a big name in the tech industry take on a project like that, but I guess they make more money releasing the same product in new clothes.

    EDIT: In terms of a stylus, those are substitutes, you need a product that only interfaces through stylus, if it's touch sensitive to your hand as well it defeats the purpose. If you rest your hand on the screen while you draw/sculpt, it's still going to register.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    pior wrote: »

    Yes. The motion tablets were absolutely lovely. Didn't realise they'd dropped to $400ish. Might consider getting one, though I'm still holding out for the Courier for now.
  • Mladen Jovicic
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Cant believe all the faffing over the bloody thing.

    It seems useless to me, but it would seem the hype machine is in full flow, again.
  • Snipergen
    I'm already against apple stuff (overpriced bs) but this is just hilarious, it's a big stupid iPod Touch.
    I'm looking forward to courier from microsoft, and it would be fun if you could use the entire right screen as a virtual keyboard and the entire left screen for your web browser. Put photoshop on it and I'm sold. Oh and long battery life.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    No flash means no online porn videos :shifty:

    Probably the best description I've heard is "A jack of some trades, a master of none."

    You just don't know where to go. ;)
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I have no issue with this new device. It is a larger, glorified iPod Touch. There's nothing wrong with that. I got an iPod Touch for Christmas, and I'm loving it. A larger, more powerful model would be quite appealing. And its true that the iPad has plenty of potential as a gaming device. If you are looking for an open platform, you shouldn't be hanging your hopes on Apple to begin with. There's no point in complaining about this now, you should have already seen this coming. Ditto for Flash. There's no reason to get worked up over its lack of Flash, this is old hat. There is still no Flash on the iPhone or iPod Touch. I love Flash, and I knew there would be no flash on the iPad before it was officially announced.

    The real quandary here is...who's the audience for this? As many of you have demonstrated, the more tech-savvy aren't necessarily going to be swayed by this device. For the kind of functionality that the iPad provides, people seem more than happy to stick with their existing Apple platforms. You can't really use the iPad as a portable media machine, it's way to big for that. At the same time, its too small and too closed to be used as a full computer. And I will never use a portable device as a computer substitute without the ability to plug a keyboard into it. (I hate typing with my thumbs)

    Aside from a way to show off in public, I can't imagine what the market is for this particular product.
  • Polyjunky
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I read this article on Gizmodo last night, it does a pretty good job of explaining who the iPad's market is/who Apple is aiming the product at:

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I was really excited when I first saw it but when they went through the features I was stunned they never mentioned a stylus or digital painting and sketching. Couldnt afford it anyway but still Im very sad it could have been incredibly useful with the right features.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14

    haha wow. Seems like Steve is gonna need to turn his RDF to 11 for this one.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    vermilion wrote: »
    I read this article on Gizmodo last night, it does a pretty good job of explaining who the iPad's market is/who Apple is aiming the product at:


    That's a great article, vermilion. It definitely puts things into perspective. Just because we don't know what the market for the iPad is, doesn't mean that the market doesn't exist. I guess we'll see how this plays out in the coming few years.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    A lot of photographers are interested in this. When doing paid shoots, most people do what's called "shooting tethered" DSLRs generate low res jpeg previews, and that's what you're looking at on the screen on the back. No way to tell if your 21 mp file is fully sharp and looks great on a 3" lcd, so they are either plugged via USB, or via wireless grip that sends the raw files to a watched folder. You can then pull up the full resolution file to check for sharpness and exposure on a more normal sized LCD, very good for when the art director or client is on set.

    I expect a LOT of photographers will buy this. I'm more interested in what it pushes other manufacturers to make. I love HP products, they are my apple. I have loved every HP (speaking of their business division, not consumer) product I've bought, and the HP slate looks ownage.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    Now that would be a legitimate use for this thing I had not thought of. And, considering the price of pro photography equipment, that seems to be a pretty fair price point.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    The Kindle App for the iPhone has multiple settings to invert the text, so you dont have a bright light staring you in the face. It supports the font scaling and all, i really dont think it'll be a lot of strain on the ipad. The only downside would be reading in the sunlight - where the iphone and most likely ipad screens wash out.

    The other exciting bit is having the books available through apple, and not amazon could be great. Not that there is anything wrong with Amazon, just wonderin if more publications would be drawn to it (I WANT HARRY POTTER ON MY IPHONE!)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I expect a LOT of photographers will buy this.

    If it had usb ports and memory-card readers it'd be a lot better suited for that. Apple can be pretty silly.

    Why do "Artists" like apple products (graphic designers/photographers).
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That's a good point... how do you get your pictures to it instantly? It would be great to display images of your portfolio, or to clients, so they can make purchase decisions, but I would think it would be better to have it more instantaneous.
  • ZacD
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »

    Yeah, that's awesome. That's what the iSlate/iPad should have been.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    Just speaking for myself I am interested in the device because I don't have a laptop, and I don't want to pay CRAZY prices for the iphone data packages or even the iphone itself. So this is very appealing to me with a pretty low, no contract, monthly wireless plan.

    Now the sad part is I live in Montreal so the "deals" we have here whenever they are figured out will probably be terrible. I guess only time will tell but I have a feeling it will something stupid like 1GB of transfer for 50 bucks a month and I will end up never picking up the device...still, I am interested.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    hehe 8feet, try giving my dad a Modbook and ask him to browse the web with it, yo'll see an interesting, hmmm, event.

    I think they should have shown/made ... both. The ipad for the leisure oriented customers (and the fanbase buying it regardless anyways), and the ipad pro, basically a sleeker modbook, doing all what the ipad does if switched to leisure mode, but also all that the macbook does when switched to pressure sensitivity, stylus input pro mode. The macbook Air and the MotionComputing tabletPCs already prove that it can all fit in a small form factor.
  • Mark Dygert
    Are there any Wi-Fi enabled cameras so you don't need a cord or to take out the memory card to unload photos? It seems like a logical idea they should have out already...
  • bounchfx
    Vig wrote: »
    Are there any Wi-Fi enabled cameras so you don't need a cord or to take out the memory card to unload photos? It seems like a logical idea they should have out already...

    been waiting for this for a while.. closest thing sadly is the iPhone but it takes garbage pictures. I'd love a camera I could upload photos straight to flickr from from anywhere (aka use 3G or some shit)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I love those motion computing PCs and the modbook. I'd so be down to pick one up once they get them to the size of my 6x8 wacom tablet (length/width/depth)
  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    Are there any Wi-Fi enabled cameras so you don't need a cord or to take out the memory card to unload photos? It seems like a logical idea they should have out already...

    there are things like this... wifi SD cards http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820324005&cm_re=sifi_sd-_-20-324-005-_-Product

    never tried one but they seem interesting.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    im quoting this from a post from cgsociety wich sums up exactly what i think :

    Originally Posted by ThirdEye
    Another stupid device that basically nobody needs and everyone will want to have."

    And that is why Steve is a billionaire a few times over and not just another schmuck living paycheck to paycheck....

    10 years ago no one needed a phone that played videos or music. And nowadays, you've got 6 year olds walking around with iPhones.

    Apple is not in the business of making stuff people need... They're in the business of making people want whatever it is that they make, and they have been quite succesful at that since day one.
    Say what you want about the iPad, only one thing is for sure. 5 years from now we'll be reading reports of about 40 million or more of these things having been sold... We'll run into people at every mall in the US sitting at the ever present Starbucks plugging away on their 2nd gen iPads.
    And no amount of complaining or bickering by the artists out there that were expecting a portable cintiq will change that.
    Apple will sell these things like hotcakes, Steve will be a few billion richer and already thinking about the next big thing he is going to make us want to buy."
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    First looking at the ipad I thought it was a joke... what does it do? what can it possibly do better than anything out on the market right now? Well nothing for any tech savy pc user, or mac user for that matter...

    But it's not made to do that. It's made to be rediculously easy to use and look pretty like every other mac product. Like it or not that sells, big time. I'm sure over time some cool features will come out and people can have fun playing remedial games and programs for the first time that were too complicated for them before.

    It's an interesting contrast to the ipod. The ipod had an obvious direct purpose, to deliver music. This ipad, i don't think they have any f*cking idea what they're going to do with it. But they know there's thousands of money hungry iphone devs out there just waiting to come up with nonesense to throw on it. There's gotta be thousands of iphone app ideas that were just a little too intense for the small phone. Hell, some of it might even be worthwhile.

    Just seems so odd though, developing a product with no true purpose, it's just shiney and fun to look at and interact with. It's like a f*cking baby toy for adults. Gah, i tried to be objective but i *&(#ing hate apple.
  • Monkeez
    I don't think I'll ever buy another apple product until they realise DRM is evil.
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