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  • Mark Dygert
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    notman wrote: »
    FYI, guns don't stop criminals who steal from you while you're not home :P (which is most likely). Then they'll probably just steal your gun too ;)

    I prefer my 12ga pump. Not only does it warn them what they are about to receive, but the bird shot will make sure I don't miss ;)
    Someone had to post it...
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I'm kinda surprised by the lack of a 'shotgun not included' disclaimer.

    From the site:
    Although America is the greatest country in the world, the frightening reality is that Americans are not safe in their own homes. Everyone who is serious about home protection should purchase two units. One for each side of the bed.

  • ZacD
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    bitmap wrote: »
    i robbed a girls virginity
    I'm amazed that it took a whole 18 replys to get to that... :D
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    I got robbed about 15 years ago when the PS1 was about, he broke in through my bedroom window using a breezblock decided to nick the Psone and about 50 games I had. Called to cops they brought out there 'csi' people and found nothing. So I went all around the pawn shops in the area (pretty short list tbh) and gave them a list of what was stolen and found my psone with all the games sat in a front window of one of them, I told him it was all nicked stuff he tried to sell it to me cheap lol.

    So I then said if he had any names/addresses of the people who sold him the goods I'd buy it back cheap off him, he gave me a video of the guy selling it, took it to the cops got the guy jailed for 9 months and got all my gear back undamaged. Guy who got jailed got hooked on Amphet and other drugs and spent the next 10 years in and out of jail. Shame really because I knew him when we were younger and he had a kid and a wife till he went to jail and it went all to shit for him from there. I met his wife and kid about 6 months ago and they are doing fine as far as I can tell, she remarried a rich guy so probably best all round.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    What's pretty fucked up, Vig. Haha.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I'm like Brian Posehn, I got swords and I sleep in the nude, I'm confident the imagery of a very pale naked dude swinging a sword would be enough to make 99.9% of burglars run the fuck out of my place if stupid enough to break into my place while I was sleeping.

    Sucks hearing about so much bike theft, one time I was carpooling to class and was sitting at a stop light a block from school in Everett, WA., when I see a bum crossing the street holding a bicycle wheel. "Huh, interesting" I think then proceed to class. During class breaktime a friend of mine comes back into class and say loudly "SOME FUCKER STOLE MY BIKE WHEEL!" The bum didn't bother breaking the lock so he just disconnected the bike wheel! I tell my friend I saw the bum carrying it! Had quite a few college buddies get shit stolen or broken into around my college, one reason to be glad I still lived with my folks when I went to college in that hole of a city!
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I left the garage door open once. some guy wen in, stole a camera and some other stuff, and slashed the tires of my dads car. HE WAS SOOOOOOO ANGRY AT ME. (but that was many years ago. lol)
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    i was lane swimming at a local indoor pool and someone went into the change room, cut my lock (as well as a few others) and stole my pants/bag which had all my ID and credit card, and keys in it. got out of the pool, was like wtf? luckily my shoes and shirt werent in the bag, so they didnt take them. the locker beside me, the guy was stuck there in a speedo....

    someone was nice enough to give me a ride home where i had an extra set of keys and what not, so i went back and got my car. called the banks and stuff to cancel everything. before i had even gotten out of the pool, they used $400 of my credit card at a sobeys (grociery store). so, im guessing they were punk kids with the munchies, or it was just cash back.
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    I got a bike stolen, too. I really liked it and it was a gift, too :(

    But i got about 400€ from the isurance for it... ebayed myself a used bike for 112€ which ended up being totally awesome and even way better than the old one.

    Still... makes me so mad whenever i think of it. For weeks and months i couldn't help looking twice at every dark bike i passed just in case, yet to no avail.

    If someone tried to break into my little flat they'd probably just hurt themselves by tripping over all the massive chaos of cables, more cables, hardware and exercise machines in my one single room here. HA.
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    roosterMAP wrote: »
    I left the garage door open once. some guy wen in, stole a camera and some other stuff, and slashed the tires of my dads car. HE WAS SOOOOOOO ANGRY AT ME. (but that was many years ago. lol)

    If I'm driving home at 3am and someone on my block left theirs open I usually run in a close it for them.

    It aggravates me to no end to think someone would just wonder into someone's property and go "shopping".
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I had a bike stolen from the parking lot at Raven just before I left. It was a nice cannondale frame that my uncle bought like 20 years ago. I had it for about 10 years. I miss that bike :\
  • Ride
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    Some dude stole my bike when i was 12. It almost felt like a blessings considering it felt like you were being raped every second you sat on that saddle. On top of that, the little bastard was rusty and every single paddle felt like plowing trough syrup. The fact that i got robbed of something made me mad, but around 2 weeks later i saw the punk trying to ride the damn thing which made me lol, he was panting and sweating only to make it go down the street, shit was hillarious.

    Another time i got mugged, that wasn't any fun tho.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Been robbed a bunch of times. Had all our bikes stollen when I was 9 but my dog got a chunk of the thief's calf, including some of the muscle :) Cops picked him and his buddies up at a bar near by (thanks to the rather badly bandaged wound hehe) but the bikes where already gone. Then we had our entire first floor cleaned out (bedrooms where upstairs), TVs, videos, computer, entire collection of tools and power tools, microwave and anything else they could carry. To this day we don't know how they stole so much without waking us. We all felt ill the next day though but that could have just been from the stress of it all. We were not insured. Then after I left home my folks were hit again, TV, stereo the works. We even had our gate stolen once.

    Glad I don't live in Zimbabwe anymore....
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    Zephiris wrote: »
    I got a bike stolen, too. I really liked it and it was a gift, too :(

    But i got about 400€ from the isurance for it... ebayed myself a used bike for 112€ which ended up being totally awesome and even way better than the old one.

    Still... makes me so mad whenever i think of it. For weeks and months i couldn't help looking twice at every dark bike i passed just in case, yet to no avail.

    If someone tried to break into my little flat they'd probably just hurt themselves by tripping over all the massive chaos of cables, more cables, hardware and exercise machines in my one single room here. HA.

    had some guys around here who stole all lots of bikes and sold them on ebay
    he got caught ofcourse, such a dumbass
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Ive only been robbed once, and I was home.
    I was in south Atlanta and someone tried to kick the back door in, I run down stairs with a 2 ft machete. I just opened the door they were trying to kick in, (they were apparently inspecting the lock atm) and asked
    "wtf do you think you are doing?" manly right?
    but they ran off and i now keep multiple knives stashed around the house.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    I agree with the Polycount blog post but I couldn't resist.

    A couple of weeks ago somebody stole some of our sheets and towels from the wash, so we posted a sign saying "to the assholes who stole our sheets, enjoy your crabs"

    Wish we'd found a cheap apartment with hook ups inside for washer and dryer.
  • achillesian
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    pulled an all nighter in highschool years, snoozin in band the next day, and then my ti-83 was gone.
    shrew81 wrote: »
    now keep multiple knives stashed around the house.

    i keep a rambo knife and a bowling pin for defense. I also have a piston head from a hydroplane i could chuck.
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