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Dragon Age



  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Got this for Christmas as well.

    Loving it so far. NWN was my gateway to the industry through modding it hardcore. Mod team is still going today and is rebuilding with Dragonage. We even got a shiny new server.

    Blood is ridiculous. It not the tiling of the detail map that kills me its the pure red. I wonder if that can be modded. A nice battleworn dirt scuff and blood would be cool.

    Story has been enjoyable and is a fun way to break up the level grind. Now if only I could get an orgy going with the rogue, apostate, and a few ho's from the pearl.

    I am playing an Elven mage focused on the primal disciplines for pure damage. Wish I could get the lockpick skill though.
  • erik!
    Is it me or are rogues and archers terrible at the lower levels? I've tried to play both. They seem weak and kinda useless as far as combat goes at the low levels or I just suck (more likely). I rolled a mage and was kickin ass and takin names. Again, I've only played these at fairly low levels, but so far the mage is way more fun to me.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    erik! wrote: »
    Is it me or are rogues and archers terrible at the lower levels? I've tried to play both. They seem weak and kinda useless as far as combat goes at the low levels or I just suck (more likely).

    I rolled an Elf rogue, and got my ass handed to me in just about every fight for about the first third of the game. Once I got some decent gear and a bit further into my skill trees, it got better but rogues are still glass cannons - just like they are in most fantasy games.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    3dskillet wrote: »
    I got this one for Christmas on the pc.

    I must say like most Bioware games the first couple of hours makes you want to shelf the thing. But once you get past that it's pretty awesome.

    My main complaint is that it feels like there were two or more art directors on this game . One making awesome choices and convincing designs. And one who was a total fucking retard.

    Lets spend a good 6 months on character design and concepts, but lets have Duddly do the blood for them. "Hey Duddly , sure you want to crank up the UV tiling on the blood ?
    Daaaaaaaarrrrrleee Yeal-s "

    haha :)
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