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Did your Christmas dreams come true?



  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    I got XCom game pack from Steam :).
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Lamont officially got the ballerest gift of all polycount.
  • MatthewS
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    I got a bunch of stuff I asked for :)


    Extreme Worlds: The complete guide to drawing and painting sci-fi art By Francis Tsai

    Drawing & Painting Fantasy Landscapes & Cityscapes By Rob Alexander

    Mechanika: Creating the art of Science Fiction with Doug Chiang

    Architecture: Form, Space, and Order

    The Encyclopedia of the Mortorcycle

    The Encyclopedia of Weapons From WWII to Present

    Gothic Ornament & Design

    Some Dragon Statues for my collection

    This sweet knife with stand:

    And some fart goo :) and of course I bought some steam games for myself :D

    OH! And a ridiculously comfy hoodie
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Vrav wrote: »
    Ahaha. I received some gifts!

    1) A nice pair of new jeans! YES.
    2) A nice pair of outdoor gloves! YES.
    3) A package of white briefs! I don't wear or even need these, WTF?
    4) And a QWERTY keyboard. Because I use dvorak. A-ha! (That was in fact the motivation for the gift.)

    I made a gingerbread house today (it's horrible) and even yet plan to give someone the gift of a movie ticket, in order to go see Avatar with them. It is a nice day. Merry to you all.

    why do you used dvorak? I know typing would be faster but, wouldn't have you to reprogram the wasd movement for every game, and would 3D app keyboard shortcuts be messed up?
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    seforin wrote: »
    yea but I was figuring a good present and then a stocking stuffer :p

    Hahahahaha... what kind of "stuffing" would be going on in that situation :thumbup: :poly136: :thumbup:

    I got a home brewing kit for beer. When I move into the new house I will be brewing my first batch of beer :D
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    i hate christmas, with a passion. you got all those damn people wanting to spend time with you. fuck that shit. i want to be alone with my computer in my free time.
    i thought i made it pretty clear that i don't want people to bother sending me junk that fills up my already limited space, and that i have to drag around when i am inevitably thrown out of my apartment AGAIN, but nooo. they send me socks, and shirts, and towels and other junk.
    maybe they'll get it if i burn whatever they send me, and send the charred remains back to them.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    OH CRAP - hugely off-topic post.
    ZacD wrote: »
    Wouldn't have you to reprogram the wasd movement for every game, and would 3D app keyboard shortcuts be messed up?
    Yes and yes. I can switch between dvorak and qwerty with a key combination, and often must do so in games that do not offer keymapping (such as a flash game that insists on using Z and X or WASD instead of something universal like the modifier and arrow keys). In general, however, I always set custom controls because I do not even use WASD; ESDF (.oeu for me) is logically superior, as there are more keys and it is the natural homerow position, etc... unless you guys are running forward with your ring fingers or something, I don't know. Oddly enough, I have only recently begun to think dvorak layout; hitting 'q' to turn on my flashlight in a game was too much of a habit, and as a consequence I have been binding it to where the q is in dvorak, AKA x. Super fascinating, I know.

    As for 3D applications, I have comfortably reconfigured Silo, and just switch back to qwerty for everything else. I can still type on other people's keyboards, it just takes a little conscious effort. The old muscle memory is not fully erased, but the more dominantly used pathways can trigger accidentally if you aren't paying attention.

    Why do I use dvorak? Always felt like it. Switched simultaneously with an online friend in October 2007, when she randomly expressed mutual interest; haven't gone back since. For reference, it wasn't hard to learn - layout memorized in a weekend, typing around 70-80wpm after a week or two. Having a friend with which to suck helped a ton.

    Also, I'm stupidly long-winded at times, if this post isn't evidence enough. (What ever happened to creating art?) But if it reduces physical strain due to less ridiculous finger movement, I figure that is a worthy advantage...?

    Whenever I load up a game and it has already configured things to function normally within dvorak - oddly enough, some games actually do this - my esteem for its developers (and the game) is liable to become automatically biased. In another universe entirely, I don't think there are any dvorak-friendly cellphones, which is lame.

    tl;dr - if you don't like me, use z and x in your indie game.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I've always had interest in learning dvorak but I really didn't want to have to deal with those issues, I don't type correctly any way, even though I type at 40 wpm, its an odd mix of my left hand around the wasd keys and my over hand basically on the j k.
  • frubes
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    my friend adopted me a donkey, his name is Dean. Best present ever!

  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    frubes wrote: »
    my friend adopted me a donkey, his name is Dean. Best present ever!

    I got the same thing last year:)
    His name is David.

    WD TV live
    Bed sheets, bunch of clothes, kitchen stuff, shave/skin/hair stuff, beer glass, books, flashlight, doormat.

    Then some money for some new cans. AKG K601 looks nice. Also looking for some grados but they are hard to find in stores to try out.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I just got an Intuos 4 XL so, my christmas dreams have been blown out of the water! fuck yeah, Christmas! I will never stop being greatful!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Santa was nice this year

    A dozen comics and some other books
    4 board games
    A new laptop
    A 50mm Nikkor lens
    Trip to Munich
    Tickets to the ballet

    I need to buy myself a cocktail shaker to go with the cocktail book.
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    no, they did not.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    I'll let you know when EA opens back up
  • System
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    System admin
    No, I got 3 coats when all I really needed was a new pair of boots, still jobless although hopefully that will change soon...
    hear hear dejawolf, christmas sucks if ur not under 14, it's all very meh :/

    edit: frubes, nice donkey, animals rule!!
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Absolutely - I got a sister back.

    I have a half sister, see, by Dad's second wife, who ran off with her when she was about three. Twenty-seven years later, she (the sister) gets in touch with our other half-sister (by Dad's third and current and forever type wife) via Facebook.

    Two days before Christmas, Dad, Crystal (the youngest), and I got to be reunited with my sister, and her two boys. The look on Dad's face when he hugged his daughter for the first time in nearly three decades was awesome, and it was almost as great seeing him hug his grandkids for the first time.

    Presents? Who needs 'em (though I won't say no). I have a family who loves each other.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    The Autumn of the Middle Ages
    Praise of Folly
    City of God
    A fancy watch
    An assortment of smaller stuff, including pirate stickers!

    Is it obvious that I've been caring more for history lately than for games?

    Edit: I should point out that I asked for one book that I didn't get, and for staples, which my mother pointed out that I have plenty of, so yes, my dreams came true. Except that nobody is airing the Muppet Christmas Carol, which is the best Christmas movie ever.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Valandar: dude thats awesome, seriously an xmas story I actually enjoy hearing haha im such a scrooge.

    I got me:

    best buy and future shop gift certs


    aldo gift cert for some sexy new shoesies

    some delicious noms for getting fat over the next couple weeks.

    and some sweet lovin from the girlfriend.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    dejawolf wrote: »
    i hate christmas, with a passion. you got all those damn people wanting to spend time with you. fuck that shit. i want to be alone with my computer in my free time.
    i thought i made it pretty clear that i don't want people to bother sending me junk that fills up my already limited space, and that i have to drag around when i am inevitably thrown out of my apartment AGAIN, but nooo. they send me socks, and shirts, and towels and other junk.
    maybe they'll get it if i burn whatever they send me, and send the charred remains back to them.

    *man hug*

    you need one seriously
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    a logitech sound base for my iphone from the gf
    some dishes for when we move in the house with the gf (from my dad)
    a gastronomic dinner and a night in a guest house anywhere in france with the gf and some ashley wood and simon bisley comic books from my brothers.

    and...well it's kind of a coincidence but I recieved my new car around christmas (wolksvagen scirocco carat 170 TDI 2.0 2009)
  • Jasp
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    Jasp polycounter lvl 12
    got a great book (chris ware!) and some awful, weird tasting, chocolates.

    and i bought myself this and it's awesome:

    can't wait to develop the first roll.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    I got a vacuum cleaner and some books. Also I got really drunk, met random people and slept in someones bathroom. I love christmas.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Since My family lives someplace far away I wasn't excpecting to get anything... but I still got GTA Episodes from LC.)me glad=)
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    i got a 8gig flash drive
    a coffee mug
    some sort of knife for the kitchen
    a knigge book
    2 teamugs
    2 porcelan pigs which are having sex
    a basket
    and i watched a movie(gf paid)
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